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Melee 2.0: Shiny, But Useless Toy.


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You have earned my upvote for the amusement I derived from amazement at the bullheaded nature of your bigotry and self-involvement. It takes something special begin with an argument from realism, move in to a skillfully narrated circular logic fallacy, and then finish off with baseless insults. Most trolls don't exert the effort required by any attempts at formatting, either. I salute you.


Hey now... my insults have base and my logic linear... much closer to rhombus in geometry.  Not so much a bullhead bigot as a pragmatic fellow player amusing himself by poking fun at another play style.  Just good ole fashioned run of the mill MMO play style rivalry. Outside of the insight on melee vs gun play, its not meant to be taken too serious... and I don't think you did.


Before sounding the troll alarm ask yourself.... what would LOKI do?

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From what I've heard, apparently you'll be able to wield your Melee weapon alone in the update, giving your choice of weapon a damage buff. this could also be used as a way of mastering (leveling) any particular melee weapon you've been meaning to level, without succumbing to just breaking out the big guns in the middle of a mission.


Don't hold me to that though, as far as I'm currently aware, it could be a rumor.

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I wouldn't say the currently melee system is "bad", just not suggested. In the tutorial, the Lotus says your melee weapon is ALWAYS equipped.  I'm probably the only person who thought that sentence she said was awesome.  It just drips "ninja". (Being a crazy ninja fan that I am) With the new, being able to equip your melee weapon, clearly it will no longer be "always" equip.


Currently I don't melee too much unless I have the right weapon, a charge attack weapon.  When I run low on ammo, a charge melee weapon can save the day or at least clear a nice spot to sit behind cover to reload my weapon. Other than charge attack melee weapons, I mostly just put max level furry on it and try to turn whatever it is into a copter weapon for speed.


With the new system, I sounds totally cool and I'm perfectly fine with a change.  I trust DE and I know they will make a good decision no matter what, which is one of the reasons melee 2.0 (8.5?) is taking so long to come out. Let it take time, let them think it through and perfect it. If that happens, I have no drought melee 2.0 will be a success no matter how it turns out. I know DE will make the right choose.


Finally, what I was saying early was that I don't see too much of a reason to actually change the melee system. It does what it does and what it does is fine by me.  Yet, at the same time, I'm not disappointed or disapproving of changing it. I would ask that you wait until melee 2.0 comes out and who knows, you might find your self surprised.

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It's fine for usual enemeis.


In Dark Souls you can finish final boss with few counter's, without big problems.

Which is why this is (hopefully) being changed in the sequel. Nobody likes to kill the final boss with a single parry -> riposte, which is arguably very easy to do.

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This is not Dark Souls.


And I am confused by what you mean by successful here.


Quick Time Event parry systems are for lazy developers, and the gamers that want an easier way out. That, and as has already been the horse that was beaten to death in this thread: It is too slow for a fast paced game like Warframe. It does NOT fit the flow whatsoever.


There is already going to be a parry system, according to the livestreams. You get the parry, you get massive damage boost. Plain and simple.



I would say wait until it is actually out before complaining, but you have already proven your ignorance in that capability.

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.....  just drips "ninja"....





This is kind of a weird and gross thing to write.  Unless of course you are referring to a stripper who showed up at a bachelor party in the koga province of 15th Centrury Japan.

Edited by mpastor
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From what I've heard, apparently you'll be able to wield your Melee weapon alone in the update, giving your choice of weapon a damage buff. this could also be used as a way of mastering (leveling) any particular melee weapon you've been meaning to level, without succumbing to just breaking out the big guns in the middle of a mission.


Don't hold me to that though, as far as I'm currently aware, it could be a rumor.

its something new to have fun with. you'll still get the default split in affinity earned for each item in your loadout

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Oh boy. I already got singed just by looking at this thread.


Sorry OP... you're just asking for a massive re-do of everything Warframe. I don't see it being done.



I don't see warframe getting better any time soon either.

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Hmm, i don't think melee 2.0 is for players , rather i think it's going to be used mainly agents us . 


There will be mobs that will be perfect blockers , some to melee , some to guns . Remember they where talking about how to get players to put away their guns and pull their sword   De isn't subtle about how they do things  , and nothing inspires only pulling our swords like our guns not working .


I think the code being written is mainly for the mobs and i'll be secondly applied on tenno , auto-vault being  the prototype case .  


plus all the focus on a single target focus , this is a game where the players kills  waves , upon waves. Even Heavys don't last more than 6 seconds,  why would we single target focus?  


They want to slow us down soooo bad .  and melee 2.0 is going to be the death of coptering , but light weapon will give speed boosts so it will be the time of the dagger . 


another question did dmg 2.0 really help us out ? all it did was destroy a few favorites and added  another required ele type to the rainbow . I bet among 2 equally competent players they will have the same build on the same guns .  


seems that 2.0 = less player choice / less player difference 

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I'm gonna wait until 2.0 appears before I judge it. Frankly though, as long as I get to punch a Grineer's lungs out the back of his chest, I'll be happy.


QTEs, no. Just no. I wouldn't mind seeing something like the old DBZ power struggles against bosses (you lock blades/fists/tentacles and try to push the opponent away), but they'd need to be VERY infrequent. Too many just gets boring.

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Lets try it out first before jumping into conclusions, ok!?


PS. I'm not under the illusion that Melee 2.0 will turn Warframe into something it isn't but i rather try something out first before judging something i haven't even seen.

Edited by Bazools
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I'm super hyped for Melee 2.0. I use melee all the time, from daggers like Dark Dagger to heavy melee like Galatine. I have no complaints about the current melee system, and I most likely won't have any negative feedback on Melee 2.0. Anyways, let's not judge it until it comes out.. 6 days left!

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I liked some of these ideas but disliked others


A way to viably stay close with melee would be much appreciated in higher areas


If nothing else at least if the tankier warframes could viably melee on lvl 100-200 enemies without an absolute chance of death (no blessing)

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I agree with OP completely. I personally like taking my Orthos Prime across the enemies body and cutting them cleanly in half, and then moving on to next enemy. Not spend 5 seconds dancing with it, and then having oxygen run out because I spent time dancing instead of killing.


Or using dojo axes to quickly rip enemies to shreds, or even daggers. I don't want to wait for my combo to complete for each enemy when I am being attacked from behind.


Another thing I did not see in the Warframe 26 Devstream was Decapitations. So this makes me very concerned.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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You all know melee will be made damage-viable, right? Damage and all, stance mods, I heard. 
Warframe isn't Dark Souls, we can't afford to riposte-touche every time we attempt to cut down an adversary. Warframe's more like run 'n gun.

Think MGR slashing while ninja running? 

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So bassically turn warframe into a completely different game. Might as well put this in the World of Warcraft forums for suggesting better melee combat. Anyway if space ninjas were given guns, I am pretty sure space ninjas would use guns over melee even if they were proficient in it. Anyway if we really want to get into what a ninja really is, we wouldn't have wall running etc. we would be guys dressed up like everyone else and drop poison into an important guy's drink or the like.

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It's not even Day 0 yet and people are complaining?

Howsabout you complain after you have some experience of the new system under your belt? Until then, you're proposing an entirely moot discussion. At the current moment, we have peered through a tiny wee keyhole into the realms of Melee 2.0. Tomorrow (or next day, depending on your timezone) you shall witness the door opening, and you shall stride through it. Although I suspect on Day 1 post-release we'll get the whole spectrum of complaining/exulting posts from the local forum bottom-feeders who, like you, formulate opinions on very little experience. 


I'll also have to echo some previous sentiments by suggesting that what you're asking for is essentially a very different game. Which, I hasten to add, you aren't going to get. If you had a sense of realism about the time it takes to implement new mechanics in the game, with all the accompanying code and animation assets, etc., then you'd know better than to make these suggestions off the cuff. Given that melee 2.0 has been floating around as an idea for. . . how many updates, fellas? . . . then the time it'd take for your suggestions to come about would probably be at least a year. So really, if you don't like the system that (again) you have no experience in, them I'm afraid the universal consensus would be 'suck it'.

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