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The Unused Powers In Warframe.


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I'm just going to dive straight in.

SILENCE - This skill is plain terrible. Scott mentioned that it would become powerful when stealth gets introduced. However, we have mods that achieve the same end, stealth is meant to be optional, and there are plenty of silent weapons about now. Please, don't be stubborn and give banshee a fourth skill rather than restricting her to three.

TELEPORT - A great idea in concept but not in practise. I know very few people who actively use this skill on Ash, as it is a bit clunky and unnecessary. Ideally, I'd like it to be a short range free aim teleport ontop of what it already is. However if you want it to remain in the game as it stands, please make the hitboxes larger.

PARALYSIS - why does this power still exist on Valkyr. In order to make this power useful it takes about four mods (redirection, vigor, intensify, stretch). Also, it's not needed for survivability with hysteria godmode. Amd seeing as hysteria basic attacks do huge damage, the pummel just means it takes longer to kill enemies. Please alter or replace this, one suggestion I would have is a medium range lunge, so valkyr lunges to a location damaging and stunning. Making her a hyper mobile beserker.

PSYCHIC BOLTS - This flat damage power on a CC based frame is inappropriate. No matter how many ways you try to mek it work, players will just use chaos and shoot the enemies, with absorb for clutch. Perhaps this would be a good beginning for power synergy? Have different effects for psychic bolts if an enemy is under mind control or chaos? Or replace it outright, there are plenty of suggestions on the forums.

These are the four glaring ones that stand out for me. I will add more upon suggestions.

Edited by TunaMayo
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As said above, Psychic Bolts majorly. Also, although I personally love the skill, I rarely see Saryn's Contagion used.

Contagion is rarely used, yes. But it does have its uses and also melee 2.0 might cause this frame and power use to become more frequent. I'm focusing on powers that are rarely used, pretty useless with no light at the end of the tunnel.

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A lot of the single target abilities aren't used in public groups simply because it isn't practical.  If you're solo/duo'ing, then it's more reasonable to use Psychic Bolts, or Teleport.  More players than that, it turns into a game of who can out AoE who, and how fast.  


Silence, once stealth 2.0 hits, will be great for team stealth.  That way everyone doesn't have to mod for individual stealth and can free up slots for more useful and diverse combinations.  


Right now everyone seems to be building their frames to solo in groups of four instead of working as a team.  


I got nothing for Paralysis. 

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Wow i use psychic bolts a lot!! Although it may not be a 1 hit kill, it is a great deterrent to use when in need, for example lets say I use chaos and it doesn't kill but damages them to where most are dead, all I would have to do is cast psychic bolts and done! With power and ammo to spare. I got to say a useless power to me is Excalibur's super jump -_-

Edited by (PS4)Guardianwar
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I'm pretty sure no one uses psychic bolts either

I use it....it does slash dmg so its weak against everything but infested... aim up and it seeks out a bunch of enemies... But same time i have max blind rage and intensify so mine actually does dmg... 


On banshee i would prefer a move call sound geyser, Place a mine on the floor that resembles a speaker and when an enemy steps close to it, it launches em into the roof and based on their velocity it deals more dmg or something.


On Ash, Give him an assasinate move.. when near an enemy in smoke screen he can lunge in and deal high puncture dmg.. but requires him to be in smoke screen to use. (similar to dive bomb having to be off the ground or something)


On Valkyr, Bloodlust, Every melee kill you get stacks. Once you enter Hysteria the stacks begin to decrease and for each stack on your frame your hysteria gains 3% pwr dmg (max stack of 15) duration increases number, power dmg increases % of pwr dmg gained

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Wow i use psychic bolts a lot!! Although it may not be a 1 hit kill, it is a great deterrent to use when in need, for example lets say I use chaos and it doesn't kill but damages them to where most are dead, all I would have to do is cast psychic bolts and done! With power and ammo to spare. I got to say a useless power to me is Excalibur's super jump -_-


I use it....it does slash dmg so its weak against everything but infested... aim up and it seeks out a bunch of enemies... But same time i have max blind rage and intensify so mine actually does dmg... 


On banshee i would prefer a move call sound geyser, Place a mine on the floor that resembles a speaker and when an enemy steps close to it, it launches em into the roof and based on their velocity it deals more dmg or something.


On Ash, Give him an assasinate move.. when near an enemy in smoke screen he can lunge in and deal high puncture dmg.. but requires him to be in smoke screen to use. (similar to dive bomb having to be off the ground or something)


On Valkyr, Bloodlust, Every melee kill you get stacks. Once you enter Hysteria the stacks begin to decrease and for each stack on your frame your hysteria gains 3% pwr dmg (max stack of 15) duration increases number, power dmg increases % of pwr dmg gained

There are always going to be some people who use powers despite them being lackluster. But, you cannot argue that the majority of nyx users are not seen using psychic bolts frequently.

I am not claiming these are facts, but from playing for over a year and observing forums, these are the powers that people appear to not bother equipping.

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I use psychic bolts. Slap on maxed out fleeting, streamline and the menticide helmet (so you can have 30% worth of efficiency drop from Blind Rage while staying at max efficiency). If I had natural talent, I'd equip that as well.


It's not very effective, but holy crap it is *fun*. Of course, if DE ever release a homing swarm missile launcher, I might never touch Nyx again.


Useless powers that I can think of:

Trinity/Well of Life. It's basically a direct downgrade to Blessing.

Saryn/Contagion. I see no real use for this power. The damage buff isn't high enough to warrant getting in to melee range.

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I use psychic bolts. Slap on maxed out fleeting, streamline and the menticide helmet (so you can have 30% worth of efficiency drop from Blind Rage while staying at max efficiency). If I had natural talent, I'd equip that as well.


It's not very effective, but holy crap it is *fun*. Of course, if DE ever release a homing swarm missile launcher, I might never touch Nyx again.


Useless powers that I can think of:

Trinity/Well of Life. It's basically a direct downgrade to Blessing.

Saryn/Contagion. I see no real use for this power. The damage buff isn't high enough to warrant getting in to melee range.

Fun, but not useful to the team. Same as putting fleeting and overextended on Ash for silly smokescreen stuns.

Trinity's kit is a mixed bag, without well of life, energy vampire would be to hard to secure against team mates.

Contagion has the potential to be useful with damage 2.0

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