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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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I think she's the worst Warframe.


Let me see if I understand you...


You played your Nyx trying to max out your damage. You tried to make her do as much damage as Nova and were annoyed when she could not.










Do I need to put it in larger font? Bright flashing neon colors? She is not about damage! She is about taking and holding control of the battlefield. If that is not how you want to play her, well...


If you play a warframe away from it's strengths, then no, it is not going to do as well as others. If you play Rhino as a sniper, then no, you generally are not going to out damage other warframes. If you play Vauban as a tank, he is going to go down fast usually. If you play Valcyr as a caster...




What is the point? You don't get it. Or you won't get it. Play your way. We will play ours.


Your opinion is noted. Any serious Nyx players (as in people who KNOW what the frame is intended to do and how to play it) will just laugh.

Edited by Kalenath
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You're doing it wrong.


Chaos is "unreliable."  I don't play Nyx, and every time I've seen it used it wiped off any threat we had.


But I wanted to have something that didn't directly oppose the OP, for moderation's sake.


Still, in my experience, Nyx is ridiculously overpowered; Chaos is basically a free-win button, especially at high levels.



Still so many troll comments and people just yelling at me to L2P.


I don't think many people understand what the word "opinion" means...


People are disagreeing with your opinion and they're explaining why.  That's not trolling.  That's discussion.  Getting offended just because you're disagreed with will not help your argument.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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Still so many troll comments and people just yelling at me to L2P.


I don't think many people understand what the word "opinion" means...

Opinion to you must mean ignoring the plethora of objective information that is available about a frame,  as well as the playing advice of the now countless people who seem to get significantly better results than you.

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Still so many troll comments and people just yelling at me to L2P.


I don't think many people understand what the word "opinion" means...

At this point everyone is 90% certain that you're trolling.

You not only claim that she's bad, which isn't the opinion of 90%+, but you claim that shes the worst warframe. Though somehow you say that you're not claiming that she's bad. There are several frames that don't have much in the way of scaling abilities or CC, such as Ashe.

You don't actually seem to counter anyone's points. You just restate your original statements, complaining about how Chaos is 'unreliable' and whatnot, while ignoring everyone's points that it outdoes every other CC in sheer volume. It boils down to the fact that, while Bastille, say, may be a 100% CC, it only effects a limited number of enemies in a limited range, while Chaos will CC almost everyone. Which would you rather do; CC 90% of 100 enemies, or CC 20 enemies out of those 100? You also act as though the fact that Chaos doesn't 100% CC means that it doesn't CC at all.


You've spouted your opinions, and we've told you why we think you're mistaken, and you've... restated your opinions and said that everyone who disagrees with you is trolling.

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At this point everyone is 90% certain that you're trolling.

You not only claim that she's bad, which isn't the opinion of 90%+, but you claim that shes the worst warframe. Though somehow you say that you're not claiming that she's bad. There are several frames that don't have much in the way of scaling abilities or CC, such as Ashe.

You don't actually seem to counter anyone's points. You just restate your original statements, complaining about how Chaos is 'unreliable' and whatnot, while ignoring everyone's points that it outdoes every other CC in sheer volume. It boils down to the fact that, while Bastille, say, may be a 100% CC, it only effects a limited number of enemies in a limited range, while Chaos will CC almost everyone. Which would you rather do; CC 90% of 100 enemies, or CC 20 enemies out of those 100? You also act as though the fact that Chaos doesn't 100% CC means that it doesn't CC at all.


You've spouted your opinions, and we've told you why we think you're mistaken, and you've... restated your opinions and said that everyone who disagrees with you is trolling.

He has to be trolling, Nyx is not as great as some are claiming, but Chaos makes her solid, if you mod it to be as short a duration as possible.


Also, Valkyr is still by far the worst frame, nothing else gets close right now.

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He has to be trolling, Nyx is not as great as some are claiming, but Chaos makes her solid, if you mod it to be as short a duration as possible.


Also, Valkyr is still by far the worst frame, nothing else gets close right now.



Apparently you didn't read when I said multiple times that I wasn't trolling.


I also think Valkyr is good.

Edited by Etsoree
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Apparently you didn't read when I said multiple times that I wasn't trolling.


I also think Valkyr is good.


"If I say I'm not trolling, I'm not trolling!" A troll would claim that they weren't trolling, too. You haven't actually done anything to prove that you aren't trolling, and every post you make seems to lend more credence to the theory that you are.

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"If I say I'm not trolling, I'm not trolling!" A troll would claim that they weren't trolling, too. You haven't actually done anything to prove that you aren't trolling, and every post you make seems to lend more credence to the theory that you are.


If you think I'm trolling then why bother replying?

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If you aren't trolling then properly address the objective information that has been presented to you.


I'm ignoring a lot of replies as I have stated because I'm not bothering to explain myself again, or to people who are just being rude to me, like I've stated, and which most of them are being rude.

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I'm ignoring a lot of replies as I have stated because I'm not bothering to explain myself again, or to people who are just being rude to me, like I've stated, and which most of them are being rude.

You don't need to explain yourself; you've already done that. What you haven't done is address the information that's been presented to you in a way that would refute it.


Example: Chaos has better efficiency per energy point spent than Bastille when it comes to CCing enemies, due to its significantly larger range and infinite target limit.


Your answer?

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Absorb is an incredibly skill. not for its power. But its utility. during absorb. you are completely untouchable. You become the priority target for the enemy. and all damage absorbed increased the over all release of absorb.  Nyx is suited very well to defence missions. As the longer it goes on for the more useful she becomes. chaos for a wide ranged temporary stun and a refocusing of the enemy targetting priority  making them a ton easier to kill. and a quick way out if you are overwhealmed. And then absorb if the objective is in danger.  Nyx is no more an offensive frame, than ember is a support class 

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You don't need to explain yourself; you've already done that. What you haven't done is address the information that's been presented to you in a way that would refute it.


Example: Chaos has better efficiency per energy point spent than Bastille when it comes to CCing enemies, due to its significantly larger range and infinite target limit.


Your answer?


He plays her as a damage dealing warframe. After all, the whole idea of crowd control is just wrong and stupid.


Don't feed the troll.

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I was trying decide whether to go for Nyx or Trinity as my next frame, what I read about Trinity was that she was an untouchable goddess associated with the terms "OP" and "game breaking".


Then I read this thread.


I chose Nyx. She's become my favorite frame to to use. There's some irony that the topic with this title became the selling point for her to me.


She may not get the most kills personally but she could easily be responsible for causing the most deaths in a match, whether by making enemies kill each other or allowing allies to kill them while their busy with each other, she is a fun and interesting frame to use provided you are not obsessed with how much damage or how many kills you rack up by the end of the match.


Also she just looks so dang good.

Edited by HappyApathy
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Nyx in nutshell:


Mrs. Mindfuck.


I hope this discussion has been gone through in here umm... Etsoree-san.


If we think about use scale of how useful each warframe is ability set of Nyx is greatest we all have admit that 2nd ability is good on finding the targets thanks to energy color. And if you are looking for some damage what Nyx is able to deal. Set absorb middle of all enemies... Hold on a while.  BOOOM... Everything is dead around the blast zone ^^


Mind control. Maybe we should mind jack a Grustag for you?


Mind bolts: seek for last one alive ability.


Chaos: Yuikami's fan art thread check it.

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Still so many troll comments and people just yelling at me to L2P.


I don't think many people understand what the word "opinion" means...

You can't really have an opinion if you're going to assert: 

"X is the worst kind of Y".

Since that's either objectively true or false. 

Now if you'd have said 

"I like X the least out of all the Y's" that'd be fine. 


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He plays her as a damage dealing warframe. After all, the whole idea of crowd control is just wrong and stupid.


Don't feed the troll.

OP seems to think CC is important, as they tout the efficacy of Bastille, Stomp, etc when those are demonstrably inferior to Chaos for the energy cost vs target limit vs duration. OP needs to address facts like these in order to be taken seriously.

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Nyx is one of the best High Level frames there is.  When you see 10 Napalms aiming at  you then all of a sudden Nyx breaks through the room and does Chaos.......the feeling is alot of feels man it feels so goooood ..she saves the day zxHECSG.png

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OP seems to think CC is important, as they tout the efficacy of Bastille, Stomp, etc when those are demonstrably inferior to Chaos for the energy cost vs target limit vs duration. OP needs to address facts like these in order to be taken seriously.


OP SAID that in the original post, then said that he is maxing out her damage?????


Like I said in MY first post in this thread... 'wut?' I... guess if you wanted to make her a damage dealer then Psychic bolts are pretty much the only choice. I mean, Mind Control and Chaos do no damage and Absorb requires the enemy to attack you. But still... What is the point?


My opinion of his opinion? Padding post count by trolling all of us.

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My own personal build with Absorb cannot do more than a fourth of a level 50+ enemy's healthbar, if I'm lucky. I see Absorb as good, yes, but its range... the RANGE on it needs to be fixed, so very, very needs to be fixed. That is its downfall, yes, but also the downfall of the duration, which can just be thrown out the window with a few mods. If any of those situations arise, there's other 'Frames I think that can still outclass her, easily, at least for CC. She's just a filler when nothing else can be found, and that's a rarity, I'd say.


Apparently with Rhino's Iron Skin, the threat meter was taken off of it. That kinda sucks I say. Stomp can be argued with that, yes, but it at least completely, 100% stuns the enemies in the duration. I would still rather have that than enemies possibly attacking other enemies, especially at higher levels. The risk tradeoff is way too high. Charge is useless on my own build with Rhino ( he goes like two feet forward ) and Roar... I don't usually have enough energy to use it, and it doesn't last for long anyway.


This is assuming you have the energy to do it. The higher levels would call for either allies to kill as well, or at least energy pads, where as at least with Vauban's CC, it can be recast instantly at any given spot, though still an energy sink. It can immediately kill the problem at hand ( Bastille ) though with more energy still used. Can't really say much along the lines of energy waste since Bastille has a target cap, but yet can still be used constantly.


I don't remember what Chaos was like "pre-nerf". I may have been too new of a player or just not reading updates at the time. We already have a power that multiplies damage absorbed, via Nova, but then again many powers are similar to one another. Absorb just needs better range. That's it I'd think. 


My own Vauban build is efficiency, range and I THINK duration. No strength mods on him that I recall of since Tesla is bleh on damage and Vortexs' damage is bad. I don't think you can increase grenade impact damage either but even then that's bad. Vau is still another CC 'Frame with powers that appeal to me greater than Nyx's since they just seem to work all around better, I think: preventing 100% of the damage. I keep saying that and I'm not liking it. I need a better reason.


I haven't seen Vortex grab and pull players constantly since before that update of it. Now I just see it do that for maybe a second or two, then it stops.


I never recall Nova's powers really even being touched at all, except for Wormhole. M-Prime, you can't even call that a nerf. It's still overpowered beyond belief. Antimatter Drop has always worked for me, except slowing down/speeding up if you look at it. Null Star... bleh, useless with my build; I get two of the damn things around me. I don't forma power polarization off any 'Frame, I like having all my options there for a power, especially when I'm bored. I've also had Absorb bug a lot, lot more than Antimatter Drop ever has.


I had used Antimatter Drop earlier today as well and got a 250k hitmarker ( without M-Prime on the targets and that thread is possibly still in the General section somewhere with the screenshot ), so I'd say at least Nova still has high value in higher levels, especially with her debuffs with M-Prime. M-Prime itself also causes all enemies under its effect to take 200% more damage from all sources, thereby also making itself more powerful in the process.


That would be more than half of the comments here then I'd think. Never thought of it like that but people who just start to get rude and don't hear/understand points just &!$$ me off, hah. Had a comment earlier that kept saying "math" was the reason why she outclasses some other 'Frames, I can't remember, I'm not replying to that one now since it was their reasoning behind why my opinion was wrong. I have changed stance, yes, and I've not commented on some things for another good reason: these replies are longer than hell. Some things I just cannot say anything to. I really wouldn't say it's a fight in a sense, but a discussion, not even a debate.


I do not think Nyx is a bad Warframe. Her powers, yes, are appealing, in the sense of every other 'Frame bores me for now, but I think are underpowered and outclassed. She is strong, immensely, and her powers are fun to use, but... jeeze... people don't seem to understand my view on it, I'd guess.

Sorry about the delayed reply, was helping new players(friends) all day yesterday in-game.


are you just poping absorb at will or using some of the methods I provided? I've seen lack-luster damage when I execute it poorly myself. I won't deny range, I've mentioned it myself. it's what less then 25m with all possible range extending mods? Pretty sure excluding what vauban's vortex(who's range isn't extendable as far as I know) She's got the worst range ult. Find the sweet spot on Chaos and you get a good enough timer on absorb I've noted, not a bad thing at all. Sad as it is, i'm pretty sure ash fit's filler-frame more then any other.


Seriously? What the point of being a tank if one of your skills designed around it just makes you bulkier without argoing and needing to tank? It's not even a high trade off. I did a ODD Survival last night with a Rhino, Trinity, and just me as a Nekros. Rhino's stomp was worthless when compared to my Penta and just letting the Trinity or Rhino just let them stack up before going kaplooie. Which would of been far easier to stack them if Rhino was a Nyx and wouldn't of put the Trinity or Nyx in any realm of danger. I like using both Roar and stomp in conjunction, but with a great energy efficient build that's not saying much. Though having energy to spare for just roaring teammates is wondrous.


I (finally) played Vauban a few days ago in another ODD with friends and when 3/4 people are using energy siphon, vortex is worthless. Even when it's attached to the Bastille build I have. 


Trust me, when you have 100% CC that can be recast and reapplied the second a new enemy comes in where enemies only focus on enemies, that's ult. worthy. Like I said a damage multiplier on absorb is arguable (though no complaints were it be thing), range not so much. Mag has a multiplier in bullet attractor too, it's just one target.


Vaubans Bastille is affected by strength, increasing the number of enemies it can hold, It increases grenade impact too but that's not saying anything. It's about 100% cc as chaos given enemies can still shoot though as noted before, but break the held number and you either pop another one or enemies are free to do as they wish. in conjunction with vortex you could say theoretically 100 of all damage, but you either need to know map-layout/ abuse the terrain which may be a energy sink. With Nyx you just pop a Chaos and go defensive.


I had to stop using it on the ODD run given it just wasn't worth it. though we did move to a better spot for it later, so who know's it might of been a good idea were Bastille not proving better. 


Wormhole is the only one they've ever noted I recall. Probably don't want design council members getting they're underwear in a bunch about nerfing it in an obvious manner cause it's their "baby"(I didn't take part in the voting). It was a reduction in a skills potential, technically it's still a nerf. it scales with the infinite scaling in different ways, I wouldn't call that overpowered as better/ smarter game design. Though that scaling should be applied to all frames in some way. Unless you're talking about low level insta-kills in which case any frame with a damaging ult/ skill can do that too, modded right. They're just not as efficient. I don't even attach Null on my nova unless i'm doing something low level they insta-kill, no need for Mprime when I can just walk by like an ember for cheaper. The only time I forma is to either change aura polarity for siphon(which in of itself is rare of me to do) or Nekros to turn him into a pure Desecration build.


I've already gone over scaling with nova, no point re-iterating it.


It's just my point of view on the matter. To be fair, if you can prove someone wrong mathematically that's still a very valid point. Now If no math was actually provided that's a different thing altogether. I just take my time piecing them over time when ever I'm free, you're clearly active as am I no point losing information because of length. I wouldn't mind at least an acknowledge on it, like you not knowing or not having the knowledge about Chaos pre-nerf. It's provides information to me that you didn't know why or even that it happened. Which in turn means I provided useful information, that should even show why Chaos was too good at one point. Heck letting me know let me provided further info in this reply about it's pre-nerf status. Debates are fights, just with words and knowledge. Considering we're providing points back and forth, it's very much a debate.


You bit yourself on that one, but if nyx isn't a bad frame then what is? Valkyrie isn't exactly stellar and ash is nearly completely removable by just swapping him with loki and a well modded gun. She's far from bad, rather she scales vastly differently from many if not all frames. Some frames if not many just straight up don't scale, how are they worse compared to (what I'd consider) the only reverse scaling frame that is Nyx? By reverse I mean her skills though lackluster in the early parts of the game (even replaceable by other frames powers, simply because they straight up damage) provide much use later on, at a different tier. It's easier to argue shes the worst at the start (Mercury and low tiers) unless modded for damage, but because of scaling she shines later on in a vastly different way. To be fair your view on it, just from your original post scream a vastly different play style to what Nyx is generally played as which is probably more tactically, like vauban. 

Edited by SonicDoragon
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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for direct damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven, even though they still don't track all too well at all.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.




People seem to be missing my point of that her powers are outclassed, far outclassed in what they're supposed to do, by other 'Frames.


This is not a troll thread.




I HAVE played as her and I HAVE leveled her to 30. I have tried many different builds on her, and no matter what, it seems underpowered and not really useful in many situations at all. Underclassed, underpowered. I do not need to "L2P" her.


This is still not a troll thread.

Obviously you do need L2P her, because she is a god. You can do solo stuff with her that some groups can't do, T3 void defense comes to mind. She can ensure that regular defense / survival mission goes to obscene level/time.l

Mind control useless??? Are you serious? Need some healing for you/group hell even the cryogenic pod, MC a ancient, heavy unit giving you trouble make it your *@##$ with MC.

In end game when things matter a Nyx or Loki will make the difference between winning and losing.

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