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The Big Galatine Thread


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Well, many of us used to use the awesome beauty we call Galatine. As it seems it got nerfed past every other weapon and deals almost rediculously low damage.


As i see it, DE just wanted to force every Galatine user to get new weapons and nerf-hammered it into the ground.


I always thought the point of balancing things would be to make them about equal, but Galatine isnt viable imho anymore. 50k crits vs. 1k energy-draining attacks? It means it got nerfed to 2% of its former strength. Basically you have to strike 50 times to cause equivalent damage to its former critical strike. I found myself hammering at a heavy gunner, which would go down after 15-20 strikes, whereas it took 1 before.


I dont have a stance yet, but from all i know, they do not multiply damage by a degree that would give it its pride back. This tremendous Claymore (Its not a Zweihander).


Now, dont get me wrong, it doesnt have to be the strongest weapon (though it deserves to be imho), but it should be usable in high-lv defenses or survivals.


To use a Galatine has its own feeling. Its a big, proud weapon. Not messy like a hammer, a pair of daggers for some bu77stabbing or a kinky whip. Its beautifully clean, powerfull and fast.


I would hate to have to either throw it away, because it deals 0 damage to any mob that has more lifepoints than a butcher or to have a melee weapon with me, which i wouldnt use through the whole mission.


Anyway, it would be great to know, whether the devs want to give it a boost or whether they just hate it so much for being most players favorite, they made it weaker than any other weapon.

Edited by Kasseopea
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I've actually found the Galatine to be pretty effective. I mean, I managed to oneshot Nef Anyo with it earlier whilst farming for stances, so it can't be all that bad.

Well, Nef Anyo has about 2000 lifepoints+shield+armor, you can oneshot him with a wet towel.


A melee weapon should be something that makes the enemy regret to get up close and personal. Otherwise i can just keep my finger on LMB while my synapse is out. Galatine was always a way to make some room around you, now its just wiggling at the enemy with almost no effect, even if you burn through your energy.




Galatine deserves to be the best Melee weapon

NO weapon deserves to be the best! All weapons are mostly equal now, but people are raging? When IS the last time you saw someone use a Machete(or it's wraith) BEFORE melee 2.0? Its my favorite weapon, and now I CAN ACTUALLY USE IT!


When "quoting", please do it correctly. Its my personal opinion, but it doesnt have to be the strongest one, as i understand, that not everyone wants to use it, while staying competative.

Edited by Kasseopea
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channeling efficiency FTW

Well, got Focus Energy, Reflex Coil and Corrupted Charge = 60% efficiency = 2 Energy per strike. 15 strikes for a Heavy unit = 30 Energy wasted. And yes, my mods are full upped, my Galatine 2 times polarized and with a potato

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the galatine should have been nerfed ages ago, it should have been given a highe rmastery requirement like the soma did, from 3 > 6, the galatine was far too good for its stupid low requirement, so its current performance imho is valid.


no problems, its just been fixed at long last.

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Guys, im not saying it should have stayed the same, im saying that they nerfed it too hard. Thats like saying "Oh well, ther was always lots of sand in the Sahara (which is ofcourse true) - lets flood it completely so it becomes a swamp. I know its a rather dumb example, but you know what i mean. It was too strong, now its too weak to be used at all. Nerfing shouldnt make something completely useless, it should put it overall even with other weapons.

Edited by Kasseopea
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Why are you using its former damage numbers as a measure of its current balance?
Take a rifle with 1,000,000 million dps, and reduce it to 50k. 
That's still ridiculously strong, but it's only 5% of the original power.

And it's on, roughly, par with our other heavy sword right now. So it's hardly 'too weak' unless all heavy swords are too weak.
And we still don't know how channeling works exactly either.


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I've actually found the Galatine to be pretty effective. I mean, I managed to oneshot Nef Anyo with it earlier whilst farming for stances, so it can't be all that bad.

Naff Anyo? A mind-controlled Corpus tech can-


Well, Nef Anyo has about 2000 lifepoints+shield+armor, you can oneshot him with a wet towel.



And you're not in this alone. They ruined my beautiful glaive too. No more charge damage mods, no more charge speed mods.

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I hope the stances give it some good AoE swings to make up for the lost damage.


This tremendous Claymore (Its not a Zweihander)




Technically it's neither and both, as it's a just variation of two handed swords.

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"I super potatoe'd every slot just how i like it, now the weapon is F***-all useless, though, i haven't actually checked out any stances yet."


Sounds legit, Give it time.

Stances do not multiply damage, if i got it right. They only give you the ability to look fancy. Its like allowing to hold our rifles sidewards.


Here is my build http://abload.de/img/unbenannt2p1jnd.jpg


I wonder where exactly i get more damage from than this. Sure i could replace Reach with North Wind or Fury, but it wont make the weapon that much stronger.


I have a buddy who made himself a scoliac - it has 2 mods and already deals 3k crits WITHOUT channeling. My Galatine deals fully modded and WITH channeling only 2500 crits. That. Is. Rediculous. A whip so much more stronger than a two-handed sword is plain BS.




I hope the stances give it some good AoE swings to make up for the lost damage.





Technically it's neither and both, as it's a just variation of two handed swords.


Zweihander = 2 Handguards and grips, part of the blade not sharp so you could grab it there, blade consits of a rectangle and triangle.

Claymore = Normal hilt and 1 handguard. Blade consists out of a lengthy trapezoid and triangle.

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Galatine and Gram are now pretty much on par with each other. I was testing out both on Grineer troopers and lancers (I need to test on Infested and Corpus later). Gram consistently did slightly more damage each time (it was a pretty small damage difference), channeled and normal attacks, because it has more puncture. That being said, Galatine has a bit more utility to make up for it's lack of other damage types. It has much longer reach, double the status chance, and slightly increased crit chance but that seems negligible, however, channeling seemed to increase the crit chance. (I think it still hits more enemies at once like it used to, haven't tested that out yet.)


So now it's a matter of personal taste I guess. Do you want more raw damage or more utility?


Galatine was nerfed but you gotta keep in mind that it is only mastery 3 which is extremely low. And most other weapons that are better (like the Scoliac you mentioned) are either higher mastery and/or clan tech.


If you want an extremely strong melee get the Dragon Nikana (which is the strongest melee but requires mastery 8 and destruction of a regular nikana which I believe is also mastery locked. It's a lot to get it but worth it.)

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Galatine and Gram are now pretty much on par with each other. I was testing out both on Grineer troopers and lancers (I need to test on Infested and Corpus later). Gram consistently did slightly more damage each time (it was a pretty small damage difference), channeled and normal attacks, because it has more puncture. That being said, Galatine has a bit more utility to make up for it's lack of other damage types. It has much longer reach, double the status chance, and slightly increased crit chance but that seems negligible, however, channeling seemed to increase the crit chance. (I think it still hits more enemies at once like it used to, haven't tested that out yet.)


So now it's a matter of personal taste I guess. Do you want more raw damage or more utility?


Galatine was nerfed but you gotta keep in mind that it is only mastery 3 which is extremely low. And most other weapons that are better (like the Scoliac you mentioned) are either higher mastery and/or clan tech.


If you want an extremely strong melee get the Dragon Nikana (which is the strongest melee but requires mastery 8 and destruction of a regular nikana which I believe is also mastery locked. It's a lot to get it but worth it.)


The Mastery/Clan Tech argument isnt very good. This way we should have nerfed Soma, so it deals as much damage as Lato, instead of increasing its Mastery req.

The way it is now, we have 2 monstrous swords that deal less damage than some f-ing daggers. No one thinks something is out of order there?

Edited by Kasseopea
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