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Mmobomb.com F2P Final Showdown Megathread (Victory & Never Forget Edition)


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I'll go ahead and consider this lost.

Well...we are runner up in the popularity contest though....that's pretty good.

The other game is a MOBA though. It's a bit embarrassing.

Especially since Hi-Rez dropped Tribes (and Global Agenda) once they saw that Smite got more money for them.


Edit: But if you look at Planetside 2, their devs (SOE) stuck with the game and made it better and more..enjoyable. So says my friend.

Edited by RealmDestroyer
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It will only count as 5 different votes if they were using data. If the phones were all connected to the same wifi network, it only shows as 5 votes from the same IP, only one of which will be counted.

Wrong. They'll count five votes from the same IP to account for multiple people, but if it is obvious botting they will not.

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maybe they didnt want waste time and energy with no name sites polls, when more important things are worthy of time and mental energy

besides who even cares about mmobomb's opinion/site/polls
what is mmobomb ? its nothing , it has no meaningful influence over anything
who granted them any authority or legitimacy to be the host of judgement for any gaming title ?
they dont make anything, they just leech off others who have actually created games, they dont actually do anything
mooching off the hard work of others - anyone could make a similar site in 24 hours if they wanted to 
most people had not even heard of mmobomb until this poll began which says everything
why respect anything they promote if it has no substance or meaning to begin with
why would the master, who creates and designs things of greatness, even bother to acknowledge someone who just talks about them
its all just meaningless words
the only thing of importance is beating an opponent who was offering rewards in their entire game lineup for winning - for principles sake
DE has taken the higher stance, by disregarding petty polls and still succeeding on the passion of player base alone
such honor, extreme integrity, much impress
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The other game is a MOBA though. It's a bit embarrassing.

Especially since Hi-Rez dropped Tribes (and Global Agenda) once they saw that Smite got more money for them.


But if you look at Planetside 2, they stuck with the game and made it more..enjoyable. So says my friend.

Planetside 2 isn't Hi-Rez. It's SOE.





maybe they didnt want waste time and energy with no name sites polls, when more important things are worthy of time and mental energy

besides who even cares about mmobomb's opinion/site/polls
what is mmobomb ? its nothing , it has no meaningful influence over anything
who granted them any authority or legitimacy to be the host of judgement for any gaming title ?
they dont make anything, they just leech off others who have actually created games, they dont actually do anything
mooching off the hard work of others - anyone could make a similar site in 24 hours if they wanted to 
most people had not even heard of mmobomb until this poll began which says everything
why respect anything they promote if it has no substance or meaning to begin with
why would the master, who creates and designs things of greatness, even bother to acknowledge someone who just talks about them
its all just meaningless words
the only thing of importance is beating an opponent who was offering rewards in their entire game lineup for winning - for principles sake
DE has taken the higher stance, by disregarding petty polls and still succeeding on the passion of player base alone
such honor, extreme integrity, much impress


The whiteknighting and pretentiousness in this post is staggering.

Edited by Vargras
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 Pat yourselves on the back, go grab some Grineer Ale (or Corpus Soda if you're underage), you deserve it.


Although we have celebrated and enjoyed our moment of victory, our fight is not yet over. Now we must face the strongest foes of all, the Gods themselves have risen to meet us in battle. Let us show them that not even divinity can stop our blades.


May our frames be swift, our blades sharp and our votes true, and may the Lotus be ever with you.



The Dogeer Bombard




Let's rock them like Booben rocks Infested!



Edited by MorteTacere
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We're still behind, I'm REALLY tempted on putting this Topic as the first priority. Meaning, Every other topic that gets a response, this'll get another response right on top of every other Topic. But even then, it'll most likely not work at all in getting votes.


Should I do it?

Edited by AtomRio
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I'm kind of wary of this whole concept, MMObomb cannot actually prove the legitimacy of this concept and it feels really shady what they're doing here with the polls. I'll explain a bit.


With the previous matchups you could see the votes on that easypolls site after you voted, quick and easy. Of course this doesn't prove that the results are real or free from outside tampering, but at least it's right there easy to see. Then they moved it to a twitch livestream that updates every few seconds (minutes?) Why the change? Was there any need to move it? What the hell? Why keep the results hidden then suddenly show tus these numbers that could've come from anywhere?

If that wasn't enough to raise my suspicions I checked the stream earlier and it wasn't even showing the poll numbers anymore, just some guys yahoo email address half signed in. The hell?


Now, I'm a player of both games and I enjoy both. Although the typical MOBA player attitude throws me off playing Smite some days, I will be equally pleased if either wins. But this whole idea is ruined by my suspicion that MMObomb is rigging it in favor of their favorite. After all, MMObomb is in no way legally obligated to show us real results because this competition is not official.

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I'm kind of wary of this whole concept, MMObomb cannot actually prove the legitimacy of this concept and it feels really shady what they're doing here with the polls. I'll explain a bit.


With the previous matchups you could see the votes on that easypolls site after you voted, quick and easy. Of course this doesn't prove that the results are real or free from outside tampering, but at least it's right there easy to see. Then they moved it to a twitch livestream that updates every few seconds (minutes?) Why the change? Was there any need to move it? What the hell? Why keep the results hidden then suddenly show tus these numbers that could've come from anywhere?

If that wasn't enough to raise my suspicions I checked the stream earlier and it wasn't even showing the poll numbers anymore, just some guys yahoo email address half signed in. The hell?


Now, I'm a player of both games and I enjoy both. Although the typical MOBA player attitude throws me off playing Smite some days, I will be equally pleased if either wins. But this whole idea is ruined by my suspicion that MMObomb is rigging it in favor of their favorite. After all, MMObomb is in no way legally obligated to show us real results because this competition is not official.

Well, they did wanted to show the poll's results on Friday out of no where, but they couldn't so in the end. Their resolution was streaming the votes.

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I'm kind of wary of this whole concept, MMObomb cannot actually prove the legitimacy of this concept and it feels really shady what they're doing here with the polls. I'll explain a bit.


With the previous matchups you could see the votes on that easypolls site after you voted, quick and easy. Of course this doesn't prove that the results are real or free from outside tampering, but at least it's right there easy to see. Then they moved it to a twitch livestream that updates every few seconds (minutes?) Why the change? Was there any need to move it? What the hell? Why keep the results hidden then suddenly show tus these numbers that could've come from anywhere?

If that wasn't enough to raise my suspicions I checked the stream earlier and it wasn't even showing the poll numbers anymore, just some guys yahoo email address half signed in. The hell?


Now, I'm a player of both games and I enjoy both. Although the typical MOBA player attitude throws me off playing Smite some days, I will be equally pleased if either wins. But this whole idea is ruined by my suspicion that MMObomb is rigging it in favor of their favorite. After all, MMObomb is in no way legally obligated to show us real results because this competition is not official.


Um, MMObomb did a blind poll on easypolls and then they thought they could change the poll settings to show the results once there was enough demand for it / maximum suspense. They were wrong..


So they are streaming it off their easypolls admin page on twitch.tv instead.


Smite 55% (64668)

Warframe 45% (53478)


Total Votes: 118146


Source: twitch.tv/mmobomb

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I like all the conspiracy theories popping up because we're losing.


"Mabinogi is voting against us, it's the only way!"


"This MMOBomb poll seems really shady, why aren't they directly showing us the results?"

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I like all the conspiracy theories popping up because we're losing.


"Mabinogi is voting against us, it's the only way!"


"This MMOBomb poll seems really shady, why aren't they directly showing us the results?"

It was obviously the aliens. Who are also Russian. Russian aliens. From Mars.

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