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Helios Sentinel


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but seriously, on a more mature matter, how do you guys like the new sentinel? And what do you think of it? I myself think its amazing and bought the pack plus accessories the minute it came out. Post opinions below! Also, the new attachments. Likes, dislikes, possible changes? What do you guys think?

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He looks cool, reminds me of some Pokemon i can't recall the name lol. I prefer him without any accessories, but he looks nice with the Ictus pack.


Also the Investigator ability! That was a good idea. Personally i have not touched the scanners since Cicero Crisis.

Now my sentinel can take the pictures for me! :D That was awesome thank you DE.


And i was surprised to see his attacking ability, is like a glaive and make the sound of Ash's Shuriken (Maybe this is a bug) And uses melee mods, including the glaive/kestrel exclusive mods, that is awesome!!

Edited by RexSol
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Automatic Codex scanner sounds completely useless. More useless than Fatal Attraction, since Valkyr can at least use the pull and aggro to her advantage. Codex scanning does nothing beneficial so I don't see a reason to equip Helios.


Codex scanning should have just been a Sentinel mod, since I understand that some people really like scanning stuff. Instead, the scanner ability should have told you what the enemy's power level is highlighted weakpoints like Sonar, or something similar so it wouldn't invalidate Banshee's role.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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The Last Sentinel is for all who have normal scans, a kick in the face! 

Just because there are lazy guys who do not want to scan it makes such a feature .. once again thanks to DE, which support the LAZY people ..! 

Why scann through great trouble all around a little (beneficial) to have, compared to the not scan because they have no loss to .. and now comes as such a Sentinel and therefore will do that automatically .. will you kidding me or what? 

It is always the same, people who invest a lot of time in the game will be with such things again and again Fooled!


sry for my english ! 

Edited by BierWurstGER
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1. level to 30

2. switch to shade



FTFY ;) (ive always prefered random stealth, im ADHD enough to get all shiney objects off of the ground)


Once DE fixes the error stopping this thing from Scanning properly, ill be using it more and more during my Polymer Runs. I like that they have created a method for me to get scans and still be able to shoot things in the face.

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Dude can't you see now, It always will be clantech, gone are the days you can buy bp for credits and rush it for 1/5th of the market price on day one ! Get used to it this kis how it is now.

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Dude can't you see now, It always will be clantech, gone are the days you can buy bp for credits and rush it for 1/5th of the market price on day one ! Get used to it this kis how it is now.

Then I may just up and leave the game. It's arbitrary at this point and it makes me NOT want to play. I don't even care about rushing. I just want the item at a decent time. NOT FOUR DAYS. Yes, I have 4.8k platinum, but that doesn't mean I want to buy my way through the game. IT ALSO DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO WAIT FOUR DAYS FOR EVERY NEW ITEM. 

Way to ruin my day, DE, way to ruin it. 

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Dude can't you see now, It always will be clantech, gone are the days you can buy bp for credits and rush it for 1/5th of the market price on day one ! Get used to it this kis how it is now.


You understand the negative connotations of this, right?


1) Make it clan-exclusive, so each clan needs to deplete their resources in order to get access to it. (A resource sink isn't necessarily a negative, but, wanna double check how much Oxium it takes to research it?)

2) It creates a larger gap between those who are willing to spend platinum, and those who aren't. If you want to get a Helios of your own, without spending Plat, first you need to put in all the resources, (which, if you haven't farmed, could take a while,) then you need to wait a few days for it to -research-, then, you need to buy a blueprint, then you need to make it on your own. Over a week of waiting, which, if you're pessimistic over the whole thing, is put into place because: DE wants to incentivize people to buy the item for Platinum, and completely skip over the research. And, because it's research, clans will be dumping those resources into it anyways, to research it.

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Then I may just up and leave the game. It's arbitrary at this point and it makes me NOT want to play. I don't even care about rushing. I just want the item at a decent time. NOT FOUR DAYS. Yes, I have 4.8k platinum, but that doesn't mean I want to buy my way through the game. IT ALSO DOESN'T MEAN I WANT TO WAIT FOUR DAYS FOR EVERY NEW ITEM. 

Way to ruin my day, DE, way to ruin it. 

I don't necessarily agree with it but they had to do something if they want money and like every business its all about money, my guess is that we will always have to wait if you want it free.

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I don't necessarily agree with it but they had to do something if they want money and like every business its all about money, my guess is that we will always have to wait if you want it free.


I feel like I'm being punished for wanting to play the game the way I want to play. I bought Grand Master and the Inferno pack and I WAS ready to buy the 50 dollar Syandana pack for the newest one. But if this is the route the game is going, then I'm done. I'll take my toys and leave, so to speak. I don't like being punished for wanting to get things my way. I don't want to farm 300 goddamn Oxium on my own because my clan is currently mostly dead. I don't want to just burn plat on weapons when I want to save that money for skins and other cosmetics. 

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Really wish it didn't need so much oxium research. Plus, stuff needs to stop being released as clantech.


Just another note, why is it a corpus item if its made by tenno? I know it needs oxium but you dont see zephyr as a corpus clantech.

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