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Accelerant.. How Useful Is It In Endgame?


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Accelerant multiplies heat damage, but realistically, how good is it in endgame?


I love playing as Ember and I kinda feel guilty when I hit "World On Fire", run around and steal everyone's kills. :(


But I'd like to keep this thread clean from haters who prefer gunplay. I enjoy gunplay, but when the 5h1t hits the fan, let's face it, Ember and Nova are serious assets to the party.


What I'm getting at is.. this ability is pretty good, but it would be better if it multiplied all damage types that have heat as a contributing damage type. Like Gas, Blast and Radiation.


I just don't think this ability has been updated to Damage 2.0 and I think it should be.


So.. OP? Useless? A vanity power? I'd like to give feedback and suggestions to DE, but would like to get other opinions first.

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Let me put it this way...on my Ash I'm planning for Forma one of his power slots and never use Shuriken again. If I had to pick one Ember power to never use again, it'd be Accelerant. What she really needs is some kind of defensive power because she is just WAY too much of a glass cannon imo. 

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I'd say it's probably one of her strongest powers considering it's percentile based, although it really depends on how much fire damage your weapons deal. All I can is, strap as many base damage and fire damage mods as you can to an Ignis, tack on some power strength and range, and I guarantee you can easily barbeque your way through at least the first 30 waves (if not more) of Derelict Derelict defense by yourself, Ancients included, and that's without Blind Rage (Although you may want to bring some Energy Restores).


I'm not a min-maxer but even I see a significant damage increase when you follow up Accelerant with any weapon modded with fire damage, so I imagine if you go all out with weapon damage mods (namely base damage, multi-shot, and fire) and Corrupted mods you can vaporize any faction regardless of resistances.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Accelerant is pretty powerful with Mods, it simply is more niche and less 'easymode' as some other Powers are.


there is the factor that only Fire Damage is affected, which does limit it's power. then again, that's probably a good thing.



it's definitely one of the more situational Powers, but at the same time, also one that i'm neutral on. i don't hate it, but i also don't find it that great. with Efficiency and Duration to crank Damage, Accelerant certainly makes Embers' other Powers a good bit more effective, though.


oh, let's not also forget Accelerant has some Utility use as well, it's not only a Damage boost.


so i guess that's really up to you.

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It makes World on Fire way more powerful, but the combined energy consumption is pretty hard to maintain or justify even, when Mol Prime does it all in one ability.


Ember's mostly great at tearing through a low to mid level area as fast as possible, but really falls off once it starts taking more than two hits to kill anything, especially because she can't really make effective use of any of the corrupted mods.

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One of the better skills in the end game IMO. It scales with your weapon's fire damage from mods and both shotguns and rifles have extra fire mods, not to mention Ignis. It's also a clutch dodge (can't be knocked down during the little cast) which is pretty major now since you can't block, and it's a short duration CC. It works in pretty much every situation possible. The range and will surprise you, and the damage will definitely impress you making it's short duration stun more than adequate.


Also totally short circuits the prosecutors and lets you pwn all of them with fire.


If you're solo or in a pre-made group that all brought fire on their guns I'd call it God Tier.


If you're in a PUG then it's really not as good as MPrime or Sonar because it won't help the team at all. The CC being short is fine for you because you know when it's happening, but it's difficult to capitalize on it when it's being done by someone else.

Edited by VKhaun
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It's not scaling... every none scaling ability (for damage) isn't good for endgame. 


But it's very good for CC (one of the best in the game). But it's not working for every enemy (oxium ospreys)


Pretty sure this is wrong. It scales in every sense. Power strength, and with your weapon's fire damage since the end result is a % based damage increase.

Edited by VKhaun
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My Ember Prime has fleeting expertise, multiple damage mods, natural talent, and fully maxed abilities. Why?




I can cast accelerant over a fairly large area, then shoot of several fireballs very quickly that do over 4k damage. 40 minutes and under on even high level survival is still easy thanks to accelerant.

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Pretty sure this is wrong. It scales in every sense. Power strength, and with your weapon's fire damage since the end result is a % based damage increase.


you will boost it for a certain %. but it doesnt scale with the enemy levels. 

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you will boost it for a certain %. but it doesnt scale with the enemy levels. 


You can say that about any and all damage in the game.

The percentage is so stupidly high it does great for a really long time.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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you will boost it for a certain %. but it doesnt scale with the enemy levels. 


Nothing in the game scales with enemy level on the player's side. (AFAIK)


The only thing enemy level scaling changes relative to Accelerant is that, IIRC, as Corpus get to higher levels their shields go up more than their HP and fire is weak to Protoshield, but max Accelerant is a debuff to the same number of around 600%. That 50% to start with is not terribly noticeable, especially since shields are such a crappy defense compared to armor reductions.

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Nothing in the game scales with enemy level on the player's side. (AFAIK)


The only thing enemy level scaling changes relative to Accelerant is that, IIRC, as Corpus get to higher levels their shields go up more than their HP and fire is weak to Protoshield, but max Accelerant is a debuff to the same number of around 600%. That 50% to start with is not terribly noticeable, especially since shields are such a crappy defense compared to armor reductions.

Maggie's SP scales with enemies' shields

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I use a corrosive fire ignis in void T3 survival with Ember.

IIRC i was only using a rank 8 Blind rage (saves 1 critical point) and with accelerant I walk through till 35 minutes without issues.


Bare in mind that heat is not even optimal damage in void.

Edited by fatpig84
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I use a corrosive fire ignis in void T3 survival with Ember.

IIRC i was only using a rank 8 Blind rage (saves 1 critical point) and with accelerant I walk through till 35 minutes without issues.


Bare in mind that heat is not even optimal damage in void.


Ignis: 4,023 DPS


Serration / Split Chamber / Heavy Caliber / Speed Trigger

Hellfire / Wildfire / Shred / Bane Mod


(EDIT, fixed link.)


+572% from the enemy's negative resistances after Accelerant yields 27,034 DPS on everything in front of you. Nothing lost to misses. No dead bodies blocking shots. 



I would never play that build, it's frankly overkill. I lost damage to over extended and dropped Shred/Bane for reload speed and ammo mutation, and I still went to 40min almost solo (carried three randoms from recruiting :P) the last time I played ODS, with 1,000+ kills. That was around Christmas though, so IDK how ODS has changed. I don't particularly like the OD tileset so I don't frequent it.


It's rather hard to hit the air after things get heavy, but I did not have access to natural talent back then.

Edited by VKhaun
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Accelerant is decent enough, but you probably won't want to use Ember in the highest level content. Nova's Molecular Prime provides a much more useful debuff - it affects all damage types rather than just fire (though it has a lower multiplier) but of equal importance it dramatically slows enemies - PLUS, with mods it only costs 25 energy a pop, less than Accelerant's cost of 50+ energy.


For 99% of the game Ember's perfectly fine and Accelerant will be great. For the hardest content it's not the optimal choice. As a side note, if you have a friend with a Banshee, get them to run with you with a maxxed out Sonar, and use a Soma modded with fire damage. 8.8x crits, 5x fire damage, 11x Sonar damage = fiery death =) 


Nothing in the game scales with enemy level on the player's side. (AFAIK)


The only thing enemy level scaling changes relative to Accelerant is that, IIRC, as Corpus get to higher levels their shields go up more than their HP and fire is weak to Protoshield, but max Accelerant is a debuff to the same number of around 600%. That 50% to start with is not terribly noticeable, especially since shields are such a crappy defense compared to armor reductions.


You're right, except technically Nyx's Mind Control and Chaos, but I don't imagine that's what they were talking about.

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Accelerant and world on fire has perfect synergy. Run into a mob and drop Accelerant and world on fire and watch as mobs start dropping,don't need to bring a fire elemental weapon if your primary is buff enough for late game mobs. I mod my ember prime with a mix of power strength and duration to make the most of my Accelerant / wof combo as wof benefits more from duration than it does power strength. I out dps nova and her aoe with this setup

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fix me if im wrong, but doesnt it only work with fire damage and doesnt give u any bonus if u use combo with heat? since then only good thing about accselerant is that short stun ... 


overheat would be realy nice with new melee systems ... if it would be still around.


now im not saying get rid of acselerant.. there are still 2 other crappy power that are mostly not used at all...


to be fair, its interesting that they remowed defensive power, and realysed another that is by mechanics, kind of similar to the third embers skill.  both aoe, both hawe short cc, one aplies dot(i think), another boosts fire dmg.

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I would say that to make it truly endgame you have to center all your build around it, meaning no world on fire.




Because you can manage your energy way better without it to the point you can use your accelerant both defensively and offensively; because you can totally ditch narrow minded vastly improving its range which again helps both defensively and offensively...


Don't get me wrong, of course you can do that with world on fire equipped as well, but having it is a liability imo, unless you're doing odd and the enemies all come to you.


And finally you can use WoF slot for something more useful like nat talent, low ranked overextended depending on the mission, rush, etc...


I got a 6 forma ember prime if you want i can send you the build.

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Thanks for the replies, folks.


I've been messing with accelerant a bit recently (kinda ignored it since they took out overheat) and it does seem useful. I'll keep working on the build.


Ember has become a glass cannon that shatters easily in endgame, but I'm starting to get her playstyle again.

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