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Oberon And Nekros Really Need To Change.


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Oberon and Nekros were supposed to be the paladin and necromancer class. Unfortunately they are nothing like that. Oberon needs a better healing ability and an ability that grants some sort of protection. That's what paladins do. Nekros soul punch should summon minions if the targeted enemy dies. And for F***'s sake remove desecrate already. I'm shocked DE has been ignoring this joke of an ability for so long now.

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oberon has (was wrong not highest) really high base hp, you can build around that to make him your "paladin" .. effective health not so much but meh. also nekros is a necromancer, sure maybe his four should get a buff but he fits his role decently enough as is. and some people only get nekros for desecrate, so uh no. honestly this just feels like your angry that the devs didnt make the game exactly like you wanted it and went to vent.

Edited by Aver
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Just don't use them them if it's not to your liking, i think they are perfect just the way they are.

Oberon is one of the best well rounded Warframes ever, they can't all be OP gods.


P.S. you can't use that kind of language here, it can get you into hot water.

Edited by 911nsidejob
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Remove desecrate? yeah... no. That is his most useful ability! Honestly, Nekros is fine. But Oberon could use some increased armor to be more of a knight. 


People are forgetting the fact that Nekros was supposed to be a necromancer, not a looter.

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Not down grading either of these opinions, but at least post how you build your warframe(s). Before you critique the abilities.. so other readers can understand you points of view better.


I understand the frustration of Oberon not being a even a decent support role, and he is just mainly used to slow down enemies or slam them to the ground with spamming the ability till your energy runs out.


And that Nekros is only utilized for the spamming of desecrate (which sometimes works very poorly, depending on how your killing the mobs)

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oberon has (was wrong not highest) really high base hp, you can build around that to make him your "paladin" .. effective health not so much but meh. also nekros is a necromancer, sure maybe his four should get a buff but he fits his role decently enough as is. and some people only get nekros for desecrate, so uh no. honestly this just feels like your angry that the devs didnt make the game exactly like you wanted it and went to vent.

what?! he has 125... Ash has 150, Zephyr too, and im sure others have higher health base too...

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Soul punch is a good knock-down, especially useful for higher level enemies and capture targets. Fear is a good "oh S#&$" button that pushes enemies away from you and de-buffs them, it's really useful for when you need to revive a fallen teammate, or when you're in a large mob. Shadows of the Dead is good for crowd control, as well as a functional meat shield. Nekros works very well when coordinated with a team that can funnel all the enemies into a choke-point to get more mileage out of desecrate, and if you're able to take out stronger enemies, then Shadows of the Dead is very useful because it spawns the enemies you kill, but even if you can't take out stronger enemies to get more use out of it it's still a good meat shield.

A lot of people use him for farming because of desecrate, but it's also very good for spawning health and energy, and the rest of his skills are useful, some people just don't prefer a support frame like this.

Half of the ability (soul punch) is useless. The projectile spawn is damn near impossible to use right. Unless you are directly above the target, or there is something directly next to them. That needs a rework.


His Fear button lasts for far too long and makes things tedious when you are trying to do an Exterminate or defense mission, or even a Survival where people love him as those enemies that are running away and hiding keep others from spawning in. It's not streamlined for the game and makes things more difficult than they need to be. It needs a rework


Shadows of the Dead is a meatshield, meaning that the part about the summons fighting and moving around is useless. it needs a rework


Desecrate is only useful in Survival, and even then it's RNG on RNG on RNG. It's a pure RNG skill, meaning it needs a rework.


All of Nekros' abilities need a rework. Nekros needs a rework. He's only good in Survival, and that's because people simply use him as a loot pinata, and not the Fear Master he was advertised as. Just like Frost was only good in Defense and Mobile Defense, Nekros is only good in Survival, and he needs something to be changed to he's helpful and useful everywhere. A necromancer summoning minions and creating a mass of underlings to do things for everybody is actually helpful. He's too focused, too pigeon-holed into Survival and that means he needs a rework.

Edited by theammostore
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Shadows of the Dead needs to work for kills obtained through Assists.


That's really the only thing I see majorly wrong, along with Terrify making enemies cower in fear instead of booking it.



Go to Archwizard's thread about Warframe ability tweaks, he has some good stuff there.

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Not down grading either of these opinions, but at least post how you build your warframe(s). Before you critique the abilities.. so other readers can understand you points of view better.


I understand the frustration of Oberon not being a even a decent support role, and he is just mainly used to slow down enemies or slam them to the ground with spamming the ability till your energy runs out.


And that Nekros is only utilized for the spamming of desecrate (which sometimes works very poorly, depending on how your killing the mobs)

The reason I want a reworked Oberon is because I want him to have the self-synergy DE was telling us about. SteveScott told us that all of his abilities worked really well together, and I'm not seeing that. We have a damage explosion, a damage AoE in a ground area, a Heal over Time, and a Damage with reward on Kill ability. None of those have any synergy together. Not like what Zephyr has with her ability synergy.

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Remove desecrate? yeah... no. That is his most useful ability! 

and some people only get nekros for desecrate, so uh no. 

Desecrate gets you more energy, health, and to a lesser extent, items. 

Desecrate is a great skill.

Remove desecrate?

Not sure if trolling, ignorant, or early for April Fool's.

A lot of people use him for farming because of desecrate, but it's also very good for spawning health and energy, and the rest of his skills are useful, some people just don't prefer a support frame like this.


So don't remove Desecrate then - just move it. Make it a Sentinel ability or a generic ability mod (they clearly thought there was a market for farming-oriented skills when they put out Master Thief/Thief's Wit), then rework Nekros with a niche that isn't weighed down by the necessity of a Survival-oriented skill. Give his other three skills more than just CC, so that he can live up to the expectations the playerbase had when he was announced.


Frost got reworked to make him less essential to Defenses and promote diversity within them, while making more than just his "signature skill" worth equipping.

It's about time they do the same for Nekros.

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Like the DC forums are any better. Mostly been seeing whining about names and weapon appearances there over actual, y'know, design.

Scott's said on the record that Warframe designs are basically all his opinion - as evidenced by the release of Desecrate over unanimous disapproval from the players.

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Well then just stop playing Nekros until they finally realize their mistake and change the powers.


I mean, this won't work 100%, but it will provide DE some statistics over which frames are being played for how long and by how many players. We already have this counter present in our profiles.


If it DOES miraculously continue for long enough, then we may get a change.


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Well then just stop playing Nekros until they finally realize their mistake and change the powers.


I mean, this won't work 100%, but it will provide DE some statistics over which frames are being played for how long and by how many players. We already have this counter present in our profiles.


If it DOES miraculously continue for long enough, then we may get a change.



Probably wouldn't work. DE might just take that statistic to reflect Survival difficulty rather than frame popularity, since the two are basically intrinsically linked.


If that could have worked, they'd notice the lack of Nekros usage outside of Survivals by now, wouldn't you think?

Edited by Archwizard
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Like the DC forums are any better. Mostly been seeing whining about names and weapon appearances there over actual, y'know, design.

Scott's said on the record that Warframe designs are basically all his opinion - as evidenced by the release of Desecrate over unanimous disapproval from the players.

The point is, DE has officially said, "unless something's really wrong, we're not changing it".


And yet, still, these threads creep up.


There's nothing "wrong", the entire point of the thread is "it isn't a WoW clone! Why isn't it a WoW clone? Make it a WoW clone!"


Over and over and over and over again.


It would be so nice if those people would just go play WoW already.

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The point is, DE has officially said, "unless something's really wrong, we're not changing it".


And yet, still, these threads creep up.


There's nothing "wrong", the entire point of the thread is "it isn't a WoW clone! Why isn't it a WoW clone? Make it a WoW clone!"


Over and over and over and over again.


It would be so nice if those people would just go play WoW already.


Speaking as someone who used to play WoW religiously, I think you're overusing that term as an obtuse accusation against people you disagree with.

"You shouldn't like sugar. You know who liked sugar? HITLER."


WoW focuses on using redundant abilities in a rotation; most of the suggestions I've seen in these forums still hold to the 4-ability cap and philosophy of giving each one a unique purpose within the skillset to increase the fluidity of gameplay. While Fireball may be your bread-and-butter in WoW, it's more situational here.


Scott has said the design for this game is all his opinion. Opinions can be challenged from either side; it doesn't make them stupid, as your comic implies, just another viewpoint.

Edited by Annon5150
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WoW focuses on using redundant abilities in a rotation; most of the suggestions I've seen in these forums still hold to the 4-ability cap and philosophy of giving each one a unique purpose within the skillset to increase the fluidity of gameplay. While Fireball may be your bread-and-butter in WoW, it's more situational here.


Ironically, that's exactly what's wrong with Oberon: Three redundant damage skills, and only one incredibly weak support skill.

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