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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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I use Nyx quite a bit. Let me give you my rundown of her potential,hmm?


-Mind Control: Makes a single powerful enemy your slave. Prime targets: Napalms,Ancient Healers,Techs,Shield Ospreys,Corrupted Ancients.

-Psychic Bolts: Your only conventional offensive ability. Personally,I've found it to be useless. It's an element of her weaknesses,in a game where you need to realize your strengths,and magnify them. I ignore this ability. It's never equipped.

-Chaos: Also known as your bread and butter. Big crowd? Chaos. In a bind? Chaos. Boss with a handful of flunkies? Chaos. This has the enemies weaken eachother,and keeps much of the heat off of yourself and your allies,while your party is free to sit back and watch,then clean up,or pick off important targets while they're otherwise distracted.

-Absorb: For when you absolutely,positively have to kill every mother{BLEEP!}er in the room,and the party doesn't have a Nova or Ember,accept no substitutes. Tell your allies to retreat,run into the middle of the fight,then pop Absorb. By default,it deals nice damage at a short range. Upgraded,it deals great damage at moderate range. Properly modded,it deals obscene damage at a respectable range. Also,it's a Stalker Killer. What more could you want?


Mods: Nyx is a power platform,no bones about it. However,she only has ONE power that benefits from Power Strength: Psychic Bolts. Do not use such mods. Instead,focus on Power Duration and Range,with a side-order of Efficiency,if you can fit it. Flow works nicely,as well. As for defense,simply focus on shields,and ignore health. While bleed is an issue,it's ALWAYS an issue,no matter what Frame or build you're using.


Sentinel: Djinn,easily. Fatal Attraction gets the enemy in rage,if you lack a Stretch/Overextended. Even still,Fatal Attraction can get MORE enemies in range,even if you have range mods. While Shade initially looks like a good choice,it isn't,as Ghost can easily end up turning Absorb into a waste of 100 energy. A good substitute would be Carrier.


Weapons: Anything you're comfortable with. Seriously. Any weapon can be useful (except,in my experience,the Grakata),it all depends on how it's used and modified.


Strategy: Hit and run. First in,first out. Get in,use the power that you need to,and fall back to a less dangerous range. However,your powers need to be used tactically. Chaos and Absorb are worthless against singular targets,or few targets,unless they are very threatening. You're not a tank,so don't stand in the open.

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Chaos' inferiority is its recast and the fact that it still doesn't make enemies not attack their former allies. Yes, powers need some offset, but the offset is too big. The other CC's have infinite scaling potential as well, not their damage, but their CC ability.


I can very, very easily solo with her, and any other 'Frame.


Augment how, exactly? She doesn't provide any buffs. You can't say Absorb is an augment power due to its range and damage ( I do not know how the mechanics of the redirection damage work, if each enemy takes the damage you absorb or if it's split across all targets within its range ).


I'd say around 6 or 7 other 'Frames can do her job just as easily, if not better, to redirect/prevent damage, not including Trinity since that's obvious as to why.

Its recast is almost a non-issue when you use the ability properly. Enemies not under the effects of Chaos automatically aggro on enemies that are affected, meaning you can have an entire wall of enemies that are ignoring you and aggroing everything beyond your range/initial cast until your next cast. And no, no other dedicated CC ability in the game can CC as long or as well for the energy spent. Rhino can't, Vauban can't, Mag can't, Frost can't. Nova is the only frame with comparable CC in her Molecular Prime, and Loki has somewhat of an incomparable ability in Radial Disarm. I'm just wondering what CC ability you are referring to that can outperform Chaos for the energy expended vs potential output.


Damage redirection refers to just that. Both Chaos and Absorb achieve this, but in different ways.


Nyx's mind control can boost shields, provide emergency healing, provide a free tank unit in between Chaos casts just in case you want to draw extra aggro, or simply just stun a target for an easy kill. This is how she augments her allies.

She's an exceedingly well-designed frame; even though she has kinks in her kit that need ironing out, she's one of the only frames that was designed (intentionally or not) to scale with the game's content through her abilities.

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All i can think about this post is
"And to think this user has about 1.2k posts on the forums."

Seriously guy, Nyx is fine. She's the crowd control queen, and if you can't see how that can be one of the most useful things in the entire fuckin' game.. well.. it's just sad.

Edited by Hecadisth
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Well regarding absorb having no mobility, bring a valkyr, or think out side the box for a very, very nice surprise.

chaos is the best, psychic bolts eh its ok. Then mind control is one of her most useful moves.

such troll

many rage

much sarcasm


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Urhhmm I use Absorb in ODD at the pod not because I wanna save my arse. You know I could use a one shot Penta but Absorb makes it much easier. You can bomb a whole place if you wanted to. I cast it when the first charger comes and then they'll all come and boom. You underestimate her.


I do not underestimate her.


What level do you go to and still have Absorb kill enemies at, then? I'll test it myself.

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If that is how you look at Nyx, then nothing I say will likely make you change your mind. I am also aware that there are some frames that do better in certain aspects, but in other aspects Nyx simply works better. No way I would have been able to finish the last event alone using Rhino or Vauban, no matter how many Stomps or Bastilles I used (which would have been very few due to lack of energy and constantly being shot at).


If you were to say something like "she is only really superior on some very specific situations", then I would probably agree. But I also don't see that as a bad thing. I think it is actually good, because it helps keeping warframes different and unique. The way I see it, if all warframes are the same in all situations, then it boils down to a matter of choosing which 3D model you like the most.


I'm not saying we should have warframes that don't function and have absolutely no role within the game. I'm just saying different warframes should be mechanically different, in order to please different kinds of players.


To be honest, I still don't understand why you care about posting all this if you really hate Nyx as much as you make it seem. You've criticized everything Nyx is, except for her appearance. You've compared her and her powers to several other warframes that you apparently consider superior to her. So if you really think she is that terrible, wouldn't it be easier to simply play with another warframe? One that has mechanics that you actually enjoy? From you said you probably have at least 6 or 7 options. Is that not enough?


I see no situation at all that Nyx would be more useful than any other CC 'Frame. None of my groups I had for the most recent event had a Rhino or even a Vauban; the event was that easy. Hell I played as Frost Prime for the second one and just bubbled the stupid core.


She IS unique but I still think her uniqueness isn't enough. The game is a beta, yes, so the bugs with her powers still have to be fixed, but even overlooking some bugs I don't like how her powers work all too well.


Some powers on some of them are too close to others. Like I have said before, Chaos is just a longer-duration, "weak" ( no damage dealt by itself ) Rhino Stomp that costs less energy to use.


I play as her, only mostly recently ( leveled her to 30 awhile ago, played her a bit after that, didn't touch her much after that until roughly two weeks ago ), because I have been bored with all of the other Warframes in the game.

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Its recast is almost a non-issue when you use the ability properly. Enemies not under the effects of Chaos automatically aggro on enemies that are affected, meaning you can have an entire wall of enemies that are ignoring you and aggroing everything beyond your range/initial cast until your next cast. And no, no other dedicated CC ability in the game can CC as long or as well for the energy spent. Rhino can't, Vauban can't, Mag can't, Frost can't. Nova is the only frame with comparable CC in her Molecular Prime, and Loki has somewhat of an incomparable ability in Radial Disarm. I'm just wondering what CC ability you are referring to that can outperform Chaos for the energy expended vs potential output.


Damage redirection refers to just that. Both Chaos and Absorb achieve this, but in different ways.


Nyx's mind control can boost shields, provide emergency healing, provide a free tank unit in between Chaos casts just in case you want to draw extra aggro, or simply just stun a target for an easy kill. This is how she augments her allies.

She's an exceedingly well-designed frame; even though she has kinks in her kit that need ironing out, she's one of the only frames that was designed (intentionally or not) to scale with the game's content through her abilities.


Some of the times that I've used Chaos myself, I've seen many of the enemies ignore the ones under the effect, attacking me, and forcing me to use Absorb sometimes. I do agree though that you can have a wall of foes attacking one another. Once the effect wears off, however, especially in higher levels where the ones under the effect do not die, then you just use it on everything in that range, then, making the stronger wall become weaker.


I may have stated what can out CC her but I do not remember specifically. Bastille, I think, can and does, same with Rhino Stomp. I'll agree in saying that Radial Disarm does a meager job, but it at least forces enemies to use melee, which then you can just throw a Decoy out so most of them attack it.


MC still has very, very few uses, due to teammates going gun-ho 90% of the time and killing your target.


I have said this before at least: many other 'Frames scale just as easily as she can with CC abilities.

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Some powers on some of them are too close to others. Like I have said before, Chaos is just a longer-duration, "weak" ( no damage dealt by itself ) Rhino Stomp that costs less energy to use.

Let's just address that one issue.


Chaos will make all of the effected individuals factionless,and therefore,valid targets for their former allies,and eachother. Stacking Duration,this power can last a VERY long time. Stacking Range,this power can hit a HUGE area. Let me fetch the numbers.


Maximized Duration: 64.3 seconds,reducing radius to 8.5 meters. Deciding to not take the Corrupted mod,your duration's still over 30 seconds. Quite a duration.

Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters. That's huge. That can turn an entire room into a fustercluck. All without drawbacks.


Under the effects of Chaos,the enemies will fire on eachother,unaffected enemies will fire on them,due to the raised targeting priority,and,if you maximize range,and stack duration without the Corrupted mod,it's lasting for a HUGE amount of time,in a MONSTROUS area. If enemies won't kill eachother in the ridiculous amount of time allotted,then they're weakened,and that's assuming you didn't pick off priority targets yourself. Yes,they're liable to shoot at you if you're close. That's why you run in,cast it,then bail.


Compared to Rhino Stomp?


Maximized Duration: Cannot be improved. Eight seconds,tops.

Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters,while reducing damage to 320 Blast. Very few things are vulnerable to Blast.

Maximized Damage: 1830 Blast,while increasing cost to 155 Energy. Few things are vulnerable to Blast.


Chaos costs 75 Energy. It can last forever,more or less. It has an effective range of around 25% beyond what is listed,thanks to unaffected enemies firing on those who are.


Rhino Stomp costs 100 Energy,or 155,if you maximize damage. Without Flow,Rhino's Energy cap is 150. It will only effect what's caught in the blast,and the ability lasts for a very short period of time. Yes,the damage potential is high,but you can get similar results with an Ogris,at a distance,with proper modding,and a HELL of a lot more shots before you need to scrounge for ammo or energy.


Chaos is about taking the heat off of you and your team. It's about distraction. Rhino Stomp damn near locks down the enemy,should they live. Since many things aren't vulnerable,there will be survivors,more often than not,especially in high level play. And in high level play,damage not taken at all (Chaos) is preferred over damage taken slowly (Rhino Stomp). Furthermore,enemy armour in high level play will reduce the damage Rhino Stomp deals,while Chaos will never have reduced effectiveness.


I've played both. Rhino's ONLY worthwhile abilities are Roar and Iron Skin. The charge is pathetic,and wastes valuable energy that can be used to buff up your team,or for a replacement Iron Skin,and the Stomp is too much for too little.


Nyx's worthwhile abilities are Mind Control,Chaos,and Absorb,allowing her to control the enemy's attentions.


Rhino's a tank,not a CC platform. Nyx is a CC platform,not a tank.


Remember the event just past? Tethera's Doom? Yeah,a Nyx was a solid investment in the second phase,escorting the Shield Core. She pulls outrider duty,going ahead and behind to Chaos enemies,weakening them and thinning them out,meaning less enemies will reach the Core,and when they do,they'll be significantly delayed.


What would a Rhino Stomp do? Thin the herd,surely. But it won't delay them. Nowhere NEAR as much.


For every task,there is a proper tool.

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I see no situation at all that Nyx would be more useful than any other CC 'Frame. None of my groups I had for the most recent event had a Rhino or even a Vauban; the event was that easy. Hell I played as Frost Prime for the second one and just bubbled the stupid core.


I think you missed the word "alone" in my post when I talked about the event. I did both missions solo with Nyx. No team. But I'm sure it could be done with other warframes as well. Maybe Loki or Frost. Fortunately, Nyx was good enough on her own.


About the rest of your post, I'm sorry, but if I reply to that it will only give you more things to disagree with. Where you see issues, I see interesting mechanics at work. Where you see horrible powers, I see challenge.


You have bravely stood your ground against almost 11 pages of people saying all sorts of diminishing things about you and your ideas. But I didn't come here to do any of that. I only tried to offer a different point of view from someone who enjoys that "horrible" Nyx.

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No power is as good at CC as chaos! Chaos makes whatever level enemy are in range attack each other, this means it scales to infinity, as the armor of the enemy's gets better so does the attack power, so it is as good at level 10 as it is at level 100.


Shadows of the dead is like a poor version that cost more to use and has a longer cast, the fact that they will never attack you and can not be killed by the team is offset by the low numbers compared to chaos and the fact they block shots and doorways.


Radial Blind, is excellent at what it does, but you get no damage from the power itself and it means using an Excalibur.


Stomp is an excellent power on an excellent frame but damage does not scale so once damage stops being done the duration of the stun becomes more and more critical.


M,prime, debuffs are nice but nothing stops you taking hits and you are made of glass.


Terrify, good backup power for SoD but having bots run about in an erratic manner is not the best way of killing them.


Icewave, very underrated CC power since the change but like stomp once the damage no longer makes a dent the stun does not compare to Chaos due to lack of duration and is fixed directional.


Snowglobe, hmm wait and see.


Sound Quake, excellent CC just a shame the frame itself is out of commission during the cast so can not contribute or even defend itself.


Pull, fun and useful spammable CC, makes a hell of a mess and makes it hard for others to kill what you are puling left and right, you can put team members in a bad spot by pulling bots on top of them or putting them in positions no one expects.


Vortex, good at short range!


Bastille no damage, and no protection from fire from outside the area, often bots will avoid unless they are melee.


Tornado is erratic in its targeting, has quite a short attract zone and is not very useful outside or in rooms with very high roofs, also makes a damn mess.


Now this is basically the main CC the rest tend to have such short stun or limited cc effect that they are very much third rate.

Edited by Kyphe
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As my second most used Warframe I say that Nyx is awesome. And the fact that 95% of the users disagree with you also proves our point.


Chaos is one of the best abilities for Defense / Survival. I won't explain it. Others did.


Absorb IS affected by friendly fire, making the damage output extremely high. IE: Nyx uses Absorb, other players shoot a Soma's mag into Absorb and the damage will be delivered to ALL enemies in the radius.

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Some of the times that I've used Chaos myself, I've seen many of the enemies ignore the ones under the effect, attacking me, and forcing me to use Absorb sometimes. I do agree though that you can have a wall of foes attacking one another. Once the effect wears off, however, especially in higher levels where the ones under the effect do not die, then you just use it on everything in that range, then, making the stronger wall become weaker.



Targets affected by Chaos will still attack you if you're the closest thing to shoot at. That's a pretty easy thing to avoid, most of the time.

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Nyx is the QUEEN of crowd control... so... she is bad...


You have a right to your opinion. You will not find many who agree.


Like me. Disagreed.


That is her only purpose - Crowd Control.


You don't use her for anything else but crowd control.


And the only useful of her abilities IS Chaos.


But I do think, that Chaos's duration should be boosted, at least for a little bit.

Because even with maxed out duration, it's still not really long enough to control massive amounts of enemies, when talking about really high lvl ones that take it's time to kill.

Edited by (PS4)Eneokun
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Like me. Disagreed.


That is her only purpose - Crowd Control.


You don't use her for anything else but crowd control.


And the only useful of her abilities IS Chaos.


But I do think, that Chaos's duration should be boosted, at least for a little bit.

Because even with maxed out duration, it's still not really long enough to control massive amounts of enemies, when talking about really high lvl ones that take it's time to kill.

*cough* absorb *cough*
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Like me. Disagreed.


That is her only purpose - Crowd Control.


You don't use her for anything else but crowd control.


And the only useful of her abilities IS Chaos.


But I do think, that Chaos's duration should be boosted, at least for a little bit.

Because even with maxed out duration, it's still not really long enough to control massive amounts of enemies, when talking about really high lvl ones that take it's time to kill.


I was being sarcastic. I play Nyx occasionally.


Chaos is THE SINGLE best ability in game atm. It is just as effective against level 200 enemies as it is against level 1 enemies.


She is the queen of crowd control. Some people want her to be something she is not and want her changed to a tank or nuker. My response?


Not just 'No' but 'HELL NO!'

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This is not a troll thread.




This is still not a troll thread.

My God... I still don't believe it... 

What's your point? if frame isn't equal to rhino then, its equal to shait? I soloed 50 minute T3 survival with my Nyx and I HAVEN'T died once, I quit after 50 just cuz I got bored, Nyx is simply immortal if played right, she does NOT need any changes, neither to her stats neither the powers.

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Wave 30


My personal build could not damage enemies around that level when I was fighting the Grineer of the same level.



My God... I still don't believe it... 

What's your point? if frame isn't equal to rhino then, its equal to shait? I soloed 50 minute T3 survival with my Nyx and I HAVEN'T died once, I quit after 50 just cuz I got bored, Nyx is simply immortal if played right, she does NOT need any changes, neither to her stats neither the powers.



I'm not saying that she should be equal to Rhino nor do I want her to be equal to Rhino. Everyone has a different skill level and I would not be able to go 50 minutes in a T3 Survival, solo, at least. Besides, even I was able to, I would barely use her powers, I'd use my weapons more. Why say where you got with her when one player's skill level doesn't matter? If she is "simply immortal if played right," then she's overpowered and should be nerfed.

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My personal build could not damage enemies around that level when I was fighting the Grineer of the same level.

I'm not saying that she should be equal to Rhino nor do I want her to be equal to Rhino. Everyone has a different skill level and I would not be able to go 50 minutes in a T3 Survival, solo, at least. Besides, even I was able to, I would barely use her powers, I'd use my weapons more. Why say where you got with her when one player's skill level doesn't matter? If she is "simply immortal if played right," then she's overpowered and should be nerfed.

When it comes to Grineer defense you need to focus on Chaos more. Since the orokin artifact is so big. Try a Corpus or infestation Edited by izzatuw
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Let's just address that one issue.


Chaos will make all of the effected individuals factionless,and therefore,valid targets for their former allies,and eachother. Stacking Duration,this power can last a VERY long time. Stacking Range,this power can hit a HUGE area. Let me fetch the numbers.


Maximized Duration: 64.3 seconds,reducing radius to 8.5 meters. Deciding to not take the Corrupted mod,your duration's still over 30 seconds. Quite a duration.

Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters. That's huge. That can turn an entire room into a fustercluck. All without drawbacks.


Under the effects of Chaos,the enemies will fire on eachother,unaffected enemies will fire on them,due to the raised targeting priority,and,if you maximize range,and stack duration without the Corrupted mod,it's lasting for a HUGE amount of time,in a MONSTROUS area. If enemies won't kill eachother in the ridiculous amount of time allotted,then they're weakened,and that's assuming you didn't pick off priority targets yourself. Yes,they're liable to shoot at you if you're close. That's why you run in,cast it,then bail.


Compared to Rhino Stomp?


Maximized Duration: Cannot be improved. Eight seconds,tops.

Maximized Radius: 58.8 meters,while reducing damage to 320 Blast. Very few things are vulnerable to Blast.

Maximized Damage: 1830 Blast,while increasing cost to 155 Energy. Few things are vulnerable to Blast.


Chaos costs 75 Energy. It can last forever,more or less. It has an effective range of around 25% beyond what is listed,thanks to unaffected enemies firing on those who are.


Rhino Stomp costs 100 Energy,or 155,if you maximize damage. Without Flow,Rhino's Energy cap is 150. It will only effect what's caught in the blast,and the ability lasts for a very short period of time. Yes,the damage potential is high,but you can get similar results with an Ogris,at a distance,with proper modding,and a HELL of a lot more shots before you need to scrounge for ammo or energy.


Chaos is about taking the heat off of you and your team. It's about distraction. Rhino Stomp damn near locks down the enemy,should they live. Since many things aren't vulnerable,there will be survivors,more often than not,especially in high level play. And in high level play,damage not taken at all (Chaos) is preferred over damage taken slowly (Rhino Stomp). Furthermore,enemy armour in high level play will reduce the damage Rhino Stomp deals,while Chaos will never have reduced effectiveness.


I've played both. Rhino's ONLY worthwhile abilities are Roar and Iron Skin. The charge is pathetic,and wastes valuable energy that can be used to buff up your team,or for a replacement Iron Skin,and the Stomp is too much for too little.


Nyx's worthwhile abilities are Mind Control,Chaos,and Absorb,allowing her to control the enemy's attentions.


Rhino's a tank,not a CC platform. Nyx is a CC platform,not a tank.


Remember the event just past? Tethera's Doom? Yeah,a Nyx was a solid investment in the second phase,escorting the Shield Core. She pulls outrider duty,going ahead and behind to Chaos enemies,weakening them and thinning them out,meaning less enemies will reach the Core,and when they do,they'll be significantly delayed.


What would a Rhino Stomp do? Thin the herd,surely. But it won't delay them. Nowhere NEAR as much.


For every task,there is a proper tool.


At that huge radius ( I think there's a cap at 50m though ) then all the enemies would be under that effect. It still has the problem of lasting forever, though, and when those enemies start to die off, new ones appear, thus making it so that you have many more targets NOT under it, and can still attack you. I do not like that. There is also no reason to have a duration for that long.


With Chaos as well there would be many, many survivors, especially at the higher levels. I personally would still want the complete 100% stun in those higher levels rather than an off chance where an enemy can possibly attack and hurt me, given the ranges and duration they both have.


Stomp may "not deal as much damage" as Chaos, some of the time ( lower levels, roughly 40 and under I'd say ) would make Stomp better. Chaos "beats" it in damage at higher levels, only due to the possibility of enemy fire doing more damage. I would not know this and I frankly don't want to test it out, either.


Even with the statement of Chaos being "superior" to Stomp in a sense, still, one power does not make a 'Frame a God-like tool ( unless you're Trinity of course ).The gameplay for the higher-tiered enemies would be extremely boring, just sitting there and using Chaos every 10 - 40 seconds. It reminds me of the old Frost Snowglobe problem the devs brought up; just sitting there and using a power, then waiting.

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I think you missed the word "alone" in my post when I talked about the event. I did both missions solo with Nyx. No team. But I'm sure it could be done with other warframes as well. Maybe Loki or Frost. Fortunately, Nyx was good enough on her own.


About the rest of your post, I'm sorry, but if I reply to that it will only give you more things to disagree with. Where you see issues, I see interesting mechanics at work. Where you see horrible powers, I see challenge.


You have bravely stood your ground against almost 11 pages of people saying all sorts of diminishing things about you and your ideas. But I didn't come here to do any of that. I only tried to offer a different point of view from someone who enjoys that "horrible" Nyx.


You could have easily done the event solo with Nova, Oberon, Rhino, Frost, hell you probably could have done it solo with Ash, too.


I'm only mostly replying to the comments that quote my own. I knew that the thread would go downhill and frankly I don't want to read 11 pages of people calling me a troll or that I need to L2P her.


I enjoy her in the sense of having a different power set after exhausting every other 'Frame after so long. I just don't like some of her powers and the mechanics are wonky. Is feedback not an area to post your own personal thoughts an ideas on something, saying if it's good or bad, in your own opinion?

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