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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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There is still an update for today. Please don't invent facts to get people even more riled up.

I don't think he is inventing facts. This week was supposed to be U13, but they can't release it yet. They didn't have anyone working on content for a Tenno Reinforcement for today, so I don't think that there will be any update. Maybe a small hotfix, but that would be all.

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i Loled so hard at this , another kid getting more upset cause a update aint coming today


DE know what they are doing just people like you get so butt hurt over seeing a couple of teases and instantly think oh the update is coming soon , I said to everyone the update would not be coming this week before they even released the 3 other pictures

if a problem happens you seriously think DE needs to tell you , see this is the problem with the forums everyone thinks "oh its coming today OMG OMG OMG its happening etc etc" and when they find its not coming today they throw a tantrum and go all ape S#&$ and think DE encountered a major problem that they need to tell you about.


just calm down and let them get on with fixing or improving things


gotta hype if you wanna get dem moneys :P


Another White Knight who believes DE can do no wrong and would not dare to question or criticize their Divine Master Plan. All Hail, DE, and bless them for their miracles!

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 I see no problem with expressing opinions. But plainly complaining constantly is something else than just speaking the mind. Perhaps it is his first time, but still after all the other posts this is unnecessary.


Hopefully teach DE to aknowledge problems instead of letting hype build up.


Then again, they have said they would improve their communication long ago, but nothing has happened.


 They did say they had a problem, hence the delay. The hype built on its own long before they realized they got a problem, nothing they could do on that. We got 3 alerts to make up for it.


 If you have ever worked on a big project you know you always run into some unexpected problems. If you have not run into them, that just means you have not worked into a project big enough.


 What more of communication you want? What are they eating? Room temperature? Are you serious? They give livestreams every other week. Devs are constantly on the forums getting feedback and occasionally stating things. They give small contests frequently. They even say what they have planned, what they want, how they are doing. They save some surprises, yes; but they are either nice or things they are so unsure about that they do not want to let a hype build around it in case they discard them.


 Sorry if I sound harsh. I am kind of tired of seeing whining posts for which the excuse of the rabies is just or mainly impatience.

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Actually, DE confirmed it was supposed to be released this week, if not for the unspecified setback. Most rage is coming from the "why?", not the "want now".

and how did they confirm it hmmm ? if you show me proof that they did then il believe it , either way im seeing this community starting to lose its patients now except a few of us are still holding it together

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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

I agree,we can wait another week. but slowly, we are getting tired of all the Cloak and Dagger , and all the secrecy.You need to find a better way to comunicate with us! 

Edited by Coach-Aprax
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See my post edit, whic I'll post again just to be sure:



DE know what they are doing just people like you get so butt hurt over seeing a couple of teases and instantly think oh the update is coming soon , I said to everyone the update would not be coming this week before they even released the 3 other pictures

if a problem happens you seriously think DE needs to tell you , see this is the problem with the forums everyone thinks "oh its coming today OMG OMG OMG its happening etc etc" and when they find its not coming today they throw a tantrum and go all ape S#&$ and think DE encountered a major problem that they need to tell you about.


The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

I'm sorry, you said?

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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Want this. Transparency would be great here... we get silence.

Why would it be better?  It isn't silence they said they had to delay it.  Does anyone really think DE wanted to delay it?  Would finding out it was a little oversight a week ago that made a bigger mess that can't be corrected now quickly but could have been when it was made make it better?  Or someone who compiling something is sick and they need him to be the guy to finish this off, or they thought they had it good to go and they're getting 404 errors trying to patch the game on internal QA but have no idea why?


The list of possible reasons it is delayed is near infinite, and yes those who want to flip their S#&$ and complain can assume it is whatever worst case scenario they want.  But the reality is, DE doesn't actually need to answer to the players on a timeline.  They give us the timeline.  Something happened they're going to miss it.  By any reasonable instance that would be the end of it.


De apologizes, gets all Canadian and gives us stuff to hopefully make-up for the tease and not deliver.  And people still complain?  People still feel entitled to MORE explanations and compensation?  FFS, people They're already pumping out updates and bug fixes at a rate that is almost never seen and then when a big, known to be complicated update gets delayed players feel they deserve some compensation... for what?  


Really what is it that is inconveniencing the players to the point they deserve some kind of compensation?  What is it about this game and this company and this player base that the statement were sorry its delayed is somehow not enough information about their product?

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and how did they confirm it hmmm ? if you show me proof that they did then il believe it , either way im seeing this community starting to lose its patients now except a few of us are still holding it together

How old are you...

anything above 5 is impossible. 

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not only that but maybe they aren't going all technical on what happed is because the average person wont understand  

The ones that will can explain...




(I cooled down I'm not angry anymore...)

Edited by MegaSnail
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Another White Knight who believes DE can do no wrong and would not dare to question or criticize their Divine Master Plan. All Hail, DE, and bless them for their miracles!

3 warning points > 2 that where removed and still have 1 warning point active left , need temp banned from forums for a week


yeah im some white knight , no i know bad things when i see them ive complained in the past and even in CBT stages at some major problems that needed dealt with , ive disputed some of my warning points and some that ive deserved , dont just assume that im backing them up here that im a kiss up boy that thinks everything they do is best for the future of the game

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Yeah D.E. , what is going on? A simple explanation will perhaps calm down all the remaining ragers and clarify the situation for those who think that it probably is a big coding mistake.


even if it was a big coding mistake how could it be that big that it would take a week




Moreover, by not being specific on the issue it makes it look as if they're hiding something.


We all make mistakes, I for one am willing to forgive and move one, but just talk to us DE. A simple explanation would set a lot of our minds at ease. I have no doubt that whatever it was is/was a significant issue that DE saw as so vast and game-breaking that they felt the need to hold off content that would have created a large wave of revenue immediately. So much so that they thought that they needed another week to fix it.


We can be reasonable, but not if you keep us in the dark about what went wrong. Otherwise, we can only assume three things:


1.) The issue was of such grand scale that it's simply too complicated for our little gamer brains to comprehend.

2.) This issue is something that would expose something that is not in DE's best interest - and who knows what that could entail.

3.) Or lastly, interior communication failed and deadlines were not met, meaning the people in charge were not confident the update was ready even before the decision to delay it was made.  

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