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Should De Provide An Auction System?


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I assume what you are saying is that with the addition of a AH, then people who play this game sheerly for profit will buy up things, and sell them for plat.


I also cant stand resellers *spit* and am aware that lots of people think its hilarious to grief the general public by doing it.

Its already happening in the spam chat trade system..


That would be an easy fix.


Make it so that you can only sell what you farmed. Tag an item bought from someone else as "Traded" and make it so that they can't be resold to someone else.

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Yes : trading chat is very unpractical and annoying

Auction post would make more sense + it would help stabilize the prices of some rare more + the ability to sell your mods even offline , without having to wait for the perfect buyer or seller

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People thinking this won't correct prices don't understand how the auction house works due to competitive pricing and people wanting to have there pieces sold prices will lower till an unannounced consensus of what a fair price would be for a particular item it will still fluctuate between prices but not buy much.

I have seen in many games the addition of an auction hall and so I was there to see the nature of it when it was first brought it. What will most likely happen is that people will set prices high since they want the most plat possible but be forced to lower their prices to sell things for this example let's use rhino prime chassis since it is fairly new. When this hall would be first set up the chassis will probably be 150plat as it was when it first came out. But because of the amount of people that are starting to get full sets of rhino have continue to get spares hours after the hall is released it will be at 120 then maybe a week it will be at 80 and so on till let's say it stays at a steady 30. From then on it will not fluctuate more then 5-10plat due to the players being able to see the prices of other players and they would need to lower their prices for them to sell their piece

The only way this could go wrong is if they add the possibility to buy things with credits, some people have millions of credits and if they could buy things with credits that mean they could resell for plat. Trade should strictly continue to be plat or trading for other items. If they implement credits it would need a separate system that could not intertwine.

Edited by livingdead713
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Oh god no. Diablo 3 is all I have to say and they shut that down because of the huge fail it was.


Diablo 3 and Warframe are completely different games. Diablo 3 is STRICTLY item-based progression, with random attributes, etc. Warframe is level based, (you level up a weapon to 30, insert mods, reach optimal build. Sure there are Formas and the Mods themselves, but they aren't randomized, so there isn't a perfect roll 'weapon' worth $300+, but a perfect build that is farmed in under an hour.)


But, that being said, there are not enough items to justify an Auction House system. I honestly don't believe the prices of every single thing, given a perfect market or auction-setting won't end up at 1plat. Is that 'okay'?

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Every MMORPG have Auction. Trade Channel and Trade Section it's just band-aid.

Every MMO also has gold farmers too. It's a good thing Warframe isn't an MMO.


Nobody likes gold farmers either, they ruin economies.

Edited by Bro_Z
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People thinking this won't correct prices don't understand how the auction house works due to competitive pricing and people wanting to have there pieces sold prices will lower till an unannounced consensus of what a fair price would be for a particular item it will still fluctuate between prices but not buy much.

I have seen in many games the addition of an auction hall and so I was there to see the nature of it when it was first brought it. What will most likely happen is that people will set prices high since they want the most plat possible but be forced to lower their prices to sell things for this example let's use rhino prime chassis since it is fairly new. When this hall would be first set up the chassis will probably be 150plat as it was when it first came out. But because of the amount of people that are starting to get full sets of rhino have continue to get spares hours after the hall is released it will be at 120 then maybe a week it will be at 80 and so on till let's say it stays at a steady 30. From then on it will not fluctuate more then 5-10plat due to the players being able to see the prices of other players and they would need to lower their prices for them to sell their piece

The only way this could go wrong is if they add the possibility to buy things with credits, some people have millions of credits and if they could buy things with credits that mean they could resell for plat. Trade should strictly continue to be plat or trading for other items. If they implement credits it would need a separate system that could not intertwine.

Auction Houses users don't charge based on the relative value of the item. They charge the limit of what they think the buyer will pay.

Yes, it will reduce the high prices of 'one off" items. That seller that charges grossly high prices because he's the only person offering the item in that 30 minute period.

But market trends will drive the prices up in general... This has been the case in every game with an Auction House.


That doesn't even scratch the surface of the real issue though. I don't want multiple /tells asking me if I want to buy plat on the low low from BuyWarframe_plat(dot)com (not a real site)or whatever knockoff site 3rd party platinum resellers manage to come up with.


This is the other thing auction houses attract.

I don't want to worry about my account getting hacked and my stuff taken and sold for it's plat value leaving me nekkid and penniless.

I don't want to worry about DE getting hacked and having my pwd stolen for the same purpose.


When I say that Auction Houses present a larger problem. This is that problem.

What makes it easier for the players makes it that much easier for 3rd party re-sellers.


I credit DE with a lot of abilities... But I don't credit them with an ability to stave off the same groups that the largest and most successful Development houses in the industry haven't shown themselves capable of doing successfully over the course of a decade. They don't have the resources.


Does something need to be done? Yes, definitely.

Is it adding Auction House functionality? No.

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They could create an auction house and let players use the mail system to send free stuff to others instead of going in and out of the guild to do trades.. would eliminate the dropped trades from host migrations in the middle of a trade that has happened to me multiple times  the auction house with a search option to find what you want quickly instead of watching a chat for an hour waiting for someone to respond to what you want. this would keep people playing the game instead of wasting time in trade chat   it doesn't need to be a complex system just needs to work

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Ok let me tell you how that works. People come, dont pay a single penny to game, they farm voids for prime gear, sell them, make platinum profit, sell it for real money; first locally, then they go for websites that already do same thing with tons of other games, start selling platinum around. Then they start to control the market, set the value of platinum as long as it is cheaper then official. Result : digital extremed loose, players loose, resellers win. Capitalism at its best. Thats why I even was skeptical on including trade to warframe at first, and I worry that auction house may make it worse.

Btw this scenario is %100 real and brought doom to so many games, you wouldn't believe

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No. Auction houses create surplus items and broken market value. For those of us with surplus items this poses a real problem. For those of us who want a relative value to What we are offering this also poses a problem. If you want to sell your items at a 75% discount you dont need an auction house to do it or force reduced value on your hard earned goodies.

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Every MMO also has gold farmers too. It's a good thing, Warframe isn't an MMO.


Nobody likes gold farmers either, they ruin economies.

There isn't any "economic" without stable market. Only trade spam and overrated prices everywhere.

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I WOULD LOVE AN AUCTION SYSTEM!!! yes, yes, and yes! I could see me shoving all my prime gear into that thing along with Mods I don't need. Then leaving it there forever...


I would never have to waste my time in the trade chat ever again.

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That would be an easy fix.


Make it so that you can only sell what you farmed. Tag an item bought from someone else as "Traded" and make it so that they can't be resold to someone else.


This is the answer to the re-sellers problem...

Once an item is purchased off the trading post/auction house it becomes soul bound... No more re-sellers.

For those of you even mentioning re-sellers they already exist guys... I've seen in trade chat people asking for something and then a few minutes later people selling the same things... If there was an Auction house I'd have 2 ways of rejecting them.

Mostly event mods.


I strongly agree with the facts that trading shouldnt be a way to make income in the game... It should be a means for people to get rid of excess baggage and for someone who has farmed for an item and given up to be able to purchase that item as a last resort.


If soulbinding was implemented it would abolish current and future re-sellers.


Yes the economy would suffer (Only slightly with soulbinding) for a short time as it did when Primes became tradable but it balances out pretty quick.

Even quicker with Soulbinding.


Also quit it with the D3 excuse already... People using D3's auction house as an excuse for this clearly havnt actually played D3 else they would already know the massive difference between the 2 games...


Also to reiterate.






Trading should be a last resort to get the item you desire... 

But it should also be done in a safe, comfortable, quick and easy way.

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People thinking this won't correct prices don't understand how the auction house works due to competitive pricing and people wanting to have there pieces sold prices will lower till an unannounced consensus of what a fair price would be for a particular item it will still fluctuate between prices but not buy much.

I have seen in many games the addition of an auction hall and so I was there to see the nature of it when it was first brought it. What will most likely happen is that people will set prices high since they want the most plat possible but be forced to lower their prices to sell things for this example let's use rhino prime chassis since it is fairly new. When this hall would be first set up the chassis will probably be 150plat as it was when it first came out. But because of the amount of people that are starting to get full sets of rhino have continue to get spares hours after the hall is released it will be at 120 then maybe a week it will be at 80 and so on till let's say it stays at a steady 30. From then on it will not fluctuate more then 5-10plat due to the players being able to see the prices of other players and they would need to lower their prices for them to sell their piece

The only way this could go wrong is if they add the possibility to buy things with credits, some people have millions of credits and if they could buy things with credits that mean they could resell for plat. Trade should strictly continue to be plat or trading for other items. If they implement credits it would need a separate system that could not intertwine.

Good point. The dual currency issue would definitely need  to be considered here.


Shackram/Radmox's solution to resellers sounds good too.

Edited by (PS4)ThisisMrBurns
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The only problems I have with trade channel is....


1. Spamming big lines of text listing every mod you want to sell/buy and doing redundant things like....


mod 5p, mod 5p, mod 5p

mod 5p, mod 5p, mod 5p

mod 5p, mod 5p, mod 5p

mod 5p, mod 5p, mod 5p

mod 5p, mod 5p, mod 5p


Dude just say all mods for 5p...one line, no wall of text in a chat window that's limited in reading space.



2.  Sitting in the channel for hours just trying to sell or buy something with no luck....then when you do go to sell/buy the other person don't even have the trading fee to cover the sale....dude why are you buying legendary core when you only have 3,000 credits LOL


3.  Players wanting to haggle but it's all on your end.  You end up having to keep making offers and they just keep saying no and don't even give you a ballpark figure of what they expect to get.   They could be wanting 100p and I'm offering 50p, but all they say is no.  Would be nice if they said, I'm looking for at least 100p...I might then go, I'll give you 75p....but when I have no clue what you think you're willing to take for your item, I may not be able to offer a reasonable price that works for both of us.


4. People not responding to your whisper....


JOE: WTS mod 3p

Me: I'll buy

JOE: <silence>


Then moments later...


JOE: WTS mod 3p

Me: I'll buy it

JOE: <silence>

Me: hey you there?  I said I'll buy it.


Really I am beginning to think the whisper system is broken in this game because I could send out 50 whispers (between trade and recruitment channels) and get 2 responses back.


5.  Someone ask for a price check and 10 people respond with various prices the item should cost, then a discussion ensues about who's right or wrong....all of them are wrong because the price is what people is willing to pay for it or what people are willing to sell it for.   If they want to debate then fine, do it in whisper or make a squad and talk about it in squad chat.   Besides, it can also hurt someone's chances to sell something overpriced or buy something underpriced.


JOE: selling max serration 10p


Random player thinking "wow that's a steal" and begins to send whisper...meanwhile...


Eric: LOL you giving it away

Bob: man it goes for at least 200

Eric: Yeah I wouldn't sell it for less than 250


JOE: really, I didn't know it goes for that much

Bob: yup cause it cost a lot to max it out

JOE: Oh thx


Moments later...


JOE: selling max serration 300p





Anyway, how about we just make multiple ways of trading? 



We can keep the trade channel for those who like to interact and haggle.


We can change the trading post and allow it to list items for sell/buy.  Players use their own trading post or one in the dojo of another clan (if invited) and pay the price for the listed item.


We can also have another option in the trading post to make an auction.  That would be for people who want to try and get as much as they can while allowing them to go play the game in the meantime.    You set your minimum price and have an option to set your buyout price, go play the game, come back after the time is up and collect your money or item if there were no bids (you'd be sent a whisper or email upon winning the auction or successful sale).


So really we don't only need one option for trading, we can satisfy all the above....It's been done before and it worked well enough for most games.   As for the player economy, well no matter how trades are made, players will always determine what the going price is for anything in a system that allows players to buy/sell for whatever they want.   So that's no excuse not to have all 3 trading methods.

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