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The Rng Is Making Me Not Want To Play This Game Any More.


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in the end if it takes 50 tries then your still 50% better off than we were... {which I personally think is a joke as you all should of been made do 100 missions also to get it,


Son, I've done way more than a hundred trying to get this weapon. I have no idea how many, though. I wish there was a way to check.





You guys all whined that 100 runs was too many/boring/blah blah blah.


Wasn't playing this game back then. Don't confuse me with someone else.

I would love to have this gun gifted to me for doing a hundred invasion runs. It'd be really easy; no difficulty involved at all.



we see threads where people try for something 5 or 10 times


First: Tried way more than ten times.

Second: Again, how many times must I try before my opinions are allowed to count?

Edited by Yezzik
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RNG is used in many F2P games, and Warframe is one of them. It's not going away any time soon.


Yeah but that doesn't justify Warframes. This is not good or rewarding game design. It's the biggest flaw with this game and it's why there's thread after thread of people being entirely sick of it, because not only is it the one thing this game has going for it (the rewards) but trying to get said rewards is absolutely mind numbing due to the horrid drop tables.


Why are you hunting for it for vigorously?

Most things come when you dont look for them.

There are tons of other weapons you can pick from otherwise


if you are upset because you cant get one weapon then its gonna be a long and hard road ahead.


True, there is a decent variety, but what of the weapons in the Void that are leagues better than most other gear available that he likely is having no luck getting as well?


Sad but true. Still, I don't think it's THAT bad to begin with.


Not that bad? When most friends and randoms I play with end up needing to grind over 100+ of the same mission or void key for a single component for multiple items they need? What about the inconsistent mod drops for the new players eh?


Try getting gear you want for the character you want in DOTA 2


Warframe isnt nearly as bad.


Still, i havent even bothered trying to get the Brakk for this very reason. I was shocked and amazed i was able to put together the Detron. The only thing ive been trying for (and slightly failing at) is getting all prime warframes.


I don't play DOTA2, but isn't all of its gear cosmetic? Could be wrong. 


Dude, if you just got everything after a few tries then It'd be too easy. Everybody would complain that it's too easy to get things.

And Tenno, remember...



The OP never mentioned he only did a few measly runs only to cry about not getting it. If you'd read his post he's done hundreds of runs for non-specific items and is sick of the appalling drop rates. 


where do you think they get their items from? they don't fall from the f*cking sky. they got them in the same place.



and all in all, Warframe is not very 'grindy', even for a Western game. 

which speaking of, you should see an Eastern game, and how successful those still are. 


unfortunately the Western parts of the world are raised on instant everything and assume the universe actually works that way (which is so untrue)


Just because other games are grindier, again, that doesn't in any way justify this game's incessant, more often than not unrewarding grind. You're also making assumptions that he's feeling overly entitled to get everything instantly, yet he's done his time and has yet to get single components for gear he either really wants or really needs. 


Where to you get off replying to him this way?


Are Westerners a race now? Huh?


next time do what you need to earn it correctly the first time and then you wont despair to the heavens at your misfortune. You guys all whined that 100 runs was too many/boring/blah blah blah. Now you are given another chance at it, instead of being grateful you whine even more. How are you NOT wanting handed over on a silver platter?


stop the complaining, heat up some hot pockets, and PLAY THE GAME


People whined because the mission type was boring, the mission type was repetitive. The mission type was in no way fun for the majority of the community and it's the biggest reason more players DIDN'T bother grinding for the Brakk.


I like how you consider this new layer of shameless grind-walling a gift when it can take well over 300 runs and not only could the player still NOT encounter the trio, they could also not drop a SINGLE Brakk piece, and if they did, it could also very well NOT be the piece he NEEDS. 


AGAIN. He did not say a SINGLE thing about instant gratification. He's done his time like the rest of us, possibly more, yet thanks to the abysmal drop tables and senseless levels of RNG he has yet to get the things he's going for in this game.


Just because you may have lucked out and gotten various pieces and components by now by either sheer luck or brain-melting attrition, that does not make his complaint any less valid.


This game is grindy, yes, but not in a good way. Not in a rewarding way. Yes other games do this, but that doesn't make it a good design choice, only a means to push less masochistic players with nothing better to spend their money on to buy what they're trying to grind for. 


I don't understand why you're all so intent on assuming he's being some entitled spoiled brat when his complaints have been voiced by many others, be it Grand Masters, Hunters, or other players without some shiny icon by their name. 


I don't understand why some of you are attacking him and trying to convince everyone here that the horrid RNG driven Grind isn't an issue here. 



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The OP never mentioned he only did a few measly runs only to cry about not getting it. If you'd read his post he's done hundreds of runs for non-specific items and is sick of the appalling drop rates. 


I am sorry, I must have been unclear. I said that to mean that if it was easily attainable (as in, it can be attained quickly [in a few runs]), then there would be other issues entirely.

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This is in direct response to the people implying that DE doesn't care about the state of the RNG:


DE has stated several times that they are aware of RNG being a problem. They have also said that they are continually trying to find ways to make it work better without devaluing the experience entirely.


Prime trading, for example, was a way to alleviate some of the RNG issues surrounding prime blueprint acquisition. Adding Banshee, a previously random-drop frame, to the clan tech was another.

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Alright ill return to this thread with some better thoughts

I didnt have to hunt for the BRAKK cause I got it back when it was during the event

I did, however, hunt for the detron which is roughly the same conditions.

I can not say that I feel the same as you, however, simply because I did not try to get the Detron. I simply played the game normally and I got the parts in roughly 7 encounters and doing invasions only when the rewards were favorable.

That being said, RNG is not kind regardless.. Rhino Prime Chassis is a fine example of a thing you cant just "wait" to get. You have to "work" for it.. 40 minutes at max for some latron receivers, caches, and frost prime helmets. I had to get it from a friend.

Though my comment my have sounded like it, in no way do I support the rewards system as it is. It rewards you based on luck and not on effort imo. I probably shouldn't compare myself to you simply because I dont try as hard to get certain weapons yet I still get them without straining my patience.

It does need a change however. I have read all kinda of solutions (token systems mainly) and I wonder whole heartedly if DE will ever consider a change or simply leave it as it is in order to milk the prime part trading.

As for weapons, the Boltor Prime is a very nice and power weapon. So is the Detron, contrary to what some may say. But I dont like to recommend the so called "best" weapons as I solely believe play style is a major determining factor. I have the brakk but never use it as much as the detron because I like the way it looks, the innate radiation, and the lack of damage fall off.

Edited by Anatolius
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This is in direct response to the people implying that DE doesn't care about the state of the RNG:


DE has stated several times that they are aware of RNG being a problem. They have also said that they are continually trying to find ways to make it work better without devaluing the experience entirely.


Prime trading, for example, was a way to alleviate some of the RNG issues surrounding prime blueprint acquisition. Adding Banshee, a previously random-drop frame, to the clan tech was another.


As long as it's been and as glaring a problem it's presented, do you really believe them? Adding RNG-based Frames (barring Vauban) was an understandable move that was bound to happen anyway. 


But in doing that they used such an inclusion to slither in the excuse of adding weapons that feel and act more like market-quality items into the Clan Tech and making it a buyable option in the market when no other clan-tech has been made that way. The Dual Cestras, Grinlok, and Marelok are the worst offenders of that.


Now there's also a T3 Void Key famine, leading to a convenient scarcity of T3 Exterminates and Survivals.


There's just too much they don't tell us about and too many shady things that've happened in this game for the past few months that give me reason to doubt and remain entirely cynical towards the Devs and their intentions with Warframe and its playerbase. 


I'm not about to go down and list every single good thread I've read that directly addresses the RNG issue and finds the simplest or practical fix to implement, only to be ignored and more similar suggestions flaring up.


Of course it's all ignored, of course it just keeps getting worse. 


I'm not at all buying DE honestly hasn't been able to fix the drop table issues for so long now. 

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I'm not sure who is more to blame, developers for not understanding the mind of many gamers or the gamers for wanting things different than games are designed.


This really isn't the first game I've seen something like this.


Devs: I have an idea we'll make these mini-bosses that haunt the players, they are totally random and kinda scary and you never know when they could appear... it will add some fear and excitement to the game.  To make sure defeating them is rewarding we'll add some cool loot that could drop.  Yeah... no fear like the fear of the unknown right should be fun!


Player:  I want that stuff how do I make these random encounters more regular so I get all the lootz in the game!



The thing is for so many players that attitude just will never change.  They want what they want and everything sucks if it isn't a nice linear path to earn the rewards.  It doesn't have to be easy, it doesn't have to be quick.. but there is some kind of need in many that it MUST be a straight forward "do this -> earn that".  RNG is a $#*(@, but really the intention is that people play the game, play different game modes... cause you know its fun, then *poof* hey look I got something cool that run, awesome, then keep playing for fun.


Why developers (not just DE) don't realize that players are sooo incredibly reward driven I don't know, but to cater to that would make a kinda boring game, basically not much more than a slot machine, or one of those games with a claw and a bunch of stuffed animals you are supposed to pick up and drop in a slot. 


My advice to the OP is to forget about farming for something that wasnt intended to be farmed.  Play the game.  When you get the final parts you need be happy.  Its ok to get a little frustrated but to put so much emotion and effort into trying to control something out of your control is not really healthy.


Maybe you can get it before I get my despair.

Edited by Wahooo
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I have to agree with all those who say it shouldn't be too easy.


Really decent games give players a whole host of options. Multiple choices, entertainment, challenge and opportunity. This game delivers all that and more. To this date, I haven't spent money in the game as I am still new and so far I have been able to either find what I need in game or even trade for what I want. However, when the time comes that I may need to spend money in the store, I will. I never feel bad about spending money in games that give to me all that this one does. I know when I do spend, some of it will go towards development of this game and I am always willing to help a decent Dev team.

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Honestly...I don't see this being a huge problem, I'm still getting the stuff I need about the same amount of time as i did back in the earlier void primes. I'm just going to say this, if you don't like grinding, then why play a game that requires you to do so? Just sit back and enjoy the game.

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I have to agree with all those who say it shouldn't be too easy.


Really decent games give players a whole host of options. Multiple choices, entertainment, challenge and opportunity. This game delivers all that and more. To this date, I haven't spent money in the game as I am still new and so far I have been able to either find what I need in game or even trade for what I want. However, when the time comes that I may need to spend money in the store, I will. I never feel bad about spending money in games that give to me all that this one does. I know when I do spend, some of it will go towards development of this game and I am always willing to help a decent Dev team.


The problem being "hard", "easy", and "challenging" are things that imply needing skill or effort - the game's over-reliance on RNG undermines that. By definition, it's entirely luck-based - it takes just as much skill and effort to pull the lever on a slot machine regardless of whether it pays out or not.


You can have one guy that gets all the parts in a scant handful of runs, another one may never even see the bobsy-triplets spawn; nevermind actually drop a part - that's what "random" entails. As-is, there's simply too many RNG checks in general; a.) that they spawn, b.) that they drop a part, c.) they drop the part you need.


I got my Brakk during Gradivus, and ironically I fall into the latter camp - despite beating them a dozen times, I've yet to even see the G3 ever drop a part. On that note, I can't help but consider it funny that people talk about working oh-so-hard for the thing during Gradivus - if you sided with the Grineer (which most players did) those 100 missions got you a guaranteed weapon, slot and a tater... and it's not like those 100 Gradivus runs were all that hard (hell, I did twice the required number during the event just to help our clan get its statue).

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It started with the Void--with run after run after run yielding the same damn item I didn't need past the first time.


Now it's culminating in my very own white whale, the Brakk Barrel, which has been denied me time and time again thanks to RNG layer after RNG layer.


I know nothing will happen, because that's how DE likes it--all the Void RNG makes players want to spend Platinum on Prime Trading so they can get the pieces they'll otherwise never see.


But the RNG involved in trying to make the Brakk is doing something DE might actually care about--it's making me not want to spend money on this game ever again.


Six Blueprints, three Receivers. Not a single Barrel.

I couldn't even tell you how many G3 kills, nor how many invasion and survival runs were involved in this.


And yet I'm still apparently not worthy of the weapon, especially in the eyes of those who say their mere hundred Gradivus runs were more work than this.


What a joke.

You know what is really ironic? everybody right now has the same stuff, they are trying to sell all those components and NOBODY is buying them because everyone either has a full set or doesn't have the same component they need, I was trying to get a Burston Prime so I spent some time in the respective missions, the barrel was denied to me so I decided to use some of my platinum savings to look for it... nobody was selling it, they either didn't want to or didn't have one, the drop tables have been effectively nerfed to the point of not being able to get enough keys to run the missions unless you pay for them or to farm for months for a low chance to try getting them, we are now experiencing an interesting problem, people are aborting missions once they don't see the reward they look for during the "acceptable" time frame, you know what will happen? DE will first make it so the keys are consumed on failure or abort rather than let the potential money making diminishing because players are getting what they need.

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Dude, if you just got everything after a few tries then It'd be too easy. Everybody would complain that it's too easy to get things.

And Tenno, remember...


this...and if you got it too easily you would just quit playing cuz you would run out of things to do....plus RNG is fair because it is random


edit: and why do I say its fair even tho the OP seems to have no luck? cuz 15 t2mobdef and 15 bronco prime bps, because 35 paris parts but still no upper limb, because ive done hundreds and hundreds of runs myself, but I dont ever have an issue because I dont hunt for the stuff, I know that will drive me crazy because RNG, when i get it awesome, until then my soma, despair and dual kamas can handle everything anyways.

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this...and if you got it too easily you would just quit playing cuz you would run out of things to do....


Define "too easily." It sure as hell isn't what I've been doing so far.


plus RNG is fair because it is random


All THAT means is some people get whatever they're after quick and then the content is meaningless to them, whereas others flail around helplessly and never get what they're after.


Edit: Presumably fixed.

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Define "too easily." It sure as hell isn't what I've been doing so far.


I would say less than 30 runs? my edit is because reading through other posts they mentioned it was not 10 runs as i had thought from reading the list of items given totaling around 10, rather than the "hundreds" stated


All THAT means is some people get whatever they're after quick and then the content is meaningless to them, whereas others flail around helplessly and never get what they're after.


those are the 2 ends of the spectrum yes, then there is everything in between, and with 3 million players that is a lot of inbetween, not to mean there is only one person on either end but still

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RNG is random. I'm sure new items have the same if not, less probability of getting it to keep it fairly new.

As for the Brakk, I'm sure DE made it hard to get because it is one of the most, if not, the most powerful weapon you can get in the game. It took me roughly 20 or so G3 kills to get all Brakk pieces.

Grineer Invasions: 355

Grineer Survival: 30+ hours

Derping around: quite a lot

Got the final Brakk part I was looking for 2 days ago when we were starting up survival and my friend went afk to do something. G3 came before we started the survival mission by hacking.

During the time of looking for the Brakk, I got to forma everything I wanted to completely forma. Used around 34 formas total. RNG is meh to me now. I don't expect to get everything I want the first time so I just put it aside and play for fun.

RNG comes when you least expect it. When I first played, I didn't really know what Stalker was and I got all 3 Stalker weapons within the first 2 weeks of playing. My friends were jealous and said I was lucky and that I should always play with them lol.

Tip: Just play for fun and play casually. You'll get it sooner or later. If I could trade Brakk parts, I would give a pair away for free since I have 5 Brakk BP, 6 Barrels and 1 Receiver left.

Good luck to all you fellow Tennos out there seeking for what you want.

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If I had to guess, I'd say hundreds of invasion runs and tens of G3 spawns.

Don't know how many spawns exactly, but it was nine spawns that dropped Brakk parts that then ended in a successful extraction.

Don't know how many times the host panicked and aborted when they showed up (or when they themselves were downed), leading to me getting booted back to the starmap.


I wouldn't mind so much if I could trade the parts I have gotten so far, because then I could build the weapon for myself and hopefully help out people who might have the opposite problem to me--lots of barrels but not much else.

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If I had to guess, I'd say hundreds of invasion runs and tens of G3 spawns.

Don't know how many spawns exactly, but it was nine spawns that dropped Brakk parts that then ended in a successful extraction.

Don't know how many times the host panicked and aborted when they showed up (or when they themselves were downed), leading to me getting booted back to the starmap.


I wouldn't mind so much if I could trade the parts I have gotten so far, because then I could build the weapon for myself and hopefully help out people who might have the opposite problem to me--lots of barrels but not much else.

I still havent even been marked yet....so there is that side of it too even with all the runs i have done...granted tho 300/600 hrs of mission time is just derping around having fun and doing survival for mats and exp on stuff lol

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I still havent even been marked yet....so there is that side of it too even with all the runs i have done...granted tho 300/600 hrs of mission time is just derping around having fun and doing survival for mats and exp on stuff lol

To get marked for G3, you have to assist the Corpus side during invasions 5 times consecutively.

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And yet I'm still apparently not worthy of the weapon, especially in the eyes of those who say their mere hundred Gradivus runs were more work than this.


What a joke.

Next time be there for the event then. This was an EVENT weapon it shouldn't have even been accessible to people who haven't participated in the event and yet they did it anyways. So consider yourself grateful that you have the chance to obtain this weapon. Next time participate in the event if u wanted ur brakk faster. And stop whining on the forums, DE does not give a S#&$ about non constructive criticism.

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