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Dark Sectors - Peak Of Lazy Design


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Ok we got dark sectors, places unavailable to humans, were first to build and travel there(maybe after orokin) and what we see when we reach there??


Corpus installation, same map as used in 1st endless defense back in u7 with minor tweaks done in previous updates, nothing new..


Ive heard in livestreams that they are "new, challenging areas" instead we got higher lvl infested, if higher lvl enemies would be any harder ppl wouldnt be able to do 60+ waves of odd, idk who in sane mind would think that this is any harder, it isnt, it just takes more bullets to kill and still cant do jack to you...


Nothing new has been done in that manner, just reused resources and some pvp added


Note: i havent yet seen rail assault but i expect it to be nothing more than t3 ext and probably i wont be mistaken.

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The Dark sector gives nothing special. Its just a boost in resources (that the owners of the rail TAKE a portion of anyway which pretty much balance out to normal and a boost to XP and a little extra cash, and i MEAN little! The void gives 2-3 times that. its nothing truly special! Expecially the map. We need a SPACE RAIL to get there and its what? on mars? so i travel to mars to get space railed to...mars? stupid! Anyway if rare mods had a chance of being a reward and LISTED on the tile set as a possible reward then i might be inclined to venture forth into the dark sector. But as it stands i can get all the resources and xp i need from normal nodes. Why should i pay a clan to get a little extra XP and resources? If your not a newbie then you should have most of your weapons maxed out already and unless you were only using one set through the last like year i dont see why its so important to grab these nodes. Its just a way for clans to feel "special" thats my 2 cents

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Personally after playing through the new Dark Sectors content, I (unfoirtunately) see no real reason to go back. The Solar rails are simply a resource sink and don't justify their cost, The inclusion of the Dark Sectors feels more like an afterthought than a carefully planned content update. Sure, I agree that for players levelling weapons and frames this should help speed things along, however for players that are either already rank 15 (or soon will be) There is literally no incentive to check out these "new" maps and frankly I'm disappointed

My complaints regarding the Dark Sectors are threefold.

1. The lack of any new "unique" defense/survival maps for the dark sectors - hell, even reusing the Void/Derelict tilesets would have been preferred to the choice of trying to "tie in" the dark sectors to their associated map section.

2. The lack of any REAL incentive to go there in the first place for those of us either at (or fast approaching) what would be called "End Game" i.e. those players who have all the resources they really need (and then some in a few cases) and all of the weapons/frames they want (or just all of them).


3. The lack of the end game DE keeps promising us. Give the players that have supported you what they need to keep the game fresh and interesting.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the new melee combat system, sure it's gonna take another few days to get my head around all of the different melee styles but overall I thought that improving the viability of melee combat was a resounding success. I also really enjoy the game overall, however personally I think they dropped the ball with Dark Sectors. I'd have been happier if we just got Melee 2.0, a few new weapons and Vay Hek, because I think we can all agree that as impressive as the clan stuff for the solar rails looks (and it does look spectacular) - it felt as if it was poorly thought out and hastily executed.

End game players don't need resources and credits, we get enough of that everywhere else in the game. Give us something worthy of endgame for our efforts. We want Challenge and Reward for our efforts. With the dark sectors DE provided neither.

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Once the tileset problem is fixed, there will still be the nonsense of nodes with the higher enemy level being the easiest overall, and by far.


I hope some Grineer, Corpus, or even Corrupted high level sectors are coming, because right now it's a boredom.

Edited by Hyunsai
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Obviously they're not complete/finalized yet. They most likely felt the need to ship this system out early to give the whining crybabies who weren't satisfied with Melee 2.0 alone the illusion of more content.

Edited by Fundance
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I feel like the DarkSectors we have now aren't anything like what was advertised during the live streams (the clan junk is there, but we have no reason to even run those missions).


In the streams they said DarkSectors would include varying enemy concentrations, I believe the exact example given was running into a grineer survival where it was 20% bombards and such.


Now THAT would be awesome right now as they've given stance mods to very obscure mobs so  I'm very very disappointed that what we have now is clan warfare up and ready but absolutely nothing to fight for.

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I knew it probably wasn't going to be the endgame we've all been hoping for, but damn, I didn't expect it to be this half arsed.

The least they could have done is have the Lotus say something special at the beginning of the mission about you being in a freaking dark sector, but nope. Even the Lotus knows this is the same old grind.

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In the streams they said DarkSectors would include varying enemy concentrations, I believe the exact example given was running into a grineer survival where it was 20% bombards and such.



Varying enemy concentrations it is indeed! survival with no spawn where we run out of life support by 7 minutes! same old problem 


There is incentive to play - more XP, more money and new mods, but gameplay wise its nothing interesting or challenging.

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This does not seem lazy so much as rushed. Same can be said of Melee 2.0, they seem to want to get something out ASAP. I suspect this is because, at least with melee 2.0, they needed the basics down so they could modify other things. Making too many changes to the game without bringing out these things would cause a lot of problems when they did come out.


Hopefully this is just the foundation of something bigger and better. We will have to see.

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After reading all of this, I can safely say that I won't try these "dark" sectors until they have their own tilesets/maps, their own enemy types and a decent amount of resources like they promised to give.


What's the point if it isn't the case? We want new content D.E. .

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Agree that the Dark Sectors are lazy design, disagree that the primary symptom of that is their tilesets. I think the fact that they're just lv 20ish infested missions is far lazier.


Semi-on-topic: I actually assumed the Orokin were actually an earlier Human civilization. After all, they seem to have been native to the Solar System...

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Dark sectors are a good idea but it was rushed. We all know why; Melee 2.0 and thats fine! But so far the only real reason to go there is the new Channel mods. Yes there are new survival reward mods that boost, attack speed, crit damage, and so on but ALL OF THEM increase channel energy! Its ok if you don't use channeling but still not worth it!

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I'm going to agree with what OP and pretty much everyone else in here is saying, that Dark Sectors were over-hyped and underwhelming. The highest praise I've heard so far for these new areas is "it's ok, there's some new melee mods sometimes."

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I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding here about the Dark Sectors. There's two sides to it: the actual node that gets unlocked, and then the solar rail conflicts. The conflicts are supposed to be the endgame stuff, and the node that gets unlocked is just another node for anyone to run. If the unlocked nodes were so difficult that only veterans could complete it, then fewer people would run it, so the clan would get a lot less resources for owning it, and capturing it wouldn't be worth it.


Another tileset or super-challenging mission is never going to qualify as endgame, because what happens after you beat it or get tired of looking at it? I'm pretty sure the constant push and pull between clans fighting over the Dark Sectors is what's supposed to provide a more endgame-like experience.

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