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Aren't Melees A Tad Bit Too Strong?


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Good. For the first time ever, there's actually a point to using melee. It needs to be this powerful in order to offset the risk and reward of closing the distance instead of shooting from afar. If anything, they ought to do even more damage. My Brakk still obliterates an entire crowd in a couple shots at pretty much any level, making running up to an enemy rather pointless aside from the fun factor.

Edited by TheOmnipotentKiwiStand
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 They pretty much have to be ridiculously strong to stay viable for really high level stuff. You put yourself in the line of fire to use them.

 THIS! ^^


i've died a bunch of times taking enemies with me.

just like in Tales of Abyss when Ash fights to the death and is impaled so many times but takes so many enemies with him to his grave. This is that feeling and I want it to stay!

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Melee is way too strong right now.


..Just kidding


Haha how many of you got scared? ;)

Of course, I'm just trolling, I haven't even got a chance to play yet

But I totally agree with what the moderator "Blatant Fool" said

Melee NEEDS to be strong as an incentive to actually use it against end game enemies

Risk and Reward.

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Melee 2.0 as it currently is is just fine. DE, DO. NOT. NERF. MELEE. 2.0

Not exactly. While I'm not complaining about not being able to do combos (infact, I WANT to be able to one-shot most mobs. That's the key to making melee effective. Spending 5 seconds to kill one mob with a combo does NOT work with this game, which is what I was saying before), one of the main points of Melee 2.0 was to make melee more stylish, to make melee more "Warframe", to put it in their own words, rather than just running up and smacking a mob. But all the while still keeping it viable and worth using.

They succeeded in the latter, but kinda missed their target in the former. Combos are almost never utilized because no one wants to lower their damage output to use them. Effeciency is better than visuals, after all.

All I'm saying is that I don't think DE hit the mark spot-on with Melee 2.0 like they were planning. But I don't want them to nerf melee damage despite that.

Edited by Triburos
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What everyone said. However this thread was expected. Humans are so feeble minded and predictable.


​it also feels good to cut down everything in one swing of a heavy weapon especially heavies.

Edited by SirAuron
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I understand where OP is coming from, but it kinda just goes to show that the idea of 'combos' doesn't work to well in WF.

Mobs die too easily, and people are looking for the most damage output possible.

What Melee 2.0 basically resulted in was removing charged attacks, and adding something that basically does the same thing as a charged attack, but faster.

Stuff still dying in one shot as usual. Combos just don't work in a game like this. Maybe on the occasional boss. But not much so for normal enemies. Moreso if you're someone capable of buffing melee.

But I think most people would rather have their damage output over combos anyday.

you people i swear :c


combos are there so that your melee damage fall-off isn't as bad, so when ur fighting heavy andor high level enemies with armor through the moon your melee still has a way of keeping up


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you people i swear :c


combos are there so that your melee damage fall-off isn't as bad, so when ur fighting heavy andor high level enemies with armor through the moon your melee still has a way of keeping up


Except people who give a damn about melee can kill said heavy units before the combo counter even kicks in.

Wanna know why? Because most of our damage is coming from melee buffing abilities, elemental combos, channeling damage buffs, physical damage buffs, and so on.

That multiplier needs to kick in WAY earlier for it to do anything useful before I'm finished hacking the arms off of a corrupted heavy unit.

And let's say you're not someone like Loki or Ash who have melee damage bursting from every pore in their body; why are you relying on melee for your damage on a boss anyways?!

Guns are going to have much higher DPS, no matter the melee multiplier because the damn thing kicks in too late!

Edited by Triburos
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you people i swear :c


combos are there so that your melee damage fall-off isn't as bad, so when ur fighting heavy andor high level enemies with armor through the moon your melee still has a way of keeping up


Unequip mods, simple. Equip ones like Reach or whatever. you'll have a more versatile build.


I swear, all you people think of is damage damage damage never putting anything else in your build. Explore other options and let other cleave the grineer to bits with their slow heavy blade.


In other words, make a build that makes you combo with added tidbits like Recah or some other neglected mods. You guys put all this damage into it, it's no wonder you one cleave everything. What do you expect, the devs to adjust to your pure damage build? WHy don't you scrap that build and make a COMBO build people would be proud of. With all this damage, you can get away with anything. i even went through Pluto with a rank 9 Dark Sword as Valkyr and combo a lot despite Sweepers damage.


Combo build people...Doesn't need so much damage in it. Go crazy.

Edited by SirAuron
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Unequip mods, simple. Equip ones like Reach or whatever. you'll have a more versatile build.


I swear, all you people think of is damage damage damage never putting anything else in your build. Explore other options and let other cleave the grineer to bits with their slow heavy blade.


In other words, make a build that makes you combo with added tidbits like Recah or some other neglected mods. You guys put all this damage into it, it's no wonder you one cleave everything. What do you expect, the devs to adjust to your pure damage build? WHy don't you scrap that build and make a COMBO build people would be proud of. With all this damage, you can get away with anything. i even went through Pluto with a rank 9 Dark Sword as Valkyr and combo a lot despite Sweepers damage.


Combo build people...Doesn't need so much damage in it. Go crazy.

"all you people-"??????? Don't ever liken me to those galatine rhinos!

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Melee isn't too strong, it's just that now every melee weapon is on par with where orthos and galatine use to be (destroying everything in one hit).   So now I think it's more about the enemies being too weak.   For instance, maybe it's time to put level 50's in pluto.   But I still say DE should think about scaling mission level or enemy levels in missions based on the mastery ranks, weapon/frame ranks and strength of gear of all 4 players on the team.   So when you have 4 MR8+ players all using awesome weapon loadouts, they should instantly be facing level 50+ enemies instead of weak little 30's who can die in one hit to most basic weapons with a couple of basic damage mods on them.

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