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I Think The Lotus Is Lying


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Well for one it would kill us. We have to go down and manually get the core out. Even if put a time bomb on it we'd need a decent amount of time to get to extract and left to get out of such a blast radius. The Grineer would just remove the bomb by that point.


You can probably think of some way to pull it off, but it mostly just boils down to the gametype the devs want.Same reason the Grineer bloody shoot the thing. XD Actually they might be able to explain that...kind of..by saying it's more or less a risky as hell bluff/treat. "Cut this S#&$ out Tenno or we're take it and all of us out with it." Hek might be McMad enough to order that. But, that's another story. lol



I think you got the gist of it, while a time bomb or else is possible, what we got is probably a result of a specific gameplay that DE wanted to try. There's still some details that make more or less sense in the justification of the mission. But since that's the kind of mission we get, well I judge based on the mission. And what I see is an opportunity to bomb the Grineer's Fomorian facility, and Lotus plain doesn't grab the occasion.  

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Umm...did we all just forget that the moment we reroute the tram we take the core off containment and DESTABILIZE THE DAMN THING?!?!


Seriously, the moment you reroute the tram by opening the door, you turn that core into a ticking DOOMSDAY DEVICE. Might be smart to get rid of it ASAP.


Also, for those wondering why we don't just set it to "5-mins-until-boomtime-haha", it's because, inspite of the grineer, other people have to live there too.

Granted, tactically speaking, wiping out the whole surface and inflicting massive losses on the Grineer would be a decisive victory for us (and it is the whole surface because one core going off would set off the rest), so it just goes to show that the lotus isn't going to kill innocents just to claim a win against the bad guys.

Points to the Tenno, bros.

Edited by TonyFoot
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This is an awfully complex process if we're just blowing them up. It's not even the best strategy if we're just blowing them up. Nuking them and turning that rock into an uninhabitable wasteland is the most logical, most decisive course of action we could take against the grineer.


We should just be going down and sabotaging them, and then gtfo of there. We're not.


So what's REALLY being done with those cores?????

I like your theory, but there does seem to be ONE big hole in it:

The missions and shipyards seem to be on Earth, or the Earth tileset. Which suggests that the Lotus is dedicated, not just once but TWICE now, to specifically protect something on Earth. Earth, which isn't even a planet Tenno seem to be waking up on.


So the better conspiracy is, if Earth is worth protecting even due to the MASSIVE infestation and occupation of Grineer...


...What does the Lotus know about what is left on Earth that we don't?

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Umm...did we all just forget that the moment we reroute the tram we take the core off containment and DESTABILIZE THE DAMN THING?!?!


Seriously, the moment you reroute the tram by opening the door, you turn that core into a ticking DOOMSDAY DEVICE. Might be smart to get rid of it ASAP.


Also, for those wondering why we don't just set it to "5-mins-until-boomtime-haha", it's because, inspite of the grineer, other people have to live there too.

Granted, tactically speaking, wiping out the whole surface and inflicting massive losses on the Grineer would be a decisive victory for us (and it is the whole surface because one core going off would set off the rest), so it just goes to show that the lotus isn't going to kill innocents just to claim a win against the bad guys.

Points to the Tenno, bros.


I didn't know this. That certainly helps explain it more.

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I like your theory, but there does seem to be ONE big hole in it:

The missions and shipyards seem to be on Earth, or the Earth tileset. Which suggests that the Lotus is dedicated, not just once but TWICE now, to specifically protect something on Earth. Earth, which isn't even a planet Tenno seem to be waking up on.


So the better conspiracy is, if Earth is worth protecting even due to the MASSIVE infestation and occupation of Grineer...


...What does the Lotus know about what is left on Earth that we don't?

i think one of the old trailers said that warframes are relics of old earth, so they could be some sort or hidden  origins there, if not i think lotus explained in the cicero crisis that earth was recovering (was ravaged by war in the past?) and we should protect its enviroment.

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>Instead she primises to teach them to master the art of war and the warframes.


Teach? They already knew. It's instinct to them and the only thing that really stuck with them.



>Corpus calls the Tenno betrayers. But who did they betray? Did Lotus give the order?


The Tenno essentially betrayed the Orokin. Read the Stalker's Codex entry.



>Hekk wants to kill her with pure hate. Why do they hate the Tenno so?


The Grineer, in a nutshell, hate everyone that isn't Grineer. That's been made pretty clear so far. Plus we interfere with them on a regular basis to stop their shenanigans so I'd say that's a reason to be extra mad.


Just the few things I felt l could point out quickly without writing an essay.


^This. All this.


As for Lotus' focus on Earth, if she is especially focused on it, it's because that's where the Orokin originated from, I think.

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I like your theory, but there does seem to be ONE big hole in it:

The missions and shipyards seem to be on Earth, or the Earth tileset. Which suggests that the Lotus is dedicated, not just once but TWICE now, to specifically protect something on Earth. Earth, which isn't even a planet Tenno seem to be waking up on.


So the better conspiracy is, if Earth is worth protecting even due to the MASSIVE infestation and occupation of Grineer...


...What does the Lotus know about what is left on Earth that we don't?







May Be it's Hayden Tenno is still somewhere on Earth O.O

Edited by BabyKurama
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