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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I know but delay everything for a whole week when some of it is ready makes little sense to me.


They wish to deliver it in a full package.


These numerous thread are getting  a bit out of hand  -_-





..... I can't keep up with my memes, Lol 

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Okay, something to explain that they've explained but may have been missed by most of you:


There are 2 versions of the game. The one online, and the one they're putting all the awesome new stuff into.


This is how it always is. When they've made the new version as complete as possible, they run the update process, which replaces our version with their version.


They then proceed to add new stuff to their version, again, and so it goes.


Thus, they can't give us any updates if their version is totally fubar, and trying to copy-paste minor things out of the mega update is a chore and a half itself, ESPECIALLY if they don't know why it's broken.


So unless they have a third, partially-complete version lying around, we aren't likely to get a hotfix today. As much as they hyped this, this was COMPLETELY unexpected, so there is no reason they'd have a contingency partial version lying around to make a last-minute substitute with.


FURTHER, as the game is dramatically changing in a ton of ways, even if they COULD copy-paste things out of u13 to make an update today, it would already be re-coded to work with the new u13 rules, and, thus, would require ADDITIONAL time for them to break it so it works properly with the current version.


It's not impossible that we'll get a hotfix today, they pull some amazing stuff, but it's really, REALLY unlikely. If you were "a betting man", it not-happening is the "surefire win".


Their process normally works wonderfully, and it's fairly impressive how much they get done. This is just a massive "oops", and they'll likely explain it in copious detail on Friday, that's kind of their "thing".

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I know but delay everything for a whole week when some of it is ready makes little sense to me.


The challenge is that it's probably all packaged together for a release, and they want to make a big splash.


I understand that they didn't want to let 1/3 of the cat out of the bag, so to speak. However, they really should have


1) known about this before the day of


2) written a slightly more comprehensive 'hey sorry, we missed the deadline we set' thread to their customers.


We're all late with things at work from time-to-time. This is one of those times for DE.

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I hate how DE leaves the community in the dark.They need to atleast give us a reason to delay U13 cause if not WHAT THE F*** ARE THEY DOING?!

Technically, they don't need to tell us anything since this is their IP, AND it isn't sub based.

Ergo, they don't owe us anything. 


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What satisfies everyone is an actual "deadline." Devs failed to produce one. What's worse is that Devs released teaser that directly implies that the update is today.


From the "missing potato" alert today, we can see that the "Build, Prepare, Endure" event is pure BS and implemented in last-second fashion.


It's no different than telling your professor that you don't have your paper on the due date then make no attempt to excuse yourself properly. 


Guess what the professor (playerbase) says? You screwed up.



Hard deadlines is what hurts this industry as a whole.  More people need to operate on "Valve Time" a.k.a "It'll be done when it's done."  Setting release dates and whatnot is marketing garbage and pressure put on by people who only care about money and not quality.  A deadline should be an internal thing just to keep people motivated that are actually WORKING on the game, not an impatient bunch of petulant children that expect the world to be handed to them on silver platters.  People just need to call 1-800-CALM-THE-F-DOWN and wait.  At least they're giving us something to do rather than have a week of unexpected downtime because from what I gather, this literally happened at the last possible minute.  So at least be happy we're being thrown a rather generous bone.  DE could've just said "U13's delayed, sorry folks." and walked away.  But no, they managed to scrape together a little bit of generosity to hold us over until next week.  At least have some common decency to say "Thanks, DE!"  Not you personally, I more mean the needlessly raging community at large.



We didn't create the expectations. THEY DID. They hyped it to no end and then yanked the rug right from under our feet. 


All they created were expectations for U13 itself, not a release date.  There's a reason devs use language like "We anticipate..." or "We're hoping to..." to give it a soft date rather than "We are..." or "We will..." because that automatically creates a hard-set expectation.  The community created the expectation of the release, DE created the expectations of what we will see in the update itself and that it's actually going to be happening.

Edited by Gunmoku
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I know but delay everything for a whole week when some of it is ready makes little sense to me.


Because code is not individual items any more, it is all linked together so that "just" releasing one part of a planned update means putting together a whole new release (if that is possible as you can end up with incompatible versions of code when you try and do that) and then testing the build all over again.

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We didn't create the expectations. THEY DID. They hyped it to no end and then yanked the rug right from under our feet. 


If people had recognized that they've delayed and delayed and delayed Melee 2.0, and been cognizant of that even inspite of this teaser fiasco, then you wouldn't be as outraged when they yet again failed to meet their deadline. And given their current track record with Melee 2.0, it's best not to take them at their word that it's going to come out next Wednesday. If it does, great. If it doesn't, then you know this dev team well enough now not to get too bent out of shape.

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The question I am asking is, are DE capable of learning from this, and moving away from huge all consuming monolithic updates that get pushed further and further back leaving many things untended, or not? 

They should have started learning from their mistakes long ago.

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