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Explain Puddle To Me


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Well, more of an observation really, I just don't see anyone casting Fireball or Slash/Bash/Tail-Dash. And as soon as someone does cast Tornado they're immediately asked to stop scattering the drops all over the map.

I Tailwind dash all over the @(&*@#$#. Probably THE single fastest and cheapest and most utilitarian transportation power in the game. And I've never had anyone $#*(@ at me about Tornado. If they did, I'd tell them to go blow themselves and get a flippin' carrier.


I can imagine it being useful in Survival or Defense missions. Just use it in front of a door and suck in all the enemies rushing through said door, giving your teammates some extra time to clear out the other enemies who've used a different entrance.


And if nothing else you could dive into a crowd of enemies that are decimating your allies and give your teammates time to recover/reload/run.

Exactly, it's useful crowd-control. Or, use it yourself for recovery. Maybe we'll even be able to grab teammates. That could be a bit troll-ey, but could save a weak mate, too,


I imagine this being WAY MORE USEFUL than Booben's vortex or bastille, as you could suck enemies into very dense clusters, put some pentanades or castanas around said puddle, eject enemies directly into traps. Etc. Etc. I am going to love this power.


So many people *@##$ing about it being "useless" aren't very creative, despite "LOKI MASTER RACE!"

Edited by Exo594
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It would likely be one of those abilities no one uses and those min/maxing Hydroid will forma out the slot for it for something more favorable.

The only situation I can think of where it could come in handy is if you are near death and want a time-out to regen your shields.

Judging from the live stream it doesn't seem to do much damage. Maybe it can be buffed enough to be useful with goading a lot of Infested to come running towards you then suffocate them in the puddle.

I can imagine using puddle in infested defense and just sitting on the pod.

Hydroid will be good for defense.

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Stand on a defense objective.


Have a Loki Radial Disarming everything.

All the enemies rush in to attack and fall in the void puddle.

They die.

Waterbot becomes top-tier Defense frame.

you sir have won. i buy. (no sarcasm)


Edit: waterbot is his official name as far as im concerned from now on (in my mind at least)

Edited by Orbister
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its a channelled CC+damage (think Banshee ult)  but with survivability added (think invis)


in the video the damage was only 10 per tic on lvl10 grineer 


the problem with CC part is that units are drowned in the puddle so they cant be shot at (l assume)  probably AOE will hit them still

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Honestly, I'm really trying to not just completely give up on this game and I'm not trying to be an &#! but I really can't conceive of any situation where turning into a puddle, lying about, and hoping that something...falls into me?...would be a good idea.


Five situations I can think of off the top of my head.


1. Stealth kills. Cast your ult in the middle of a group of enemies, then hit the melt button. You are now clearing the room without any danger of being spotted.


2. Crowd Control. Use your "Splash Dash" as you call it to gather up a group of foes, then hit the melt button to lock them down until your allies regroup/revive.


3. Personal survival. Melt until the Trinity gets energy for Blessing, making you intangible and effectively immortal.


4. Sabotage. Stand next to the cryopod and wait for melee enemies to run by; who needs Vauban?


5. Hide enemies - not just corpses. Worried that Trinity's EV target might be gunned down too quick? Make him intangible from your allies.

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I'll take a crack at it.


This frame was an experiment in effects.  They wanted to see if their engine could do these sorts of things without being too taxing or crashing.  It's unfortunate, but they did it when it was due for another male frame.


Male frames are all pretty lame in this game...but "Hydroid" takes the cake.  Sheesh guys...

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I really hope Hydi will be able to move while puddle is active. At least trotting speed is what I hope for, but I might settle for duckwalk speed.

Would you settle for no speed at all?  It looks like that's how fast he moves.

Edited by Thaumatos
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it could be pretty good if


1.loki rushes into massive croud

2.loki uses switch teleport on hydroid

3.hydroid turns into puddle 

And Loki could teleport enemies in on a case-by-case basis for any stragglers.

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did anyone else think back to killer instinct (talkin old school, not xbone) when they first saw that power?

what was his name... glacius?

made me nostalgia hard yo... just sayin.


on topic:

its going to be like banshees silence power.

aka, useless.

Yeaaah I thought I was the only one... :)


Glacius could rise out of his MOVING puddle to do his uppercut. I hope that's the case for our Hydroid*...


*This name is a bit odd,they should rename him :| .

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