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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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I personally think they delayed it as punishment for us botting the votes/atking the other communities.


I was watching the polls when it ended it was 46%(Mabinogi) to 56%(Warframe) then they finalized the results and took off the botted votes and it was 44% vs 54% for the final result


Both sides lost 2%


But the fact that we botted or were provocating the other communiities, I see this as personal punishment for what our community does. Just a theory though as to why they're delaying U13.


DE isn't one to "punish" its communities. We won fairly by 5k votes without Airmech. Your numbers are also off. 46+56=102. You can't just take off 2% of both sides either. That undermines the entire percentage system.

Edited by Ionus
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Should've just released and hotfixed later.

And get even more people mad, or potentially make the game unplayable? 


While the situation was handled poorly, theres not much to be done about it. I'd rather wait a bit and be able to still play instead of going through whatever bug-filled hell the game could've become if they released the update.


And since they delayed the update instead of doing the instant hotfix method I think its safe to assume that there were some very serious bugs.

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Guys even if they finish polishing the U13 before the deadline, they will hold it until the right time for release, they will follow the schedule. 




I'm out of upvotes, wasted all of them giving +1 to spartan gifs at the poll megathread LOL But you can have all my internets.




As much as i love DE, i think the way they handled the issue was a bit cold and harsh indeed.

lol your sarcasm is sort of clear here. But I still stand by my point.

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I also think they could handled it better.

DE first guy Me second guy



But now im playing Trove to wait for the update


They also could have said and done nothing at all, and ignored us completely. At least they did something to say they are sorry.

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Okay, something to explain that they've explained but may have been missed by most of you:


There are 2 versions of the game. The one online, and the one they're putting all the awesome new stuff into.


This is how it always is. When they've made the new version as complete as possible, they run the update process, which replaces our version with their version.


They then proceed to add new stuff to their version, again, and so it goes.


Thus, they can't give us any updates if their version is totally fubar, and trying to copy-paste minor things out of the mega update is a chore and a half itself, ESPECIALLY if they don't know why it's broken.


So unless they have a third, partially-complete version lying around, we aren't likely to get a hotfix today. As much as they hyped this, this was COMPLETELY unexpected, so there is no reason they'd have a contingency partial version lying around to make a last-minute substitute with.


FURTHER, as the game is dramatically changing in a ton of ways, even if they COULD copy-paste things out of u13 to make an update today, it would already be re-coded to work with the new u13 rules, and, thus, would require ADDITIONAL time for them to break it so it works properly with the current version.


It's not impossible that we'll get a hotfix today, they pull some amazing stuff, but it's really, REALLY unlikely. If you were "a betting man", it not-happening is the "surefire win".


Their process normally works wonderfully, and it's fairly impressive how much they get done. This is just a massive "oops", and they'll likely explain it in copious detail on Friday, that's kind of their "thing".



I was bored about play the game...


...Then they show us that sexy update with this grineer system I was like...

NyIMm9y.png..looks cool

This make me happy again


The hype was over 9000 and everyone was pay attention on grineer system...


..and my body was ready.


The sexy update was supposed to be today and then the evil Devs came


..and taken my sexy update away


I couldn't believe they did that to me


...and I wanted to kill them because of that


Now I'm bored again


That's my story


Best story of 2014 had to add it... the feels....aaand Llyssa is right....

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Everything went better than what I had expected when I saw the thread's title. Everyone in this thread was so helpful and polite, they should all get a cookie.




However, OP, you might want to make a clearer title next time.

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what update? what are you talking about? i am talking about the frequent wednesday tenno reinforcements in which they introduce new items to buy... i dont know what update you are talking about maybe you missed the hype train and ended up here, in, "this is not another thread about update delay station"

Well Update 13 was going to be today, so why would you need a reinforcements?

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lol your sarcasm is sort of clear here. But I still stand by my point.


I don't see sarcasm. Although I'd say that they aren't polishing, but are fixing a bug. That's the only thing I could see that would cause the devs to make a last minute delay.

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So this thing happened? this is not a April fools?


And we get to see a dev stream of lucky few playing the update we so desire on Friday?



Oh brother... well, do what you gotta do... Im just like wow

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What was absolutely ridiculous was that instead of an apology and explanation, we got that response from DERebecca. "See you next wednesday". "Or check out the Friday Devstream". " Sorry no Reinforcements AT ALL today".


Oh come on. You guys can surely do better than that. Is it so hard to give us at least a preview item from what you are promising to give us next wednesday ? Absolutely no explanation other than "nope no update today " !?. I really did take time out to play this game this week, and will not be able to take the time off next week. So it really is annoying, especially as a loyal customer and player who's supported DE since the start of open Beta. 


Actions like this might seem minor and forgettable in the short-term, but company goodwill among customers, a good PR policy and trust go a long way. All the big-name game companies who the fanboys are thrashing on this forum learn from their mistakes and make changes. 


I can agree with you man. DE was much better than this.

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DE isn't one to "punish" its communities. We won fairly by 5k votes without Airmech. Your numbers are also off. 46+56=102. You can't just take off 2% of both sides either. That undermines the entire percentage system.


I can't find the original screenshot in that 300 pg mega thread cuz I don't feel like dumpster diving, but Looking at it currently I guess it's 46% vs 54%


Does this mean we lost 2%? http://home.comcast.net/~1twonky/poll2.html


Regardless what I said was a theory, not indicating DE actually is punishing us because what I said was merely speculation, until proven, just mere speculation which I've stated in my original post is what I personally think, keyword "personal"

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Also, making a thread titled 'Please dont flame me' is pretty much asking to be flamed. This community has way too many trolls.


 Nah. We got a ton of utterly sarcastic people that no one understands. The trolls can be counted with both hands and you have extra fingers left.



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The Teaser site was planned for the Update to go live today, so we understand the frustration when players saw a Timer instead of an Update. We goofed and we know it. But please stick around with us, and at the very least accept our apology alerts. We're still working on Update 13 so that when it goes live we can say we're happy and proud of what you'll be playing.

Thank you for at least letting us know :D.


bummer though i wore my shirt and everything XD

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