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De Needs To Be More Imaginative Re: Brakk & Detron.


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***Please Mods.... do not move this from general. I would like as many as possible to read this.***

I really think better ideas need to be employed regarding how to get hold of weapons like the brakk and detron.

I feel there must be some kind of bug in the works. I, like so many others, just aren't getting the Harvester or the G3 to spawn. Ohh but it's the RNG I hear you say! But c'mon we have been doing ridiculous amounts of invasion missions with no luck at all. This is a flawed system. It's driving players away from WF.

Here is my proposal as to what we could do instead:

We could use grinding for other resources a possible alternative.

Example: To make Stalker come at you, you will need to fuse together two mods or even 2 void key to make a new key that is activated in the control panels dotted around the maps.

Or you need to kill "x" amount of leaders to get the G3 to spawn.

There is so much that could be done instead of leaving it to RNG. I think this is a very lazy approavh to video game programming.

Agreed the special weapons should make you work hard to obtain them but not like this De.

Maybe it's time to rethink the spawn system?

Please feel free to post others ideas you have.

I hope De take notice as this is drivering many a WF player absolutely crazy.


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You'd probably want to jump off a cliff if you played Diablo, or [goes on naming names of games for an hour]


Also making these mini bosses spawn when you want completely defeats the purpose of their existence. They are supposed to come when you don't expect it and wreck you while your guard is down.


If you want their drops, just play normally but have a good build on hand. You're asking for pain if you run the missions nonstop like a mad man.


Ways to anger them more to slowly increase their spawn rate, and also their difficulty, would be the best change if any.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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You'd probably want to jump off a cliff if you played Diablo, or [goes on naming names of games for an hour]


Also making these mini bosses spawn when you want completely defeats the purpose of the existence. They are supposed to come when you don't expect it and wreck you while your guard is down.


If you want their drops, just play normally but have a good build on hand. You're asking for pain if you run the missions nonstop like a mad man.



I play the game normally and if I get a death mark from someone I just equip my Latron prime and continue playing the game normally, I got my Detron whilst farming Oxium do not worry and do not try to rush the content you will get then to spawn and attack you in due time if you just play the game.

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You realize they wont spawn before 4 minutes into a mission usually? If your running invasions non stop most likely they will never show cause they get finished to quick


It's not hard to get them to spawn, but they are not going to spawn for you every 10 minutes either

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means nothing.   I have both.   and I got my detron from other peoples harsters.   ran into G3 from some corpus missions I need a bit ago.   was soloed by them...    so under whelmed...   


never tried to force them to spawn.   Thought it was a glitch when I was told I had the mark, when I've been helping the grineer.  But Meh.  took a month for the stalker to make good on his threat to kill me.  and that failed with a face full of phage.  then the G3 come in..   nearly pwn me.  but rhino stomp and my paris prime.  took em down  way to fast for Mini Bosses like this..  espeically when ganged up on

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'Not knowing is part of the fun' 

-quoted from TBBT


Sometimes you feel very frustrated if you're specially looking for them and they do not appear. Try to play for the fun, not for the detron/brakk?


There are many other weapons obtainable and does not rely heavily on RNG (clan tech/market). Unless you're only left with the detron/brakk as the sole purpose of playing the game, I suggest slowing your pace and play casually. 

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You'd probably want to jump off a cliff if you played Diablo, or [goes on naming names of games for an hour]


Also making these mini bosses spawn when you want completely defeats the purpose of the existence. They are supposed to come when you don't expect it and wreck you while your guard is down.


If you want their drops, just play normally but have a good build on hand. You're asking for pain if you run the missions nonstop like a mad man. Ways to anger them more to slowly increase their spawn rate, and also their difficulty, would be the best change if any.



I always can spawn everything I want in every Diablo game in series. Granted, I do not play online games that much (in fact, I play only two online games), but, you know, DE can always be the first to break this stupid RNG system. Or at least make it just a bit better, so everyone will be able to see Stalker/Harvester/G3 at least once in... let's say, 100-200 missions.

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OP, ever tried to countdown between two to five minutes? because those are the intervals for any of the Stalker-type units to appear, and assuming you have deathmark stamped on you.



But hey...

I'm assuming you two previous posters already have the brakk and detron?

good one there. Haven't had a good laugh this afternoon.

Edited by faustias
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I'm all for a function which gives you half of the spawn rate again for each deathmark you get without an appearance by a Stalker-Type enemy. For a Stalker appearance, that's 6+ Assassinations. For Harvester or a Grustrag appearance, that's 5 missions each. Upgrading your chances every 5 missions would be a way to enhance your chances of getting a spawn without making it too easy to abuse.


Get 1st Deathmark > 2% Spawn chance per mission

Get 2nd Deathmark > 3% Spawn chance per mission

Get 3rd Deathmark > 4.5% Spawn chance per mission

Get 4th Deathmark > 6.75% Spawn chance per mission

Get 5th Deathmark > 10.12% Spawn chance per mission
Get 6th Deathmark > 15.18% Spawn chance per mission


etc etc. Have it cap out at some point, maybe the 4th or 5th iteration? Would be cool, though. The percentage chances are purely for the sake of representation. Pay them no mind.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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I'm assuming you two previous posters already have the brakk and detron?


I have the brakk from the event.

I don't have the detron. I got a piece while just playing a mission with someone who had it, and I got a mark while playing invasion not too long ago. It'll come when it comes.

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I'm all for a function which gives you half of the spawn rate again for each deathmark you get without an appearance by a Stalker-Type enemy.


Get 1st Deathmark > 2% Spawn chance per mission

Get 2nd Deathmark > 3% Spawn chance per mission

Get 3rd Deathmark > 4.5% Spawn chance per mission

Get 4th Deathmark > 6.75% Spawn chance per mission

Get 5th Deathmark > 10.12% Spawn chance per mission

Get 6th Deathmark > 15.18% Spawn chance per mission

etc etc. Have it cap out at some point, maybe the 4th or 5th iteration? Would be cool, though. The percentage chances are purely for the sake of representation. Pay them no mind.


Allow me to tweak it a little.


Get 1st Deathmark > 2% Spawn chance per mission > 0% Mini boss bonus damage

Get 2nd Deathmark > 3% Spawn chance per mission > 2% Mini boss bonus damage

Get 3rd Deathmark > 4.5% Spawn chance per mission > 4% Mini boss bonus damage

Get 4th Deathmark > 6.75% Spawn chance per mission > 8% Mini boss bonus damage

Get 5th Deathmark > 10.12% Spawn chance per mission > 16% Mini boss bonus damage

Get 6th Deathmark > 15.18% Spawn chance per mission > 24% Mini boss bonus damage


The added numbers are also just for representation.

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I'm all for a function which gives you half of the spawn rate again for each deathmark you get without an appearance by a Stalker-Type enemy. For a Stalker appearance, that's 6+ Assassinations. For Harvester or a Grustrag appearance, that's 5 missions each. Upgrading your chances every 5 missions would be a way to enhance your chances of getting a spawn without making it too easy to abuse.


Get 1st Deathmark > 2% Spawn chance per mission

Get 2nd Deathmark > 3% Spawn chance per mission

Get 3rd Deathmark > 4.5% Spawn chance per mission

Get 4th Deathmark > 6.75% Spawn chance per mission

Get 5th Deathmark > 10.12% Spawn chance per mission

Get 6th Deathmark > 15.18% Spawn chance per mission


etc etc. Have it cap out at some point, maybe the 4th or 5th iteration? Would be cool, though. The percentage chances are purely for the sake of representation. Pay them no mind.


 How about the chance of spawn increasing slightly every time you do a valid mission and it doesn't spawn?

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 How about the chance of spawn increasing slightly every time you do a valid mission and it doesn't spawn?

This works. It realistically simulates the people hunting you down closing in on you as you keep about your business. They want you dead, I'm surprised they allow us to run amok and slaughter their army without swift punishment.

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All of my yes!

That would be great. Kick rng in the balls! ;d

It wouldn't, not really. All that would do is make sure that even runs with a no-show do something small to help you reach your goal.

This works. It realistically simulates the people hunting you down closing in on you as you keep about your business. They want you dead, I'm surprised they allow us to run amok and slaughter their army without swift punishment.

Ha. I guess it does a little bit. That didn't really occur to me suggesting it.

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