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The V Polarity


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Something that I've been noticing more and more recently is that the distribution of polarities across weapon mods is absolutely terrible. The vast majority of all mods have the V polarity, while the only "standard" mods that have the D polarity are the +Cold ones.

I have faced a situation today where I couldn't replace the Stormbringer mod (on a - polarity slot) on my Paris with the new Tethra mod because every single one of the 7 other mods had the V polarity.


Please, DE. Do something with the polarities.




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I was desperatly trying to find a discussion on this subject anywhere on official forums or community boeards (as reddit, to give only one).


I really dont understand what DE is doing with mods polarities.

Especially with the 2 recent events dual mods!


All give Elem damages + Status

Elem are - (but cold, but long gone discution about frost and its D polarity)

Status are D polarity


The game is really missing D mods in the weapons category. I was, as a player, hoping to see those really fine dual mods come with a D, forcing players to think twice about their formating strategies.

But DE came with V ...

So, well done DE, who needs anything else but V polarities right now?


And please, now that everybody had time to re-forma multiple times ... dont suddenly come with a patch that modifies those mods polarity ...

The worst and most stupid/unrealistic thing to do would be to release the next 2 dual elem/status mods with a polarity different from V.

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Once upon a time DE said something about the polarities having something to do with lore. Don't whether that has influenced the amount (or lack thereof) of D-polarities. However, it would be nice to actually see all polarities being important in modding towards the end-game. I have a D-polarity on my Akbolto but nothing to put there since it's only Frost dmg or status chance, and they're nowhere as important as the rest. All in all the mods need to be streamlined (!) more. I hope some of the mods will be more viable in the future, right now it's almost the same mods over and over. Only difference is elemental mods versus different factions and Crit mods on weapons with high Crit dmg/chance.  

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The problem can't be solved by releasing more D mods or changing some polarities on existing mods... They made the polarities resemble their categories... V being damage, D being defense, Bar being general purpose as well as utility and so on.


Problem is DE doesn't give a damn about defense or utility mods. The only thing they know is more damage. That means get ready for more V slots. Re-forma your weapon some more.


The only way to solve the problem is to change the mod system altogether, so people can't slap 8 damage mods on each weapon at the same time. But good luck persuading majority of the community and DE to do THAT. There are like already hundreds of ideas around how to solve the flaws DE has brought upon themselves with the current modsystem but they seemingly don't want to realize the problem.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Well, one thing DE could do that would be a step in the right direction, is to buff the pure status chance mods. They're all D polarities, but only give a quarter of the benefit of the dual-stat event mods (except for the shotgun one. That gives half the benefit.), and for 2 mod points more, too.

Edited by Braken
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Yeah, while I understand the lack in variation that occurs, due to the classification of the polarities (V is offense, D is Defense, - is Tactics), and the fact that weapons are offensive by nature, while Warframes are more defensive in nature (yes, they also have potentially offensive powers, but it's still effectively an armored suit of sorts), that doesn't mean that it's not a problem that needs to be addressed. The offense polarities on Warframes aren't so bad, except for the rarity distribution within offense polarity Warframe mods (They're all rare, except for Provoked, which is uncommon), since there is a somewhat decent collection of them once you manage to find them all, and they're almost all undeniably useful (again, except for Provoked). Weapons on the other hand, really lack them, with only two or three per weapon type, and are often lackluster.

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