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Tethra's Doom Rewards Anticipation Megathread


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its the same place all previous event items have been, waiting for the wednesday patch to deploy like all other events/items.


having said that, lashbacks always occur every single time, you'd think DE would learn from the forums and mostly from the nightmare that is region chat ingame, if it was me id have the events end the day after patch day so that when it does end the items are ready to deploy automatically, complete with ingame mail stating that the items are being distributed slowly over the next X amount of minutes.

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Guys, really. They're probably tallying everyone's score or something, figuring out who gets what. A lot of people play this game, it can take a while to sort out. It'll come, just be patient and go play something. Or go to school/work/sleep or whatever is appropriate for you.


Just chill. It'll come when it comes.

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Just so we can keep all the questions of where the rewards are in one easy to locate place. I made this.


Lets share stories about laughs had during the event and what you liked about the event the most. 


My personal favorite was the door that Prod Crew Man welded shut to troll everyone.

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well they said 12:00 pm EDT and it passed it.... so why arent we get the gun's yet? its not like they didnt had time to fix this issue...

you think this is easy?

its not like the snipertron because the player base has grown since then

so DE has to determine who/who doesnt get the rewards

they have to gather and distribute it and all the coding that comes with it


they have to determine which clans won and get statues

they have to see who gets quantum badges

for over 10 million players

the event ends at 12 so they have enough time to do all this and put out rewards in the same day

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my personal favorite story was my first attempt at shield-run

didnt expect too much difficulty, went in with a lowly banshee and my lvl 15 drakgoon (with cata tho)

ended up having to throw everything i had around and being carried by my team (they all weren't completely overgeared), but it was awesome for a challenge^^

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