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Retune *all* The Frames! (11/19: Wildfire)


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They did it again!


Warframe Changes:

  • Added Melee Combo Counter to Excalibur’s Slash Dash.

While a succesful attempt I feel the benefits SD has from just adding to the combo counter are rather.... I'd say limited. Mostly due to how often you end up maybe not too far away from your enemies but just far enough for the pitiful duration fo the combo counter to die off. If SD was affected by the combo counter however, I'd like to see how things would be like that way.

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No, hitscan attacks couldn't be converted back into hitscan upon exiting. Otherwise, the tech is already there.

i don't think we need to. convert all projectiles into one type of Projectile (save for specials like Missiles, just as Absorb and Bullet Attractor don't convert those projectiles, but still apply rest of effects), apply the slowing while in Range, and don't change their trajectory.


that sounds good to me. walking out of the way of incoming bullets, hehe.

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Re-added an old note about Crush to the OP (group compaction). I removed it because I thought it seemed redundant, but the more I consider it, I believe there is still a place for Pull prior to its activation.


While a succesful attempt I feel the benefits SD has from just adding to the combo counter are rather.... I'd say limited. Mostly due to how often you end up maybe not too far away from your enemies but just far enough for the pitiful duration fo the combo counter to die off. 


For that reason, I also added a note to the OP concerning a potential passive for Excalibur.


One of those hollow victories, honestly, where they follow through to the letter rather than to the spirit of the suggestion. The actual Slash Dash suggestion was meant to be a piece of a grander design - giving Excalibur a melee focus by means of the easy-to-understand-harder-to-master combo system, to ease newer players into finding ways to make the most of abilities. Aim Slash Dash a few times, Super Jump to an optimal position and clear your combo multiplier with a suped-up Radial Javelin.

Edited by Archwizard
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Interesting suggestion with combo counter affecting javelin, but why must Excalibur work so much harder to attain a viable nuke, when all it takes for other frames is one key press? Considering that Excalibur is a poster boy for beginner frames, making his kit too hard to use just doesn't seem right. Newcomers must not be spoon fed, but demanding Limbo level of mandatory synergy to be effective is an overkill.

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Some more thorough feedback!



I like your new ideas for her. But as someone pointed out, that can be troublesome for console players with the downward aiming and all (I play on PC, so, no bias there). So here's a thought: What if Tail Wind also empowered your next melee slam attack (you keep the charge until you land) to also do the old Dive Bomb "explosion"? That could solve a lot of issues, because melee slam attacks can be done by simply holding down the melee button (sure, it first does a regular air melee, but I see that as a "slow response" kind of issue that needs to be fixed).
I also really like the synergy with Tornado and Tail Wind, but I'd like to change one thing: It splits all physical damage, but for Tail Wind specifically, the damage is simply felt FULLY by all enemies in a Tornado! It's not the strongest ability in the world anyway, so I see no harm in that kind of synergy.



After playing a bit more with Hydroid lately, there are a few things I'd like to adress and suggest:


Tempest Barrage

* Could become onehanded, like most first abilities. He only has Undertow to sort of work like it (it doesn't interrupt reloads at least).

* Like you suggested yourself, "Power in Use" removed would help this skill immensly. I'd like it to become STACKABLE casts, rather than just recastable. LET IT RAIN! :D

* Important addition/fix: Power Range really ought to not just widen the spacing of the barrages, but also affect the size of each individual barrage. Power Range is redundant overall for Hydroid.

* Important bug/mechanic-fix: Currently the targetting is really... stupid, for the lack of better words. It doesn't work as i would expect; cast at a point, then an area around that cast point has barrages summoned there (like a target "sphere", which I, and I bet many others, would like it to work like). Instead it seems to target an area based on your flat screen, your vision. Imagine if you stand in a doorway and target really far away. Now, take a screenshot. Draw a circle around the target area of where you aimed. In this circle is where the barrages will end up, so some barrages might end up landing in the far distance, as you want it to, while some will hit the wall of the very doorway you stand inside, because they were part of the screenshot-circle... that's just stupid. I hope my explanation of this is clear enough.


Tidal Surge

*  I REALLY wish it was better at pulling enemies along with you. Otherwise solid (... or not at all :P)



* Needs to be affected by Power Range, even if just marginally (like Vauban's Vortex).

* Allow Hydroid to cast his other abilities while in the puddle. Barrage and Swarm would simply be targetted at his position, while Surge would cancel the ability and drag along all enemies caught in the puddlge (as you suggested).

* Barrages and Tentacles that hit the puddle could deal damage to all enemies caught in the puddle, although damage would be split (similar to your Tornado suggestion).


Tentacle Swam

* Should allow you to recast it at any time, but doing so removes your previous Tentacle Swarm (Zephyr's Tornado really ought to get the same treatment, and a whole bunch of other abilities too)

* Tentacles slamming down ought to deal damage in a small area around the tentacle. They currently miss WAY too much, only really hitting its target when SUMMONED. This area of effect is NOT affected by Power Range, however...

*  It would be nice if Power Range also affected the amount of Tentacles spawned, so the increased spawn radius of the tentacles, which is affected by Power Range, was useful.



Been playing him for a bit now, and I can actually see why DE actually hasn't added too much to his skills (yet): Because there is a very high risk of making the abilities overlap with one another too much, making one or several of the abilites redundant. The abilities don't do all too much right now, but they DO have different roles:

* Freeze FREEZES a target for while.

* Ice Wave provides the coldproc's slowing effect.

* Snow Globe provides defense and an area with a lingering slowing effect.

* Avalanche provides a very brief panic-pause, and quite nice damage too (1500 damage should actually not be scoffed at)

Problem is, all these niches have far too many downsides, except for Snow Globe; Freeze breaks early super-easily on top of only being a single-target freeze, Ice Wave has utility and damage, but way too little of both while Avalanche's pauser is simply way too short.


That said:



I can't believe that DE thought they fixed this skill by giving it AoE... which, honestly, it really didn't get. Yes, it deals (abysmal) damage in a small, tiny area around the point of impact, furtherly crippled in damage by distance (really?) and has a low chance of proccing cold... The low damage, I don't really mind... but a CHANCE to slow? It's still mostly a waste of a skill with very limitted use. Making it at least proc cold on all targets in the area, and increasing the size of the area a bit, would be a tremendous boost to the skill... yet it STILL would be quite lackluster (since Ice Wave exists).


So what should it do then? It really ought to freeze all enemies in the area and only based be on Power Duration to be worthwhile. Bosses and minibosses (like G3) could have reduced durations.


Ice Wave

On top of adding the knockback: What if it did 50/50 damage as cold and puncture (increased to around 1000 total damage too, so it feels more worthwhile as a damageskill) and it procced both cold AND puncture and having the puncture-proc be affected by power duration?

Note: I'd like the puncture proc to be improved to not just weaken enemies' damage output by 30%, but also make them suffer 30% more damage TAKEN from all sources! Regardless of that or not, a puncture proc added would be fitting the defensive nature of Frost. Alternatively to change the Puncture proc, Ice Wave could instead simply deal 30-50% more damage towards enemies suffering a cold-proc or who are frozen, but that would feel a bit more forced, but at least make it feel more like a damage-oriented skill with lesser (or, more niched) utility.



This one is tough to me to suggest what it ought to do without overlapping the other skills.
* Pushback - Fits better on Ice Wave

* Cold proc / Slowdown  - Is already on Ice Wave and Snow Globe and partially on Freeze. All 4 doing that would feel a bit too samey, imo.

* Freezing enemies for a duration - Overlaps with Freeze, making Freeze kind of redundant. Only way to make this non-overlapping, was if their freezes stacked with one another, or had different benefits.

The only good freezing-synergy I can think of: Freeze has no damage-cap for breaking, while Avalanche has a damage-cap before it breaks, but the enemy suffers some additional damage taken (from all sources) until unfrozen. Slap on both Freeze and Avalanche on an enemy and you have a damage-booster (Avalanche) only affected by duration (due to also being frozen by Freeze)! That's the only freezing-synergy I can find between them, really


If these things were done, there would be far more synergy between the damaging skills:

* Avalanche to make enemies suffer more damage taken while being frozen

* Then Freeze them to make this booster last longer, due to the freeze from Freeze only being affected by duration

* Ice Wave for some quite high damage (Due to the Puncture-change/Ice Wave bonus on slowed/frozen enemies + The Avalanche bonus)!


With that, the higher damage on Avalanche could even be lowered down a bit, so that Ice Wave becomes the more damageoriented / damage-efficient ability in his kit.

Edited by Azamagon
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Interesting suggestion with combo counter affecting javelin, but why must Excalibur work so much harder to attain a viable nuke, when all it takes for other frames is one key press? Considering that Excalibur is a poster boy for beginner frames, making his kit too hard to use just doesn't seem right. Newcomers must not be spoon fed, but demanding Limbo level of mandatory synergy to be effective is an overkill.


You... do know the combo multiplier is in breaks of 50%, right?

Left as is, it's 5 hits to make an instant 50% boost in damage. With the augment, that's one Slash Dash.


I never said how much the nerf would be; my expectation was no more than 20%.

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You... do know the combo multiplier is in breaks of 50%, right?

Left as is, it's 5 hits to make an instant 50% boost in damage. With the augment, that's one Slash Dash.


I never said how much the nerf would be; my expectation was no more than 20%.


I love this suggestion. Anything that raises skill ceiling is okay in my book. But Excalibur is not meant for me. Excalibur's job is to sell the game to newcomers. New players won't know these mechanics. And even if they do, they usually won't have Streamline, Fleeting Expertise or Flow to perform these ability chains.


And after they craft their first frame (probably Rhino or Oberon) and discover that their nukes are more powerful and useful, Excalibur will leave a bad Mk1 taste in their mouths.


But if it's only 20%, then it might be ok.

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I love this suggestion. Anything that raises skill ceiling is okay in my book. But Excalibur is not meant for me. Excalibur's job is to sell the game to newcomers. New players won't know these mechanics. And even if they do, they usually won't have Streamline, Fleeting Expertise or Flow to perform these ability chains.


And after they craft their first frame (probably Rhino or Oberon) and discover that their nukes are more powerful and useful, Excalibur will leave a bad Mk1 taste in their mouths.


But if it's only 20%, then it might be ok.


Well you've got to keep in mind, Excalibur's the preferred offensive Warframe for Stephano farming. I expect that in the wake of Viver it won't be too long before DE finds another reason to nerf his firing potential. It might be the best idea to turn a nerf into a potential feature.

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After playing a bit more with Hydroid lately, there are a few things I'd like to adress and suggest:


Tempest Barrage

* Could become onehanded, like most first abilities. He only has Undertow to sort of work like it (it doesn't interrupt reloads at least).

* Like you suggested yourself, "Power in Use" removed would help this skill immensly. I'd like it to become STACKABLE casts, rather than just recastable. LET IT RAIN! :D

* Important addition/fix: Power Range really ought to not just widen the spacing of the barrages, but also affect the size of each individual barrage. Power Range is redundant overall for Hydroid.

* Important bug/mechanic-fix: Currently the targetting is really... stupid, for the lack of better words. It doesn't work as i would expect; cast at a point, then an area around that cast point has barrages summoned there (like a target "sphere", which I, and I bet many others, would like it to work like). Instead it seems to target an area based on your flat screen, your vision. Imagine if you stand in a doorway and target really far away. Now, take a screenshot. Draw a circle around the target area of where you aimed. In this circle is where the barrages will end up, so some barrages might end up landing in the far distance, as you want it to, while some will hit the wall of the very doorway you stand inside, because they were part of the screenshot-circle... that's just stupid. I hope my explanation of this is clear enough.


Tidal Surge

*  I REALLY wish it was better at pulling enemies along with you. Otherwise solid (... or not at all :P)



* Needs to be affected by Power Range, even if just marginally (like Vauban's Vortex).

* Allow Hydroid to cast his other abilities while in the puddle. Barrage and Swarm would simply be targetted at his position, while Surge would cancel the ability and drag along all enemies caught in the puddlge (as you suggested).

* Barrages and Tentacles that hit the puddle could deal damage to all enemies caught in the puddle, although damage would be split (similar to your Tornado suggestion).


Tentacle Swam

* Should allow you to recast it at any time, but doing so removes your previous Tentacle Swarm (Zephyr's Tornado really ought to get the same treatment, and a whole bunch of other abilities too)

* Tentacles slamming down ought to deal damage in a small area around the tentacle. They currently miss WAY too much, only really hitting its target when SUMMONED. This area of effect is NOT affected by Power Range, however...

*  It would be nice if Power Range also affected the amount of Tentacles spawned, so the increased spawn radius of the tentacles, which is affected by Power Range, was useful.


Part of my problem with hydroid is that his first and fourth skills seem so redudnant. The best they each do is lock down an area for a little while, just with different damage types.

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Part of my problem with hydroid is that his first and fourth skills seem so redudnant. The best they each do is lock down an area for a little while, just with different damage types.

That's what I tried to rectify a little bit with allowing spammability on his first ability:

Tempest Barrage: Is weaker, is more random in reliability throughout its duration, but is SPAMMABLE! And should be onehanded too.

Tentacle Swarm: Stronger, reliable upon initial cast, but is less reliable after its initial targets and is not spammable.


That gives you enough differences between them, imo.

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- Pull once again knocks down and drags enemies to the caster's feet, rather than ragdoll-flinging them;

I suspect the reason this was changed in the first place was because you got dogpiled by everyone pulled towards you when it was like this. This made it a really bad idea to use when toxics were around, since you'd be smelling that while stuck on all the chargers and volotile runners. Now that that's not the case, you can pull them away from the cryopod without practically killing yourself.

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I suspect the reason this was changed in the first place was because you got dogpiled by everyone pulled towards you when it was like this. This made it a really bad idea to use when toxics were around, since you'd be smelling that while stuck on all the chargers and volotile runners. Now that that's not the case, you can pull them away from the cryopod without practically killing yourself.

They only need to make the recovery time of the animation smaller than the enemies' recovery time so that you have time to react to the enemies clustered in front of you.  It's much more dangerous to fling Ancients around randomly than to collect them into one place where you can deal with them all in one aoe or slide attack/melee combo.  Crush should fling everyone around and away to give you the breather that you describe (it currently just gets you killed!)  

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I LOVE your ideas for changes to Nekros. When I first heard that there was a 'necromancy' frame, I was really excited! I did find myself to feel kind of disappointed when I learned that he was most useful in Survival missions. Now, if only he wasn't so dang squishy.


(I'll admit I'm a noob so I probably don't have my Nekros built up 'correctly'). 

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Removed the "Blight" suggestion for Nekros from the OP. Dawned on me that I'd be asking for him to get a heal and an armor buff for his minions - and while I would like to call him the 'anti-Oberon', that feels a little on-the-nose. Besides, one could always take control of a Swarm Moa for the same benefit.

Yup. Makes it a one-day experiment and already a failure in my eyes. How lucky is that?


Presently I'm considering a change to Fireball in the OP, so that instead of causing a Napalm sphere on impact, it instead debuffs all enemies in the impact zone with a DoT effect that causes them to also burn nearby foes. Like how Gas damage works, essentially, although it's more inspired by the damaging effect of Overheat. It would leave it unique from Fire Blast (in terms of leaving obstructions) while still befitting a fire effect.



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I suspect the reason this was changed in the first place was because you got dogpiled by everyone pulled towards you when it was like this. This made it a really bad idea to use when toxics were around, since you'd be smelling that while stuck on all the chargers and volotile runners. Now that that's not the case, you can pull them away from the cryopod without practically killing yourself.


Devs official statement is that they put Mag flinging Alad V in a trailer, and they want players to do anything they put in a trailer.

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Presently I'm considering a change to Fireball in the OP, so that instead of causing a Napalm sphere on impact, it instead debuffs all enemies in the impact zone with a DoT effect that causes them to also burn nearby foes. Like how Gas damage works, essentially, although it's more inspired by the damaging effect of Overheat. It would leave it unique from Fire Blast (in terms of leaving obstructions) while still befitting a fire effect.




Also sounds good to me. Should spread to enemies after initial spread too. Maybe with an augment?

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+1 Awesome thread.  Would Especially love to see the ideias for Nekros and Zephyr be applied. maybe then they'll be fun to play.


I came up with an ideia for volt, ember and frost 1st skills, and would like to know what you guys think. You know how there are plenty of games that have the mechanic of tap the button for one effect and hold for another? i would love to see this in the game. Basically taping the power key would give Freeze, Fire Ball and Shock the current effects they have. when we hold the key they would work as beams, draining energy just like a toggleable ability. Probably with less base damage as it would be per sec, but proc at 100%.

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A few thoughts on today's update:


Pulled Limbo down from a full section in the OP, primarily as his changes were all quality of life and the biggest one got shot down today. Yay progress.


Duration timers were much-needed, although I still need to check how this works with Mesa's Shooting Gallery (ie do you have any indicator that it will jump soon?).


Overshields could be interesting, although they severely devalue the Shield Polarize augment. Still, it creates some unique opportunities for Mag in terms of potential future passives (ie having an increased Overshield cap, some sort of innate Overshield generation, status resistance with active Overshields, shield-penetrating damage redirected to Overshields, etc). Plus, it leaves me open if one of Mag's later augments is better (I have high hopes for a Crush one... and less high for Bullet Attractor).

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I came up with an ideia for volt, ember and frost 1st skills, and would like to know what you guys think. You know how there are plenty of games that have the mechanic of tap the button for one effect and hold for another? i would love to see this in the game. Basically taping the power key would give Freeze, Fire Ball and Shock the current effects they have. when we hold the key they would work as beams, draining energy just like a toggleable ability. Probably with less base damage as it would be per sec, but proc at 100%.


It could be neat, but if you look at the way hold functions work in this game it would be really jarring (itd be a lightning bolt before the lightning cannon).


Although I would really like to see a frame with beam attack ult.

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So, Ember. Ember is one of our oldest Warframes and her abilities and stats are often a 'hot' discussion item. Her model, powers, stats have received changes in the past, and we find ourselves back again taking a look at what we can tweak.


Here are some coming changes to Ember that you'll be able to try out soon, we're hoping to have these shipped in a week or two on PC:


Statistic Changes:

-          Base Stamina increased to 150.

-          Base armour increased to 100 (125 for Ember Prime)

-          Movement Speed increase.


Ability Changes:

-          Fire Blast has had a mechanic added. In addition to placing a ring of fire on casting location, it -will now also generate a growing wall of fire (like the Arson Eximus ability).

-          World On Fire is now a toggle ability with a 50 Energy cost on cast. It will drain energy over time as well as consider your power duration (affected by mods).

-          World on Fire has had its casting time reduced.


As usual... this is all subject to change, this is just a quick look at what the plans are.


The change to Fire Blast in particular (long requested by the community and even inserted into the OP here) gives Ember some strong CC potential, while also taking some pressure off of her augment. If it deals the same type of knockback, I'd give it an A. If they remove the AI change so enemies won't avoid it, A+.


Personally, I'm not entirely certain how much World on Fire is affected - I can't recall hearing anyone complain that it didn't end quickly enough. In all likelihood, this is a miscommunication between players and devs on par with Renewal. Of course, the cast-speed increase is always enjoyable.


What's interesting to me is her stat buffs. Her stat budget has always been just below Banshee's, while now, the tables have completely turned. The armor buff, likely a call back to Overheat, is roughly a 19.3% increase in EHP (23.5% for Ember Prime), which is nothing to shake a stick at. The stamina and speed increases are likely for World on Fire.


My main concern with Ember now is primarily that, in spite of having specializations in both Damage and now Crowd Control, she doesn't have quite the necessary versatility to be considered for endgame. However, this will probably be enough to pull her down to the lower sections, with primarily QoL improvements leftover.

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What's interesting to me is her stat buffs. Her stat budget has always been just below Banshee's, while now, the tables have completely turned. The armor buff, likely a call back to Overheat, is roughly a 19.3% increase in EHP (23.5% for Ember Prime), which is nothing to shake a stick at. The stamina and speed increases are likely for World on Fire.


Remembered that Ember actually has 15 armor, not 65, and adjusted my assessment. Sorry for any misinformation this may have caused!

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I like this.


I like a lot of this.


My two most played (well, can't confirm on most played, but these are certainly the ones I really care about) frames are Nekros and Loki, so I'll start with them.



I actually like Desecrate (I may or may not be alone on this), now that it can be used with Equilibrium + Despoil. In terms of gameplay, I am very rarely out of energy or health, and thematically it ties into the idea of death, "blood magic" and necromancy - health goes out, health cycles back in. It's still kind of rude how much I have to spam 3, but it feels right with his kit now at least.


That said, for some very odd reason the idea of Nekros and Viral damage (with Siphon Life) never really clicked with me, and then I read that part of your post and I was like, "oh [rude word], that makes sense". The polar opposites of Nekros and Oberon is something that I've always really wanted to see, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.


Still, I'm not quite sure that everything about Siphon Life would quite fit, but I'll come back to that in a second. I want to talk about SotD (I love your ideas about Terrify and Soul Rip, not much more to say on that really).


Personally, I think the "Soul Cache" is flawed and encourages exploitation (by causing Nekros only targeting stronger enemies and discouraging him from killing weaker ones), but I think that, with the dismemberment of corpses, it may be too difficult (from a programming perspective - but I'm not an expert) or too open to exploitation (the same way Desecrate effects separated body parts) if SotD worked off corpses. The two solutions to these problems that I can think of is that:


a) the "Soul Cache" is built up from targets killed through Soul Rip. This would encourage Nekros to cast it on higher value targets first, and not "punish" him for not being the one to land the killing blow. It would also remove that "penalty" for killing other enemies. By the same token, of course, it would still discourage him from casting it on weaker enemies.


b) the "Soul Cache" is built up from targets killed by the whole team. This would remove any and all bias on who Nekros does/doesn't kill or cast abilities on.


Of course, I might be wrong, and casting SotD on corpses may work fine.


Right then, back to Desecrate/Siphon Life (and this is the real motive behind me not wanting SotD to be cast on corpses), Nekros' abilities go from harming the living (Soul Rip) to weakening the living (Terrify) to exploiting the living (Siphon Life) to raising the dead (SotD). This jump from Terrify to SotD escalates quite quickly, so I'm proposing a slight change to Siphon Life, so that it's about exploiting the weak and the dead. While this idea might be entirely crap, it might also be, at the very least, interesting.


Siphon Life would return to being a radial AOE and would drain life for the radial heal only from corpses and terrified foes. Thematically, this ties both into his exploitation of the weak (rather than just making them weak) and the original theme of death, desecrating corpses, necromancy and all that jazz. As far as his kit is concerned, it would encourage building power strength (more enemies cowering = more enemies that are guaranteed to be in range), which in turn would increase the number of SotD minions and the armour/shields reduction on Soul Rip.


That might be absolute bonkers, but I do feel that a high chance viral proc on any enemies in range is a little bit too stronk - limiting it to terrified enemies is a bit of balancing. Also, my suggested change back to radial AOE might just be homage to the original Desecrate. I don't know anymore. What even is life?


TLDR: Soul Rip is good. Terrify (your suggestion, not the current version) is good. Suggested change to Soul Siphon is well and truly open to criticism. Possibility of SotD not working too well with corpses.



Hopefully this one should be shorter.


When I play Loki (and I'm not saying this from the perspective of a professional MLG Loki player, but from someone who enjoys Loki and has a decent-ish understanding of the Loki meta), I use Radial Disarm and Invisibility a lot, and Decoy gets some use on Mobile Defense tiles.


I have only ever used Switch Teleport for trolling. While I've heard that "oh, you can use it to get to get a downed ally out of danger" or "you can use it with Decoy to traverse the map at super-duper-speed", I've always found it more convenient to go Invisible to revive, or to copter. Making the Switch Teleport target vulnerable to friendly fire might fix that. As for suggested changes for Radial Disarm, they just make sense. Come on now, they shouldn't need to be mentioned - they should already be in the game.


Now for Decoy.


Like I said, I only really use it on Mobile Defense tiles, when I can put it under some stairs, or glitch it inside a prop. It shouldn't really have to be hidden to be effective - it's name is Decoy, and its purpose is to be a loud, obnoxious diversion while I dump a Radial Disarm in the Grineer's trousers. The reason why it isn't obnoxious (it's certainly bloody loud) is that it's weak. I could kill it with a paper cut, if only I was Radiation procced.


The only solution I can think of is something similar to Snowglobe's current functionality - a brief period where it converts damage taken to health.


TLDR: Switch Teleport and Radial Disarm tweaks make sense - Decoy needs to be able to stare death (or the Grineer) in the face while firing its Lex Prime/Lato dumbly into thin air.


I haven't really played any other frames enough to have any suggestions/pass any serious judgement on your suggestions, so I'll be pretty brief in the next section.


*All* the Frames! (the other ones)


Ash - Yep. Cool. Makes sense.


Banshee - Sonic Boom's buff would be nice, Sonar makes sense, Silence buff is so damned logical that not even a blind tortoise shell would know it should already be in the game.


Ember - Lots of things that should definitely happen - I really don't see how any of this (or anything else) could possibly make Ember worse anyway.


Excalibur - Yep yep yep yep, that passive suggestion + Radial Javelin combo multiplier would be the most amazing thing to push him towards swordplay.


Frost - Heavier focus on CC is exactly what he needs, if only DE could see it. Ice Wave knockback would be awesome/make the skill really damn satisfying (what with those visual effects? Now I just want a surfer Warframe to ride it...)


Hydroid - I'm kind of concerned that a recastable Tempest Barrage would encourage hectic spam - maybe change so pressing the button a second time would cancel it so it can be recast elsewhere? Aside from that, Tidal Surge (like Ice Wave) calls for a surfer frame - or maybe that's where Archfin comes in? Also, I totally called it. Surfer frame. Tell your friends.


Limbo - I haven't even played this guy once. I may or may not get back to you on this one.



Mag - I'm personally fine with Pull as it currently is, even with the LOS check - although, if we're talking magnetics, it shouldn't NEED the LOS check. Crush changes would be great if you're getting clusterf---ed. Bullet Attractor is pretty weak right now, but it's kind of designed to making shotguns better (I think), but I'll reserve judgement for after a shotgun buff.


Mesa - See Limbo.


Nova - See Limbo/Mesa. It's a crime, right?


Nyx - I'm not sure if this is enough to make Psychic Bolts actually useful, but I can't think of a better suggestion, so... meh?


Oberon - Yep. This is good.


Rhino - Yep. So glad there's a suggested Vanguard nerf - I'm bloody tired of these Rhinos acting like they're... dolphins? What's a better-suited large yet agile animal. Also dolphin sentinel confirmed, same update as surfer frame. Or maybe Dolphin-Bat-Dogs? Sea Kubrows could be fun.


Saryn - See Limbo/Mesa/Nova. I swear this is the last one.


Trinity - I love the suggestions for Well of Life + augment, but I'm a bit iffy on Blessing. Like Hydroid's Tempest Barrage, this one could be prone to spam-casting (albeit super-spam), particularly on a frame with the ability to regain energy practically for free. Maybe take another look at this?


Valkyr - Love all this, particularly Hysteria change.


Vauban - This'll mess up the Bounce trolls. Also some CC from Tesla would be very welcome.


Volt - Shock Trooper buff makes all the sense in the world, Speed/Electric Shield distortion isn't something I've ever had a huge problem with (not speaking for everybody here though, so I'll take your word on the necessity of this change), Riot Shield augment would be bloody awesome.


Zephyr - All for the Dive Bomb -> Tempest rework, Turbulence mechanics change with reflection chance is nice, using Cyclone to spread physical damage around is a cool idea.


This is all just my two cents. Maybe it's a load of BS, maybe not. And if I wasn't quite clear on something (it's 3:00 am where I am - I'm surprised that this is even slightly coherent), just ask and I'll try and clarify on what, exactly, I mean.


Don't forget to keep an eye out for the surfer frame and Kuphin. Or maybe it's a Dolphbrow? Whatever it's called, you heard it here first.

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