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The New Resource: Argon Crystals


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This is sort of bugging me. See, Argon is a Noble Gas. Over on the far right of the periodic table, number 18, the symbol is Ar.




The issue is that Argon is inert, does not decay, and has to be insanely cold to freeze, at 83.81 Kelvin, -189.34 degrees Celsius, or -308.81 degrees Fahrenheit, not a likely temperature to find in a jungle. It can form crystals, but they would not decay, and they would be clear, rather than the greyish purple that they are in game. Yes, the game is set in the distant future, but elements are elements. As a slight perfectionist, I would suggest renaming it to either a new element that DE comes up with, or one that does decay, like uranium for example.

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My personal explanation would be Orokin/Void sillies to keep it solid at standard temperatures/pressures. As for the coloration, that could easily be due to some sort of impurity. Come to think of it, the impurity could also be what keeps it solid, but also is unstable outside of specific conditions (of which the Tenno are ignorant). This would account for the crystals decaying, since if the only thing keeping them solid decays, they would revert to a gaseous state.

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Are the crystals actually made of Argon, or just named Argon? Maybe the guy who discovered them in the void was named Argon, and named them after himself. Maybe the void changes Argon on a molecular level we don't understand, and when they cross over they defy our physics.

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Isotopes of argon do decay, though. Although none match the in-game stuff in terms of (half-)life.


I do find it funny that DE picked an element that is defined primarily by it's inert nature for the one resource that decays, though.

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Isotopes of argon do decay, though. Although none match the in-game stuff in terms of (half-)life.


I do find it funny that DE picked an element that is defined primarily by it's inert nature for the one resource that decays, though.


Stop it. There is absolutely no reason for a resource we obtain as players to decay over time.


End of story.




Ninjas in Space


Four Syllables.

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Stop it. There is absolutely no reason for a resource we obtain as players to decay over time.


End of story.


Well, yes, because it's a crappy gameplay mechanic. That's an entirely separate matter from whether or not it makes sense for the material to decay in-universe. They could have said "Collect samples of a rare strain of the Technocyte virus, but make sure you research them quickly, since they will decay in 24 hours" and it would have made plenty of sense, but would still have sucked.

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I agree entirely. It should de renamed to grindium. 







Edited by P1RAT3
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You know what else doesn't make sense? Oxium! Or like any of the powers in this game!

true, but this is a problem with the real life parallel of an item, that has a vastly different behavior in real life than in game. I know you can just shout "game logic" and go on your way, but it is still an issue that goes against some (relatively) basic chemistry.

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It definitely looks like it's in a crystal state due to some sort of impurity.


I also don't mind the decay aspect. SO LONG AS THE REQUIRED NUMBER IS MINIMAL.


Currently i havent needed more than 2 at any given time which has been trivial to get. It's fine. just a simple way to prevent stockpiling. Remember, stockpiling leads people to think that manufacturing is a joke unless the resource requirements are ridiculously high.

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a) It's Argon Crystal, which already hints at wonkiness because you can't make a crystal out of a noble gas.

b) Oxium

c) Orokin space magic turned Jupiter, Pluto, Phobos inhabitable. We're talking ridiculous spacemagic here. This is but a quibble.

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