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to be honest I want an auction house too... What was hat about sending offers to people individually? Offer SPAM messages much? Yeah that doesn't go down so well with me.


Well, currently the number of trades you can conduct is tied to your mastery rank. They could just limit the number of concurrent trade offers you can send out to that as well. Rank 5, you can only send 5 offers out. Want to send more? Have to cancel one of the offers you have pending.

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Auction Houses aren't evil.

People are...


I don't want Auction Houses because it gives the predatory an organized platform to be predatory on.


That said, If DE see potential realization of profit from implementing some form of the idea... It'll happen.

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Well, currently the number of trades you can conduct is tied to your mastery rank. They could just limit the number of concurrent trade offers you can send out to that as well. Rank 5, you can only send 5 offers out. Want to send more? Have to cancel one of the offers you have pending.

sorry that's too painful. I want a lot of people to see it so I can conduct a trade.

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No no no no, DE we would LIKE an Auction House!

That's something the majority of us would like!

(Partially because DFO had an Auction House)

I do not want an Auction House.



It will decrease sell-able item in this games worth close to nothing.   Sometimes I fear the outcome of this game just based on what I read here.

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I don't want an auction house.


It will be a catalyst for the supply>demand issue in the market.

It will open the door to wolves looking to control and manipulate the market.


We aren't near the need for an Auction House. Probably not ever for this type of game. What Steve mentioned is what we need.

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I don't want an auction house.


It will be a catalyst for the supply>demand issue in the market.

It will open the door to wolves looking to control and manipulate the market.


We aren't near the need for an Auction House. Probably not ever for this type of game. What Steve mentioned is what we need.

yep... spam mail... exactly what we need...

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I don't want an auction house.


It will be a catalyst for the supply>demand issue in the market.

It will open the door to wolves looking to control and manipulate the market.


We aren't near the need for an Auction House. Probably not ever for this type of game. What Steve mentioned is what we need.

The problem I see is that not a lot of people have the same understanding of what "Auction House" means.


I just basically want a place where I can list my BP's/Mods and go away, come back later and withdraw whatever Credits/Plat I made.


At the same time can go there and look through a list for the item I want and buy it instantly without having to read IRC spam for god alone knows how long or write "WTB" and get 50 friggen messages from randoms then halfway through a trade have to start bartering because suddenly they have decided they want more.


As discussed in the first Auction House thread though I feel that buying anything should be an absolute last resort for getting an item you have been grinding for months and were just too unlucky to get... Not a ways and means of becoming OP the day you start playing.

I don't believe that trading should be part of progression but if we are going to have a trade system we should have a proper one at least.


To stop resellers all they have to do is implement Soulbinding.

Once an item is purchased off the Trading post/Auction it can not be sold again ever.

Edited by Lickity-Split
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The problem I see is that not a lot of people have the same understanding of what "Auction House" means.


I just basically want a place where I can list my BP's/Mods and go away, come back later and withdraw whatever Credits/Plat I made.


THIS is exactly what I want. This is all I want. What exactly are people terrified of? This is perfect!

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Another D3 player here, and I am against global auction houses in their entirety. Rounding out your trades and such is fine on a small scale, but on the large scale I feel it is too risky(even if not having a Real-Money-Auction House does help things a little). If you find a prime part you don't need and want to trade with a clan or alliance member, or a friend, that's cool in my book, but making it fully accessible on the large scale will cause more problems than it will help.

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No no no no, DE we would LIKE an Auction House!

That's something the majority of us would like!

(Partially because DFO had an Auction House)

First off, I n the future, make the title make sense.

Secondly, AH would NOT work. Ill make a thread soon about why along with a solution that works instead.

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Are you kidding me? I dont want an auction house. An AH would ruin this game.


The only way an auction house might work, is if it was credits only. If DE was to add a platinum auction house the games economy would be ruined. 

Probably one of the most ignorant things I've seen on these forums. Auction houses STABLIZE a games economy. Not the other way around.

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Probably one of the most ignorant things I've seen on these forums. Auction houses STABLIZE a games economy. Not the other way around.

Really? And his post was ignorant?.. sure it helps stabilization. .. but not for every game. Yes, spamming trade chat is a quick way to dealing with trading. And yes, an AH would fix this, but with limitations to how and what you can trade, and considering clan tax is becoming more important, the AH would be a poor implementation for trading.

What we need is a way to let people know what we're selling without having to spam a channel.

Edited by Vondredd
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Diablo 3's auction house failed because of the nature of the game clashed with it. The entire gameplay is grinding mobs going for that perfect roll. When you can buy that you are depriving yourself of the game's purpose. 


This game already sells nearly everything in the cash-shop. An auction house will do nothing bad other than make buying/selling a ton easier and prices cheaper. 

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Are you kidding me? I dont want an auction house. An AH would ruin this game.


The only way an auction house might work, is if it was credits only. If DE was to add a platinum auction house the games economy would be ruined. 

An optional economic system would ruin the game? Would you seriously have less fun shooting space bad guys and blowing them up with space ninja magic, because somewhere out there is someone who is selling an item to someone else who needs it, taking less time to do so than using the current trading system? Ruin the game? Don't you think that's a little dramatic?

I see a lot of ignorance in this thread too, one guy saying the AH would be credits only, another guy saying DE didn't want an auction house even though Steve pretty explicitly stated he didn't want WTS WTB spam and instead wanted to implement a mod-for-plat auction house system during livestream 10 at 0:59:10 on YouTube. Come one guys, quit making stuff up. It's getting old. The weirdest thing is when someone said we don't need an auction house, we need what Steve described, even though the whole time in stream 27 as Steve talked about a streamlined trading system, he was just describing an auction house and saying, "Not an auction house, though." In what sense is it not?


On topic:

There are two games I know of with vibrant economies without auction houses, mostly because they rely on websites built for generating indexes of items that simulate an auction house. Zybez for Runescape 2007 and Poe.xyz.is for Path of Exile. Having a streamlined trading infrastructure doesn't ruin your game, implementing without the slightest bit of forethought or using it as a means of circumventing all meaningful gameplay does. That's what Diablo 3 did. That's why it sucked. We can already trade, so making trading more efficient isn't going to hurt anyone. It won't change anything the first implementation of trading didn't already change. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. I don't understand. This game is already pay-2-get-everything.

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What steve meant was a trading board for dojos. Pretty obvious at the mention of "streamlined".

Its simple. Finding a way to reduce spam in a channel but allow Users to post their content. 1) this eliminates players from having to stare at the trade channel every 120 seconds before having to retype/reedit a post. 2) players will be able to filter what they want. 3) limit trade channel to trades only (not wts wtb). 4) this would not eliminate the trade post as players who filter what they want would still have to whisper and negotiate / barter (which is way cooler imo.) 5) prices would stay balanced. The more the stock on an item the cheaper the price. By keeping it trade post, we dont have as much of an idea as to what the prices are.

Again ill post a full topic about this when I get home.

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Having a streamlined trading infrastructure doesn't ruin your game, implementing without the slightest bit of forethought or using it as a means of circumventing all meaningful gameplay does. That's what Diablo 3 did. That's why it sucked. We can already trade, so making trading more efficient isn't going to hurt anyone. It won't change anything the first implementation of trading didn't already change. You don't have to use it if you don't want to. I don't understand. This game is already pay-2-get-everything.


Im with you on this one.

I don't understand why so many people stand against perfecting and simplifying a system that is already in place.

Having an upgraded trading facility will not add anything that we cant already do... It will just simplify the process and make it more user friendly.


Thats why I said before that it seems a lot of people have a different understanding of what "Auction House / Trading Post" are.


To make it clear, its just a simplified user friendly interface that allows us to do what we already can... No more, no less.

How would this break anything in game that it cant already ?

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