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A Blizzard Is Comming Tenno (Frost Feedback)


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Over the last few months, I have seen Warframes on the chopping block and getting fixed. Rhino, Mag, Ember, and now Frost. Of all the frames, I have seen some changes in Frost which I believe should be a standard. I'll explain later.


But for this moment, I want to take a few seconds to thank whoever made this new change. I loveloveLOVE it! I'll adress a few hot topics people bring up and i'll explain into more detail about what made this change so incredible. Well lets begin is the explanation!



Snowglobe now has a small period of invulnerability. During this period, Snowglobe will gain extra health based on the amount of damage it takes. This idea is absolutely great, seeing as this allows Snowglobe to scale with enemies! This small buff alone makes SG more viable at high levels. This is the aspect I feel needs to be a standard, abilities scaling with enemies. This might allow more lackluster abilities grow into a more viable state. For instance, what is Saryns Miasma scaled with the amount of armor the enemy had? She would destroy Grineer at all levels! Corpus and infested? Maybe, but probably not.


The second addition was the armor. SG is now affected by the warframes armor multiplied by 5, meaning Armor mods on Frost are now much more inviting, adding strength to his abilities and himself. Besides Valkyr, Frost is now able to utilize Armor mods effectively. I think with a max Steel Fiber, Frost's SG can get up to a 87% Damage reduction. This alone might have also been effective in balancing SG properly.




So there were the additions to SG, and I feel like they have been astounding. I took it for a Test run and I never saw SG die before 30 seconds. Of course, I did use a very corrupted mods when toying with this so SG has a interesting efficiency for me. So lets discusss a few problems i've seen. These are not quote's, but just the jist of the point.




Poster: Frost is way overpowered now, SG is way to powerful with all those buffs, one would have been enough.


Response: SG Is a bit powerful, yes. But that is only when you mod it. Using mods like Maxed Steel Fiber, Narrow Minded, Or Fleeting Expertise help this mod immensely. But take into the consideration the amount of effort you must put into this mods to obtain this power. With mod trading you can probably just buy the mods, but that's at the users discretion.


Poster: Why does SG have a duration? All corrupted mods will negatively affect in some way, so take off duration.


Response: On the contrary, the duration is a balance Frost needs. This duration prevents SG from becoming overpowered. Without the duration, you might as well nerf the ability! If you put up a SG and it stays up forever, It might even begin to interfere with shooting enemies who ran inside, or become a very horrible trolling tool. I shudder to imagine the things a jerk could do with a durationless SG


Poster: Frost is a one trick pony again, we're back to the old problem we had.


Response: If you think this, you need a slap in the face and sent back to Frost school. SG now takes skill to utilize properly. Remember the addition of the invulnerability state? If you put it up as the wave begins, SG dosen't get any power and will probably be blown down quickly before the duration expires. If you time SG properly when the pod is starting to get swarmed or a boss is blasting at you with all his firepower, your SG suddenly grows into a super strong shield and will most likely survive it's duration. At low levels it might appear overpowered, but at higher tiers it becomes an effective defensive measure to protect your team, fulfilling Frost's role as a tank. If you don't know what it means to be a tank, then go solo, because a tank protects his teamates drawing aggro or covering them, and Frost can do both of these once again.


In continuity of this, take a look at his other abilities, he has Freeze which acts as a CC. Ice wave and avalance both deal damage and having a slowing effect. When you mod a frame around one ability, that frame feels like a one trick pony. Take Nova for instance, imagine building her purely around Molecular Prime, neglecting Antimatter drop and Wormhole. Suddenly Nova is a one trick pony. And if you use the frame in that manner, you once again need sent back to Warframe Academy.




I feel that SG is good, it's where it needs to be and I feel should be a standard for other abilities! The whole scaling with enemies is a brilliant idea which I would love to see other frames be able to do.


In the terms of other things about Frost, I feel that Avalance honestly neeeds the freeze duration back. 5 seconds after casting, having frozen enemies was an amazing skill, very compairable to a Rhino stomp with shorter range. Perhaps like Freeze, what is frozen enemies were unfrozen the moment they took damage? I feel this would help turn Avalance into a more useful ability and allow Frost to stand on a high tier with the other frames like Vauban, Rhino, Nova, Loki,  and Trinity.


These are just my thoughts on the changes, what do you guys think? anything you disagree with? I'd love to hear any constructive feedback you can offer.

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Response: If you think this, you need a slap in the face and sent back to Frost school. SG now takes skill to utilize properly. Remember the addition of the invulnerability state? If you put it up as the wave begins, SG dosen't get any power and will probably be blown down quickly before the duration expires. If you time SG properly when the pod is starting to get swarmed or a boss is blasting at you with all his firepower, your SG suddenly grows into a super strong shield and will most likely survive it's duration. At low levels it might appear overpowered, but at higher tiers it becomes an effective defensive measure to protect your team, fulfilling Frost's role as a tank. If you don't know what it means to be a tank, then go solo, because a tank protects his teamates drawing aggro or covering them, and Frost can do both of these once again.


In continuity of this, take a look at his other abilities, he has Freeze which acts as a CC. Ice wave and avalance both deal damage and having a slowing effect. When you mod a frame around one ability, that frame feels like a one trick pony. Take Nova for instance, imagine building her purely around Molecular Prime, neglecting Antimatter drop and Wormhole. Suddenly Nova is a one trick pony. And if you use the frame in that manner, you once again need sent back to Warframe Academy.

First of all, Snowglobe requiring skill to use, while his other 3 skills are still subzero par, doesn't make it any less of a one trick show. It's just a more difficult to pull off trick.

Secondly, Freeze is a breakable single target CC, this is an always near useless effect, especially on higher levels and especially against heavy enemies you'd want to keep frozen longer. And Ice Wave is outclassed by Avalanche in nearly every way but the slow Procc. While Avalanche is a very poor Ult overall compared to other Ults. 

Frost has his one trick for his other tricks being done better by other Frames, and it's a very boring trick he's pulling off. 


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mm. That's really just snowglobe feedback. I'm glad you like it, though.


As far as the people whining about his other abilities, I still don't understand. So many people apparently don't know how to use frost, it's pathetic.


Admittedly, there's nothing really teaching them how, but they seriously lack initiative on learning it. They like throwing around the words "worthless" and "useless", but I've kept bosses frozen blocks of ice for their entire lives. It's a great frame, it just requires a bit more thought than most people are willing to invest. =/

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I believe what they done is not a nerf or a buff but a move to the left we now still have the problem of frost being a one trick pony since avalanche has no cc what so ever now and freeze well do I even have to talk about it


with the snow globe change from the new hotfix I would say its in the right direction but still needs to have a few tweaks or tricks added to it to make it a viable skill as at the moment I see this ability held down by so many cons such as mod's requires (strength mods/duration mods/efficiency mods/armour mods/range mods


he is wayed down by to many cons all im suggesting is to remove timer from snowglobe but add a limit to 4-5 snowglobes maximum which sorts out a problem with mods other wise if I want to use snowglobe for high end,I have to use every kind of mod to just maximize snowglobe which then hits his other abilities, I found this a problem as other frames are not wayed down by all this


remove the timer

add a limit to 4-5 globes maximum


increase the range of the slow the smaller the globe gets the smaller the slow, the bigger the globe gets the bigger the slow but is wayed down by the bigger the globe gets the less effective the slow is so you get a 10 percent slow if your globe is 30m big and starts to increase as the enemy gets further




give the sg an after effect once it has been destroyed: SuC as freezing any target that is within 5 meters of the snowglobe or knocksdown targets within range

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I may sound like a disk in repeat but...here we go again.

You may be happy with what you're playing but it's ultimately gimped (compared to other alternatvies)


What you have is a stationary bubble that has a million disadvantages:

Only works on defense, explosions clip in, freeze field doesn't stretch, hard to mod, ect, ect, ect. 

There are many scenarios in which your spell does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Example, a corrupted moa enters your globe with stretch, it starts hitting the pod and is not affected by slow. Result: nothing accomplished.

Now I present to you the OP alternatives: 

Choose Zephyr, stand on the pod, put turbulence, call it a day. 

Choose excalibur, mod for range, cast blind every 15 seconds~ call it a day.

Choose rhino, put efficiency, cast stomp every few, call it a day. 


I forgot to mention, these actually work on ALL missions, regardless of other mods you got, regardless of how close the target is, it ALWAYS works. 

Snowglobe may be in a balanced spot power-wise but it still suffers from a trillion quality of life issues and the rest of his kit is even worse. 

Frost, like any other frame, should be good outside defense and even then he's not the best at it!!

Edited by Zephyric_Reaper
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