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Possibly Another Dark Sector Reference (Reflection In Hydroid's Undertow)?


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I reinstalled darksector, and played for a few hours admiring scenery


Yes those are pictures from darksector, the lighthouse and that  scene right above me I believe is when Hayden Tenno our glorious primarch awashes ashore with his blessed hand of +3 glaive summoning

Edited by luxastrum
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I reinstalled darksector, and played for a few hours admiring scenery


Yes those are pictures from darksector, the lighthouse and that  scene right above me I believe is when Hayden Tenno our glorious primarch awashes ashore with his blessed hand of +3 glaive summoning

This is the easter egg DE gave us.

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There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

(cue music)

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I reinstalled darksector, and played for a few hours admiring scenery


Yes those are pictures from darksector, the lighthouse and that  scene right above me I believe is when Hayden Tenno our glorious primarch awashes ashore with his blessed hand of +3 glaive summoning

   Sweeet. Can you post some screenshots of these areas? I don't have that game....yet

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It's the Painted World of Ariamis.


Better start praisin' the sun.

In this case I'd rather start praising the fluffy tail.


But yeah that's some really interesting find that may (or may not) explain how his powers work (sending bodies and corpes to other dimenshion and such).

Or maybe it's a foreshadowing of what to come.

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  • 2 months later...

So, i was using hydroid, and i did the puddle thing, and i saw something creepy as F*** but awesome at the same time. i panned the camera UP above the puddle, looking STRAIGHT down, and i saw what looked like a reflection of a village, or a Victorian city....i'm not sure how to transfer pics from the ps4 to pc cuz i would, but that creeped me out! so, what's up with that Easter egg?

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So, i was using hydroid, and i did the puddle thing, and i saw something creepy as F*** but awesome at the same time. i panned the camera UP above the puddle, looking STRAIGHT down, and i saw what looked like a reflection of a village, or a Victorian city....i'm not sure how to transfer pics from the ps4 to pc cuz i would, but that creeped me out! so, what's up with that Easter egg?

I'm so freaking curious right now


Hydroid was once a village before he was turned into a suit.

I'm pretty sure Hydroid wouldn't want you to talk about that.

Edited by Zareek
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