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Is Warframe Missing Something?


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This is a question I'd like to ask the whole community and see what everyone thinks. Warframe has really taken off from when it was first introduced, there have been a lot of changes and loads of new content. With all these new toys and game-play elements the question arises, does this feel right? Is this the game that Warframe really could be? Does it have too much of something and not enough of another? Is there something missing entirely?


Now I turn to you and ask for your thoughts. What do you think? Do you feel that Warframe is great just the way it is? Would you change anything or want to see something added? I'm curious what all players of all skill levels have to say. If it is discovered that there are strong feelings for much needed changes, a list will be compiled here for easier reading.


Let's keep it constructive and civil. This could lead to something really positive.

Edited by Komatoast
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I like the game how it is. A new melee system I would enjoy, but over all I would like something that isn't gameplay related, I would love to be able to turn down overall texture quality to raise my fps..


Gameplay wise I feel it could do with a better stealth mechanic, but it isn't too needed as stealth isn't usually an option.

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I think it would be nice to add a bit more storry and maybe some better chats (espachaly in recrutement and trade) maybe add a game market like in Diablo 3 were you leave the item and we can type the name and see all the offers would help every one a LOT.


then of cours I will say the obvious: always more content , end game content , quest système, pvp, minigames (like zephir)

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I'd say it needs more story driven content. Prefferably in the form of (scripted) dungeons, missions, raids etc.

And that players NEED to team up to their best abilities.

Also, more custumization like power batteries, speed batteries, all kinds of little buffs thingies ...... maybe like kevlar inlay's or .... i dunno.

More rpg i guess

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"we" is kinda vague because every player has different wishes for Warframe and they are not all going to be fulfilled.

I personally want more customization options but I respect DE's direction with the limits they'd like to set.

It's really up to DE to decide what Warframe becomes. We may influence it a bit.


Didn't mean we like that. In the end it is up to DE what Warframe becomes, but I think that if everyone shared what they thought about Warframe and the developers took that into consideration, it would be a 11/10 AAA game that would blow your mind. Not saying that it isn't great right now, but I believe with some real, and I mean real communication between the players and the devs this game would be over 9000 times better than it is right now.

Edited by Komatoast
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Better modding system.  Like... one that doesn't make serration/hornet strike mandatory.  This would practically require an overhaul of the game, and heaven forbid DE go back and fix/balance the small things (like secondary cold damage mods) much less something huge.  Alternatively, more mod slots, though we all know people will try and spend all 60 points and getting as much damage as possible.


So failing that, better mod selection.  More precisely, a $#!%-ton more nightmare mods if we're not simply going to get any more mod slots.  Kinda wish high voltage offered faster reloads or more ammo capacity as opposed to +status chance (the toxic counterpart to this mod already offers this.)  I've come to accept we won't get more mod slots, so nightmare and corruption mods are the way to "customization" that involves a little more depth than shoving every conceivable damage mod we can onto our weapons.  Give up a little damage for a little more ammo, or just take the full elemental mod that gives +90% X damage?


Passives for frames and weapons.  The boltor family of weapons should already have punch through built in.  Excalibur should be a melee frame.  It would be nice if he had a built in +melee swing speed and maybe no stamina cost on parry.  Just one example.


Fluid parkour.  I swear there is always a brief moment before actually clinging to a wall. Titanfall got it right.  Mirror's Edge got it right.  Warframe feels clunky.  Further, less oomph behind the jump at the end of a wall run.  Seriously.


Greater enemy variation?  Just nitpicking now.  Elite crewman/lancers could afford to be more than a recolor or a hoodie.  Thinking advanced humanoid MOA for the elite crewman, really armored up lancer for the elite lancer, or go the opposite, a refined, smaller human (presumes Tyl Regor has advanced his gene repair research.)  Corpus Tech needs to be power armor/super battle droid.

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