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Why Isn't There A "cancel Build" Command?


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I'm sure I'm not the first person that clicked the wrong thing in the Foundry only to find he's committed a pile of credits and resources - some of which might be high-end like Orokin cells and FORMA - to building an item that he doesn't reeaaally want to build, but happened to click something that looked similar.



Why isn't there a way to cancel build jobs?  Up until the item becomes Claim-able, shouldn't we be able to stop the process and get refunded our junk?  Or at least a cut of our junk?  Rounded up, of course, so that things like a Forma aren't a total loss.


I mean, seriously.  We're space ninjas in the superfuture and we open implosive singularities with our BRAINS, but we can't go Whoah Whoah Wait-a-Minute, Stop Making That Sword - doesn't that seem strange?

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Ahhhh, I remember that one time in Update 9 that I started to build a 2nd Nova chasis by accident when I wanted to click the helmet, the chasis stayed with me till we were able to sell complete parts, that was in Update 11, I think? So a few months with it in my inventory doing nothing and me wondering if I should make a 2nd Nova just to sell it and be rid of it.

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Oh, that's crap.  It always struck me as odd that everything we produce in the Foundry, we produce at a loss.


I can buy a blueprint for 30,000, drop another 15,000 and a pile of components when I actually make it, then sell it for 2,500-7,500.  That's a little insane.


Or just finding a blueprint, you know?  Sell the found blueprint, could be 3,500 in your pocket.  But producing the blueprint will cost about 15,000 and that pile of components, all to sell the product at a loss of upwards of three times the original sale value.


Very weird.

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I thought there was a post from DE a good few months back (pre Christmas certainly) indicating that they could refund you the cost and materials of an item built by mistake if you left it unclaimed in your foundry and didn't build anything else.


In the same manner if you fuse the wrong mod, stop fusing and support should be able to recover the mod.


I agree a cancel button would be easier but I'm fairly certain support can fix it for you.

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That'd be a really kinda silly thing to bug Support about.  I think that's a super-strong argument for a Cancel button.


I mean, if I accidentally threw a Forma in something I didn't intend to build... yeah, I think I'd bug them.


But I think that shouldn't ever have to be an option.



Cancel Button, DE!

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Oh man, that would be so nice! I accidentally built 2 Volts, and I have built Mag's chassis at least twice more than I needed to, lol. All you can do is sit there and stare it is slowly building...knowing you will never get those resources back...lol :P

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