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Sprint Boost Troll Aura


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Sorry for being quite so angry, but seriously, it does make a huge difference in the way the game plays. It really is very detrimental to me, and having all these players going "No it isn't!" when it would be to anyone who plays like me is massively annoying. It is, in fact, a huge deal, even if you can't imagine why. Claiming that I need to "l2p" because you can't wrap your head around the concept isn't helpful in the least.


Every single frame speed has different movement strategies that work best. I only use rush on frost and frost prime, because the .9 speed requires weird doubling(have to go for half distances, and then do it twice) to work out right. I use a rhino vanguard helmet, same reason. I can appreciate why someone else would want to have sprint boost aura on to help themselves in such cases.


However, it really DOES screw me over, causing me to crash into all sorts of geometry instead of nimbly bouncing across the terrain. In that sense, it's extremely inconsiderate for them to bring it.


All the people going "OH, VOLT!", well, volt gives you little trails of speed, and makes a noise, so you know when you're under volt speed, and you can easily shift your strategy, because moving that way is a very specific strategy, which involves almost no use of walls whatsoever, as you're actually fast enough that you lose time trying to use walls for leverage, and any vertical climbs can merely be done with a massive over-jump into the air. So I'm cool with volt.


However, having some variable amount of unwanted speed boost between 2.5% and 30% messes things up.


I could totally learn how to play with my frame under the current sprint aura boost, if I just had a few hours to perfect the timing differences that will only last to the end of this mission.


However, generally speaking, missions don't last hours, and that knowledge is useless after that mission, unless I meet someone else with that exact speed buff while using that exact frame, and even then, I still need to figure out that's what's going on and correct.


That's a great deal of effort to deal with something that actually slows me down. It's not a "speed boost" if you're wasting time crashing into geometry and then moving away from it, or being forced to do jumps over again that you should've made the first time. It can add seconds or minutes to navigating something.


It's unpleasant, it's pointless, it's a negative experience, and I don't want to have to deal with it. For people who don't mind it? Good for you! For people who it actually helps? Good for you! For people who can't tell the difference? Good for you!


For me? It sucks. Hard.


It was never an issue before. Nobody had it before. Now that it's been on alert a few times, it's showing up at random, and it's annoying as heck.


So please, give a way to opt out. I don't want to have to spend time figuring out if the newest person the game chucked into my mission is going to mess up my timing every time a new person joins the match.


As I said, if you're crashing into things because of a 10% speed boost I urge you to go practice more. Learn to play more organically. The difference the speed boost makes is so minuscule that you shouldn't really be affected by it or at the worst you should be able to compensate for it (on the fly). I have been abusing the physics in this game ever sense my first time accidentally jumping off the wall too soon after 'sticking' to it. I use it in combination with zorencoptering and other things to go fast when I want to. I can do this with any of my frames (Zephyr being the first frame in a long time that took some effort to adapt to).


Volt's speed boost is quite a bit more and it isn't always consistent (IIRC it is affected by power strength, and not every player has the same mod setup). That's incorrect, moving while under the affects of speed does not come down to one specific strategy. I know this because the strategy you go on to list is not the one I use nor the one that I've seen other people use (which still differs from mine).


That variance exists in speed too via different mod setups.


It shouldn't take a few hours, this is why I urged you to learn to play more organically. Your movement really shouldn't need a strategy so specific that a 10% speed boost can throw it off. The timing needed isn't nearly as precise as you're making it out to be. Warframe's parkour system is incredibly forgiving.


It only slows you down if you can't adapt. Own up to your incompetence, don't blame the speed boost for your mistakes.


If you don't want to deal with it, don't play PUGs. Other players do not (and should not) have to change their setups just because you don't like something. Your only real options are: 


1. Learn to deal with it.

2. Don't play PUGs.

3. Start harassing people pre-mission to see if they're using the aura and request that they switch to something else.

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Dude, stop it with the buzzwords. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


If I'm make a jump that needs to go 12 meters to land at the door, if the jump launches me 13.2 meters instead, I'm going to hit a wall, instead of the door, 1.2 meters past my target. If I need 4 jumps to hit a target 48 meters away, 10% increase puts me at 52.8 meters off my target. That's a difference of 15 feet.


Ask a cop why going only 10% over the speed limit is illegal. Or a physicist.


This "play organically" utter BS you keep spewing to troll me with just makes you a troll.


The only way you can continually assert that 10% distance difference is "nothing" means that you have never done anything where even slipshod precision matters.


Stop being pretentious.


You already pointed out, you don't do anything interesting anyway, you just zorencopter.


You don't grasp the concept, you don't play anything remotely like me, and you obviously couldn't even begin to try.


The idea that, to deal with a crappy mod that never should've been released in the first place, I need to go into solo mode or start derping around like you is both insane and unfair.


Why the hell do you care if I have a way to turn off bullS#&$ if it would never EVER affect you in any way, shape, or form?


Explain, in precise detail, why letting me not be effed over is such a detriment to you. Please, be very specific.


I asked for the ability to be exempt, by my own choice, when someone else, by their own choice, brings along a physics-altering thing that would NOT exist without their choice.


I am not saying they cannot have their choice. I am not saying I should be exempt from physics that the game imposes upon us. I am saying I should have a choice to be exempt from the choices of others that negatively affect me.


I should not have to suffer the penalties of mods used by other people. Period. Whether or not it's within your ability to understand why it is a penalty.

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But if you're opting out of auras you are opting out of a part of the game's physics. And no, even if there was a button for opting out like you want, it wouldn't be for just Sprint boost. It would have to be for all auras, since scavenger auras can be much more disruptive.


Also reading both of your arguments? The only difference I see is that you play the game like a simple math equation while he plays it like an algebra equation.


Variables happen. And when one shows up you can either adapt or pout but, neither will make it go away any faster.

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Dude, stop it with the buzzwords. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


If I'm make a jump that needs to go 12 meters to land at the door, if the jump launches me 13.2 meters instead, I'm going to hit a wall, instead of the door, 1.2 meters past my target. If I need 4 jumps to hit a target 48 meters away, 10% increase puts me at 52.8 meters off my target. That's a difference of 15 feet.


Ask a cop why going only 10% over the speed limit is illegal. Or a physicist.


This "play organically" utter BS you keep spewing to troll me with just makes you a troll.


The only way you can continually assert that 10% distance difference is "nothing" means that you have never done anything where even slipshod precision matters.


Stop being pretentious.


You already pointed out, you don't do anything interesting anyway, you just zorencopter.


You don't grasp the concept, you don't play anything remotely like me, and you obviously couldn't even begin to try.


The idea that, to deal with a crappy mod that never should've been released in the first place, I need to go into solo mode or start derping around like you is both insane and unfair.


Why the hell do you care if I have a way to turn off bullS#&$ if it would never EVER affect you in any way, shape, or form?


Explain, in precise detail, why letting me not be effed over is such a detriment to you. Please, be very specific.


I asked for the ability to be exempt, by my own choice, when someone else, by their own choice, brings along a physics-altering thing that would NOT exist without their choice.


I am not saying they cannot have their choice. I am not saying I should be exempt from physics that the game imposes upon us. I am saying I should have a choice to be exempt from the choices of others that negatively affect me.


I should not have to suffer the penalties of mods used by other people. Period. Whether or not it's within your ability to understand why it is a penalty.


Buzzwords? Actually, I know exactly what I'm talking about.


Actually, despite it being illegal most cops (around here) won't arrest you until you are going 10+ (closer to fifteen) over the speed limit. The highest speed I've seen around here was 65, going 10% over that wouldn't get you pulled over around here.


So you got tired of calling us noobs and now you've moved on to claiming I'm trolling you? Get over yourself.


I tell you to play organically because it sounds like you're trying to get things down to a ritual. To the point where any little thing is able to throw you off your game. A 10% increase in sprint speed is so small that it's negligible. Don't go making assumptions, I always time my vaults so that I fly throw doors and don't bump into things (unless the door closes before I get there).


I'm not being pretentious. Name calling solves nothing. It only makes what little respect I may have had for you wither up and die.


No, I didn't. Don't put words in my mouth.


Assumptions, assumptions everywhere. You aren't a special little snowflake. You aren't the only person who abuses the physics in this game. I disagree with you and guess what? That's how the world works. Me disagreeing with you does not mean I don't play like you (albeit more organically as I can adapt where you would fail). Trying to claim I don't play like you as some means of discrediting me is silly.


>Crappy mod

In your opinion.

>should've never been released in the first place

In your opinion.

>using the term 'derping'

What are you, five?

>start derping around like you

>Trying to establish a difference in our play(movement)styles as a means of discrediting me.


Why the hell do you believe that you are special enough that a toggle for auras option should be added purely because you're too inept to deal with a 10% increase?


Read the above. That 'explain why I'm wrong' argument is complete crap and operates under the assumption that what you want/believe/are saying is correct/not a problem to begin with. If that wasn't clear enough: in the recent devstream they said they were trying to avoid clutter via large amounts of toggle options. This largely unnecessary toggle (IMO) would do little for the playerbase (I'm assuming you're in the minority) but would add to the clutter they're trying to avoid. Given limited 'real estate' I'd assume the space would be saved for toggles deemed 'necessary' or 'important' by the devs and community. While this toggle may seem like a necessity to you, others would disagree. 


Why is that important enough to warrant another toggle option? Why do you feel that DE should implement more toggle options just because you (an extreme minority) do not like something.


Maybe, just maybe, you should do what you learned to do with Volts. Don't bring up inconsistencies in the aura, those inconsistencies are present in speed as well. I don't see it as a penalty primarily because I can adapt to its presence. You should be capable of doing this as well.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Sigh... Time to gather 2 other people with Loki and Volt... With Speed Boost (30%)... Rush (30%)... Speed (50%)... total of 110% speed boost bonus. If a "noob" like me can handle this... then what are you?




>inb4 Group speedruns the mission while you lag your &#! behind because jumping and parkouring in this game was so viable as a method of transportation in the first place.

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If a 10% speed boost is enough to throw you off I urge you to go back and learn how to play more organically. 

Given how badly the Parkour is already in the game, we do NOT need more room length jumps into random pits, thank you.

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Summary of this thread :




Yes. I believe that will suffice.


I make frequent runs with different frames, parkour and adjustment needed for sticking each land with variable speeds is no issue for me.


Nobody's going to bend their will to your voice just because you say so. If someone really wants to have that speed mod for a 10% boost, let them. If you're that heavily reliant on those precise timings, then you're playing the wrong game, and I pity you on your inability to adapt.

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Summary of this thread is "10% isn't much, but it MUST EXIST, and we all must bow to it! BOW NOW!"


Otherwise, it's this big circle. If 10% "isn't much", it shouldn't exist. There's no reason for it, nobody would ever use it. If 10% is enough to use it, then apparently it "is much". Takes a lot of double-talk to justify the twin concepts presented of "it isn't much" and "it is much".


You can't keep saying we play the same, and then say that you're unaffected by things.


Would you like it if I had an aura that boosts melee damage, but lowers accuracy? To me, that's fine and dandy. It has no negative effect on me, I can sit here saying "L2P" all day long. It doesn't harm me, so CLEARLY it doesn't harm you either.


The aura only ever existed for internal testing. That it was released at all was a mistake. The eventual roll out of it was to appease the people angry they didn't get to partake the mistake.


That this suddenly makes it an integral part of the game to people is beyond absurd.


The only arguments presented here in favor of it are "it doesn't affect me negatively, so it doesn't affect anyone negatively", backed by the repeated assertion that "despite the fact we get wildly different results, we clearly play the same way", and "gosh, you play wrong." despite the fact that this negative effect is a brand new "feature" that only happens in a tiny part of circumstances, after almost an entire year of open beta, and is only a factor in the case where someone else chooses to do this. These aren't even remotely valid concepts.


As far as clutter, they said they want to "make the universe the hero". Having a checkbox in a menu somewhere is not detracting from this at all.


Other fun options exit. It could be set to grant no speed boost at all. That would be fine. You guys insist it's too tiny to matter anyway, so why not? Make it 0%, and it works for everyone.


Or, they could set it to something intense like 35/50/100%, where it would actually mean something beyond "when you realize someone has it on, make sure you time 1 second maneuvers to be 1/10th of a second less!"


They could change what it does entirely. Have it only affect people running horizontally along the ground. That works for everyone.


So many possibilities.


So why is there so much of this "gosh you're a horrible person for not thinking it's the greatest aura ever".


I actually rather like the idea of it only working on running horizontally along the ground. That would actually be useful.

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By that logic they should get rid of Natural Talent, too.


How is this one aura any more absurd than the others?


Actually myself and Squirmy were suggesting you not be so ridged in your play. Or do you flip out at any player or mob that fouls your flight path as well?


During the stream, the UI guys specifically said they didn't want to add more toggles after receiving a request to add a feature toggle already present in the game.


The 10% may not be enough to affect average game play, but it helps Frost keep up with the party.


And how is this any different from 'someone has rifle amp on, I only need to hold down the fire button 2/3 as long to kill things'? Besides, I mean, that smaller integers aren't as easy to notice by the general player base.


I'm fairly sure that there is currently only one 'sprint speed' and that a change like that would have to be coded in. Possibly even breaking wall run mechanics in general.


All for literally the only complaint I've seen since the aura's official release.

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If I'm make a jump that needs to go 12 meters to land at the door, if the jump launches me 13.2 meters instead, I'm going to hit a wall, instead of the door, 1.2 meters past my target. If I need 4 jumps to hit a target 48 meters away, 10% increase puts me at 52.8 meters off my target. That's a difference of 15 feet.


With due respect, I find it quite difficult to believe that you can measure that precisely whilst playing the game in real-time. I can understand how Sprint Boost might throw off your timing a little for complex parkour sequences if you're not expecting it, but realistically, there are no particularly complex parkour areas outside the Void. I suppose the simplest answer would be to not sprint so much, but in general if someone is using the aura they're probably going to be sprinting constantly to make use of it and leave you behind.


That said, 10% shouldn't really be making a massive difference to your gameplay experience unless you're actively calculating the numbers in your head as you play, and that seems like an unnecessary complication.

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Change thread name to "Sprint Boost Troll Thread", because apparently only 1 person without anyone backing or - for the most part - siding with the OP in regards to this "issue".


One person, out of potentially 634780 registered accounts, only about 6595 active at one time. One person. Having this issue.


OP, I think you might need to consider meditation.


Th very existence of Sprint Boost in my party? Sure, go on ahead. Use it to your heart's content. Just means I can complete a map a smidge bit faster than usual. As Frost, I can keep up with a party no problem with sprint/slide/jump/slide/jump. Rhino? Vanguard helmet. Two of the slowest frames, and I can keep up with a party without issue, and without zorencopter, and certainly without Speed Boost.

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1. Calling us noobs does not hide the incompetence you admitted to earlier.

2. I DO abuse this game's parkour physics to shoot myself around. The difference between me and you (supposedly a master of the art) is that I can adapt to random changes on the fly. This will tie into three.

3. The timing needed is not NEARLY precise enough to support your temper tantrum. The frames don't have different jump timings.

4. Calling the sprint boost user an idiot doesn't make your rant any more credible, nor does it sway us to your side.

5. -10% to your accuracy is not the same as +10% to your speed. Your example should have been +10% to your accuracy. +10% sprint speed is a benefit, your problem is that you're too incompetent to realize that.

6. It isn't a problem. Stop trying to blame other things for your incompetence.



>Calls thread population noobs.

>Can't even deal with a 10% increase in sprint speed.



Pretty much this. Also, not sure if anyone else has said/thought this, but as far as I know you can't sprint and shoot at the same time, so the sprint speed boost doesn't necessarily mean a -10% accuracy debuff.... At least I don't think it is. Correct me if I'm wrong. 

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OP srsly

u gotta be trolln

uv basically argu'd yerself out of yer own argument and into a hole

u complain that sprint boost is TOO MUCH and it ruins yer personal subjective experience, one of yer "solutions" is to remove the boost completely becuz that "works for eryone"?!?!? srsly dude? get a clue man

how about instead of QQ'n and acting like the whole game should revolve around yer inflated ego, u just chill out and "deal with it" like u do when volt casts speed, which u claim to have no problem with

of course it would benefit everyone if auras were listed in the squad loadout like artifacts used to be

then maybe the OP would be able to properly prepare themselves for the HORRORS of SPRINT BOOST!!!!!!!!!

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I'd take that option.  ._.


It's not like I hate or have problems with faster sprint speed or anything, it's just that I kind of prefer the speed I'm currently comfortable with.


Also, I have to say that I'm disappointed with the negativity coming from some people on this thread.

 - Llyssa is not asking for a nerf. Just an option to not receive the Speed Aura boosts effects on his character.


If you want to stay opt-in to the Speed Aura boost, then you can stay opt-in.

If Llyssa wants to opt-out of it's effects from other team members, then only Llyssa won't receive the effects and everyone else who are still opt-in are just fine.



This implementation might take more programming work, since it might require new Aura checking and player stat modifying, but I trust the programmers that this isn't hard to do. It might take some programming time away from other important stuff, but I doubt it would very long at all.


Although, I do think it would be a bit awkward for DE to implement an option to not be affected by certain Aura mods, but I don't think it would hurt anyone.




And, come on guys. Some of you are saying too much... enough with insults.

[Edit: Llyssa, I think you should calm down too. Though I kinda understand your frustration a bit.]

Edited by Zap15
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The problem is, if you do it for one aura, you have to do that with all of them. It'd be the same with the Scavenger aura for Pistol/Rifle/Sniper/Shotgun ammo increased drops. You CAN'T just turn that off if someone has it equipped, as it affects the way the drop table. So for the instance of Sprint Boost, if it affects one person, it has to affect everyone else in the group.


While this could be countered with "Well, since it's not affecting the environment (drop tables, enemies resistances/armor, etc), we should have some kind of toggle that if we want to opt-in or not."


Things to consider - how difficult will it be to "just add a toggle" in coding for a group. It could be done, it could also possibly not be possible in its current state. We as players don't know, only the dev team. It could also be that you're either "all in" or "none at all" for auras if there was some kind of toggle. This including your own auras.


IF it were possible, the dev team would have to point out that it's available for use (besides from a forum post - something in game to point it out), otherwise we'd still see posts like this wanting to opt-out of certain aura. If there was a checklist for what player-affected auras you could choose to opt-in/out for, that'd be a plus.


The only issue I see here, is that this problem is in the extreme minority. Thus, likely will not change at all and things will continue on as they were. It may change if the idea sticks to a dev member and they put it on the table with their team, but the chance is slim/none.

Edited by BladeMaverick
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To the guy talking about measurements, the game is made in exact lego blocks with exact sizes,designed around moving at a speed of 1. All of the distances are based that way. Additionally, when there is variation, there is a quite finite number of rooms the game selects from.


So it's very easy to figure out where a jump will land you, based on the way the game is designed. It's *purposely* made so that you can parkour your heart out and land perfectly all the time.


If you're not moving at a speed of 1, it changes what parkour options you have. Some new things can be done with faster frames. Slower frames require fancier maneuvers just to accomplish what a frame that moves at speed 1 can do.


The available move sets change from speed to speed. A wall run that works at speed 1 will fail if you go faster. A climbing method that works at speed 1.2 will not work at slower speeds. Launching off of a wall moves you an exact distance, so some jumps that are easy at speed 1.1 are impossible at speed 1.2. That's how the game is built.


Once you learn to see how the game is designed, it's fairly easy to figure out how to use an available move set to traverse anything. You'll know where you'll land, and you can figure out how to chain along.


Because the game precisely measures everything out by design, every speed has a style of its own when interacting with the terrain.


It's very easy and a lot of fun to do all kinds of neat moves when you've learned this all.


The game is purposely designed this way. When there are errors made in level design that prevent this, for whatever reason, the staff works to fix it. I'm not the only person who's ever figured this out, and things have been expressly made to fit this play style. It is meant to exist, and they put special effort into enabling it.


Changing your speed automatically changes the style you must use. It automatically changes what terrain you can and cannot use, where you can and cannot go.


The fact that, now, a new player can be added, at any time in your mission, and give, absolutely no warning, whatsoever, while enforcing this change in style, is wrong and unfair.


I don't know why anyone assumes it's something wrong with me that I choose to play the game the way it's very specifically built to be played. I don't know why people think it is rare or unimaginable that others play the game the way it's built to be played. I am very sorry so many people on this thread do not play the game the way it's built to be played.


It is beyond bizarre to me that people keep asserting that playing the game the way it's built to be played is labelled as "wrong", and I somehow need to learn to stop playing the game the way the devs designed it to be played.


I have never heard or seen the supposed penalty  caused by scavenger auras. It makes no sense that they would decrease the chance of something else spawning, instead of merely decreasing the chance of nothing spawning. If that is not the case, it should be changed. Otherwise, a complete set of scavengers auras spread across a team would give no effect at all.


No aura should have a negative effect on play.


If you're playing the game the way it's designed to be played, Sprint Boost aura's negative effect is huge.

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If you're playing the game the way it's designed to be played, Sprint Boost aura's negative effect is huge. non existent.


Where does the game specify or tell you how you should play it? I must have missed that.


And FYI: Loki with full sprint mods can still "play the game like it is supposed to".

Edited by Tenn00b
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Considering nobody is using that aura specifically to troll players (as 99% of us won't consider it a drawback), I'd say it's part of the package that comes with playing with other people.


Also, it should be extremely easy/fast to adapt to it, unless you run only one frame with one loadout. I know I change frames every couple of missions, and they all have different movespeeds. After a wallrun->jump or two I'm set.

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