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Avalanche Stealth Nerf 12.4.0


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Your commentary is a bit "high-handed"... Let's see if you can back that big talk up.

So your style of play is what?


A picture's worth a thousand words...


Post a vid of you in a lvl 35 Exterminate mission solo wrecking face and highlighting your build.

Keep your weapons to those that can be gotten up to rank 6. if you use a "no skill" weapon like Penta or Soma, you will get ribbed for it.

Enemies can't be infested... Preferably Grineer since that's the faction players see most.

Limit of one corruption mod in your build

Vid has to be done since this patch.


This is your opportunity to educate us! xD


Ill tell you  the best way to CC with frost now...   Take  JetKitty or Galatine and bash!

Hell, Im so bored Ill do that.  done:   http://youtu.be/RWuYmtSBruo

Edited by Monolake
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I never, NEVER said play as Rhino instead of Frost.


I can play as Frost just fine.



Well now it is just becoming obvious you're just a troll.  You ask people to accept change - even though the change completely disregards the fact that Frost is named Frost.  


It is beta, we are allowed to voice our opinion on how a frame should be.  And the problem is not about adapting.  The problem is I don't want to play a $&*&*#(%& frame that just keeps spamming #4 repeatedly.  That is what frost has become.  No other viable skills and you just build him offensively on #4 so you can oberon spam that ult.

Edited by Ratez
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Wired that bugs can work out well. The freeze/stun from stretch/overextend made the ability scalable. Raw damage usually doesn't scale well.


Though it can be seen as a wannabe Stomp the effect of turning enemies around you into frozen statues for a while really fits frost theme very well. It may have been a bug, but it was a bug that actually worked out for him like the leftover "halo" from mods when a player picked them up.

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I actually prefered that to Stomp because it is easier for the group to score headshots when enemies are frozen instead of floating in the air. Well, now I m toying with Excalibur, it's hilarious to see how he is by far a better defensive and crow control frame than the one "specialized" in it.

Edited by Hyunsai
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Ill tell you  the best way to CC with frost now...   Take  JetKitty or Galatine and bash!

Hell, Im so bored Ill do that.  done:   http://youtu.be/RWuYmtSBruo

That's what I'm talkin' bout !!!!!!


I actually did something similar last night with my own Frost Prime to see if I could do it myself.

I didn't fare anywhere near so well (was using a Scindo with the Manticore Skin one one run and Dakra on another)


Edit:  I would dearly love to see a couple of group missions with Frost's in them doing that... Hi-larious!! 


The forum response to that play-style change would be "amusing" to say the least...

Random Player: "Why my guns no work?"

Randon Player: "Frost, those Globes ain't helping..." 

Frost: "Helping me just fine"

Edited by Padre_Akais
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Well now it is just becoming obvious you're just a troll.  You ask people to accept change - even though the change completely disregards the fact that Frost is named Frost.  


It is beta, we are allowed to voice our opinion on how a frame should be.  And the problem is not about adapting.  The problem is I don't want to play a $&*&*#(%& frame that just keeps spamming #4 repeatedly.  That is what frost has become.  No other viable skills and you just build him offensively on #4 so you can oberon spam that ult.


You voicing your opinion is insulting me? Nice.


If YOU don't want to play as him because they changed him, then don't. That's your problem, not mine.

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You lose one thing that made a 'Frame OP and people go nuts over it. It adds a challenge, something people are afraid of in a game, they don't want to learn or think, they just want to play and enjoy it without much thought at all.


Build a pure offensive build with Frost, some defensive mods in there so he can at least survive. Go on the offensive. He can take it, rather than sitting behind an ice bubble. It works for me.

I have done this pure offennsive build with frost. With only avalanche and Ice wave. Let me tell you it's very lack luster, and at a certain level you might as well stop waisting your energy because your damage abilities dont do anything anymore. Well besides ice wave that slows.


To me you're still thinking people are now complaining about Snow Globe, when the point of this thread was the Avalanche stealth nerf where it no longer freezes. It lasted 5 seconds and now you're still in the animation where enimies are supposed to be frozen and they're shooting you. The only thing that was buffed was ice wave. Which I appreciate. It was much needed slow on the skill. But with the avalanche nerf along with the snow globe nerf frost has no place in this game anymore except for medium maps or lower. No more taking frost to outer planets, no more taking him to T3 void. Why would you? His abilities dont do anything for you anymore at those levels. Sure you could but you're just using your weaponry and the frame is just there not doing anything.


Edit for typos

Edited by ExplosiveFuel
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Um why don't they just make it so enemies hit by avalanche are slowed down to 70% (which includes movement and attack speed) for 10 to 15 seconds? Would that be fair? It functions as crowd control and gives you breathing room to escape too when you are surrounded by enemies.

Why would ANYONE want that? Nova can do the same thing- except she's actually USEFUL.

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Why would ANYONE want that? Nova can do the same thing- except she's actually USEFUL.

Because the ultimate point of Frames is that they have 4 equally useful abilities. Such that trying to compare any two abilities from across kits is meaningless.

giving two frames an ult with a slow would ideally not mean one Frame outclasses the other, even if one ult did that to the other.

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avalanche still just Froze withing cast time...
so not usefull.


Why would ANYONE want that? Nova can do the same thing- except she's actually USEFUL.

Nova what?
she listed as most dislike power spammer.
That explosion can hurt your fellow tenno something...


She got explode+slow MP,what frost avalanche got?
Do you even Frost after snow globe nerfed too?

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You voicing your opinion is insulting me? Nice.


If YOU don't want to play as him because they changed him, then don't. That's your problem, not mine.


The problem is you keep contradicting yourself.  You say it is beta, yet you don't let frost players voice their opinions.  We are the ones that knows what is wrong with it.  Simply changing to match DE is not what it is about.  I have no problem adapting - but I choose to resist the new Frost because it is not how Frost should be.  


And if you feel insulted being called a troll then you should be.  Someone a few pages back asked you to do a recording and you didn't take up the challenge.  All you're doing is coming here and riling people up with no basis to your statements.

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My thoughts exactly.


People need to learn how to play and adapt to the game changing.


It's a BETA after all. Changes are going to happen.

I love how this is coming from a Rhino and an Ember.

What if Stomp no longer lifted enemies into the air, Skin had far less health and was CCable, Accelerant only lasts 2 seconds, and WoF didn't have a chance to stun through igniting and had 3 seconds base time?


After u9, no nerf so far is justified.

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I love how this is coming from a Rhino and an Ember.

What if Stomp no longer lifted enemies into the air, Skin had far less health and was CCable, Accelerant only lasts 2 seconds, and WoF didn't have a chance to stun through igniting and had 3 seconds base time?


After u9, no nerf so far is justified.


I don't play as either of those 'Frames a lot, so it would not effect me in the slightest.

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I don't play as either of those 'Frames a lot, so it would not effect me in the slightest.


Yep, continue with your one sentence replies just to &!$$ people off while adding no value to the discussion.  You're just arguing for the sake of it without putting any thought into rebutting with facts.


Still waiting for your recording and justification on how Frost is still effective COMPARED to other frames.  Otherwise you're still just a troll.  And you are, I have countered your arguments throughout the entire thread, so has many.  Yet all you do is come back and post your one sentence.  I looked through your +rep'd posts and it adds to my conclusion.


For example, here is what you posted in another thread "Now if melee will be more effective people will have to LEARN how to use it, rather than just pressing a win button!"

And then you tell us to adapt to pressing win button repeatedly  (i.e. ult spam which is effective until tier 2 mobs).  Your train of thought is all over the place.


EDIT:  And also, stop mentioning snowglobe.  The thread is not even about snowglobes.  The thread is about Frost losing his identity and no longer staying true to his name.  Other than being a generic #4 spammer like Oberon.  

Edited by Ratez
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I have done this pure offennsive build with frost. With only avalanche and Ice wave. Let me tell you it's very lack luster, and at a certain level you might as well stop waisting your energy because your damage abilities dont do anything anymore. Well besides ice wave that slows.


To me you're still thinking people are now complaining about Snow Globe, when the point of this thread was the Avalanche stealth nerf where it no longer freezes. It lasted 5 seconds and now you're still in the animation where enimies are supposed to be frozen and they're shooting you. The only thing that was buffed was ice wave. Which I appreciate. It was much needed slow on the skill. But with the avalanche nerf along with the snow globe nerf frost has no place in this game anymore except for medium maps or lower. No more taking frost to outer planets, no more taking him to T3 void. Why would you? His abilities dont do anything for you anymore at those levels. Sure you could but you're just using your weaponry and the frame is just there not doing anything.


This sums up the current state of Frost perfectly 

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With Avalanche getting "fixed" it feels like there's nothing left going for Frost. It's sad, I had more fun recently running with an Avalanche build then I ever did using Snow Globe.


i dumped snowglobe from my build because its pure grade rubbish and went for an avalanche build for the CC effect, now thats "fixed" there isnt much reason to use him, if u want large area damaging CC, its back to Mag or mostly Rhino.


cant say theres anything left on any of frosts abilitys that would make you want to use him over any other frame.  (except from exploiting the current event with snowglobe ofc)

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I just gonna put buff suggestions.

But I have to say DE really did poorly for this one.




1) Freeze.

Deals 300 damage.

Target is frozen for 3/4/5/6 seconds.

On impact on target, there will be a frost nova that deals 300 damage and slows all surrounding targets by 50% for 6 seconds in a 8m AOE.

Frozen target CANNOT be dispelled.

Increased by power strength and duration.



2) Ice wave.

Remains the same.



3) Snow Globe

I am tempted to write a whole paragraph... But no for now.



4) Avalanche. 

Deals 1500 cold damage.

Freezes targets for 5/6/7/8 seconds.

AOE 20m.

Can be re-cast even before duration ends.

Affected by power strength, range and duration.

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