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Frost 2.1 : A Step In The Right Direction, But Not Quite Done Yet


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Now frost globe nerf was needed.It made frost a boring frame and useless on many mission types and he was a one trick pony. But, the nerf was simply overkill. Now, 4 seconds of initial invulnerability then hp limit is smart and balanced. Snow globe is back to usefulness again. But, that's not the only thin that was needed.

What additionally needs to be done I think is to revisit the abilities you buffed for frost 2.0, they are a also a step in right direction, but simply not enough to realise what you had in mind. A caster cc tank.

Crowd control possibilities of frost do not seem good enough. Freeze is just a lame 1st skill, and other than that its just snow globe. Avalanche and ice wave simply need more of that stuff, ya know Avalanche needs to freeze enemies for much longer, and % 100 proc for ice wave would work jusr fine. You can even nerf their damage to half in return.

About those ability procs, this is an idea i am seeing everywhere. Hit point abilities always lack scalability. Giving % 100 proc chances to any warframes dmg abilities much more useful and scalable.

Edit: In fact, I would love frost even more if he didn't do any damage at all, only ice proc and freeze.

Edited by Cemges
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I actually posted the thread below, regarding some suggestions for his ability. The problem with Frost is that unlike Mag, Excalibur, Loki and many other frames, his 1st power is ridiculously underwhelming to use. There's no real feeling of power behind it. 




When you use Frost, you wish you could see the whole area become a winter-wonderland. You'd want things to freeze left and right, everything slowing to a crawl as their limbs slowly die of frost bite. Elsa from Frozen does a better job than Frost. That should be the type of power level we're talking about, even if it is a Disney movie. 


Freeze should be an area-of-effect freeze, Ice Wave should be a cone shape and give mobility bonuses, Snow Globe has already improved, and Avalanche should be the ultimate CC, because that's what Ice is all about, isn't it? If you wanted to kill something, Fire should be a faster choice, while cold has always been a slow but sure death. 


I definitely think Snow Globe took the right step forward, but now his other powers still need a rework. That's in addition to the other Warframes, of course.

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Wow, ok I did read your whole thread. Overall more though out, but i think current globe nailed it. Talking about freeze, i think perma freeze that doesnt apply to bosses seems pretty good to me. Or well aoe would do it too, with faster projectile speed.

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just saying, but I am sure the ice wave is already a 100% proc chance.  freeze should be better, yes, and avalanche should also be better.  Maybe reduce his health a bit, decrease shield recharge, give a little armour buff, give freeze a larger AOE, and make avalanche a quicker casting, larger AOE and medium damage version of freeze, and maybe also a 20% damage buff on frozen enemies from avalanche.

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Ice wave is said to be 100%, yes. But the proc is "Slow", while Freeze's proc is... well, "Freeze". 


I do think we shouldn't be so shy in allowing our Warframes to have a great and very fun-to-use 1st power. Some of the frames do it very well: Excalibur, Rhino, Mag, Loki, Volt, Saryn and Banshee. Even Oberon's Smite is a pretty fun thing to use in groups, though not as insanely fun as Mag's Pull.


All of them do very little damage compared to their ultis, but their mechanic is what makes them interesting. Slash Dash turns you into a miniature hyperdrive with blades, Rhino is a hammer on legs, Mag sends everything flying in a comical fashion, Loki is Loki, Volt zaps everything in range (Corpus Crewmen go WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Saryn gives everyone syphilis and Banshee is a dubstep machine that blows away all the minds. 


The Warframes who don't have this type of fun are the ones that need serious rework. You guys know the ones. 


But at any rate, here's to making Frost a fun-frame. I love the fella and his crab-head, but he really needs some love aside from his Snow Globe. Either that, or give us Elsa. Even with no armor and 10 health, she'd probably be able to kill everything on the ship before they notice we're there anyways.

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I would really like to see Avalanches CC period returned. Give it a fixed number of seconds so it can't be modified and remove the duration modifier from Snow Globe so we can dump duration mods altogether.

I'd also really like to see something different done with Freeze. i understand it's damage constraints as it is a tier 1 power. That said though, it really is underwhelming. The things that make it underwhelming to me are the damage, the fact that the skill is so easily broken by team members or just happenstance, and the fact that it's a skill that lacks any flexibility.


A movement skill similar to charge where he has a high chance freeze whatever he runs past or into for a few seconds, if he doesn't freeze them they are slowed. or he freezes the ground behind him.

Or incorporate the ability to set frozen patches that will slow any mobs that pass them for a short duration. This would create a great degree of flexibility with the skills as you don't have to rely on hitting the mob. Instead, you could instead aim at the floor around it or a wall. Likewise it keeps the shot from being wasted due to the fact that freeze can be dodged or intercepted because it has travel time.


Lastly, I'd very much like to see a movement speed increase given to Frost.

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I will make it simple.



Targeted spell, extremely fast travel like shuriken.

On impact on target, releases a small AOE around it (like smite).

Any enemy around target is slowed by 50% for 5 seconds.

Target itself is frozen and immobile.

Does not break on damage.

Freeze duration is 5 seconds at max rank.



Ice Wave

100% chance to proc chill.

But wider width please.




Reserve comments until it is tested further.




Same animation.

Freeze duration of 7 seconds at max rank

Affected by duration mods.

Range 20 meters.

Enemies are further inflicted with the "Cold" proc for another 5 seconds after ice shatters.

Edited by fatpig84
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freeze is useless


ice wave is where it needs to be


globe is ok but largely underwhelming compared to avalanche with CC


avalanche got castrated and no longer has CC so its back to useless



frost is largely underwhelming at this point.


IM glad globe got its fixes but it wont ever be able to compete with CC avalanche.

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Ice wave is said to be 100%, yes. But the proc is "Slow", while Freeze's proc is... well, "Freeze". 

Interestingly enough Freeze can proc Ice("Slow") and Ice proc stacks with Snow Globe and Hyena's Ice field. It was not fun finding out Hyena could do that.

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Same animation.

Freeze duration of 7 seconds at max rank

Affected by duration mods.

Range 20 meters.

Enemies are further inflicted with the "Cold" proc for another 5 seconds after ice shatters.

That's very powerful, and I love that idea. Maybe it does little dmg, but it this.




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