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Another Form Of Nightmare Mission. Super Or Lethal Nightmare Missions Maybe.


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This is my first post so please bear with me. I've never posted on anything before on any game so Warframe is special.



I've been wearing trousers for several weeks recently farming nightmare missions and I find them difficult but also a tad easy depending on what I am doing and what the effects are but none the less its quite a challenge. However, I find them to be a ton of fun and a tad challenging; I personally desire something more challenging and I'm sure some players in the community would like that too.


As I was farming for Nightmare mods, I thought of an idea. What about Super Nightmare missions? Just like regular nightmare but with better rewards more exp or credits or mods or better mods maybe. Super/Lethal Nightmare missions will have all the negative effects on tenno as the regular ones but added effects such as reduced ammo, reduced damage, removal of sentital, use primary or secondary weapon only, reduced reload speed, reduced Rate of Fire... Or whatever bonus negative effects the talented Developers or the community can think of!


In regular nightmare missions youll get effects like low gravity and no shields or something relative so usually one or two negative effects. I thought maybe Super/Lethal Nightmare missions could give the player 4 or 5 negative effects on a player at once maybe. (Whatever the devs and community agree to but I personally think it should be minimum of 4 or 5 just to keep it extra challenging.)

Each player has different negative effects than the others. Also a slight chance for negative effects to double! Causing the players to REALLY build their frames and bring the right weapons and to really prepare for the chaos! Let's say you get a Max HP Reduction effect. It reduced HP from 900 to 600 for example. The player gets two of this HP effect. His HP gets reduced from 900 to 300 maybe. Or whatever the developers and community feel is best but still challenging with all effects including the Regular Nightmare effects.



Example of the negative effects and each player being effected differently:


Lets say its a squad of 4 players. A Rhino, Ash, Oberon, and Loki.


The Loki gets reduced HP, no shields, low gravity, Reduced movement speed.


The Rhino gets two reduced max shields, energy drain, Low gravity.


The Ash gets reduced weapon damage, reduced power damage, Life drain (Like in regular nightmare kill to regen life steal type thing) and no primary.


And the Oberon gets Halves max ammo on all guns, no sentital, cause powers to cost  x% more energy, 1% damage delt to enemies is dealt back at the player (Like a clumsy type of effect or reflected effect of some sort or maybe a lower % or whatever the devs and community feel is challenging but fair and manageable.)



(But effects like timed nightmare just like in regular Nightmare runs can be a common effect that can be the 5th effect given to all players so 4 negative effects on each tenno all different and effect the frames/weapons of players directly. the 5th would be the timed effect given to all players because it will effect the mission itself and not so much how the frames / weapons / players work. Can be a 75% chance to occur in super nightmares to add a 5th negative effect to players providing a bigger challenge.)



That's just my personal thought really. Super nightmare missions or something that scream a mission mode harder than Nightmare maybe Lethal Nightmare missions instead of Super Nightmare Or Intense Nightmare missions Deadly Nightmare missions just something that screams that this mission mode will most likely be an immense challenge more than Nightmares alone and should be played with caution and a fair plan of what to bring and what to do. Or maybe even Chaotic Nightmare missions can be a name for them because it would get fairly Chaotic and will be an absolute Horrorfying Nightmare mission haha.


All players recieve different effects or maybe some the same like two players get the max HP reduced or something.


It's a silly suggestion but I'm sure with great enough rewards added maybe get x2 nightmare mods or more or new mods or something triple the credits. Whatever sounds fair to the community and developers. Or even mods that come pre levels like a level 2 Blaze or any nightmare mod can come preleveled a small amount maybe.


Also maybe enemies recieve postitive effects like increases movement speed HP or shield regen or mac armor/shields/HP increased or increased damage or harder or x5 the amount of enemies spawn instead of maybe 3 or 5 each room(If an exterm or assassinate or spy but if a Defense or Mobile Defense maybe just spawn x5 the enemies.Or survival it spawns x10 the enemies maybe.) Or whatever the community and developers feel is a great challenge but still fun of course!!

Perhaps they can get the Increased spawn with increased max HP and increased movement speed. Enemies recieve one or two out of the x amount of positive effects that can be put in for enemies to make players feel a real challenge.

(Or maybe x6 the increase in special enemiesto spawn like ice leaders or energy leechers or whatever other special enemies there are.) I also thought that perhaps in Assassinate missions instead of one boss being beefy and such in Super/Lethal Nightmare missions it will be the boss thats on the planet and then one or two other bosses randomm with him so 2 or 3 bosses total. Just a thought is all.


Again whatever the devs and community feel would be challenging but able to be completed with a full team or 3/4. Or even solo if the player knows what to expect like in regular nightmares. Or is prepared and built correctly and brings the right things. But mainly something challenging and fun to do and very rewarding.


Just a small idea is all. I thought it would be fairly cool and greatly challenging.

The game is a wonderful game and the Developers are extremely creative and talented and very smart too I'm sure if this idea was carried out it would go quite well due to the developers greatness and success in the game already. Keep it up DE your doing a splendid job with Warframe! (a bit off topic but I had to compliment the Developers because they deserve it.)


I would love some feedback , opinions , thoughts about this topic from the Developers and Community.


If anyone disgarees says no to this or agrees or says yes then I would love for you to write a reason why aswell please and thank you very much! Would love opinions on the matter from anyone and everyone. I deeply encourage comments please give me your feedback if you like this idea please reply and show support. :D


Thank you for the time to read this to anyone who reads this and to anyone who contributes to this idea or replies I thank you aswell.

(If any typos or grammatical errors are in this I apologize I type quickly and in the dark I reviewed this several times before posting just to check.)

Edited by GuardianOfDeath
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 creative but NO GOD PLEASE NO


No........................................................ By the way, I like your idea. But NO.


You two can try actually offering some constructive feedback. The guy made a very well thought out post as his first. Way to encourage him.


On Topic: I need to give the post a more thorough read, but I'm like the idea. Although I feel what we mainly need is new challenging content rather than more challenging variations. I mean that from a priority standpoint though. Having a "Heroic" mode above Nightmare or "Hard" mode would be pretty sweet. Although I feel this would be more of a thing specifically for bosses and future dungeon type content. Although, higher level enemies in general really need to have more buffs like you mentioned. That can be done through the leader enemies, by having those buffs scale overtime and be far more varied. Also higher level enemies need to get more proc chance and resistances.


Generally, good idea.

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This is absolutely horrifying BUT it seems like this kinda already exists in the form of Dragon Keys.


The concept is there, true, but what I think the OP is getting at is that there's a lot of room to grow. Just the few examples he listed sound awesome to me and would make things pretty interesting to say the least.

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You two can try actually offering some constructive feedback. The guy made a very well thought out post as his first. Way to encourage him.


On Topic: I need to give the post a more thorough read, but I'm like the idea. Although I feel what we mainly need is new challenging content rather than more challenging variations. I mean that from a priority standpoint though. Having a "Heroic" mode above Nightmare or "Hard" mode would be pretty sweet. Although I feel this would be more of a thing specifically for bosses and future dungeon type content. Although, higher level enemies in general really need to have more buffs like you mentioned. That can be done through the leader enemies, by having those buffs scale overtime and be far more varied. Also higher level enemies need to get more proc chance and resistances.


Generally, good idea.


Thank you very much for your feedback it is much appreciated. I'm mostly a person who enjoys a challenge in games and found Nightmare missions alone a tad easier than origionally expected which lead me to suddenly thinking of this idea and choosing to post it. I must say however I agree to all of which you stated in your post thank you. c: In a strange sense this is relative to "New Challenging" content however its ideas were inspired from Nightmare mission. I would suggest "Buffing" Nightmare missions alone to these ideas I mentioned but I felt that would break a few things aswell as players. I liike to think of it as a mad mans version of "Nightmare". Thank you very much for your feedback and time. I appreciate it immensely!


GuardianOfDeath I hope your ideas become game content


I personally hope so aswell. Quite heavily at that. I feel it would bring an even greater challenge for players as I see numerous players mentioning "Nightmare" alone is far too easy and nearly solo'ed unranked so I thought I would step out with this idea to offer a new game mod a buffed version of Nightmares to make all those players feel a real challenge I feel this would also enable players to better cooperate just all around have fun! But I'm sure with enough support and people following along with me on this idea then maybe just maybe the amazing people in DE can work their magic and input this into the game. Even if its an event to test it wether or not it should be added would be good enough. I'm looking forward to a member of DE to come accross this and consider it or better yet carry it out or atleast try it. But I believe with enough people liking this idea and showing support then it will be added. Thank you very much for the support.

Edited by GuardianOfDeath
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Personally, I feel that numerical changes such as dmg reduction and negative effects do not add much "creative" diffculty to the game. If a lethal mode was to be implemented, the increase in difficulty should be skilled/and or intellectually based. By introducing more diverse and unique enemy types that have much more complicated attack patterns, environmental utilization, individualized attack/ abilities, ability/ dmg type immunities and creative defenses. The stages or tile sets might have more interaction to mission progression and enemy elimination. A lot of ideas can be implemented but it's much more work then just buffing enemies and nerfing players. DE needs to focus on a more dynamic experience when dealing with diffculty. No more spam 4 to kill everything, players should be forced to think and interact with the game and enemies. I like my mindless killing as much as the next player but it would be a nice change of pace with a unique change to diffculty rather than just dmg soaks.

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Personally, I feel that numerical changes such as dmg reduction and negative effects do not add much "creative" diffculty to the game. If a lethal mode was to be implemented, the increase in difficulty should be skilled/and or intellectually based. By introducing more diverse and unique enemy types that have much more complicated attack patterns, environmental utilization, individualized attack/ abilities, ability/ dmg type immunities and creative defenses. The stages or tile sets might have more interaction to mission progression and enemy elimination. A lot of ideas can be implemented but it's much more work then just buffing enemies and nerfing players. DE needs to focus on a more dynamic experience when dealing with diffculty. No more spam 4 to kill everything, players should be forced to think and interact with the game and enemies. I like my mindless killing as much as the next player but it would be a nice change of pace with a unique change to diffculty rather than just dmg soaks.


I agree with this. While i like your idea, Guardian, i think that it'd be what amounted to a band-aid solution. It'd certainly be interesting, and fun for a while, but in the end, it's just as susceptible to being marginalized by things we already have in game (press 4 to win, ect.)

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Personally, I feel that numerical changes such as dmg reduction and negative effects do not add much "creative" diffculty to the game. If a lethal mode was to be implemented, the increase in difficulty should be skilled/and or intellectually based. By introducing more diverse and unique enemy types that have much more complicated attack patterns, environmental utilization, individualized attack/ abilities, ability/ dmg type immunities and creative defenses. The stages or tile sets might have more interaction to mission progression and enemy elimination. A lot of ideas can be implemented but it's much more work then just buffing enemies and nerfing players. DE needs to focus on a more dynamic experience when dealing with diffculty. No more spam 4 to kill everything, players should be forced to think and interact with the game and enemies. I like my mindless killing as much as the next player but it would be a nice change of pace with a unique change to diffculty rather than just dmg soaks.



I agree with this. While i like your idea, Guardian, i think that it'd be what amounted to a band-aid solution. It'd certainly be interesting, and fun for a while, but in the end, it's just as susceptible to being marginalized by things we already have in game (press 4 to win, ect.)


I agree I decided to bring this idea up as a sort of,, Starter maybe? To help the community get to gether and throw out numerous ideas. Perhaps a spam of leaders only mission or disabling powers completely as a 80% negative effect or something around the area that requires the players to build correctly and actually prepare other than spamming 4 the whole time. Whatever it may possibly be! Regardless I seek something far more challenging something that will cause myy organs to lose themselves in a manner of seconds of playing the said mod. A mod that requires great skill but still extremely rewarding! My idea I personally feel is like a base for everyones ideas to be together and hopefully one day DE can take these ideas and implement them into the game. Which is why I implore players to peck on the keyboard their opinions and ideas aswell about this idea. Think of it like a rough draft maybe and the community can help complete it further. Ability immunity could be an added positive efefct for enemies with a high chance to occur (not something like play this said mode 100 times and still no ability disabling or immunity type thing)

Anything that just makes the game harder. I'm a player that spams 4 ALOT in fact I never use any mods except power related mods just too ultimatly destroy my 4 button. And other times I would run around as a rhino no ironskin and no power use because I want a challenge. I restrict myself to use and not usethings. Which is why I also thought maybe the removal of the primary weapon (I wouldnt say secondary really because your forced to use that when your downed and it might make the game strange but does sound good because itll force the teammates to kill everything before reviveing because the downed player cant really shoot.)


I don't say DE should nerf every frame and weapon ingame in general. I say leave the game as it is and just &#! extremely difficultt levels like the ones on this wholepost/stream of replies. Because if they beef the whole game and nerf everything else in general outside this mode lets face it new players wont get a decent start you know what I mean? They dont need to nerf things just make extremely hard levels. Hehe. I personally hope this idea comes through with the communities help and ideas to help make tis idea better more clear that can happen. :D

Edited by GuardianOfDeath
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This is absolutely horrifying BUT it seems like this kinda already exists in the form of Dragon Keys.


I had a similar thought when reading this over. Something similar to a vault run, where each player brings a specific key, and has two randomly selected penalties applied to them during the mission on top of the standard 'key based' penalty. And just to ensure that they feel loved and cherished, we're gonna buff everything about whatever faction our friendly Tenno will be fighting. 


Disclaimer: Unless the reward for this included a Soma weilding Unicorn as a pet, you will never see me in this. Too much effort to get through it.

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So, what I am understanding is a "Nightmare Mode+".


This is actually an awesome idea, and I agree with many of the suggestions:


1) more than 2 detrimental attributes. Instead of Time Reduction + Health Reduction only, have that as well as Lower Gravity + Shield Reduction. The reason for this is due to high level players, which is what nightmare is aimed for in the first place, can take a rhino with increased shields/health/armor and still be almost indestructible. Someone with a Nova can go through a level and never recieve any damage at all but still wind up with the most damage inflicted on enemies. This is a fault in the system for high level players who know how to avoid damage and have an amazing mod setup. The point of a high level nightmare is to make it so that no matter what mod setup you have, you will be unable to be godly.


2) re-ranking.


There should be a way for people who have already spent hours and hours of time ranking up their initial frame and having to re-rank via polarization to do so in a much quicker manner. Fact of the matter is, re-ranking a frame does not assist you in mastery ranking.


No mastery ranking XP.... at all.


So, make a mission neigh impossible for people to group together and re-rank their frames for a goal that means something.


That is one of the biggest drawbacks to the game, that high level players are exponentially less likely to gain more mastery ranks and therefore less likely to play in the first place. This idea can lead into end-game content which is sorely lacking in the game in the first place.


3) Grouping.


As of now, most of the high ranking individuals can go to a mid-rank system and grind it to all living hell without any assistance. Thy get the items, the prestigue, the credits, and they barelyt break a sweat. I am mastery rank 10 and have lost count of the number of times that I have used low rank systems to rank up weapons/frames. There needs to be a better method.


With a group of individuals that are high rank that are using low rank weapons/frames they can easily use a low-rank planet to very quickly rank up their desired objects.


A high rank challenge mode on low rank planets would encourage individuals to group with other individuals on low ranking areas. The challenge would allow high ranks an area that they cannot simply blast through, but also make said area rewarding to their low-ranking items.


4) End Game.


lets face it. End game content is almot non-existent. How do we fix this?


One tried and trued method is a challenge mode. Since there is already a challenge mode that isn't entirely challenging, there should be a further challenge mode, otherwise and "expert" mode.


Make it only - and I mean ONLY - available to people who have actually completed every mission in the entire system. You have the noobs who have to complete the first planet. You have the mid-to-high levels who have completed several systems and now have access to nightmare mode.


Make a final "expert" mode for the people who have completed the entire system. It solves a few issues with the game, one of which is the desire to complete every single mission available. If people are given a reason to complete the entire map of the system, the will do so. It's incentive to actually go out of your way to complete the higher level areas, experience the maps and difficulty that the developers have created.



Overall, I think this is a fantastic idea that should be scrutinized more and more. The possibilities are nearly endless.

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So, what I am understanding is a "Nightmare Mode+".


This is actually an awesome idea, and I agree with many of the suggestions:


1) more than 2 detrimental attributes. Instead of Time Reduction + Health Reduction only, have that as well as Lower Gravity + Shield Reduction. The reason for this is due to high level players, which is what nightmare is aimed for in the first place, can take a rhino with increased shields/health/armor and still be almost indestructible. Someone with a Nova can go through a level and never recieve any damage at all but still wind up with the most damage inflicted on enemies. This is a fault in the system for high level players who know how to avoid damage and have an amazing mod setup. The point of a high level nightmare is to make it so that no matter what mod setup you have, you will be unable to be godly.


2) re-ranking.


There should be a way for people who have already spent hours and hours of time ranking up their initial frame and having to re-rank via polarization to do so in a much quicker manner. Fact of the matter is, re-ranking a frame does not assist you in mastery ranking.


No mastery ranking XP.... at all.


So, make a mission neigh impossible for people to group together and re-rank their frames for a goal that means something.


That is one of the biggest drawbacks to the game, that high level players are exponentially less likely to gain more mastery ranks and therefore less likely to play in the first place. This idea can lead into end-game content which is sorely lacking in the game in the first place.


3) Grouping.


As of now, most of the high ranking individuals can go to a mid-rank system and grind it to all living hell without any assistance. Thy get the items, the prestigue, the credits, and they barelyt break a sweat. I am mastery rank 10 and have lost count of the number of times that I have used low rank systems to rank up weapons/frames. There needs to be a better method.


With a group of individuals that are high rank that are using low rank weapons/frames they can easily use a low-rank planet to very quickly rank up their desired objects.


A high rank challenge mode on low rank planets would encourage individuals to group with other individuals on low ranking areas. The challenge would allow high ranks an area that they cannot simply blast through, but also make said area rewarding to their low-ranking items.


4) End Game.


lets face it. End game content is almot non-existent. How do we fix this?


One tried and trued method is a challenge mode. Since there is already a challenge mode that isn't entirely challenging, there should be a further challenge mode, otherwise and "expert" mode.


Make it only - and I mean ONLY - available to people who have actually completed every mission in the entire system. You have the noobs who have to complete the first planet. You have the mid-to-high levels who have completed several systems and now have access to nightmare mode.


Make a final "expert" mode for the people who have completed the entire system. It solves a few issues with the game, one of which is the desire to complete every single mission available. If people are given a reason to complete the entire map of the system, the will do so. It's incentive to actually go out of your way to complete the higher level areas, experience the maps and difficulty that the developers have created.



Overall, I think this is a fantastic idea that should be scrutinized more and more. The possibilities are nearly endless.


Thank you deeply for your support Cercris and the time you spent reading my idea, supporting it and then writing a reply to help support furthermore! I appreciate it immensely!

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sorry to poster, but the nightmare itself isnt good because the thought of having reduced stats fighting in a mission isnt fun, i think this nightmare should be as it is - since the nightmare mods nowadays are circulating over and easy to obtain now from other players, you need a bit plat though.. i think you are just having a hard time getting the nightmare mod you want , keep trying though, luck sometime is bad

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sorry to poster, but the nightmare itself isnt good because the thought of having reduced stats fighting in a mission isnt fun, i think this nightmare should be as it is - since the nightmare mods nowadays are circulating over and easy to obtain now from other players, you need a bit plat though.. i think you are just having a hard time getting the nightmare mod you want , keep trying though, luck sometime is bad



Hehe I have every Nightmare mod ingame at the moment. I only bring this idea up because Nightmare missions are far too easy even with Energy drain on us. Hence why I introduce a heroic or an advanced version of nightmare with better look exp credits mods harder enemies and a real challenge to people like me who say the game and such is far too easy.  Just as Cercris mentioned above and some other people too. Even region gets a buzz about the game being too easy here and there. I don't ask for anyone to like my idea of course I simply post it here in hopes to get a few looks and maybe put iin consdieration for the Devs. Instead of nerfing every frame and people why not just add harder game modes its far funner that way. Hehe. Thank you very much for your thoughts and comment. :D

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