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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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Sometimes I just feel people are too greedy.


Event weapon is mean to be event weapon. They didnt say it can or cannot be get them afterward but however, if you didnt get that weapon it mean you neither


didnt know there have an event

didnt spend the time on the event


and now you people come and complain the weapon shouldnt be event exclusive?


Just like myself, I start at U8 and missed all the events/rewards before that and I admit that I wont be getting them any more.


Yes, having a chance to get them again would be nice but I just feel that people shouldnt pushing the dev too much regards of this matter.


Event weapons should stay exclusive IMHO. (I am pointing those Wraith weapons)


i have no problem with them releasing stuff again, i really dont.

the only issue i have, is when they say something is exclusive or one time only.

those things should remain as such, simple as that.


we should not allow or demand/ask that DE goes back on their word.


Your Mistake is that they are EVENT exclusive. meaning they can, and will be re-released in EVENTS. They aren't like the founders exclusives by any means. When you release a gun that is significantly better than the original, or is a new weapon all together only to events, it does give a level of unfairness to future players/ people who had to miss the event. Certain weapons like the snipetron i dont see coming back, for the same reason it was removed.  Dont drown in your greedy-milk

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They did say that something in the vault is not there forever (except for Founder stuff. That's there forever). If they want to open stuff up for gamers who didn't hear of Warframe and just got on or just didn't get a Warframe account until recently, that's alright by me. And if they have to grind, who cares? If there's no work into getting what you want, then there's no challenge, then there's no point in getting it.

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Your Mistake is that they are EVENT exclusive. meaning they can, and will be re-released in EVENTS.

ok... no mistake then.


as i said, im fine with them releasing things again, but things that are labeled "exclusive" items, need to remain that way.

everything/anything else is free game.

make no mistakes, this is very much about the founders gear too, even if the op does not say anything about it.


while i feel for those who do not have those few exclusive items, thats just how it is, and they need to learn how to deal with it.

the world is not fair and it should not/can not cater to every single person just because someone will feel a little hurt by not having something that others do.


that said, we as a community should not allow DE to go back on their word, nor should we ask that they do.

if they did, its a massive breach of what little trust people still have in them.

i for one would lose any hope that DE/warframe will be anything more than just another cash shop in front of shoddy workmanship and greedy people.


in the future, DE needs to be careful about how they word things.

thats about the gist of it.

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We're acting as iff the Brakk has actually been anounced to be re-released. So......


But I'm sure that if it does return, yeah, there will be a second choice/alternate weapon. Heck, maybe even a re-skin.

They haven't been that specific, but they've said everything except founder-exclusive stuff (Excalibur, Lato and Skana Prime) could make a comeback.

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Your Mistake is that they are EVENT exclusive. meaning they can, and will be re-released in EVENTS. They aren't like the founders exclusives by any means. When you release a gun that is significantly better than the original, or is a new weapon all together only to events, it does give a level of unfairness to future players/ people who had to miss the event. Certain weapons like the snipetron i dont see coming back, for the same reason it was removed.  Dont drown in your greedy-milk

It indeed sound unfair but like I said, they didnt say it is exclusive or not at the first place so there always have chance to re-release them in the future (those new nightmare rewards are good examples). However, in most other games (free or not) event weapons are mean to be exclusively for that event and no other way to obtain them again unless they said they will release it at a later date after the event (this need to be say during the event not after the event). So this is DE fault for not clear the definition of event weapons. I believe DE did this in purpose, as they can re-release the event weapon at a later date to catch some player attention back to the game (maybe I think too much but this always be one possibilty.)


My bottom line is that they should stay away from those Wraith weapons or else, I will regret for spent that much time to obtain those event weapons.


I hope DE will clearly define the event weapon is exclusive or not as if the event weapon is not exclusively than this will destroy a lot of our motivation for the event.


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all "exclusives" should be made available, as exmaple, sturn wraith can come back again for a limited time, vandal items could be rewards to a future tile set that kinda like the void, need a key or whatever to get to.


perhaps vaults in the normal void with 12 or so key types for chance at founder item (as parts).


i love the brakk/sturn wraith/snipertron vandal/exclusives from past events, but wouldent mind new people having a chance to obtain them.

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then bring excalibur prime, lato prime, skana prime because it's not fair if they bring the brakk weapon.


Difference being, the "Brakk" was an event weapon; Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime are founder rewards; the Founder Rewards never were made available in any event.


Furthermore, the Brakk could be obtained by simply playing the game; the founder rewards were paid for.


Unless DE adds a way to become a founder again (which they stated will not happen) and you'd pay for the according tier, those can no longer be obtained. Meanwhile, events happen every few weeks which means there's a possibility of 'any' event weapon coming back during one such event. Your logic is flawed.

Edited by Wiegraf
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As pointed out, DE has already said themselves they'll bring back any event weapon they feel like besides founders gear. So Brakk and all others may very well come back when DE feels like. If the death squad drops Brakk parts or not is another story, which we don't know the ending to yet.


Side note: And honestly this care about exclusives confounds me. For all I care they could just decide to give a Lato Vandal like mine to every player with an existing account. Wouldn't bother me one bit because I have mine and I know I've had mine a long time. I really don't care how long others think I've had it which is the whole fear behind returning old event items.

Edited by Kazzamo
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@alchemistjkt @ExorcistEX


I can agree with what both of you are saying, i get it. Thing is, the Brakk is known to be a good weapon, everyone knows it. Problem is that their player base has greatly expended over the past few months with the release of the PS4. So much so that it is almost to the point where a good chunk of players didn't have a chance for the event.


Hey, if they do equal work to get the item, why not? Why is it that you are then entitled to a superior model? Because you have to share your toy?


i swear half the threads on the forums have to deal with "Mommy, he has a shiny toy, i want it!" Vs "I dont want to share my shiny toy" Again, it is mostly PS4 players right now. How do you think the PC playerbase would react to PS4 getting a console exclusive GD event? I dont see any logic in why they shouldn't be released. Only excuse is that you feel like your losing something cause you cant have it for yourself anymore.



I honestly could care less, i know it is a fantastic sidearm, I know i would get it if i had the chance, but if they decide not to release it? Ill continue on with my life.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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@alchemistjkt @ExorcistEX


I can agree with what both of you are saying, i get it. Thing is, the Brakk is known to be a good weapon, everyone knows it. Problem is that their player base has greatly expended over the past few months with the release of the PS4. So much so that it is almost to the point where a good chunk of players didn't have a chance for the event.


Hey, if they do equal work to get the item, why not? Why is it that you are then entitled to a superior model? Because you have to share your toy?


i swear half the threads on the forums have to deal with "Mommy, he has a shiny toy, i want it!" Vs "I dont want to share my shiny toy" Again, it is mostly PS4 players right now. How do you think the PC playerbase would react to PS4 getting a console exclusive GD event? I dont see any logic in why they shouldn't be released. Only excuse is that you feel like your losing something cause you cant have it for yourself anymore.



I honestly could care less, i know it is a fantastic sidearm, I know i would get it if i had the chance, but if they decide not to release it? Ill continue on with my life.

You have figured it out 

The warframe community wants to have more while others have less


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While agree that I don't really care if DE re-releases the brakk, ideally people should have to work for it. At this point though, I personally don't care if they just make it a rare drop off a boss. 


I mean honestly let people get it out of their system. The brakk is an overpowered faceroll weapon which is only fun for so long. I say let the masses have it, so we can all just move on to more fun weapons.

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