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Melee 2.0 Feedback: Megathread (With Template).


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What i liked about melee 2.0:

 -melee weapons are more useful

 -various styles and combos

 -dmg buffs on various melee weapons


What I didn't like about melee 2.0:

 -channeling,   although many would say this is awesome, i say "it is awesome, but just visually" because it just looks cool but for any caster frame that requires a tone of energy reserves this is a nightmare. and on top of that most, if not all, channeling mods reduce channeling efficiency!

 -loss of iconic moves,   Jak kittag for instance is loved for its whirlwind animation. now it is not possible if you don't have a stance mod! and even if you do have the stance, you can only pull off the move in a combo, not by itself.

 -fury nerf,   from +60% to +30%

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Account: New

Frame: Loki rank 20

Weapon: Skana unpotatoed

Faction: Grineer. Void

Mods: Rank 3 Fury and Rank 4 Pressure point

Thoughts and experience: Well DE, I wanted to see how melee 2.0 was gonna effect new player experience. Well surprisingly. Melee is the most helpful weapon for beginners. Upon using the account, the MK-1 Braton, Lato were nowhere useful in anything above Venus. I had better chances of survival using Skana at Appoladarus than with the other two beginner items. My guns took a while to actually kill things at Mercury but with melee things felt faster and more time efficient.

Void T1 Exterm: tried to solo it but eventually died after 25 kills with Skana. I tried again with MK-1 Braton and it took ten seconds to actually kill a heavy gunner even when I kept shooting at its head and eventually died around 5 enemies. With melee now being useful it's quite possible to head on a Heavy gunner if you block enough and hit them when they reload.

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wow. i just lost a 1h feed back on furax. wee.


so. lets do that again, without the fancy.



Weapon(s) used: FURAX 3.0, this time, it works ! still not great efficiency, but the feeling is here !

Faction(s) fought: all, 30+

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: http://goo.gl/L4HvhU the pure electric proc can be useful :)

Thoughts & Experiences:


the goal is to attain 15combos (damagesX2), 1.6 speed, and maximize the usage of roaring drums. i ll try to explain that quickly with an example :


mouse wheeled, totally. a pack of lv 45 t3d mobs, typically 3 goons with 2-4 grins, 2 ancient healers, 2-4 corpus, and various shield drones. and MOA's.


what i have with me :


-3 team mates. furax is more or less a cc weapon, im here to protect them, hold a front, and kill everything.

- carrier. with a 5*sweeper that deliver a super high status chance, radiation fitted. guardian, coolant leak (these are important, really)


typical approchach :


i play a hydroid (1-4 balanced build, with stam and hp/shield boosts), so .. i could simply barrage (sometimes i do when i think my shields will not resist the whole fight ) tentacles if used, are more a rear protection, i know i will not take the time to cast it in the first heat, and it will not be needed after i put i generally just behind the pod.


so, if no barrage :


jump, one point, roaring drums on medium health enemy, typically a MOA because i hate these freaking frog legged drone launchers. berserk is triggered nearly all the time, at this point i don't think i ll loose 1.6 speed until the end


i start to chain quaking palms on the creeps and moas(eventually channeled), if i crit i don't need echoing yet. sometimes i hate to. heh. here im in X2 mutiplier, i start to hit hard. because of the speed i cannot really jump so usually i slide spin if quaking cannot bring me on my next target, you re immune to kb when spinning, you have to take the goon shock on it :)


when only the fatties are up, you can either loose your combo and start a new chain (sometimes you take a kb .. i dont use kb immune but i have continuity) or simply continue, chaining echoing hands and roaring drums.


at this point your shields are probably down, guardian have just procced. (if not, you can go smell the roses a bit, eventually raises your penta user, refresh your cc's, cast something, harvest mods a bit, whatever) you life will degrade extremely fast, if you loose more than 200 per hit, do not count on life strike, you ll hit the ground and annoy your squad.


time to channel, the fatties like to be channelled. same as always, i build up again, then i use channel on the 2 last strikes, i try to avoid roaring drums, im not sure of it but i think it s draining 6.5*6punches. if i'm high on energy and the fight is nearly over i don't care, i dump the shiny stuff and burn them.


i probably forgot some things but .. this is pretty much it. usually the range of damage is somewhere between 600-3500 and 6600 on roaring drums. im a bit jelly on ankyros prime, but i still prefer furax. weirdly, it really feels like an endgame weapon for me, a lot more than super shiny ones.




i ll wait the furax wraith. or a way to lift a rank 0 weapon to a higher MR.



Approximate Time Spent: a lot.


additional infos : im pretty sure all the melee weapons are falling around lv 57, they really start to suck at this point, even 100+ combos cannot really hurt them, perhaps really high combos could have a nice flame effect and armor ignore values ?

anyway, great patch.


oh and please give berserk a visual indicator, like light trails on the helmet, degrading from deep red to white ?


surgartas on furax are hilarious. i use the chained one, i feel like a pirate who just escaped jail, ready to bashing things to pulp.

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Weapon(s) used:
Bo, Cronus, Dark Dagger, Dual Ether, Ether Reaper, Ether Sword, Fang, Furax, Galatine, Gram, Heat Dagger, Kama, Kestrel, Kogake, Lecta, Magistar, Orthos, Pangolin Sword

Faction(s) fought:

Stance Mods used:
Fracturing Wind, Reaping Spiral, Sinking Talon, Sundering Weave

Thoughts & Experiences:

First off: Melee 2.0 feels considerably better and is much more viable than Melee 1.0. Animations are beautiful. Blocking is well integrated; stamina cost seems reasonable. Channelling works really well (better than I thought it would, although like many others I’d prefer a toggle option) and channel mods allow for numerous ways to tailor melee to one's own personal needs.

Looking back, the problem with charge attacks in Melee 1.0 was the fact that certain weapons were better for charging (which meant that only their charge attack was used) and others lent themselves to regular attacks (and were used and modded in such a way). Thus, only a portion of each weapon’s moveset was utilised and melee combat was unnecessarily boring.

Combos make my experience of melee much more enjoyable. They are both visually pleasing and provide more of a challenge in that they are timing based. Unfortunately, many stance mods only provide one such special combo move, which on most weapons I tend to use all the time. So, if the current stances are meant as a foundation for future expansion of the system I’m quite happy with that. If they are going to stay as they are now I can’t shake the feeling that I’d be slightly disappointed.

While melee right now feels quite tanky, the biggest remaining problem seems to be mobility (unfortunately highlighted by the recent introduction of the combo meter). Combos do provide a certain degree of mobility, but I think movement needs to be more controllable by the player. It’s awkward if I have to strike thin air (thus setting back the combo meter) in order to execute the move that lets me close the gap to a grineer who tries to get away. It also does not make me feel like I am in control of my character.

A possible solution would be to give each weapon a fitting gap closing move (e.g. blink with daggers, a jump that does aoe damage with hammers, ...) which can be easily executed, say by pressing forwards & attack button or holding down the attack button, just like the glaive throw used to work in Melee 1.0. I imagine a brief wind-up-time would make it feel more impactful, plus it could also tie into the channelling system and have an energy cost attached to it. If an enemy was too far away you’d still have to pull your gun or close the distance on foot while deflecting bullets, but it would occasionally help to keep your damage multiplier going and/or execute fleeing enemies without having to awkwardly run after them.

Switching between melee and guns seems slow, which is particularly significant since block is no longer available when you’re using guns, but for me personally this has not been much of an issue due to the fact that I have bound melee attack to left mouse button, which prevents me from using it for firing my weapon. So I’ve stuck with melee almost exclusively. I do hope keybinds are getting addressed soon.

Also, I believe that stealth attacks do too little damage given animation duration and the fact that they are single target only. It would be nice if we were able to pull of solo stealth runs, but right now you'll likely be detected if you don’t kill the enemy right away. I’ll admit that stealth gameplay is currently not encouraged by the game’s design and it’s possible that an overhaul of the system is planned in a future update, so that might not be a priority just yet. Anyway, simply increasing stealth attack damage by a significant amount would help tremendously and I don’t see any downsides.

On a related note, finishers should probably do more damage as well (again, they are single target only). As with stealth attacks it might be preferable if they were executed by pressing a different button from the normal melee swing, so it remains in the player’s hands whether to finish an enemy with a high damage special attack or with a regular weapon swing which can potentially hit other enemies and takes up less time animation-wise.

I like the idea of stances as mods and providing two stances for each weapon type seems reasonable. Of course, further stances can potentially be provided over time and should be, as a means of horizontal progression. However, I believe there should be equal access for every weapon type to basic stance mods (perhaps they should even have come with the weapon). I mean, the fact that there are two rare stance mods for swords and not a single uncommon one makes little sense to me. On the other hand, the fact that additional stance mods are rare is absolutely fine. As long as we are provided with a relatively painless way of acquiring at least one basic combo mod for each weapon (which - unfortunately - is not universally the case right now), I don’t have a problem with the existence of rarer mods.

Approximate Time Spent:
20 hours+

Supplementary Info:
mouse/keyboard; coop & solo

Edited by Melkin
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Weapon(s) used: Various

Faction(s) fought: All
Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Various
Thoughts & Experiences:
While it depends on the weapon used, the lack of vertical aiming is a serious problem, weapons that mostly use horizontal swings (Nikana) become very unreliable on any sort of incline, swinging below the enemies feet, or above their head often missing completley.
While less of a problem with weapons that have an overhead swing, that swing tends to be 3rd or 4th in a combo, and it is a bit annoying to miss an enemy that is right there. Furthermore, the weapons with overhead swings tend to be somewhat slower, and on a few occasions I even managed to lose the combo multiplier while attacking an enemy that was right in front of me.
Approximate Time Spent: An unhealthy amount
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Weapons  Used; Jat Kittag, Galatine, Gram, Magistar, Bo, Orthos

Stances: Crushing Ruin, Rending Crane, Clashing Forest, Bleeding Willow

Experiences: Crushing ruin hits harder, faster, and over a wider more controllable range than anything the Greatswords can pull off, even with what I've seen from others using Cleaving Whirlwind this is still true. This seems largely imbalanced and I'm wondering if the greatsword stances will receive something to balance this out. While Clashing Forest and Bleeding Willow seem to suffer from a similar problem with each other, it is very hard to determine the timing for entering the advanced combo, it seems unreasonably small or lacks indication.


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Weapons Used; Galatine, Fangs, Zorens


Mods/Stances used: The right stance mods for each weapon, Killing Blow, Reflex Coil, Pressure Point, Elemental Mods.


Factions fought: All of them


Thoughts & Experiences: Holding Galatine with one hand is REALLY awkward. The combos have awwesome animations, but i think you could add a few more. For example, Galatine's Stance Mod has only one combo, which is an endless spin (until you get dizzy), and that's it. aside from that sending enemies flying while getting desintegrated is awesome!


Supplementary Info: Mouse+Keyboard


Time Spent: 4-5 hours


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Weapon(s) used: Mire

Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: No Stance. Pressure Point(maxed), Fury(maxed), Reach(maxed, removed shortly after), Various elemental mods, Killing Blow(4/5)

Thoughts & Experiences: SPAM! SPAM! SPAM!!!!!!!!! I mean I get that I'm not using a stance but nothing special here. Viable fighting method now at most levels. Channeling damage is a joke without killing blow, could really use a buff to the base channel bonus combined with a nerf to killing blow so the results are the same. Stamina issues, but then I wasn't using stamina mods. Though I don't believe I had any stamina issues while using the Dark Dagger. Reach mod is absolutely garbage with this in comparison to large weapons. It could use a static range increase.

Approximate Time Spent: Uh...long enough to hit rank 30.


Weapon(s) used: Orthos

Faction(s) fought: All.

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Shimmering Blight(maxed), Pressure Point(maxed), Reach(maxed), Fury(maxed, removed later), Fever Strike(4/5), Focus Energy(Maxed)

Thoughts & Experiences: It's a nice change up to the gameplay. The power behind this is very powerful, combined with Reach I can easily solo Infested Defenses past wave 15 without taking much/if any damage. The range is absolutely enormous and I really feel like I can clear a hallway in a single pass. My only real complaint is that it's faster/easier to clear without the melee in hand as long as I'm not being knocked down than it is with it in hand. The pause after the third hit while melee is in hand and being spammed(not doing the bonus combo) is far too long, especially since I can't just switch up and force the bonus combo. A bonus note: the timing window for moving between hits needs increased so that I have until said attack ends before it ends prematurely. I haven't been using channeling, I've felt plenty powerful without it, I only use it when I really need to stumble my target(pretty much just tenno spectres). Parry is also an incredibly powerful survival tool(not even sure what to say about it beyond that).

Approximate Time Spent: 10+ hours

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Weapon Used: Dragon Nikana


Factions fought: Everything.


Mods Equipped/Stance Used: Fury, Pressure Point, Spoiled Strike, Killing Blow, Reflex Coil, Corrupt Charge, North Wind, Molten Impact, Life Strike, Tranquil Cleave.


Thoughts & Experiences: Damage was extremely satisfactory, would probably deal even more if modded properly to each individual faction. Fairly easy to land blows, but the combo system feels wasted, as crowds are too far apart, and most enemies die from a few strikes. With such a short expiration of combos, no real effectiveness can be achieved. Stamina pool feels larger, no worries on that area. Blocking bullets is the best thing since canned bread, and I love it. Slightly disappointing to find a large amount of copy-pasta'd moves with fancier names, but nothing can be done about that. Combo flow can be awkward in some cases, but overall fine.


Biggest note was the retention of the E key as a primary melee key, which is extremely disorienting for a "standalone" weapon. Due to conflict in key-binding, could not re-bind. Would recommend changing it to function using M1 as attack, M2 as parry, and E as a toggle-option channeling, as channeling can be tedious to hold down for extended periods, with no real incentive to turn it off besides energy conservation.


Supplementary Info: Mouse and Keyboard, Playing both Solo and in Party.


Approximate Time Allotted: Too much. (~10 - 20 hours)

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Weapon(s) used: Glaive Prime, Kestrel, Hate


Faction(s) fought: All


Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Gleaming Talon, Reaping Spiral


Thoughts & Experiences: In general I love the changes and think this is a step in the right direction.  However, there are a few things that can use improvement and at least 1 bug that I've outlined below.


Improvement Needed:


- When hitting F to enter melee mode the Mouse Left Click needs to change from channeling to melee attack.  While we are used to hitting E to melee, its a pain to try to combo with it when moving as some combos require pauses and different directional keys.  Also, it makes sense that the primary attack button be used as the stance is focused on melee.


- Add a separate key mapping for charge/throw and work that into the combos.  It would make for a more action combat style experience - Look at fighting games where you have the fast, medium and strong attacks for inspiration.


- Change channeling to a toggle with a separate key binding.  Trying to combo while moving and holding down a third button is tedious.  In the case of glaive type weapons that explode when Channel is hit while thrown, set the explosion to occur when a melee attack (or the throw binding mentioned previously) is hit while the weapon is in flight.


- Melee attacks with glaive type weapons are too slow, and make the combos for Gleaming Talon feel clunky even with attack speed mods.  These weapons deal minimal damage in melee and are single target already, so an attack speed increase for melee should not unbalance them.  The throw speed feels about right, but it would be nice if attack speed mods would affect it as well.


- Gleaming Talon combos could be improved if the ranged/aoe effect occurred earlier in the combo.




- Taking any damage at the beginning of the attack animation for the Glaive and Kestrel will stagger you unless you are in the full melee mode.  I tested this with the Glaive and have seen several posts from Kestrel users with the same issue.  This occurs even if you have no mods or stances on the weapon.  In the case of multiple or fast firing enemies this can perma stagger you.  Attack speed affects this - Slower attack speed has a higher window at the beginning of the animation.  I just started playing with this yesterday, but from other posts this seems to have started with Update 13.1.


Approximate Time Spent: 5 hours


Supplementary Info: Mouse/Keyboard, Coop and Solo

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Feedback Format:

Weapon(s) used:
This applies to both thrown and all other melee weapons

Faction(s) fought: This applies to all factions

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Parry, All Rare and Uncommon Stances for the corresponding weapon

Thoughts & Experiences: Although I thoroughly enjoy the ability to parry through channeling while having my melee weapon equipped, I would also enjoy the return of the quick block/block button use for when I have a firearm equipped. I am one of the people who actively used the block button and when I have my firearm equipped I still tend to push the quick block button. In addition, I would like to see the thrown weapons to be able to be thrown at the first melee button press if held down. Since there is only one stance for certain weapons currently, perhaps there could be some sort of additional considerations to these weapons. If I may conclude with one final thought it would be the wish that ONE DAY the use of stance mods changed the base position of equipped melee weapons and the postures/animation set of the frames holding these weapons. This is purely a wish.    

Approximate Time Spent: 11 days ( since the release of melee 2.0)

Supplementary info:  Controller (Microsoft and PS4)

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Feedback Format:

Weapon(s) used: Any

Faction(s) fought: Any

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Killing Blow, Corrupt Charge, etc.

Thoughts & Experiences:
Improvement needed on the weapon info screen, it needs to display the Channeling Damage % and the Channeling Efficiency % and the mod interactions such that 50% channeling multiplier gets to 110% by equipping killing blow and channeling efficiency gets to -40% by equipping lifestrike.

Approximate Time Spent: Melee 2.0 update

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Weapon(s) used: hydroid, like always. and heat dagger !

Faction(s) fought: xini, mostly

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: http://goo.gl/DbYwJE

Thoughts & Experiences:


i wasnt hot at all for this weapon. i could not be more wrong, i did a wave 50 xini with it, at heat dagger was still performing well at the end, in fact, way better than most of the melee. its only weakness is the speed, imho, a dagger that mention the word "speed" in its description and reach 1.0 speed with fury on it is a perhaps a bit low. it leaves you vulnerable, your mobility is greatly reduced, and you can be staggered homing fan cure the weapon. pointed wind is a tradeoff between speed and dmg ? seems fair. but still a bit slow :)


the combo feels weird at first, but you get use to the slash-slash long estoc, the double spin/flying kick and the end is a bit hard to read but i think the damages are doubled on it ?


anyway, the combo is fluid, easy to pull out, even in stressful situation, definitely a good one. the damages are good, good one. not fancy, not shiny, but smart and efficient. i do not regret my random potatoing :)

Approximate Time Spent: 2h


additionnal info : without channelling, a damage range of 700-2200, im not sure at least 500 on shields, and 700 on meat. a small screen on a 85 :




personal note : why all the heat swords are not half puncture ? we really need more puncture. oh and sometimes the dagger turn itself weirdly :)

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Weapon(s) used: Duel Ichors + Nyx

Faction(s) fought: Raptor

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Crossing Snakes, crit damage/chance, viral(ice + toxic status mod), fury, pressure point, second wind

Thoughts & Experiences: I have found that it is very difficult to defeat raptor soully on melee. This goes also for other aerial based enemies as well.

Raptor is an aerial based opponent which takes to the skys far out of the players reach. In the beginning I used Sayrn but that didnt work because venom killed him before I could figure out how to reach him. There are 2 boxes that are stacked one another which you can use to attack him IF he comes over.



the platform on the far end of the map can also be used IF he comes down. This matters because that means players cant preform this alternate means of gameplay simply because the enemy is out of reach, leaving you at a disadvantage. The only way I was able to do that much damage was because of my spin attacks. I perished twice. Zephyr could have been used but I wanted to test the ability to use melee on a ground based frame.


For an enemy that is based around flight, I am not sure If this should be changed or not but considering that all weapons can be removed except for melee, it might be something to look into.

Approximate Time Spent: 30 minutes or so in the battle alone

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Weapon(s) used: Ankyros, Dual Kamas, Fang, Furax, Jat Kittag, Lectra, Orthos

Faction(s) fought: Greneer, Coprus, Infested

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Mods classic Damage,damage and damage / stance: Sinking Talon, Crossing Snakes, Swirling Tiger, Shattering Storm, Shimmering Blight, Fracturing Wind Seismic Palm, Burning Wasp

Thoughts & Experiences:

1) I haven't tested the whole channeling thing yet because a invisible loki does more melee damage than channeling for less energy, but i am going definitely to test the life leech + rage combo.

2) I love the idea that you customize the moves of your weapon but in all that the stance mod i have tested i haven't found one that is really useful to use. I have spend most time with my dual kamas and for those i even stopped using the combo (meaning i equip back the primary weapon) and only use the basic 2 attacks (they do what you need, they hit hard and fast) + the slide attack. The problem with the combo is that i don't feel that i am in control meaning that the leeping forward move never happens wen you need it, and if it happen it is not able to catch up with a fleeing enemy. I like the the whole slide + charge idear because i was in control meaning that if i want to catch up to an enemy i slide and if i want to make more damage/aoe damage i use the charge, now you are just stuck in an animation which never does what you need (but it looks great ;) ) The stances which are the most usable are the onces like Falling Rock from Shattering Storm which provide you with Aoe hits without jumping "randomly" around but since you have to wait 3 hits nothing is alive wen the aoe hammer hits.

3) Really take away the charge of the Jat Kittag you introduced last update...

Approximate Time Spent: >10h

Supplementary Info
: Optional (Mouse/Keyboard? Controller? Coop/solo?) Mouse+ Keyboard, Coop+Solo

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big problem for melee weapons is how the puncture/slash/impact mods behave - they calculate dmg only from their own element instead of taking ENTIRE dmg of the weapon and adding it as the bonus dmg (they should behave just like the elemental mods behave by taking combined puncture,slash and impact dmg and than taking the % from it - this also applies to all the ranged weapon mods as well and should be changed in both melee and ranged)


weapons used: all of them


factions fought: all of them


mods equipped: multiple stance mods and multiple dmg mods configurations


thoughts and experiences: the hold and pause in combos breaks the flow of the battle , the best melee experience comes from the stances that use directional button to do the combo (like stalking fan for scythes and seismic palm for furax) left and right buttons could be added to combos instead of that hold or pause option tbh,

customization of weapons dmg evolves only around using elemental combos and channeling efficiency mods , there is no point in customizing slash/impact/puncture dmg which leaves players with less choices


approximate time spent: since the release of melee 2.0 (around 50hours maybe more) doing all types of missions (void , od , corpus , grineer . infested)


supplementary info: keyboard and mouse used , both solo and team play

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Faction(s) fought: All

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Iron Phoinex,Sundering Weave,No Stance,Crossing Snakes

Thoughts & Experiences:


1.Combos require more dramatic actions

2.The combo indicator should be more visible


3.God like enemies as well as very strong bosses should be a must in the game so as there to be an escalation of players interest


4.Katana's should evolve further in the game


5.Armor parts are more than needed since the next test with sword cosmetics has proven that

Approximate Time Spent: 3 hours

Supplementary Info
: Mouse and Keyboard

Weapon(s) used: Machette,Dakra Prime,Dual Skana


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I'm kind of a melee nut.

Weapon(s) used: Nikana, Dakra Prime, Lecta, Bo, Amphis, Heat Dagger, Heat Sword, Dual Heat Swords, Plasma Sword, Hate, Galatine

Faction(s) fought: Grineer, Corpus, Infested

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:

Mods: Pressure Point, Rending Strike, Jagged Edge, Heavy Trauma, Sundering Strike, Fever Strike, Shocking Touch, North Wind, Molten Impact, Parry, Reflection, Killing Blow, Life Strike, Warrior's Grip, Second Wind


Stances: Iron Phoenix, Swirling Tiger, Tranquil Cleave, Clashing Forest, Burning Wasp, Reaping Spiral, No Stance, Rending Crane

Thoughts & Experiences:

Amazing Rehaul. Love it. Love it to pieces. Parrying is awesome, blocking is great, animations feel fluid, and I like that I can break up combos when need. Channeling seems a bit...off. But activating it during certain combo times is basically what it's useful for. Now the frames have more defense concpets to use via consistent Blocking.


However, I still feel melee is underrated with damage. A tater'd Soma will still out DPS a tater'd Dragon Nikana and the Soma has range and saving channeling energy for skills. Currently on my melee-spec frame, I only use two warframe skills at any given time so I have more room to spam channeling attacks which I replace with sometimes stamina based mods, some times mods like reflection which is amazing. I still think that just slightly tweaking pre-existing mods would be the best course of action.


Pressure point should be able to rank up to 10 just like Hornet Strike and Serration. I'm not even sure why this wasn't done from the get-go. I'm not even sure why the shotgun mod is capped at rank 5 too. Multishot mods? Maybe. But there's no MULTISTRIKE mod for melee so the DPS will always suffer in comparison. I can do way more clearning and damage with a blast Grakata than any of my melee weapons. UNLESS, that is, I use Ash or Loki and spam Invisiblity damage-buffs. Maybe it's because I don't have Spoiled Strike? I duno.

Approximate Time Spent:
About...24~28 hours over a week?

Edited by AshenHaze
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Weapon(s) used: Dual Zoren

Faction(s) fought: Orokin

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used: Pressure Point(maxed),North Wind(maxed),True Steel(maxed),Organ Shatter(maxed)/Swirling Tiger(maxed)

Thoughts & Experiences: First of all what a great plus to the game to have a melee system,now i find difficult to block using the dual zoren but that is NOT a bad thing becouse it deal such a great damage that i just attack while moving forward and i love the speed, i have dominated the stance combo and i feel that the last blow of the Winding Claws combo need to be a Little bit low to hit the enemy.the channeling was very intuitive to use and deal even more damage than the charge attack ever do.

Approximate Time Spent; 10 Hours

Supplementary Info:Mouse (multi button) and keyboard, played solo

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Weapon Used: Galatine

Stance Used: Cleaving Whirlwind

Time Spent: Roughly 4 hours


-Galatine needs a base damage buff. It's currently very weak by itself, which doesn't make sense considering it's a massive 2H sword. You can nerf the damage multiplier on Cleaving Whirlwind's spins to compensate the base damage buff.

-Cleaving Whirlwind is really fun, but could use some more mobility during the spins. Either allow players to move faster/farther during the spins by sprinting or automatically add in some 10 foot dashes during/between each spin.

-Perhaps add in a second combo move(EE Hold E) where the player spins in place 3x times while rising off the ground. Enemies nearby are lifted into the air, then knocked down after the finishing hit.

-Look into the possibility of tying Cleaving Whirlwind's spin to the stamina bar. Ex: With a small stamina bar, you could only spin 5 times in a row. If you invest into stamina mods, though, you could spin many more times. This probably would be bad if paired with the distance boost requiring stamina too, though.

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Thoughts & Experience : i think it's kinda disappointing on how we have to change to melee mode before doing combo, why don't enable combo when we using non-melee weapon? because its complicated. how about let players can still use combo when using non-melee weapon but not able to use channeling and combos with right-click on them? :)

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Weapons used: Skana, Cronus

Factions fought: all


Thoughts and experiences: 

Incredibly unintuitive controls resulted in me stopping to use the system. Absence of combos detract from experience and skill factor (button mashing is not a combo).


Suggestion for improvement:


While in melee mode:

E - toggle channeling on/off

LMB - Attack

RMB - Block


Riposite: parrying before being hit by melee knocks enemy off their feet. If channelled reflect their damage with a multiplier (magnitude scales with channeling efficiency).

Heavy slash: Attack from block (while holding RMB). Higher impact damage, slower speed. 2-move standard sequence.

Light slash: Normal attack. 3-move standard sequence.

Light into heavy combo: 3x Light slash -> 1x Heavy slash - stuns bosses knocks down all enemies it hits if the combo is executed successfully. Finishing hit has wider arc than normal attacks.

Heavy into light combo: 2x Heavy slash -> Button mash light slashes (faster clicks-->faster strikes). Stuns or knocks (depending on weapon) down enemy with heavy slash, then execute a series of very fast (depending on the frequency of clicks) light slashes with bonus puncture damage to a single target. Temp speed increase suggested to make it feel more satisfying.

Areal slam follow-up: some more AoE ground slams, executed if attack is pressed as previous animation finished (no button mashing).


Whatever your mind can come up with. But combos are essential to making the melee feeling good, in addition to proper control scheme of course. It needs to require some sort of skill. And combos need to be useful too. I have listed some examples, for dealing with situations I would always want to deal with using guns right now. They can give you an idea.

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Weapon Used: Glaive + Dragon Nikana + Hate


Factions fought: Grineer, Corpus, Void, Infested


Mods: Varied, for boosting damage, + Rebound (Stance mods for Nikana and Hate)


Thoughts: First, overall I like Melee 2.0 and the stances. However, let's face it that having to have a separate key bindings for melee and gun play is a pain. It creates unnecessary complexity in key commands or mouse macros. This is coming from someone using a Logitech G600. So generally mouse macros aren't an issue for me.


There needs to be a difference between the "quick melee" used during gun-play and the melee-mode. Quick-melee key should be a single key binding. Melee-mode should allow the use of the main mouse or controller triggers to allow for easier muscle memory and simplicity for the user.


That said, I normally use my mouse wheel for the melee. As I found that it is really easy to get off a controlled series of strikes or combos. However that same keybinding doesn't work for the glaive. I can do my precise series of strikes, yet no throwing. In short, to get the most utility out of these three weapons for two I can use my mouse wheel. The glaive requires me to redo my key-bindings. As the key I end up adding to do the default throw is normally my push-to-talk button.


I would appreciate some kind of fix for this technical oversight that restricts the player's ability to key-bind to their convenience.


Time Spent: ~40 hrs, since U13 release.


Supplementary: Razer Black-Widow keyboard, Logitech G600 MMO mouse. Also tried with a PC compatible Logitech Controller, same results. (Coop and Solo Play).

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Weapon(s) used:Any

Faction(s) fought:Any

Mod(s) equipped/Stance used:Any

Thoughts & Experiences:Hello, I think the probability of discovery is very low in some cases to stance mods, being these the base of melee 2.0, because without combos there is not melee 2.0. I wanted to know if you can fix this or at least balance it ,because some mods drop a lot and others do not drop. Thanks greetings.

Approximate Time Spent:

Supplementary Info
: Mouse/Keyboard Coop/solo

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