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READERS: Please Note that I do NOT work for Digital Extreme's. I am a forum poster like yourself and avid fan of the title. All of these reports are my own and by the community. I am updating as reports come in on this pinned thread. Any fixes that players have found will be added underneath the "Update #?: 00/00/2014 - 0:00 CST". These are not PATCH times, these are simply updates on when the bug reports come in. I want to thank Digital Extreme's for pinning this thread in order to help update the game properly.


Update Notice: I have started to report any and all bugs taking place in 12.4.6. This list will hopefully not grow from the few I've reported. New Bugs added as of 4/27/2014


Warframe PS4 Update 12.4.6 - TETHRA'S DOOM - Bug List


New Bugs Found - 4/27/2014:


Texture Files Randomly Disappear - A few users I've played with a long with myself have noticed the black mask on some Grineer units is once more making an appearance on top of floor texture files for Orokin Direlect Missions having missing texture files at times, causing the ground or area to turn "black".


Sound Cut Outs - DO NOT FRET! DE_George has responded in the sound bug forum for PlayStation 4 stating that they have possibly resolved this issue in an upcoming update. So just hang in there folks.


Menu Hard Locks - This is an issue that has begun to plague many players, myself included. On the menu, players can hit any set up of numbers, go over to news/alerts/operations, and before long they will lock up. Sometime this can also be caused by hitting square while deleting mail in the inbox. There is currently no fix for this aside from closing Warframe and reloading.


Frame Rate - Unfortunately, this is still a huge issue. The game at times for almost 98% of the players on PlayStation 4 is horrible. At times game breaking. The worst of it can be seen during Invasion and on Earth missions. No fix known for this issue aside from toughing it out.


Trinity Blessing Bug - Players are taking damage from enemy procs such as slash, puncture, impact and elemental. I myself have not experienced this, but have heard of it a few times.


Weapon XP During Void/Direlect - This has been reported before by users. Secondary weapons and Melee are NOT getting the bonus experience upon mission completion. This can be attributed to be a problematic thing.


Update #1: 


Capture Mission Targets Getting Stuck - Some users are reporting that capture targets will get stuck in the floor, scenery or can't be captured at all.


"Failed To Connect To Server. You Will Be Logged Out" - Many users are starting to report this across the PlayStation 4 servers. Changing UDP settings nor putting PS4 in DMZ fixes this problem. However, PC players are reporting a server outage. I will report upon this at a future time.


Dax Furis Not Causing Controller Vibration - Users are stating in-game that the Dax Furis doesn't cause controller rumble. To some this can be an issue.


Warframe PS4 Update 12.4.4 - TETHRA'S DOOM - Bug List



Update #6: 4/2/2014 - 4:39pm CST:


 Black Mask Character Bugs: Several players are reporting as well as myself that the heavy gunners and some of the other 

 enemies are getting a black mask where their face should be upon taking damage. This has no possible fix as it is an in-game



 Stats Bug (Resolved): Players are stating that sentinel's health, energy, and XP bar are not appearing during some missions. I can confirm this is happening as it has happened to me recently several times. Energy on frames will sometimes go

to zero then proper amounts,.


 Carrier Sentinel Bug (Resolved): Carrier still hasn't been fixed. It will not always pick items up.


Update #5: 3/30/2014 - 10:11am CST:


  Sentinels Reportedly not Attacking (bug?) (Resolved): This has only had a few reports, but some users are reporting

  that their sentinels will not attack enemies. I've not experienced this myself. Possible Solution: Make sure your sentinel has

  the attack enemy mod card on and that it is maxed out. This will help us understand if this is a bug or user error.


  Disconnection and Profile Can't Be Saved (Resolved): After playing last night with several friends, this has become a

  huge problem. 2 out of 4 players were constantly getting disconnected, if they were not, they were being logged fully out and  

  told to restart the application. If this disconnect did not happen, upon completion the game would tell them that their profile

  couldn't be updated, which means their progress has been lost due to this. See New Information up at top under 12.4.6


  Region Locking: Many users are reporting this has happened with Tethra's Doom patch and have been forced into regions

  which are completely void of other users. Possible Solution: Addition of a region choice or removing regions all together.


  Can't Find Lobbies (Resolved): This issue is also being reported. The cause of this is unknown. Possible Solution: Put

  the game into solo mode, then click online. The game seems to be reading the option as offline even once picked.


  Sound/Graphics Problems (Resolved): Users are now reporting in some instances where sound fully cuts out momentarily

  after a rather large frame rate spike. Possible Fix: A few users are stating the drastic measure of a complete re-install fixed



  Bow Animation Bug (Resolved): An entire group of players (mine) encountered an issue where bows are being held like

  swords. Possible Fix: None, but it's funny. 


Update #4: 3/29/2014 - 4:33pm CST:


Alleviated Bugs That Can Occur: 

  Connectivity Issues - This can still happen, but is coming in less amounts than before. Please post if you are having these

   issues still.

   Profiles Not Saving or Information Not Updating - This has begun to come in with less amounts than before, but is still


   Will be watching to see if these reports remain consistent. 

   Color Schemes - Still not saving, but the selecting a color per load out seems to save the color scheme selected. Still not

   fixed. Will need a hot fix or update via game update.

   Trouble Finding Lobbies - This is still happening, but in less amounts as before. Some users are still having troubles

   even with UDP/TCP changes to firewall exceptions. No fix is known at this time.

   Tethra's Doom Missions Not Saving Progress - Since this issue is known, Tethra's Doom has been extended. Please

   note that they are working on fixing this issue.

   Failed to Install Update - Seems to be alleviated to a minimal amount of people. Checking for a console update is highly

   recommended for those having this problem. See below in update #3 for a fix.


New Noted Bug: Ash Bladestorm Animation - While doing this ability, Ash will at times appear to not be attacking an enemy while teleporting from target to target.


Update #3: 3/28/2014 - 5:08pm CST:


Main Menu Freezing (Resolved):

-This will cause players to have a unusable main menu where all menu options are grayed out and they can only use the options button to open the social menu's.

Temporary Fix: When this occurs, have a friend of someone you are grouped with invite you to a pre-game lobby or game-in-progress. Doing this will allow the menu to be opened up once more upon exiting the group. Some users are having to enter the arsenal first to access the menus properly again.


Currency Disappearing (Resolved):

-There have been a few reports of this coming across from players stating that they have had credits and platinum disappearing randomly upon entering the game or a mission.

Possible Solution: Take a screen shot between missions or log-in's and or trades so that Digital Extreme's team can look into the occurrence. Please Note: They may not be able to redeem credits. Screenshots can POSSIBLY help fix this, but not a guarantee.


Failed to Save Data or Update Profile (Resolved):

-This has been coming in increased amounts on the forums of users who are completing Void missions as well as Orokin

Missions. The cause of this error is unknown at the time. Occurs only upon completion of Void missions. Only a few reports of this occurring in Tethra's Doom related missions. Will update if this is more widespread. This is not exclusive to just void missions. Reports are coming in that this is also happening with Mastery Rank Tests and any missions. Currently no known fix.


Mastery Test Not Saving:

-This bug does occur infrequently. Currently there is no known fix.

Possible Solution: Before taking the mastery test, please click your profile option on the main menu and load your profile. Some users have reported this has fixed their issue. Please note experience gained from leveling frames, sentinels, and weapons does not get lost. It does accumulate past the current mastery rank whether the test is passed or failed. 


Update #2: 3/27/2014 - 6:04pm CST:


Cannot Connect to Server:

-This has been reported by more than one user that upon entering a mission, main menu, chat, and or Dojo that the game will   pass on this error and cause them to be taken back into the main login screen. A fix for this has not been discovered at this

time. Users that do run into this, try restarting the PS4 by clicking Turn Off Console, then power it back on once it has fully

shut down and the light bar is not flashing.


Failed to Save Data or Update Profile (Resolved. See Above Notes):

-This has been coming in increased amounts on the forums of users who are completing Void missions as well as Orokin

Missions. The cause of this error is unknown at the time. Occurs only upon completion of Void missions. Only a few reports of this occuring in Tethra's Doom related missions. Will update if this is more widespread. 


Failed To Install Update (Resolved):

-Reported by fewer people since the new patch was re-implemented recent.

Possible Fixes Here - Check to see if your PlayStation 4 is up to date with the PlayStation Update 1.62. If it is not, apply the new system update, and go through the process in order to re-update Warframe. This should allow for the patch to apply properly. IF the system is up-to-date, click options on the failed update, delete it, and attempt to open Warframe. This will prompt a re-download of the new patch file. If this problem persists, please contact Digital Extreme's support here: https://support.warframe.com


I will continue to post bugs as they are being filed in by users.


Update #1 - 3/27/14:


 I am posting in order to bring some insight to a few things that are still happening even with today and the newly deployed update I received approximately 12:45pm CST. So far I've encountered a few bugs still, some not as bad.


Lock-Up's: Gone as of this moment.


Sound Cut Outs (Resolved at this time):

-Not as frequent as they were, maybe 1-2 every half hour or so.


Equipment Schemes (Resolved):

-Colors still reset once upon re-entering the arsenal.

  Potential Fix: Choose the same color or a new color in your color scheme, seems this fixes it, but must be redone when

  choosing a new color scheme. 


Update Failed to Install (Resolved):

-Multiple Users are having an issue with the game installing the update via the PSN side on console. Seems there could be a

  potential bad file or verification file.


Void Missions (Resolved):

  -Some users are reporting game crashes (this is within my group I play with). Though this is very little and only have had a

  small number of these. Approximately two in around 24 hours.


Frame Rate Lag (Alleviated):

  -Seems to have been alleviated a small bit on the Tethra Missions. Can still be a problem for those who are expecting a

  smooth run, which we know will come in time, not instantly.


 These are all I have to report today and hope we see these fixed.


Original Post:


 After having done the patch tonight, I was thoroughly excited to play Warframe. A problem has occurred however. I'm not sure if these are isolated or a wide variety of issues so I have compiled a list of bugs my group and I that I play with nightly have run into.


Sound Cut Outs:

-Occurs usually within large areas of enemies or in the new Tethra's Doom Missions, but has randomly been spotted off and on. We at first noticed it doing the Tethra's Doom Interception Mission.



-No hardlock's yet, but we have experienced a few instances where the game would freeze up and would require an application close through holding down the PlayStation Home button. One occasion was noted where a player had to hold down the power button to force power down the console.


Mission Choice for Alerts:

-Automatically queues for party rather than taking user near the mission on the map.


Customization Issues:

-We have noticed an issue also that causes the character set ups from customization to bug out and not save the choice made once upon re-entering the arsenal. Helmets, etc do reset on other options. This effects weapons also.


Game Crashes:

-We've been witnesses to a few moments when the Derelict missions will cause this upon entering them.


Frame Rate Lag:

 -This has improved some, but has been heavily noticed by our group of 4 players when doing the new tile set for the Grineer fortress.


 So far this is all we have noticed and think this is something that should be noted. We want to thank any of you at DE that have come into contact with these and or read this. Players please help build a database of bugs experienced that are repeatedly witnessed when playing. 

Edited by (PS4)RaivynLyken
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I had to hard restart my PS4 for the first time since I bought it due to void issues. I was playing a T2 cap last night and the whole thing frozed not 1 minute into the mission. This is very disappointing as I had expected the performance spoken about in the update notes. I hope this is resolved promptly as DE tries to figure out what's wrong. Also I noticed a particular bug with the marelok which for some reason does not want to switch at all between it and my primary. I'm not sure if this is due to the fact that it is a dojo research weapon but since I actually paid platinum to use it  I expect it to work properly.

Edited by (PS4)edwinp426
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Noted and relayed - thank you for the thorough reports/replies!


Rayne, we have resolved the common Void issue, but are closely monitoring and testing for signs of issue.


  We tested the sound on our PS4s (we live in different states) and discovered the sound issue is isolated to Warframe. We have tested multiple games to assure ourselves our PS4's are not messing up. We did want to inform you of this and the fact we've been able to replicate these issues.


 We have encountered the sound bug again today while trying to do void missions as well as any missions. It seems to have only started since the first update. We do have one member on our team that said he has yet to experience it, but he has been getting extreme frame rate issues since the patch. It seems to be an isolated issue with him as some of us haven't had what could seem as single digit frame rates as of yet. That is to say we have not extensively pushed through content with the new patch for our review. We have also experienced a glitch with Captain Vor on Mercury. We've had an issue where he is stuck in his shield stance firing his grenades. We are looking to see if we can get this replicated with different characters repeatedly or if this is an isolated issue to our team set up of Trinity, Saryn, Rhino, and Frost Prime. However, one of our clan members has said he has had this happen on more than one boss that they are stuck performing a new ability.


I had to hard restart my PS4 for the first time since I bought it due to void issues. I was playing a T2 cap last night and the whole thing frozed not 1 minute into the mission. This is very disappointing as I had expected the performance spoken about in the update notes. I hope this is resolved promptly as DE tries to figure out what's wrong. Also I noticed a particular bug with the marelok which for some reason does not want to switch at all between it and my primary. I'm not sure if this is due to the fact that it is a dojo research weapon but since I actually paid platinum to use it  I expect it to work properly.


 It seems they are working very quickly on this. It seems a few of these bugs are more widespread than previously, but may be able to get fixed during a hotfix. Unfortunately, unlike PC they can't get a DX Diag from us in order to provide a setup of what bugs are causing this.

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I thought they fixed it now as per Twitter?


Didn't play last night but planning to tonight. First time my PS4 hard freezes this S#&$ is uninstalled. 


  Rayne, I would uninstall yet. Give them time to kink out bugs. This is a BETA not a finished product. There will be bugs as they work to improve game itself. Do remember, DDR5 ram is a new thing. This game is also running on a Linux based OS, which is different than coding for Windows PC.

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Noted and relayed - thank you for the thorough reports/replies!


Rayne, we have resolved the common Void issue, but are closely monitoring and testing for signs of issue.

Thanks for fixing the Void issue, however there are other issues that are just as troublesome.  1. Could not connect to server, progress was not saved. 2. Failed to connect to server.  Obviously number 1. is the biggest ongoing issues as nothing is more frustrating as completing a mission and on the reward screen seeing that it did not save your progress.  This is happening in an out of the void. Imagine staying for 20 minutes and getting a rhino prime part only to have the reward stolen from you because this update no longer lets you save your progress. THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. Please at least acknowledge this problem or else I will be forced to no longer play because if I can't progress then what is the point of playing? Are these two issues related?

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Thanks for fixing the Void issue, however there are other issues that are just as troublesome.  1. Could not connect to server, progress was not saved. 2. Failed to connect to server.  Obviously number 1. is the biggest ongoing issues as nothing is more frustrating as completing a mission and on the reward screen seeing that it did not save your progress.  This is happening in an out of the void. Imagine staying for 20 minutes and getting a rhino prime part only to have the reward stolen from you because this update no longer lets you save your progress. THAT IS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. Please at least acknowledge this problem or else I will be forced to no longer play because if I can't progress then what is the point of playing? Are these two issues related?


Reports of this increasing, and it sounds awful sorry to hear.


In your recollection of these experiences, does Client/Host seem to matter to you? Does it happen every time? It's not related to void based on reports (Tethra's Doom reports, etc).

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Reports of this increasing, and it sounds awful sorry to hear.


In your recollection of these experiences, does Client/Host seem to matter to you? Does it happen every time? It's not related to void based on reports (Tethra's Doom reports, etc).

No it doesn't matter if I host or not, it has happened when going to alerts, when doing operations with in the void it has not happened during tethra's doom mission as I only did it once. When I normally play with the same team OriginalSinna, TrewSaiko, coyote150, NJLurch and No_Idea12397. It is happening no matter the host either of them or myself. Even when playing solo which I did today to finish off Ceres nodes it just randomly popped up at the end of some missions others it worked fine,

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so far for me I have had the following issues:


 -Ps4 freezing had to disconnect the power


 -kicked out of warframe and sent to error screen this is happening during void missions and regular missions


 -cant talk to other people in either game chat or party chat or both


 -falling off map, this happens mostly when running through doors the door will open, and I see the room above me or below me when I go through, then I die and if I try to revive everything is black and I just die again


 -and still having frame rate issues in orokin derelict missions

Edited by (PS4)Lieu_David
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Along with all of the above:


- Random invites being recieved and unable to back out when accidently clicking "Ok" when you were doing something else.


- Chat has been changed, it's empty quiet rooms now , I am EU based (IRL) :(


- Connectivity to the servers is flakey , I checked my stats yesterday to ensure i had the points for Tethra event and all was zero, it required a restart of the client to restore the stats.


I feel this build is the worst so far and i'm afraid to play it incase it bricks my PS4 :*(

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Last night I was plagued with being disconnected. This happened a couple times with missions, luckily I was doing solo runs on the 2nd part of tethra doom and failed the times this happened. Also had it happen every time I was in the arsenal this morning, I'd try to back out and like the old bug where you got booted from matchmaking while in the arsenal you are stuck until it kicks you back to the press X screen. Surprisingly prior to this update I have had a lot of blue screen crashes and so far since the update I haven't had that happen.


Also since the update none of the voices are audible from the ds4 speaker, I checked in settings and it shows the volume is all the way up. Prior to the update I could hear lotus, since I have no idea what she is saying. Next time I play, I'll try turning it down and back up to see if perhaps the setting isn't correct, hopefully that fixes it.

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I'm getting the "Could not connect to server, progress was not saved" 100% of the time now.  I only started the account today and got up to the last Venus mission when it started, but even going back and replaying old ones now causes the error too.  It doesn't seem to matter who hosts the game or whether it is solo or anything else, most of the time it seemed it was just me out of the group getting the error.

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Getting same "failure to connect to server" and getting booted to start screen. All this started with update download which I also had trouble with. Most of the time happens in arsenal when changing mods or in star map. Haven't changed any port settings. Please see "update failure to connect" blog. Many people with same issue.

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Has anyone affected by the 'could not connect' issue changes any Port Settings in the game (in game options or router)?

 Upgraded the firmware on router, changed port settings in game, no change.

I can connect to warframe  from my PC, but PS4 Warframe keeps giving server connection issues.

PS4 network status shows no issues

Edited by (PS4)Opa_Jacob
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