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I've been kicked from several games now, including two 30-min survivals, and I'm sure other players have lost even more.


So, my time has been wasted, and my rewards have been robbed.


Time for you to step up DE, I'm sure I'm not the only player &!$$ed off right now.


I'm thinking along the lines of a free three day affinity or resource drop booster.


you dont and rightly shouldnt get compensation for F2P games, that was/is a thing for games with a monthly payment/subscription, now if you had outstanding time on any bought boosters, then yeah i'd expect those get extended to cover the downtime.


plus its been made clear they still have issues, only person to blame for using something thats still partially broken is yourself.

Christ. Do you have any idea how flawed that logic is?


You aren't being allowed to play Warframe because of the goodness in the hearts of the DE staff. Warframe is not "free". It is a product, and it is made to create profit.


If you are really ignorant enough to believe that the fact that DE allows a portion of its playerbase to enjoy the game without paying an entry cost is enough to justify very poor customer service- then you are very mistaken.


DE still has the very important task of keeping the people who DO pay happy- otherwise we just won't pay anymore, and you can say goodbye to good ol' Warframe.


Second of all, the very fact that Warframe has been down so long is a problem that requires compensation. A product that I, and many other players pay for is not accessible, which means that the services we pay for are being denied to us.


I don't think I need to spell it out any further for you; We have a problem.


I realize MANY of you think it's greed- it isn't. It's expecting DE to be able to offer a complete and reliable product.


Some of you have even said that the stress on the servers are our fault. It isn't. Part of running a game company means having servers that are capable of handing the strain of thousands of players, and having back-ups for when they can't. DE has shown us it is not able to do this. Once again, a problem.


Call it greed all you want people, but while you do that, I'll still continue paying for this game so snots like you can continue to play it.




Seriousness aside, how much you want a bet it's some Mabinogi fanboys DDoSing the server?

Edited by Sanillo
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Already said something about this and the only response I got was a Moderator deleting my post.

But I'm all for them giving us something for this inconvenience.



no one made you play while you know they are having issues


Not everyone checks the forums, nor is there an announcement on the launcher stating that they're having issues.

Edited by MadTroll
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you dont and rightly shouldnt get compensation for F2P games, that was/is a thing for games with a monthly payment/subscription, now if you had outstanding time on any bought boosters, then yeah i'd expect those get extended to cover the downtime.


plus its been made clear they still have issues, only person to blame for using something thats still partially broken is yourself.

Edited by Methanoid
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I've been kicked from several games now, including two 30-min survivals, and I'm sure other players have lost even more.


So, my time has been wasted, and my rewards have been robbed.


Time for you to step up DE, I'm sure I'm not the only player &!$$ed off right now.


I'm thinking along the lines of a free three day affinity or resource drop booster.

The problem is if they reward this occurring and the source -is- a DDOS attack it tells people they can act up and get rewarded for their BAD behavior.

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I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Servers are iffy from too many players on at once, so technically we're all to be blamed. We all share the blame by about 0.01% individually, but as a whole we did it. Sure - they could've upped their servers beforehand, but honestly they have been trying. I think at most we'll get is a 2 hour booster. 

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Except you never paid any money to play those missions to begin with. If you crash out, the keys aren't consumed. How you chose to waste time is your own decision.

Edited by Ryme
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Considering how much de already gives away i must say you guys are just greedy and disgraceful.

Makes me vomit

DE Can only do give aways because they have a faithful player base.

If everyone got fed up with their issues and stopped buying platinum then they would be out of jobs.



I wouldn't hold your breath on that. Servers are iffy from too many players on at once, so technically we're all to be blamed. We all share the blame by about 0.01% individually, but as a whole we did it. Sure - they could've upped their servers beforehand, but honestly they have been trying. I think at most we'll get is a 2 hour booster. 

I would be happy with a 2 hour booster, it's better then nothing.
Edited by MadTroll
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Considering how much de already gives away i must say you guys are just greedy and disgraceful.

Makes me vomit

 And if i have PAY for my affinity booster, it's greedy to ask a COMPENSATION? just quiet, seriously




Edit: Dat fan boy white knight, lol

Edited by IamTheResistance
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... I thought about this too.... Do you think it might really be a DOS attack?

News and announcements. They finally confirmed it.


And no alert compensation will bring back my several survivals worth of mods and few delta beacons.

Just fix it.

Edited by Firetempest
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"I would say an affinity booster or resource drop booster would sate my greed"


Demands before an official statement, glad to know this greedy community hasn't changed.


"I could give you a sandwich, a massage, and a million dollars and you would STILL complain about the type of bread I used."

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