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Summary Of 12 Hours Of T3 Survival (Updated)


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Thing is, RNG only drives people away from games.


At least with a grind-based system, you know how long each piece of content will last each player if they want all the rewards. That's why the Gradivus Brakk was easier to acquire than the current one--players knew that if they did a hundred missions, they'd get the weapon.


With RNG, though, players will get stuck on some pieces of content and blow through others. That means the content they blitz, they never have to see again, which makes the development time and money spent on making it worthless for them. On the other side of the coin, the content they can never seem to get what they want from, they get bored of because they're never progressing, and then it only goes downhill from there.


Even if DE just implemented a smart loot mechanic or scaling drop rates that eventually hit 100%, that'd be better.

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I repeat: poor you. Some people get it easily, and some people don't. It took me over two-hundred runs for my Orthos Prime Blades--I sure don't feel the need to post "woe is me, DE fix drop rates omg!!!"


The fact of the matter is that it does average out, but people won't admit this because you're more prone to remember the negative experiences over the positive.


As far as respect, I'll gladly show you some once you prove that you're worthy of it. Regarding being "constructive," you strike me as one of those people whom consider it a slight when one does not agree with them.


Im seeing more of 'those' people lately that assume games are always there to suit them and forget that there are HUNDREDS of thousands of people playing games too, and just because 'THEY' cannot get past a part or 'them and a few friends' while the rest of the world can or has minor difficulty in getting past something or getting something desired... The game should BEND to their will or its a bad game, people are becoming way too entitled nowadays.

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Wouldn't it make more sense to increase the amount of credits and resources you get for the reward depending on the tower you're in and how long you've stayed? Why don't they do this instead?

Cause that would mean there are competent people working on the Void, DE can't have that now can they? 

Edited by TheDoctah
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My results are very different. 

Since rhino prime was released i have done a total of 3 T3 Survival.

The first was to 40 mins and netted me 2 glaive blades.

The second was also to 40, i forget what i got at 20 mins (forma bp i think) and a Rhino chassis at 40.

The third was to 20 mins and another Rhino chassis.


I wonder how many runs you have to average out to really know if all parts are equal?

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I wonder how many runs you have to average out to really know if all parts are equal?



It doesn't matter. Most of the people in this thread would rather stamp their feet, shout "lies!!!!" and quote anecdotal evidence.

Edited by CDelacroix
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I guess I could consider myself lucky to only do around 10-15 T3 survival keys to 30 minutes before I found my Rhinio Prime Chassis.  

Still. I think it is way too much for just one piece. I can remember why I stopped playing Warframe to begin with..

Edited by se05239
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After reading through all of the comments, here are some stuff that I would like to note:

1) To the "oh stop whining! It took me googolpex runs to get part X and you don't see me whine!" and the "these people think that the game should bend to their wills because they didn't get a single part" people:

If you truely support such a F2P marketing then good for you, you truly are a better person than me and I feel that I have nothing to say to prove you wrong. But please, if you can't describe why the things we want are wrong in a constructive and not an omg-another-whine-thread-I-should-better-post-something-hatefull-to-make-him-feel-bad manner, then please just don't comment.

2) To the "I can't believe these people! They think that they should get whatever they want in a single game" people:

These "only" 6 survival game, these "only" 5 hours that I spent in the game took me an entire week. Yes, a week. Believe it or not, not all people have a lot of time to play like you, that consider such a time frame to be too small for a 1-out-of-4 part for a frame. So does it mean that because I have a job, and don't have that much time to play, I'm obligated to use the money that I earned on ingame stuff instead of the possibility of getting them for free?

3) To the "What did you expect? It a F2P game, so farm stuff or buy them, it's the game's policy" people:

I will quote a comment that I have already posted here:

It reminds me of the times when warframe parts weren't a guaranteed drop, and you had to farm entire day for a single frame (a.k.a the 1% drop rate for systems). And yet, the devs acknowledged their mistake and now getting a warframe takes about 3-7 runs (at least from my experience). I bet more people are buying warframes from the market than prime packs, so I really don't get the reason why prime warframes have to be 1000x times harder to get. Well maybe it's to prevent people from whining "DE PLZZZ!!! MAKE PRIME FRAMES HARDER TO GET ;_;!!! WHY DID I SPEND MONEY ON IT IF NOW EVERYONE IS RUNNING AROUND WITH IT FOR FREE!!!!! I WAS TOLD IT WOULD MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL"

Everyone knew that this system was faulty and unfair, and yet, just like here, there were "those" people who defended it and called others names for trying to change it. And here we are today, in a much better place (at least in the regular frames farming aspect) that I bet everyone prefers. Did they devs change it because they felt like "bending to our wills" of players like me? Or did they acknowledged their mistakes? You'll decide...

Believe it or not, I have actually bought plats, because I believe in supporting games that I like, but I use it only for slots. Why? because I actually like the idea of working for stuff. Yeah, I know, kind of a contrast to this entire thread that I'm trying to tell... But this is simply too extreme.

4)To the "oh god, another rhino prime whine thread" people:

I am deeply sorry, I have forgot that there are plenty of TLDR people here on the forums, that even manage to completely ignore the thread's name and go straight to the pics. I am deeply sorry for including the words "Rhino Prime" in that pic.

And jokes aside: Rhino prime isn't actually the worst part here. Note that I didn't manage to get 4 out of the rewards in the table. This reminds me of the thread that I made where it took me 8 hours to get a single fang prime blade (you need 2).


Trust me, I'm not drunk nor high. I know that I'm on the internet, and there are plenty people here that just come here to troll and make others feel bad. Yet, as much as I like receiving positive feedback, I would also like to receive a constructive negative one if I have missed something or did something wrong.

If you truly think that I got something wrong, I would like you to correct me. But if you'll do it in one of the 4 ways that I posted above, I'll simply ignore you.

If you're still here and managed to survive this wall of text, I simply hope that you'll keep this thread on topic, and that the mods here will remove any attempts of people trying to ignite a flame war.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Edited by DMan128
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I believe I ran around 25 T3 survival missions to get my first Rhino Chassis. Got it at 20 min mark.

Well, most of my runs were only 20 min. I think I only did 3 runs of 40 min. That's almost 10 hours. So you're only half way there, man!


Have fate Tenno. Crush the RNG! è_é

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Believe it or not, not all people have a lot of time to play like you, that consider such a time frame to be too small for a 1-out-of-4 part for a frame. So does it mean that because I have a job, and don't have that much time to play, I'm obligated to use the money that I earned on ingame stuff instead of the possibility of getting them for free?


Sadly, IMO, 1% of the people on this forum will understand what you mean.

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Cant believe that after all these posts and screenshots that people still say "RNG"...

Makes me wonder if half these guys actually know what RNG means.



Topic - Yes the Survival loot system is currently a massive fail... Try ODS and post a screenshot of all your T1 keys.

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It's worth to mention t3 key reward at high level survival mission got nerfed as well. So not only we get less key, we also had to deal with the screwed up void reward table. Double the nerf, double the frustration. I wonder how many people get push to buy the prime access because of this.

To the person that said play the market, I wanna play a trading simulator, I would go play Diablo 3.

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2) To the "I can't believe these people! They think that they should get whatever they want in a single game" people:

These "only" 6 survival game, these "only" 5 hours that I spent in the game took me an entire week. Yes, a week. Believe it or not, not all people have a lot of time to play like you, that consider such a time frame to be too small for a 1-out-of-4 part for a frame. So does it mean that because I have a job, and don't have that much time to play, I'm obligated to use the money that I earned on ingame stuff instead of the possibility of getting them for free?




Just because this is the only point worth replying to: you're assuming everybody else that feels differently from you has more time to spend on the game, which is another cop-out. Clearly DE didn't intend for people to get these things constantly in a day, or two days, or potentially even a week. Judging by your posts, I'm also assuming that you've never played another MMO/MMORPG.




Cant believe that after all these posts and screenshots that people still say "RNG"...

Makes me wonder if half these guys actually know what RNG means.



Topic - Yes the Survival loot system is currently a massive fail... Try ODS and post a screenshot of all your T1 keys.



Actually, I'm wondering if you know what RNG means.



EDIT: Just because this is pertinent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy

Edited by CDelacroix
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Time for fun with numbers! At 2 percent chance means that you have a 1 in 50 odds to get an item. So if you can only get the item at 20 minutes you should get the item somewhere before or on the 1000 minute mark. So you not getting it after a 300 minute run isn't really that surprising. It should also be discussed that just because you've done 1000 minutes doesn't mean you are guaranteed that part. Every 20 minutes you still only have a 1 in 50 chance of getting what you want. Odds don't get better over time. You just eventually beat them.

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Guess what?

I did over 30 hours of T3 Survival...


And i didn't even find a single Rhino Prime Chassis.


I am starting to lose hope.

Never had any problems with RNG before, guess it's his payback for letting me get the majority of Warframe and Prime parts without much effort.


Or the drop tables are broken like sh#*.

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Guess what?

I did over 30 hours of T3 Survival...


And i didn't even find a single Rhino Prime Chassis.


I am starting to lose hope.

Never had any problems with RNG before, guess it's his payback for letting me get the majority of Warframe and Prime parts without much effort.


Or the drop tables are broken like sh#*.

That's what we call the garbage end of the bell curve...
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Actually, I'm wondering if you know what RNG means.



EDIT: Just because this is pertinent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy

Oh I do... Its why I don't use it as an excuse for not getting the loot I wanted...

Because I know what Loot system is being run in the void... Not Ignorant or dismissive...


Yes it may seem like RNG to you because lets face it you probably havnt been playing games very long.

But if you look carefully the drop rates (Edit : In the Void) are factored by percentages... Not random at all.



You seem to like Wikipedia so Click this

Edited by Radmox
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I have been trying to get a T3MD key since the Rhino Prime Access pack became thing to have a tiny chance of finding a Boltor Prime BP.


I still haven't found one.


Could it be because I haven't played another MMORPG for a while?

Edited by KONAir
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