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[Ooc] Of Ash And Fire V2.0 - Faq And Discussion


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I CAN but it's harder for me to do it than it used to be.


Also, I'm sorry but please don't expect me to be posting for awhile. It's been hell here at home for the past week or so, and it all culminated today in a lot of things I never thought would happen. Because of all that, I'm going to be busy for awhile, so I won't have much time to write. I'm sorry.

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No worries Jea. Take your time. Real life stuff takes priority. 


Something interesting happened today. I wake up, hop on the forums and see a PM from a long time follower of fanfics. He's been looking for my very first fanfic series for two months now, and wanted to know what happened to the story, Which is quite the kick in the arse that I need to write more for it. 


-cracks knuckles-

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If I must explain, Ein does have parts in his body that allow for flexibility that can be closely construed as 'flesh' in a most rudimentary way. Plastids, neurodes, and the like are very fleshy in appearance, and are a part of making a warframe. Ein possesses an additional amount of these in his body, but essentially without the soul inside him, Crowley would have no real personality. He would be the same as a proxy used by the Corpus. (which possess obviously biologically-designed parts) Ein would not be Ein without his soul.

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Im feeling really crap right now as in sick. There is a virus going around my town right now. Everyover second i cough alot. So i am not going to be write for a while.

Edited by Sayfog
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Im feeling really crap right now as in sick. There is a virus going around my town right now. Everyover second i cough alot. So i am not going to be write for a while.

Dang Aussie viruses can kill people who aren't Australian. Sure am glad that I'm not in Australia right now.

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Dang Aussie viruses can kill people who aren't Australian. Sure am glad that I'm not in Australia right now.

Yep any non-Aussie would die! But still i am actually quite sick now. So do not expect a story from me in a while.

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Good story Metro ^-^

Since I don't want to double post, I also feel like, for clarity, I should also mention some things about posts that might be graphic, but please know I'm just saying this so people know. This isn't directed at any particular post or writer, but I felt a preemptive post to clarify things might make some questions people had easier to answer. In general, if you're writing something that you feel might be too explicit in any way, be it violence, sex, foul language, etc., please just use common sense and follow forum rules in general, not just our thread rules, which can be found here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/7-community-rules/.


The rule that seems to apply to most questions I've been asked lately is this one:

"2) POSTING – Use our forums to talk to us and talk to each other in an intelligent respectful way (see Rule #1) that encourages interaction and thoughtful discussion. Stay on-topic, constructive and use descriptive Topic titles. Don’t RAGE POST, have misleading Topic titles, post spam, advertisements, unreleased Design Council information, pornography or any other inappropriate, offensive or irrelevant content to the Forums in text or image form. We will delete it, and if you don’t stop, there will be consequences as per our warnings."



Like I said, I haven't seen anything that's been a cause for concern, but I know that sometimes when people write things they ask  themselves or others "Is this okay to post?" So, as some rough guild lines, just make sure to use common sense and do the best that you can. If you're following the rules, then you have nothing to worry about, but if you feel something might be on the edge run it past me or the others and ask for advice. Also, if someone reads something that they feel might be inappropriate it's almost always better to respectfully PM the writer in question or talk to me or other group members in private about solving the issue rather than posting it publicly. Last resorts should be reporting posts or going to a forum moderator (after all, our Mods like SilverBones are awesome, but they're busy people too). Most everyone here are awesome people that don't mean to offend others, and the vast majority of the time problems and concerns can be solved with some discussion ^-^


So remember, we might not be perfect, but we will help all we can. Also know that if a community moderator like SilverBones comments or PM's you and says that something is inappropriate, they do have final say. Like I said, I haven't seen anything that's been a cause for concern, but I know some people had some confusion about it so I thought posting this might help. I hope this help clear things up, but if there's any other questions or concerns just ask. Thanks guys.

Edited by Jeahanne
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That was quite the tease Metro. Moar pl3z


And thanks Raziel, but I was wondering if you could explain the last bit a bit more clearly, lest I come to false or incorrect assumptions. Whatever it might be, I'm glad you're liking it.

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I knew i put it stupidly. I think what i was try to say was that i like that she is seeing that not everyone thinks she is broken or something to be used and reading her reactions to something she is unfamiliar with. That thing would be help, kindness? I am finding it hard to put it into words cause i am dumb and i want to apologize if it has offended you in anyway, like if i am seeing it the wrong way or whatever.

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I knew i put it stupidly. I think what i was try to say was that i like that she is seeing that not everyone thinks she is broken or something to be used and reading her reactions to something she is unfamiliar with. That thing would be help, kindness? I am finding it hard to put it into words cause i am dumb and i want to apologize if it has offended you in anyway, like if i am seeing it the wrong way or whatever.

You wanna know what gets me down? When people insult themselves.


I prolly screw up more in terms of putting things into words in our skype group, lol

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Because Jea is handling Jea at the moment, I wish to request a Player (or two) to assist me in my next chapter.


I would like at least one of the Council members (if at all possible) to give Rachim a hard time for being an idiot.


Please inquire via PM

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