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Event Honorable Mentions


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OP; I personally would like for them to get a statue. Recognition to show that they did the event as well, but didn't place in the highest honor. I'm in a huge, huge clan myself, but recognition is still nice.




9999% is rather high.

A plaque or flag would be nice. The Clans that earned the statues deserved them.


While 99.9% might be a bit exagerated, it's not by too much...  85% or more would be a better number


15 total statues given to clans totaling, at most, 4,320 players. This assumes each of these clans are at max capacity.

65k average forum members. A number we can verify


If we are going to use numbers that we can completely verify. The better number would be 85%

Of course, we know that all players don't use these forums so that 65k number is probably horridly low.


The number of players who can conceivably receive those Awards is spot on though.

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It would be nice to have something for the casual clans to actually strive for.

You have the big &#! fancy statue for the competition, and then some mentionable display for the people who at least bothered to go for some kinda goal within the clan.


Be it x number of runs = fancy clan display, etc.

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You mean like an Event Badge ... just for Clans in a form of a banner, small statue or any other form of decoration?


That would be nice to see... Because after all like 99,99% of all clans will never qualify for Bronze/Silver/Gold statues.


Should be done retro-actively as well... Even if it's only a small wall decoration and nothing special like a Gold Statue - just to show off your clan WAS there.


... How come they never thought about this before? Also what's the upcoming trophy-room good for if only a hand full of clans actually have something to place in there. :D


Wow! I'd totally want even the small banner that proves my clan took part in the particular event....


Also, trophy room is really coming? I shouldn't be surprised though I am 'coz dojo gets updates very rarely. Hope to see it soon. 

Having something like "event badges" for for a dojo is a great idea and I will approve any ideas, suggestions or demands on it. ^^


So DE, give it to us, pls.

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Can you elaborate? Your post doesn't actually make sense.

What is it you are trying to convey?


already get a badge for participating, this would give participants 2 rewards that are essentially the same thing, on top of which clan members who didnt participate also get rewarded in a sense. Participation and rewarding should be on a per Tenno basis, the way it is now. The statues are merely to single out the best of the best if you will. Like the Olympics, only the top 3 medal they arent going to hand out XXXXX medals after every event. Thats what your individual badge is for.

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already get a badge for participating, this would give participants 2 rewards that are essentially the same thing, on top of which clan members who didnt participate also get rewarded in a sense. Participation and rewarding should be on a per Tenno basis, the way it is now. The statues are merely to single out the best of the best if you will. Like the Olympics, only the top 3 medal they arent going to hand out XXXXX medals after every event. Thats what your individual badge is for.


Since the beginning of the modern Olympics the athletes and their support staffs, event officials, and certain volunteers involved in planning and managing the games have received commemorative medals and diplomas. Like the winners' medals, these are changed for each Olympiad, with different ones issued for the summer and winter games. This includes teams, though only 4th to 8th.


Its not like people who join one of the top three clans after the fact wont be able to see the statues themselves. They can trot around the Dojo and say my clan did that. So what if lesser clans get a token of less grandeur.

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already get a badge for participating, this would give participants 2 rewards that are essentially the same thing, on top of which clan members who didnt participate also get rewarded in a sense. Participation and rewarding should be on a per Tenno basis, the way it is now. The statues are merely to single out the best of the best if you will. Like the Olympics, only the top 3 medal they arent going to hand out XXXXX medals after every event. Thats what your individual badge is for.

I commented on that in my OP thread and explained my reasonings for it.

But... how is this different from the awards that the Clans who do manage to win those honors receive?

They also get badges and they get "double rewarded" with a statue.

I have no doubt that not every member participates to the same degree... Some may have tests, family obligations, joined the clan after the Event, etc.

Yet if they contribute they are getting a badge and a statue.


I'll say this once more as it appears that some members of the more active clans don't like this idea.


This is a request for an Honorable Mention, not one of the Statues.

The best of the best get those and earned them.


Every Clan can't...

Every Clan won't...

It's mathematically impossible for it to happen... Most of the clans in this game are small or made of casual players.


An Honorable mention shows that those Clans participated.

DE is doing this now on an individual basis which is appreciated, but it would be nice if they could do something like that for those Clan's Dojos as well.

In the process, I requested that every clan receive it because the clans that didn't win an Award don't deserve to get something that those that did can't.


I'm not saying they have missed those who did not receive an Award or have been negligent in any way. I'm not saying that it's even deserved.


I'm saying, "It would be nice"

I'm asking.

It's a request.


Hope that clears that up.

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That sounds perfect :D and if they do reward them in retroactive then I would have them all :3 since my clan has been created from day one since the clan system came out.


I wouldn't expect them to do it retroactively.


Anything they do in regard to this request is enough, as none of it would have actually been earned.

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99,99% is rather high.




How many accounts have been created for Warframe? More than a million if I remember right. Truth is not everyone plays Warframe actively anymore. But if only every 100th player created a clan there exist at least 10.000 Clans, probably more... How many Clans are able to compete with each other for an Event statue? Probably only the top 10 of each Tier. So that makes 50 clans distributed over 5 Tiers.


50 of 10.000... that would make it 0,50% of all clans. 99,99% is a bit exaggerated, you're right. I'd correct my statement to 99% if you're happy and that's generous as well.


The sentiment is nice but its not really feasible. What's the difference between a clan of x number of people versus a clan of one? Double rewards for the same event don't really make sense. The best of the best get their statues, that's the way it should be.


Why exactly is it not feasable? Takes like 10min to copy&paste an existing Dojo Banner and slap an existing Event Badge on it and ship it to the masses.


You're right there might exist a lot of one-man-clans but that's kinda sad I think (Not in an offending way!). What's the purpose of creating a clan with only one member? I wouldn't have created a clan only for myself... If I wouldn't have some friends who enjoy Warframe too I would have looked for a Clan to join and play together with them. That's what's a Co-Op Game is all about and that some people may either be unlucky to find some people or are too selfish so they think they don't need anybody else is a totally different problem alltogether and has nothing to do with rewarding a clan for participation.


With that attitude one could say they should never release the announced trophy room because what's the point of having something like that when there exist like only 50 clans who could put one (or more) statues in there, while there are like 10.000 other clans not being able to put something in there ever? That's a depressing thought to have a room that reminds you of how your clan never managed to get into the top 3 during an event. Friggin nice. Not everyone is a hardcore player and there are even less clans consisting only of hardcore players. Majority of players are casual so it's like they never have an actual chance to win an event.


already get a badge for participating, this would give participants 2 rewards that are essentially the same thing, on top of which clan members who didnt participate also get rewarded in a sense. Participation and rewarding should be on a per Tenno basis, the way it is now. The statues are merely to single out the best of the best if you will. Like the Olympics, only the top 3 medal they arent going to hand out XXXXX medals after every event. Thats what your individual badge is for.


Basically the same... again.


Actually in other sports there are rewards and trophies for a whole team too... Look at soccer for example. If they change their team-members over time none of them has exactly earned the trophies the team won like 50 years ago. Should it be taken from them? No. It's part of the team-history. And I feel the same about clans... Even if there are members who didn't actually participate in an event but some did... it's NOT about a personal reward. It's about the team, your clan and not about yourself. It's about honoring your clan and that the clan has a history to tell as well as each individual Tenno.


Nobody wants to take away the special Bronze/Silver/Gold statues (Your medals as you say)... They will always remain something special to remind the clan of "We were the best of the best at some point"...


It's just that majority of clans will never get this far and they should be given the opportunity to show off "Yeah we might not have won a medal in the race for the podium, but we were there too and did our part.". Nobody asks for a gold medal, just for an unspecial banner to show clan participation.


It's about clan honor and history.

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The sentiment is nice but its not really feasible. What's the difference between a clan of x number of people versus a clan of one? Double rewards for the same event don't really make sense. The best of the best get their statues, that's the way it should be.


The difference between a clan of one versus a clan of X number people is that (rather obviously) the clan of 1 is (x - 1) members away from the other clan as far as point capacity goes. If someone makes their own clan (I was the only person in my clan for the longest time, as I only invite people I actually know to it, and most of the people I know are often quite busy), but still wanted access to the dojo and all it's contents. After about halfway through acquiring all the dojo's innards, a friend joined up and made it a clan of 2.


As an example, I'm going to use the current event as a basis-point, on the assumption you only participate in the event with your clan-mates:

The two of us (assuming we run the even as just a clan) can get a max score of about 800 (we are gonna do some heavy rounding here), meaning the highest clan score we could get would be 1600 points. A full clan of 10 going as slow as our fastest (I assume you can get the core to move quicker with more than two people) would balance out to (10 x 800) 8000 points. If all it does is (as I read) add the best time per player in the clan to get the score, then you could see where it would be rather improbable for a 2 man clan to compete with a 10 man clan in the same bracket.


Yes, Badges for participation on a solo basis are added and nice, but correct me if I'm wrong in believing that it's either wear the event badge or wear your clan badge. Why would I want to wear that event badge if I have a clan badge that's been personally selected and represents to others that "Oh hey, these two guys must be playing together a lot because they have the same symbols"? What everyone in here is asking for is not a banner or tenno-based display of participation, but one that sits in the dojo as a record of "This clan has participated in this event and sought to restore the balance." Whereas Gold, Silver, and Bronze are probably getting some groovy statues - and rightfully for being the best of the best so to speak, they should. What's being suggested is that for those who aren't in those positions would gain (say, for example) a banner. A simple floor banner that you could put in a place that shows you participated - maybe instead of the clan logo or the lotus symbol on the banner, it has the event logo (such as what might be displayed in the Tenno badge) - so you have a better feeling of history and lore about your clan. There isn't anything about it thats not possible as you would suggest, and the only double rewards would be for those who already won the statues (assuming the statue didn't override the "participation banner"). 




For the general record, I like this idea. It's always nice to be able to create a bit of trackable clan history, so you can go in and see "yeah, these guys where around back then fighting the good fight" - even if they weren't as good or hadn't devoted as much time as others to it.

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You're saying 9999, not 99.99.


Well don't know where you live but at my place (Europe) "," (Comma) means decimal like 0,1 being "one-tenth" and "." (Point) means seperation of thousands like 1.000.000 being one million. I'm no American... So forgive me if notations differ. I haven't made the rules nor are they everywhere identical in the world... :S



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Well don't know where you live but at my place (Europe) "," (Comma) means decimal like 0,1 being "one-tenth" and "." (Point) means seperation of thousands like 1.000.000 being one million. I'm no American... So forgive me if notations differ. I haven't made the rules nor are they everywhere identical in the world... :S


Not to mention it was pretty easy to understand what you were trying to say, regardless of where someone is from. :P

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Not to mention it was pretty easy to understand what you were trying to say, regardless of where someone is from. :P


Changed it in my original post now... Because the whole decimal-bullsh*t did not contribute to the thread other than to bump it up. :P

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You want a sticker for participation? Or, rather a second one, since we already get a shoulder badge?


 He wants something similar in scope to the Badge that can be displayed in a Clan Hall.


  The Top 3's of each tier get a Statue. Those are rewards for conquest and victory.


  He's talking about a Banner or Plaque that means "We came. We saw. We helped kick &#!." that every participating clan gets.



 It ain't a half bad idea.

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  He's talking about a Banner or Plaque that means "We came. We saw. We helped kick &#!." that every participating clan gets.


+1 ... More like "We came. We saw. We lost at creating alt.accounts"... :D


*throwing some fuel tanks into the burning field


Nah, I don't really give a damn about Clan scores... Me and my clan did our part... we are happy with the 1980 points we managed to get. xD

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+1 ... More like "We came. We saw. We lost at creating alt.accounts"... :D


*throwing some fuel tanks into the burning field


Nah, I don't really give a damn about Clan scores... xD


 In the case of my clan it'd probably read 


 "Don't underestimate us! Whether it be time, score, or last minute rule changes, they mean nothing to us. We will blow through the leaderboards and missions you've chosen! That is who we are, Clan Warbros!"

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More banners to help decorate the clan hall, I can dig it!


Moved to the proper section.

That wasn't what I was asking...

I wasn't providing feedback of any kind actually.

No matter... If just one DE employee sees this and gives it some consideration I'll be happy.


Thanks for moving it to what you felt the proper section was.

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This is feedback. While it also needs to be discussed, it's a feature request, so it's feedback.


And, I agree with the idea. A clan score to display would be great for the smaller clans, just like players get badges.


However, I'd keep the competitiveness in it, any say only the top 50% scores for all clans (after inactive clans get pruned) get a participation award.

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This is feedback. While it also needs to be discussed, it's a feature request, so it's feedback.


And, I agree with the idea. A clan score to display would be great for the smaller clans, just like players get badges.


However, I'd keep the competitiveness in it, any say only the top 50% scores for all clans (after inactive clans get pruned) get a participation award.

I defer to the experts in regard to where it needs to be placed.

I see feedback as constructive criticism, so when terms like that get used for something else I find it confusing.


I'm glad you like the bones of the idea. There have been a number of variations of the concept floated in this thread so far.


Read Blatantfool's posts on the subject as those posts struck the heart of the intent with brevity (a trait I lack).


I'm sure it's possible to incorporate your idea into that but, to me, it completely defeats the purpose.

The competitive portion of event contribution is decided by the awards statues given now.


With respect, all your suggestion does is give something to the larger clans that didn't get the top 3 scores but did compete.

The smaller or less active clans are still effectively empty handed. The clans that couldn't possibly have competed.


There is enough churn in those top 3 slots from event to event to say that it is still an active competition.


So my OP completely ignores competition...


If DE does nothing they have already done enough, in truth. The badges and gear are awesome gifts.

It would be nice if they gave a little trifle for the dojo to everyone though and I hope they'll consider it, if it's not too much trouble.

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It isn't an awful idea. Doesn't sound too hard either. They might as well do it sometime.

Maybe, just like displaying a Clan emblem, users could display Event emblems on Banners too.


* A set of banners in Clan Hall would be a great thematic addition. Your clanmates could walk through the hall surrounded by flags of their clan's past glory (just event logos on a banner pennant even). It also ecourages players to pay attention to & discuss events so good for business.


* I like the idea of a console-like decoration that shows "Moas killed" or some other clan stat of your choosing, so you can have clan events between that and message of the day :)



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