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Make The Grustrag Three An Assassination Mission. Please.


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Ok, let me clear up a few things before I continue.


1. I am a semi-casual player of Warframe. I can only get around 2-3 hours of playtime a day and that means I can't farm for weapons as much as I'd like to. Case and point, The Brakk.


2. I missed almost every event in Warframe (This excludes the Grineer Informer and Tethra's Doom events). This means I didn't even get a chance to earn the Brakk from the Gradivus Dilemma. I don't feel cheated by this, I just sort of regret not being able to play (though this was due to having a disfunctional PC at the time. My current one works fine).


3. I understand that Warframe Vets want difficult rewards to work towards. They had to work for the Dilemma, and if they missed it, they probably need(ed) to work for the Grustrag Three to spawn too. I can understand they'll probably prefer this and can make time for it. Unfortunately, I cannot.


Let me explain how the Assassination could go:


You get the mark and face the Grustrag Three like you normally would, except they appear in the very next Grineer mission you begin. If they defeat you, you get the bolt release blueprint, craft it, get released, get marked again, and the cycle repeats, but if you beat them, they will retreat and leave a Brakk Blueprint as well as an item that will show you how to find them on the galaxy map, both of which will be added to your inventory at extraction. Once you return to the map, you can activate the item from your Keys menu. It will not be consumed if you do so though. The item will lead you to an assassination mission for The Grustrag Three and it will proceed like a normal assassination: get in, kill the boss, loot the boss, get out. 


To address the problem of Vets and pro players being alienated by this, a Nightmare mode can be offered to those of a certain mastery rank who attempt the mission. This Nightmare Mode will be like usual, except the drop tables will change so that the Brakk parts drop less and their mods will drop more (Mods will include Split Chamber, Barrel Diffusion and  Natural Talent if DE stick to the original drop tables.)


I know that this idea will not appeal to everyone, but I genuinely want to hear your opinions on this, and I hope that someone in the DE staff can see this and at least consider its viability. Thank you for your time.


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Event weapons being re-released like this is fine. Turning it into something that can easily be farmed cheapens the entire point of even bothering with the events.


Not saying restrict it, but handing it out easily just because its too hard to farm it in a day is silly. 


In short, run it as you can, there is no rush to get the brakk with so many secondary options.

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the inoftenness of the engagement is why your Reward is so 'great'. 


and creates far more longevity than just handing you the items would be. because as an Assassination it would just be handing it to you.


regardless of the people that are butthurt that you can get Brakk in the game, it still should require effort/time to obtain, else there's no point to obtaining it.


other Weapons should similarly follow suit, and actually require the player to be around for a while or be investing Resources to obtain, rather than trivial features like Crafting that mean nothing for most of the content as you can build some of the most powerful Equipment with random crap you find on the ground in just a few missions.

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Actually you still need to earn the death mark, so it seems quite fair. I like the idea!



Getting the death mark is a matter of decreasing your "rep" with the grineer by targeting thier bosses or aiding the corpus in invasions.


Its already very easy to get them flagged, just inconsistent on the spawns.  

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I was able to farm all the pieces for the gun in about 4 hours after a couple days of trying. It's all RNG really, having a gun as powerful as the Brakk obtainable from a simple assassination run would be game breaking.

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I agree it should be hard to farm.


The current spawn rate and drop rate of the Grustrag 3 require well over 100 missions just for a single part.


If DE want to keep the current spawn rate of once every 30 to 40 missions after getting marked then they need to make the BP or a part drop on each successful kill.


Even Harvester only needed to be killed 5 or 6 times to make the Detron.


I've personally killed the G3 at least 5 times and have gotten 5 mods and nothing but resources the rest of the time.  That is total BS.

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Id like to be able to play G3 and Harvester mission just for playing, dont care about Detron in the slightest. I just want more interesting and hard type of enemies to play against. Would be really good if they were possible to play in a node similar to a boss, not just a random encounter, again, without any weapon reward.  

I dont like how the new gameplay is being locked behind RNG.

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Personally, I think the difficulty you are having is part of what will make the Brakk feel rewarding. Otherwise its just a quick-fix and you're on to the next thing you want to farm, or possibly running out of goals while they are making new content. 


I feel you on not being able to play much & frustration missing rewards, because that's often how it is for me- but even with lots of time to play lately I have still been waiting on that Despair drop! :)


There are lots of other things you can have for casual play still. You might be surprised too! I got Detron almost immediately in a couple hours, with the only couple Harvester spawns I have seen to this day.

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No, it should be hard to farm.

The people from the gravidus event had to do 100 missions for it so yeah if we farm we should actually do something for it instead of doing 2-3 missions for it.


Please; as it stands now you end up doing an unknown number of missions for a chance at a spawn that has a chance of dropping a piece that has a chance of being the one you want. Then you have to repeat the whole process at least twice over.


Gravidus was child's play by comparison. If anyone's Brakk is a welfare weapon, it's that one.

Edited by Yezzik
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Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. I understand it would be incredibly easy just to get the parts all in one go. Maybe we keep the current drop tables in which the Brakk parts only might appear, or even make the assassination very much an end-game difficulty mission? Still, I appreciate that it should be something that's earned, not handed on a silver platter, so I understand the plight of most people that did need to earn their Brakk.

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I understand the plight of most people that did need to earn their Brakk.


A hundred Invasion runs for a guaranteed weapon is not a plight; it's trivially easy and time-consuming.

By the time you get your Brakk, even if you farm constantly for it in a full group of four Marked players, you will have done an order of magnitude more missions than someone who got theirs back in the day.

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You know, something occurs to me. 


How about if any Assasination alerts targeted one of the stalker types based on the faction it was against?  Grineer assassin alerts target the 3, Corpus target Harvester.  Infested would probably be stalker, which doesn't really fit, but at least it's there.

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Either make it more accessible or bring down Brakk dps to be more in line with Detron. Making a none tradeable weapon bury under indefinite layer of RNG wall your top dps weapon is an insult to all the paying customer. You know those people that actually actually paying for your bill. Like others who had not been favor by the RNG god, I'd spend everyday and hour of play time doing nothing but invasion. I could count my encounter with g3 with 10 finger. The drop rate is absurd along with the spawn rate. Make it more accessible, I don't care if it cost 500 plats to make one, or make it the same damage as detron. It's suppose to be an alternate weapon of choice like detron, not a be all and end all weapon you make it to be.

Edited by Neogeo
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