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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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We're not the ones who made the countdown to today.

They're the ones who put up the Grineer Systems page with the "new info till wednesday" countdown that ends today, complete with hyping the new warframe/weapon, tileset, boss and more.


So...why the countdown? That's not our fault.


 Yes, we were. They never explicitly said it, even thought it was implied and it was probably their original intention.

 Programming is something people do; and as anything we do, it it prone to miscalculation, errors, and unexpected bumps.

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Sometimes you need to be harsh.

That's an interesting idea. We're beta testers after all. If DE can't handle us who are genuinely interested to care about the game what's there to talk about when WF releases into the cold dark world of the F2P gaming community?

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whether its seriously or not the community forums feel far too tense for comedy at the moment. I would welcome it, but it feels like their is a violent amount of tension coming from the community, and some serious business tension coming from upper management of DE HQ that is making things in these forums not the usual place at the moment for this kind of stuff... (Rebecca's post says a lot about what management might be doing in DE)

Edited by Arlayn
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So, I assume your getting whiny about U13. If so, here's a question. Would you rather they rush it, and release a potentially over-buggy update, or take their time and have it be amazing? I have patience, I don't know about you.

FORGET update 13. Melee 2.0 was initially to be a part of update 12.

Edited by Seanjuju
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So, I assume your getting whiny about U13. If so, here's a question. Would you rather they rush it, and release a potentially over-buggy update, or take their time and have it be amazing? I have patience, I don't know about you.

I rather have another 50 plat compensation at this point.. ROFL


Other than that it's funny how my interest for U13 goes from 150% to 0% in 5 minutes

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Honestly, I hate them for getting my hope up. 



You have it real nice over here. Play world of tanks/warthunder sometime. Indeed, they release their patches on a test server before final QA testing and polishing, so that inpatient people can get a sneak peek preview, and catch bugs before final release to avoid any later hotfixing.


However, each small patch takes 2 months on average, the big ones, almost a year if not longer. Dare to whine about delays, and you will be laughed out of their forums by the devs themselves. Typically, you just get banned for being annoying.


Do you realize how harsh working in the game industry is? Google it sometime. Expecting such a big patch to be a released so soon is a ridiculous expectation, no offense.


This type of hype is fine. Personally, I love it. Most games have sneak peeks whole months before release. Perhaps you may want to check your exaggerated expectations before expressing your disappointment about not getting high with fresh air.

Edited by HansJurgen
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Lack of explanation?

 Cold response?

 She just said they needed more time to finish it up. And she even said the 3 compensation alerts.

 Things not always go the intended path. If they need a week to deliver something so massive and with less bugs, I will gladly wait. 


 Patience is a virtue.

People freaking out. It's like they were going to get a puppy but as they were about to hold its cuteness a bear jumped out of no where and moved the puppy just out of reach.
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I think the teaser site may have been released preemptively, and that the extra time is needed to really polish the update as much as possible.

You realize when it's released and (to be honest) inevitably has very dodgy errors, people are going to rage even more as DE had plenty of times to polish that polishing gear to polish the very polished stuff? Going to be fun times.

Edited by Naith
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It is your guys fault for getting hyped DE never stated update 13 was going to be today.



Also locking that mega thread seems fine to me they are just cleaning the thread and it will reopen when the mods are finished you try moderating a single thread were hundreds of people are currently posting there.


You're wrong. Shut up.

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Reasonable? I was reasonable seven weeks ago when melee 2.0 was originally supposed to be ready. They TOOK their time. Whatcha got for me?

Melee 2.0 isnt a normal update. It is as big of an update as a game going from alpha to beta. So please understand that de realising this so soon is actually a miracle. They work their &#! off to get it to us. You can criticise reasonably later. Right now, they need our emotional support.

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You have it real nice over here. Play world of tanks sometime. Indeed, they release the patches early on, before final QA testing and polishing so that people can get a sneak peek. However, each patch takes 2 months on average, sometimes half a year. Dare to whine about delays, and you will be laughed out of forums by the devs themselves. Typically, you just get banned for being annoying.


Do you realize how harsh working int the game industry is? Google it sometime. Expecting such a big patch to be a released so soon is a ridiculous expectation, no offense.


This type of hype is fine. Personally, I love it. Most games have sneak peaks whole months before release. Perhaps you may want to check your exaggerated expectations before expressing your disappointment about not getting high with fresh air.


 Is there a way for me to give you cookies?

 I could have never said it better.

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I just have to say i agree with the gentleman above, pretty much sums up what ive been feeling about Melee 2.0. I understand that things can go sour, but you have to get these things sorted before you set a date.
I hate to compare DE with other companies, but ive honestly never seen this kind of stuff practiced before, and obviously there are alot of people that are fairly pissed off about it, and i dont think that a forum post in the most flooded thread on the forums is going to suffice as an "official statement" at this point, also, potatoes and formas arent worth one week of yet more waiting for melee 2.0, just so we are clear on that <.<

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