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Want Back My Skana Prime.



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Hmm..I might try that.

do so. they helped me getting my miter back when it suddenly disappeared. i think i accidentally sold it without noticing. but anyways, they got the job done for me and also this is something that's founder's pack exclusive it could be possible. btw, you selling it on purpose might not help you on getting in back. just hope for the best.

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do so. they helped me getting my miter back when it suddenly disappeared. i think i accidentally sold it without noticing. but anyways, they got the job done for me and also this is something that's founder's pack exclusive it could be possible. btw, you selling it on purpose might not help you on getting in back. just hope for the best.

Thanks a bunch! ;)

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I'm curious what you used your thousands of GM plat for if you couldn't afford more weapons slots and had to sell an exclusive item...


I feel bad saying this, but do you deserve it? You sold it. If you sell something, that's not like a bug where you should get it back in compensation. You willingly got rid of it.

Being that it's one of the few truly exclusive items in the game, was long ago, and wasn't an accident, you don't deserve to get it back.

You consciously made the decision to sell it off and went quite awhile without it. Whether or not you regret doing so now shouldn't matter a bit. The decision was made.


Just my two cents.

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Being that it's one of the few truly exclusive items in the game, was long ago, and wasn't an accident, you don't deserve to get it back.

You consciously made the decision to sell it off and went quite awhile without it. Whether or not you regret doing so now shouldn't matter a bit. The decision was made.


Just my two cents.

Glad to see someone shares my opinion and doesn't just collapse to people that make decisions that regret.

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I'd make a joke about Tenno drugs, but I won't, probably used it all for potatoes and slots... wait... now I'm having the same question as you, how does he not have enough slots?

^ Potatoes, yes, slots..Not really. I got rash and carried away from buying equipment (Forma, and what not) from the Store. Forma'd the heck out of some favorite weapons. I know I'm probably gonna be bashed for this. 

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I feel bad saying this, but do you deserve it? You sold it. If you sell something, that's not like a bug where you should get it back in compensation. You willingly got rid of it.



I'm curious what you used your thousands of GM plat for if you couldn't afford more weapons slots and had to sell an exclusive item...

These exactly. You willingly sold it and you have the funds to get more slots. That's your fault and you should have to live with the consequences.

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If you recently accidentally sold it, support might help you.


If you sold it ages ago willingly then most likely not


do so. they helped me getting my miter back when it suddenly disappeared. i think i accidentally sold it without noticing. but anyways, they got the job done for me and also this is something that's founder's pack exclusive it could be possible. btw, you selling it on purpose might not help you on getting in back. just hope for the best.

I contacted support and awaiting for their reply.

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I sold my Braton Vandal back when I was a scrub and thought it was useless, sent a support ticket and they gave it back to me. But I still wish you luck.

Thanks! Braton Vandal? Wow..Your a Vet then. I didn't start till 08/26/13. Brought the Founders package on the very last day (11/1/13) during it's last hours.

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Talk to support. If you've never asked for something like this before, then they just might reverse the sale of it. They did that for my Excalibur Prime (didn't get my avatar back though :( ). Told me not to sell it again though, because they wouldn't be lenient. You'll need to give them a copy of the sale confirmation email you got when you bought your Founders Pack. Hope you still have that. Otherwise, you might not be able to get it back.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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These exactly. You willingly sold it and you have the funds to get more slots. That's your fault and you should have to live with the consequences.


Yes, I got rash at first and blew my Plats out of stupidity. 


Being that it's one of the few truly exclusive items in the game, was long ago, and wasn't an accident, you don't deserve to get it back.

You consciously made the decision to sell it off and went quite awhile without it. Whether or not you regret doing so now shouldn't matter a bit. The decision was made.


Just my two cents.


I feel bad saying this, but do you deserve it? You sold it. If you sell something, that's not like a bug where you should get it back in compensation. You willingly got rid of it.


Yes and I admit. But, I assumed at first hand that the Skana Prime would be an inferior weapon in comparison to others (Stat-wise) and has a unique charge attack (Vertical slice). Since I now have enough inventory space to stash everything, I'm now just collecting all weapons. I'm a collection freak by the way.

Edited by Ouranos_Shock
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Talk to support. If you've never asked for something like this before, then they just might reverse the sale of it. They did that for my Excalibur Prime (didn't get my avatar back though :( ). Told me not to sell it again though, because they wouldn't be lenient. You'll need to give them a copy of the sale confirmation email you got when you bought your Founders Pack. Hope you still have that. Otherwise, you might not be able to get it back.


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Yes, I got rash at first and blew my Plats out of stupidity. 




Yes and I admit. But, I assumed at first hand that the Skana Prime would be an inferior weapon in comparison to others (Stat-wise) and has a unique charge attack (Vertical slice). Since I now have enough inventory space to stash everything, I'm now just collecting all weapons. I'm a collection freak by the way.

Indeed you did, but your brashness and your poor choice (still) doesn't really give anyone a reason as to give it back to you. It was a once-in-a-lifetime weapon and you sold it. There is a very happy merchant now in the Tenno-verse.

Trust me, I'm a collection freak too. I still have my original Braton MK2.

That's how the cookie crumbles.

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I got back my Skana Prime! Thank you so much to those who have been of great help to me!

Here's the results too from one of the DE Staff The words are blended in with the background so just hold left mouse button while reading through it since the letters are black. I couldn't post a screenshot but I'll paste what I asked and what the staff replied: 



last Tuesday at 00:21

Hi, I remember selling my Skana Prime last year to make room for more weapons and what not (Rash decision). I would like to know if there is a way for me to get it back. I'm a collector freak when it comes to rare items, learning the fact that the sword itself has a unique animation and all. It would make me day if I have it again.



  • [DE]Sandra last Thursday at 17:39

    Hi Ouranos_Shock,

    Sorry for the delayed response, we are currently experiencing a very high volume of tickets.

    I have investigated your account and it seems you sold your Skana Prime too long ago to reverse its sale, but I have provided you with a new unranked copy of it.

    Thank you for supporting Warframe - Happy Hunting Tenno!

Edited by Ouranos_Shock
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I deleted my Skana Prime to make room other weapons in the past and I'm wondering if there's a way to get it back?


So you spend at least $150-$250, that being one of the rewards and YOU SOLD IT, just like that, just threw it out..........

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