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Happy International Women's Day!


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... well in some more civilised countries, it's a Mother's Day.


feel the difference.


as for men's day... February 23rd. Day of Protector of Fatherland. Of course if you have military background. If not, it's not your day.

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Yes, because people only express their love for someone on Valentines Day and never express it at any other moment.

It's just that a lot of people just treat their other half like sh*t ,believe me it happens more than you think , and on these days " ooh he looves me it's maagicaaal" -____-

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And this just shows that no matter what we do, our dear intentions will be somehow turned against us, used against us and make us go "How the... I mean what the... wait whaat?? No! No no no that's not... wait!!!"


In any case... RHINO PRIME FTW!!!

I'm not turning against anything -_- im just expressing my opinion on the matter 

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... well in some more civilised countries, it's a Mother's Day.


feel the difference.


as for men's day... February 23rd. Day of Protector of Fatherland. Of course if you have military background. If not, it's not your day.


It's not men's day then.

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You guys know the reason why there's women's day is because Women's Day was made before women had any rights to vote, work, actually own property and not BE property right? Because, unless you didn't know, women were considered to be men's property not so long ago (and in some countries, women are STILL considered men's property). 


The amount of "but the menz!" here is pretty disheartening. You realize men have pretty much held all the power until recently? Even though women have been 50% of the population, women have been historically treated as second class citizens or property and not as equals. 


The first International Women's Day was held in 1911 and is celebrated annually on 8 March with thousands of events across the world. 

It was honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March, where more than one million men and women attended rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination.

The United Nations has its own official theme each year. Their theme for 2014 is 'equality for women is progress for all'.


This folks, is why we have women's day. Not because men don't get discriminated against (because that happens as you well know), but because women couldn't even work, vote, be trained, hold public office, own property, and a whole myriad of other things they were discriminated against. 

Edited by kuliise
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There is an International Men's Day, to those whining about Woman's Day.


*Edit* since L13's movet the thread, I'll throw in that such days are here to highlight health and socialogical issues that each gender faces, and as a Doctor, I'm all for any help to raise attention for issues like testicular and prostate cancers, which are just as deadly as breast cancer yet have far less attention.


Also, men can die of breast cancer just as easilly as women, it's a funny old world, eh ?

Edited by Keltik0ne
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You guys know the reason why there's women's day is because Women's Day was made before women had any rights to vote, work, actually own property and not BE property right? Because, unless you didn't know, women were considered to be men's property not so long ago (and in some countries, women are STILL considered men's property). 
The amount of "but the menz!" here is pretty disheartening. You realize men have pretty much held all the power until recently? Even though women have been 50% of the population, women have been historically treated as second class citizens or property and not as equals. 
The first International Women's Day was held in 1911 and is celebrated annually on 8 March with thousands of events across the world. 
It was honoured for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on 19 March, where more than one million men and women attended rallies campaigning for women's rights to work, vote, be trained, to hold public office and end discrimination.
The United Nations has its own official theme each year. Their theme for 2014 is 'equality for women is progress for all'.
This folks, is why we have women's day. Not because men don't get discriminated against (because that happens as you well know), but because women couldn't even work, vote, be trained, hold public office, own property, and a whole myriad of other things they were discriminated against. 



I know the history behind it.


I still think it is bullcrap.


Just like Mother's Day, Father's Day and whatever.


By celebrating these things once a year, you make the assumption that you don't give a crap about them the rest of the year.


I'd rather men and women share the entire year rather than putting one day aside for women, just like I'd rather appreciate my mother and father the entire year than on some consumerism holiday.


Women's' Day is a relic of the past; no longer needed.


Like Feminism! (Yeah I went there. When your biggest issue is how Princess Peach needing to be rescued by Mario, your "social justice"-movement has gone beyond being obsolete, ladies.)

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I know the history behind it.


I still think it is bullcrap.


Just like Mother's Day, Father's Day and whatever.


By celebrating these things once a year, you make the assumption that you don't give a crap about them the rest of the year.


I'd rather men and women share the entire year rather than putting one day aside for women, just like I'd rather appreciate my mother and father the entire year than on some consumerism holiday.


Women's' Day is a relic of the past; no longer needed.


Like Feminism! (Yeah I went there. When your biggest issue is how Princess Peach needing to be rescued by Mario, your "social justice"-movement has gone beyond being obsolete, ladies.)

Yes, in fact, most people don't give a crap about them. Which is why we have these days in place, to remind people to thank their mothers, fathers, or whatever. 


I agree, I'd rather men and women share the entire year as well! But that's somewhat idealistic, and doesn't happen at the moment, so why do you expect it to happen all of a sudden? The ideal hardly ever comes to pass, unfortunately.


Women's Day might be a relic of the past, but all the discrimination I face even when I'm playing a hobby such as gaming shows us clearly that it is still needed. (Just try it, have your sister or lady friend talk into the mic while playing a multiplayer game and watch the insults and disgusting outdated mindsets about women thrown your way! Oh, and be prepared for $&*^ pics in your inbox, and boys who cannot understand that "no, I don't want to be your gf, give you nudes, or have cybersex with you". For best results, play a game with a much younger crowd such as Call of Duty.)


And I believe you have an entirely incorrect assumption about feminism! Here's a pretty good article that outlines why men benefit from feminism. I suggest you read that, it's very informative and might help you understand that the biggest issue is not "how Princess Peach shouldn't need to be rescued by Mario". 

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The only place that needs feminism is the third world, especially the Middle-East.  Ironically, "feminists" don't want to touch that with a ten-foot pole because they don't want to offend cultural or religious sensibilities.


The whole thing is laughable. The early 1900 feminists must be spinning in their graves.

Edited by Brimir
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Just to quiet some people down that think ill of me, a bit of my irl story if you will.

I met my gf ten years ago and we have been together ever since. There were good days, there were bad days, there were terrible days and there were days where i thought i wouldn't be able to breathe if she left my sight. I love her and have given it my all in these ten years to be the man she deserves.


On another hand i hate my mother for turning me into a imbecile of sort that wasn't able to handle a bloody horror movie. But i got over it. My mom is a bit of a tin hat person that thinks women should go back to ye old days where they weren't allowed to think, speak or walk unless allowed to. And yet i still respect her for the things she lived trough and still standing proud. 


Now on to a little explanation for WHY i posted this, apparently people need it. 

My personal opinion about women's day is nonexistant. Its a day like any other imo but only cause i try to live my ideals. Ideals where people that beat their wife should be put in a 4x4 cell with a band of bodybuilding gay rapists with barb wires strapped to their, well, penis. I'm also all for women equal rights, to a degree, you cant let a skinny 60kg girl lifting heavy load just cause she wants fair rights.

So when i post things like this its simply for one reason: to congratulate women for standing up to them selves, to congratulate them for standing strong after all the S#&$storms they get on a daily basis and being there when others need it.

Naturaly not every women deserves such praise, as much as there are $&*^head males there are $&*^head females but that's another story. This was just me letting every women that decided to read this post and think of it as just a 'happy international women's day' without all the assclenching people apparently get when they read it.

Think of me what you will after reading this. I've said my peace.

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I hate to do this again bu: are you a man or a woman? Cause' I still get a bit confused about which terms are used for certain types of relationships.

No offense there honestly just a real question.

and I hate to do this again but this is the wrong place to preach

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I hate to do this again bu: are you a man or a woman? Cause' I still get a bit confused about which terms are used for certain types of relationships.

No offense there honestly just a real question.

and I hate to do this again but this is the wrong place to preach

Im a guy, and im not preaching anything, i have tried to... well, i have tried to be nice. Altho i didnt expect people to simply toss their brain aside and start assuming things just for, you know, reasons sake.

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The only place that needs feminism is the third world, especially the Middle-East.  Ironically, "feminists" don't want to touch that with a ten-foot pole because they don't want to offend cultural or religious sensibilities.


The whole thing is laughable. The early 1900 feminists must be spinning in their graves.

Did you even read the article? Anyway, if you're not interested in reading what I linked, then I suppose I'm not really interested in arguing with you any longer. 

Edited by kuliise
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Yup. Nothing like a celebration of who we are and what we have to make people *@##$ about who we (or others) aren't and what we (and others) don't have or someone else does.


Happy International Woman's Day you miserable basterds.

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