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The Next 2.0?


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If everyone read, understood and followed the Community Rules and Guidelines then there wouldn't be a need for community moderators. :)


That being said, if you have any complaints in regards to how the community moderators conduct themselves, you're welcome to submit a Support Ticket to file a formal complaint.

Considering how many valid complaints about this game that don't violate the CRaG disappear into the ether without even a simple explanation as to why, trusting the moderators to actually handle things is a joke imo. Also, the form letter like responses we get for filing a formal complaint most of the time don't do anything to bolster our confidence in that regard either... 

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Infested ships 1.0


Infested 2.0

Yes please, they're the most boring faction as of now, they got no love for a long time and they're not even remotely scary, the new ancient sounds sure are a nice addition to it, but that alone doesn't make the ugly model and texture of the runners/leapers/chargers/crawlers any better, or the lack of scarier units and environments we meet them in. (I remember that I think Phorid or somewhere on an infested map there were no lights and only some red warning lights in the whole mission, that made it SO much scarier than the lit up environments you find them in now)

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Considering how many valid complaints about this game that don't violate the CRaG disappear into the ether without even a simple explanation as to why, trusting the moderators to actually handle things is a joke imo. Also, the form letter like responses we get for filing a formal complaint most of the time don't do anything to bolster our confidence in that regard either... 

The only complaints and feedback that get removed are ones laced with profanity and/or vitriol. Sometimes it's possible for us to edit the parts that violate the rules out, but sometimes it is not possible. Also if a thread gets too derailed or the discussion turns incendiary then it gets locked and/or hidden. 

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Stealth is a "death by a thousand cuts" according to DEScott, meaning it will be made more improtant and valuable by dozens of minor adjustments and fixes! He´s not wrong in that, a lot of what makes stealth viable is achieved not through an system overhaul, but making the missions more inviting to use stealth and adjusting the rewards accordingly. I´d love to see more focus on that as well though!^^


The biggest need for an overhaul by far, is the parkour movement system in my opinion, which is shared by a lot of the veterans. It need´s more then just adjustments, wall running is difficult, impercise and genrally counter effective, forced rolls often result in dangerous situation for the player and generraly parkour is just too weird to be used effectively in combat. A rework would go a great way in making Warframe a better game!!


Also Lore!!! When i could decide stuff, anything would be put on hold, until we get some context to every mission and generall back story to the universe that we all like so much.^^

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Stealth is a "death by a thousand cuts" according to DEScott, meaning it will be made more improtant and valuable by dozens of minor adjustments and fixes! He´s not wrong in that, a lot of what makes stealth viable is achieved not through an system overhaul, but making the missions more inviting to use stealth and adjusting the rewards accordingly. I´d love to see more focus on that as well though!^^ 

 Agreed, and glad someone gets it. Stealth is something that requires extra dedication and tons of time to get right. It needs map reworks, better AI, better pathing. All in all, it needs a LOT of stuff other than simple mechanics.


The biggest need for an overhaul by far, is the parkour movement system in my opinion, which is shared by a lot of the veterans. It need´s more then just adjustments, wall running is difficult, impercise and genrally counter effective, forced rolls often result in dangerous situation for the player and generraly parkour is just too weird to be used effectively in combat. A rework would go a great way in making Warframe a better game!!

Movement in general could use an overhaul. While it may be alright now, I wouldn't exactly call it smooth, and parkour fits into the movement category as well. Movement and parkour, like stealth, will require maps to be worked on extensively, but not nearly as much, so the system I can see getting the next "bulk" rework is definitely movement.

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Stealth is a "death by a thousand cuts" according to DEScott, meaning it will be made more improtant and valuable by dozens of minor adjustments and fixes! He´s not wrong in that, a lot of what makes stealth viable is achieved not through an system overhaul, but making the missions more inviting to use stealth and adjusting the rewards accordingly. I´d love to see more focus on that as well though!^^


The biggest need for an overhaul by far, is the parkour movement system in my opinion, which is shared by a lot of the veterans. It need´s more then just adjustments, wall running is difficult, impercise and genrally counter effective, forced rolls often result in dangerous situation for the player and generraly parkour is just too weird to be used effectively in combat. A rework would go a great way in making Warframe a better game!!


Also Lore!!! When i could decide stuff, anything would be put on hold, until we get some context to every mission and generall back story to the universe that we all like so much.^^

Personally I think the biggest issue with stealth is that most of the tileset designs, along with enemy routes and sight range, just do not support it all that well. In most tilesets there are lots of rooms filled with enemies that have conflicting routes that lead to every corner being covered, and there are next to no areas to actually hide in.

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Argon Crystals 2.0

Argon Crystals learn to not be home sick can commit suicide.


Weapons that now suck because of damage 2.0

Repair weapons.


Vey Hek tileset 2.0

To much bugs.


Melee 2.0 2.0

I don't know what would come from here I just like the name.


Eye doctors 2.0

Enemies can now see more clearly

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