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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I don't personally know any of the DE, but I believe there are among them who would want to make Warframe a masterpiece. While at the same time being pushed by the Managerial Level by decisions that are governed by one thing only "Profit".


Miscommunication, bad decisions, indecisiveness, centralization, corruption. Just to name a few deseases that destroy well designed projects. Now guess where the delay came from?

Plain old incompetence.

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Guys even if they finish polishing the U13 before the deadline, they will hold it until the right time for release, they will follow the schedule. 


What was absolutely ridiculous was that instead of an apology and explanation, we got that response from DERebecca. "See you next wednesday". "Or check out the Friday Devstream". " Sorry no Reinforcements AT ALL today".


Oh come on. You guys can surely do better than that. Is it so hard to give us at least a preview item from what you are promising to give us next wednesday ? Absolutely no explanation other than "nope no update today " !?. I really did take time out to play this game this week, and will not be able to take the time off next week. So it really is annoying, especially as a loyal customer and player who's supported DE since the start of open Beta. 


Actions like this might seem minor and forgettable in the short-term, but company goodwill among customers, a good PR policy and trust go a long way. All the big-name game companies who the fanboys are thrashing on this forum learn from their mistakes and make changes. 



I'm out of upvotes, wasted all of them giving +1 to spartan gifs at the poll megathread LOL But you can have all my internets.




As much as i love DE, i think the way they handled the issue was a bit cold and harsh indeed.

Edited by RexSol
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Could be worse. Mechwarrior: Online released months ago (the only real change was they removed the 'beta' from the logo), and they're working on the 'launch module' now, and it'll probably be months before it's done. They launched the game, and then started to work on the launch module. Compared to that, Warframe is making astonishing progress. 


I detest this one sided logic people use all the time. Just because person X isn't in as bad of a situation as person Y doesn't mean that person X isn't in a bad situation.


Let's say two cars that get in a serious accident - One driver is severely injured and the other is dead. Sure, the driver who lived is paralyzed from the waste down, blind in one eye, and has sustained immense head trauma that has mentally debilitated him, but I mean come on, he's got it way better than the guy who died. Why should the guy who's alive get to complain? He hasn't seen nearly the worst of it.


This convo isn't about other games, so stop trying to compare them.

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There was no way it was going to be released today,



Oh please spare us. What would you be saying right now if it had been? Stop acting like you're psychic and predicted this whole endeavor when even DE probably didn't know what was going to happen.  

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Okay, something to explain that they've explained but may have been missed by most of you:


There are 2 versions of the game. The one online, and the one they're putting all the awesome new stuff into.


This is how it always is. When they've made the new version as complete as possible, they run the update process, which replaces our version with their version.


They then proceed to add new stuff to their version, again, and so it goes.


Thus, they can't give us any updates if their version is totally fubar, and trying to copy-paste minor things out of the mega update is a chore and a half itself, ESPECIALLY if they don't know why it's broken.


So unless they have a third, partially-complete version lying around, we aren't likely to get a hotfix today. As much as they hyped this, this was COMPLETELY unexpected, so there is no reason they'd have a contingency partial version lying around to make a last-minute substitute with.


FURTHER, as the game is dramatically changing in a ton of ways, even if they COULD copy-paste things out of u13 to make an update today, it would already be re-coded to work with the new u13 rules, and, thus, would require ADDITIONAL time for them to break it so it works properly with the current version.


It's not impossible that we'll get a hotfix today, they pull some amazing stuff, but it's really, REALLY unlikely. If you were "a betting man", it not-happening is the "surefire win".


Their process normally works wonderfully, and it's fairly impressive how much they get done. This is just a massive "oops", and they'll likely explain it in copious detail on Friday, that's kind of their "thing".


Every dev stream I have watched contradicts what you are saying, link to source please because I fail to believe they only started testing badlands and melee 2.0 6 days ago.

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Ok, I did not hear of this. If they said it was today and pushed it back, that is hard to defend.


"Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.
For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream."
Quote from DERebecca today after letting everyone know that the update was pushed back a week. It has already been confirmed multiple places that it has been pushed to next week and was suppose to be today.
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good to know before I looked for more hints on your sever... :D I was umm what's another word for looking threw the code....

guess you post one image per day :D

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Actually, they left a post this morning n the megathread, right off the bat, announcing it. Pay more attention to what they say before you start accusing them of not saying things.


That is false, they left a post over an hour after the countdown ended.

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"Did DE originally intend a last minute second timer? No.

Do we want to trust Dev that they need just 1 week more time? Yes.
For those of you we've let down, see you next Wednesday and please play the apology alerts if they appeal to you - otherwise, see you Friday for a playthrough on the stream."
Quote from DERebecca today after letting everyone know that the update was pushed back a week. It has already been confirmed multiple places that it has been pushed to next week and was suppose to be today.



OK, thanks for the original message from them. I was wondering where they mentioned this since I hadn't seen it.

I still have faith in them but I do wish that game developers would hold off release dates till they were certain it would work. This is a thing in general.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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No players, no game.

No game, no players.

It's a give and receive. We give our time to DE and we expect to be given reliable service and stay updated if nothing else. It's not entitlement, stop using that as an excuse or case for arguing because I don't think many understand what that word means. It's just as bad to use the word "entitlement" to allow devs to get lazy as it is to try and shut down players who would like quality service out of a game they dedicate time to.

DE has never been good at communicating, that much is a fact and that's just what we players have to get used to. 

Edited by Aishi
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