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Sprint Boost Troll Aura


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PLEASE give us a way to opt-out of sprint boost aura.


Getting a randomer joining you with it makes playing very difficult.


I don't mind random players. I do mind them making me miss every single jump and wall run.


This isn't even remotely fun.



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I don't understand your complain at all.

Grandmaster complaining about more speed?


Well i'm also a bigger fan of Energy Siphon.

But there is no need to remove a Speed Aura.

There are way more useless mods/aura. Just thinking about Speed Holster :P

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Well, if 10% is so small and insignificant, why waste time even having the aura at all? Just remove it from the game, as clearly, it has no effect.


Why does that matter to you? Maybe that random player likes that 10% speed boost. I see no reason for it to be removed. 


There are way more useless mods/aura. Just thinking about Speed Holster :P


...I like Speed Holster.

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If a 10% boost throws you off that horribly, I can't imagine how you're even able to deal with things like playing as a different frame than you're used to or equipping a Rush mod.

Varying sprint speeds is a game mechanic that's used a lot, get used to it.  We don't need to make every little thing a toggleable option until the menu is a cluttered unnavigable mess and half of lobbies get screwed up due to people's toggles conflicting in unforseen ways like some people here seem to keep thinking is a reasonable solution to everything.


Sprint Boost isn't even a good aura for trolling.  You wanna troll people, bring a Sniper or Shotgun Scavenger to a mission where nobody is using snipers or shotguns so that everybody has to deal with less ammo drops.

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Okay, for all of you newbies out there, it turns out that some of us actually play the game in a manner other than walking down the middle of a hallway. You can jump and bounce and wall run all over the place, and with skill, you can master each individual frame's timing to perfect every jump and land exactly where you want, when you want.


I know that sounds crazy and impossible, but it can be done.


When you suddenly add 10% speed boost, every jump, every wall run, every single move needs 10% compensation. You have to change your entire playstyle, alter all of your timing, all of your planning, EVERYTHING if you want to account for this sudden, unexpected skewing of your movement.


I know it's impossible to notice this when you don't actually do this, and, rather, run down the center of a room at all times, but for those of us who actually can do it, this is the absolute worst possible thing.


For comparison, I know most of you really like to stand there shooting things. Imagine if there was an aura that would decrease your accuracy by 10%, so that when you aim at a target, you miss 10% of the shots you thought you were going to land. Kind of like a low-quality heavy caliber, but without any added damage.


Worse, imagine that this can be randomly tossed in to your game, so you now you're missing shots and wasting ammo because someone else thinks it's a great aura to have. Would you be happy with the new "miss 10% of the time" aura? Would it delight you when your rockets misfire, killing you, when your perfectly aimed sniper shots and precisely timed arrows go astray, for no reason other than someone else's aura?


Would you be happy to have others sit there telling you that you should learn to live with it, and to remember, it can be stacked, since it's an aura, so you could be forced to suffer up to 30% accuracy penalty, for no reason at all?


Think about this. Seriously. Would you enjoy having an aura that decreases your accuracy by 10% with NO benefit at all to you?




That's all "Sprint Boost" is. Instead of landing in a door way, I hit a wall. Instead of sliding down a corridor, I slam into a pillar. My carefully prepped jump shot is blocked by me banging my head on the ceiling, my diving slash attack starts inflicting damage after I'm already past the target.


I have no warning of this happening, no way to escape it, and then I have to sit there trying to figure out if there's lag or if I'm doing something wrong, and then, lo-and-behold, I figure out the math that some idiot has sprint boost on.


Now, congratulations! I have a frame and a loadout that's TOTALLY WORTHLESS at this new, different speed. I'm not going to be able to do anything I planned on, because I have a 10% accuracy penalty that does not go with this play style AT ALL.


I have no idea what anyone else is interpreting this as, but that's all it is to me. A 10% accuracy penalty, and I want a way to shut it off.

Edited by Tulzscha
keep it civil please :)
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Strange, I honestly didn't notice much of an issue with sprint boost. I even took it for a test run on my Loki just to see the difference, it was as if I hadn't equipped an aura at all. Even so, I get what you're saying about how even a slight sprint boost can really make a difference with parkour (Volt activating Speed mid-jump scenario), but I feel like that's more of an issue with the parkour system itself just being clumsy rather than the Aura itself.


A "turn off auras" option could work, though I'd rather they fix the core mechanics so we DON'T fly across the map whenever we brush by a wall instead of negating a system that's supposed to be beneficial. I'm also surprised anybody even bothered to use this aura.



P.S. They should also bring back Auras being showed in the lobby too. If they were to implement your idea, you would have to ask every PUG what they're bringing just to make sure you're okay with the Aura they have. Plus it was really handy to have.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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besides the rage burst of Llyssa (calm down mate, is not productive to insult forumers that dont agree with you) i can see how forcing a mechanic  changer aura can impact on others game.

is like tomorrow DE decides to do an aura forcing low gravity on the party,"just to make you feel like zephyr" they will say, but a lot of player would hate to be floating like a balloon because of one player decision.


i see the point of forcing game mechanics variants besides the explicit sprint aura problem if that was the point.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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Since you are so good that can "master each individual frame's timing to perfect every jump and land exactly where you want, when you want", I think someone as good as you, a master of the ancient bouncing ninja techniques, should be able to improvise and adapt to finally overcome... a... jump.

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[Temper Tantrum]

EDIT: TL;DR-- If you don't understand why this is a problem, keep your noobie mouth shut.




1. Calling us noobs does not hide the incompetence you admitted to earlier.

2. I DO abuse this game's parkour physics to shoot myself around. The difference between me and you (supposedly a master of the art) is that I can adapt to random changes on the fly. This will tie into three.

3. The timing needed is not NEARLY precise enough to support your temper tantrum. The frames don't have different jump timings.

4. Calling the sprint boost user an idiot doesn't make your rant any more credible, nor does it sway us to your side.

5. -10% to your accuracy is not the same as +10% to your speed. Your example should have been +10% to your accuracy. +10% sprint speed is a benefit, your problem is that you're too incompetent to realize that.

6. It isn't a problem. Stop trying to blame other things for your incompetence.



>Calls thread population noobs.

>Can't even deal with a 10% increase in sprint speed.


Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Now, congratulations! I have a frame and a loadout that's TOTALLY WORTHLESS at this new, different speed. I'm not going to be able to do anything I planned on, because I have a 10% accuracy penalty that does not go with this play style AT ALL.



Not sure if serious....


I mean, come on. 10%? really? THAT'S what throws you off? You can't adjust for ten measly percent? If your play style is SO specific that you have to have everything, all the way down to your SPRINT SPEED (seriously?!) absolutely perfect, then, clearly, this play style is not meant for a pug game.


Warframe is a CO-OP game, which means people will (usually) adapt to each others equipment and behaviours. Most players ENJOY it when someone comes in with a sprint boost mod, as it adds agility to their frame (a godsend when you're playing Thrak rhino). When someone gets me a sprint boost aura, I always end up being MUCH faster on zipping about the battle field, both on the ground AND in the parkour.


A request to remove the mod entirely is WAY outta line. You need to learn to adapt. 'sides, the mod's so rare that it really shouldn't even be a problem, as your only really ever going to see it in pugs, and if you DO get a match group with it, its a simple request for a different aura.

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No rant about Sprint boost having only 10% at max?


No rant about it being a weak 3 level Aura giving only 5 (10) points instead of 7 (14) like the others?


You really should set your priorities straight ^^

I know. Since it's level 3 I won't ever use it because I have to scrape for every point.

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Sorry for being quite so angry, but seriously, it does make a huge difference in the way the game plays. It really is very detrimental to me, and having all these players going "No it isn't!" when it would be to anyone who plays like me is massively annoying. It is, in fact, a huge deal, even if you can't imagine why. Claiming that I need to "l2p" because you can't wrap your head around the concept isn't helpful in the least.


Every single frame speed has different movement strategies that work best. I only use rush on frost and frost prime, because the .9 speed requires weird doubling(have to go for half distances, and then do it twice) to work out right. I use a rhino vanguard helmet, same reason. I can appreciate why someone else would want to have sprint boost aura on to help themselves in such cases.


However, it really DOES screw me over, causing me to crash into all sorts of geometry instead of nimbly bouncing across the terrain. In that sense, it's extremely inconsiderate for them to bring it.


All the people going "OH, VOLT!", well, volt gives you little trails of speed, and makes a noise, so you know when you're under volt speed, and you can easily shift your strategy, because moving that way is a very specific strategy, which involves almost no use of walls whatsoever, as you're actually fast enough that you lose time trying to use walls for leverage, and any vertical climbs can merely be done with a massive over-jump into the air. So I'm cool with volt.


However, having some variable amount of unwanted speed boost between 2.5% and 30% messes things up.


I could totally learn how to play with my frame under the current sprint aura boost, if I just had a few hours to perfect the timing differences that will only last to the end of this mission.


However, generally speaking, missions don't last hours, and that knowledge is useless after that mission, unless I meet someone else with that exact speed buff while using that exact frame, and even then, I still need to figure out that's what's going on and correct.


That's a great deal of effort to deal with something that actually slows me down. It's not a "speed boost" if you're wasting time crashing into geometry and then moving away from it, or being forced to do jumps over again that you should've made the first time. It can add seconds or minutes to navigating something.


It's unpleasant, it's pointless, it's a negative experience, and I don't want to have to deal with it. For people who don't mind it? Good for you! For people who it actually helps? Good for you! For people who can't tell the difference? Good for you!


For me? It sucks. Hard.


It was never an issue before. Nobody had it before. Now that it's been on alert a few times, it's showing up at random, and it's annoying as heck.


So please, give a way to opt out. I don't want to have to spend time figuring out if the newest person the game chucked into my mission is going to mess up my timing every time a new person joins the match.

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I like speed holster as well :`(

and when melee 2.0 comes out I shall love it more.


Speed Holster's effect is actually really good (although warframes should seriously have that by default).  Unfortunately, its +5 max mod point bonus means it doesn't get much love. 


However, it really DOES screw me over, causing me to crash into all sorts of geometry instead of nimbly bouncing across the terrain. In that sense, it's extremely inconsiderate for them to bring it.


It sounds to me like your problem is really with DE's handling of physics and using sprint speed to impact wall-run and airborne launch speed.  So it's not really the mod's fault.  All its doing is more clearly revealing a pre-existing problem.  If launch speed was always the same, we wouldn't have this problem. 

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