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Nerfing Trinity, A Dangerous Proposition


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While I understand the reason behind nerfing Trinity's blessing because it, to quote Scott who was quoting someone else, "takes the challenge out of the game," the devs need to be VERY careful about this. Blessing is kinda in the same boat as Loki's swtich teleport in that some people abuse it, partly ruining the game, and others like myself use it in the support role it was meant for. I personally only ever use it when someone is about to go down or when we're running for our lives out of a survival mission with no O2 left. My concern is that in nerfing Trinity the devs may severely impair our ability to play high level survival missions.


One suggestion I just thought of for fixing this Blessing overuse problem: Make Blessing cost more energy which makes constant casting harder. Another suggestion is perhaps extend the time between casting.


Whatever you do, please don't make this into another situation like what happened with Frost's Snow Globe. Nerfing how hard our attacks hit them is one thing, nerfing our best means of defending ourselves is a far more serious issue.


PS: Does anyone know if the whole Snow Globe debacle has been resolved yet?

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Just don't let duration mods effect valkyr or trinity's Invulnerability--- Blessing is already a freaking MAP WIDE shield/health boost its so ridiculous.  You don't even need to be near her... and yes-- it does take alot of challenge out of the game, period.  Give me all the lashings you want but I'm sorry-- valkyr having 600 BASE armor AND the ability to get over 60 seconds of invulnerability with what it is going to do after they buff Hysteria for Melee 2.0.... is just wrong--- It should do something-- not total and complete invulnerability.. especially not one effected by duration mods.


On the subject of healing-- Oberon's heal needs a "tweak"  please let it keep healing after it takes a person to full health..... It's almost unusable in its current state. :-)  that's my 2 cents!  "Get's ready to take lashing's for this post"

Edited by (PS4)Crackle2012
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Blessing is sucking the skill out of the player base. I totally approve of nerfing it into the ground.

The game doesn't require a skill at this moment.

So i chose the way to deal with the farm fest the most efficient way.







Which is Blessing.

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Blessing is sucking the skill out of the player base. I totally approve of nerfing it into the ground.

so like it hurts you instead... nerf means to debuff to the point that its not useful


what if it had a cooldown (i know abilities don't have cooldowns, humor me)?

they had cds before and scrapped it


to the thread they removed the ability to switch teleport players it seems I tried to teleport someone (to save them) and it said invalid target. I dont think blessing take the skill or fun out of the game should just leave it how it is. @snowglobe question, its got better since you got the few seconds of invinsiblity and for an almost full fix you need to get a high armor on frost.


I just remembered doesnt this mean Devs lied when people asked after the snowglobe thing if they would be touching the abilitys of Vauban, Nyx and Trinity and the Devs said they would just leave them how they are

Edited by Sasoka
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I agree about the difficulty of a "fair" nerf.


You end up facing ennemies that can oneshoot you.


Without a strong mitigating skill... Well.

blah blah.

they took overheat away from ember.

and yet the "fans" of accelerant say overheat made ember OP.

at least ember took dmg.

she didnt give the entire team invicibility for 30 secounds.


if trinity keeps 30 secoudns invicibility. then give ember overheat back

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Whatever you do, please don't make this into another situation like what happened with Frost's Snow Globe. Nerfing how hard our attacks hit them is one thing, nerfing our best means of defending ourselves is a far more serious issue.


PS: Does anyone know if the whole Snow Globe debacle has been resolved yet?


Yeah, I feel that other things need changing before Trinity can be nerfed. Currently by the time the top tier weapons (LP, Soma, Synapse) are taking 2-3 seconds to kill stuff, which is still faster than the MK1 is against lvl 1s, even Rhino has no real hope of surviving. This is the main reason that people go one, two, or even three or four hours in survival or defence. If DE continues to remove every skill that allowed players to reach the point where they could actually gauge the power of their weapons, many older players will leave.


On the subject of Frost, it now lasts a minimum of 4 seconds, but under an even amount of fire will last 8 seconds plus however long it's health would last. This is enough of a compromise that Frost players are mostly happy.

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Blessing is sucking the skill out of the player base. I totally approve of nerfing it into the ground.


I was about to Like this comment before I saw "into the ground".

Not necessary, man.



I don't think any of Trinity's offensive potential should be taken away, since most Trinities have already accustomed themselves to that playstyle. It should just be riskier to use.

I propose: Blessing is simply changed from "you don't receive damage" to "you don't die". Facetanking and self-destructing remain perfectly viable tactics, but the user risks their life upon doing so since they'll have a brief window of 1 HP before they can recast.

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Another Trinity topic. Im in favor of a Nerf, specialy to her Link regarding self inflicted damage.


As for Blessing, last topic i read about someone trying to suggest a nerf for it, he ended up buffing it instead, adding damage reduction, movement speed buff, regeneration and knockdown resistence...


By me the invunerability the skill gives should be fixed at 5 seconds regarding Power Duration Mods. 5 Seconds is more then enough for any Tenno to get out of the fray and run into a safe area.

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Trinity would need serious buffs in other areas if Blessing were to be "nerfed into the ground". However, there was a time when the nerf to Rhino's Ironskin seemed so egregious as to perhaps make the game unplayable. I did not own a Rhino at the time but, it was seemingly catastrophic to the community then. It took many tries and a few iterations to bring Rhino back in line but, I think DE came through in spades. Rhino, IMO, is definitely end-game material, at this point. And good fun for anyone who plays him.


The frustration with Frost is, that his readjustment period has stretched to the point where it feels as though it has dropped off the star-chart. That's not to say he is a "bad" Frame, it's just that his usefulness in "end-game" content has been diminished significantly with no real replacement (as of yet).


Now, to go about Trinity's recalibration, of which there has been a major one already I'll add, would be a bit of a dis-service to the many fans of Frost who still linger on the fringes of high level missions yet, are relegated to the confines of mid-game content at best.


That's not to say that invulnerability isn't bad for the game, though.

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I don't think any of Trinity's offensive potential should be taken away, since most Trinities have already accustomed themselves to that playstyle. It should just be riskier to use.

I propose: Blessing is simply changed from "you don't receive damage" to "you don't die". Facetanking and self-destructing remain perfectly viable tactics, but the user risks their life upon doing so since they'll have a brief window of 1 HP before they can recast.

I think that is a very good nerf for it, since that also actually makes her heal useful again. Currently if you have a build for her ult there is no point in even having her heal.

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By me the invunerability the skill gives should be fixed at 5 seconds regarding Power Duration Mods. 5 Seconds is more then enough for any Tenno to get out of the fray and run into a safe area.

Personally, I'm not a fan of things being immune to duration mods, as this makes it too easy to use Fleeting Efficiency.  You see this already with Rhino's Stomp and Excalibur's Radial Blind.  Reduced benefit could work, I guess, as could a max potential duration, but immune isn't a good way to go.


I'd far rather see a mechanic that insures a sufficiently long downtime between periods of invulnerability.  That's the way invul powers are typically handled in games, and it works.

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The game doesn't require a skill at this moment.

So i chose the way to deal with the farm fest the most efficient way.







Which is Blessing.

By your logic, once Blessing gets nerfed, you still won't require skill to play.


So nothing will change for you.


Its kinda hard to take your opinion seriously at this point.

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After reading a number of the posts on here about taking the challenge completely out of the game, I wondered to myself. How many of you go try to do Tower 3 Survivals on your own? With one other person? It's VERY hard to do for very long even with potatoed, max moded weapons. How are these abilities, for any of the frames, OP? Volt's Overload is useless in T3 Void and upper level grineer. Even Rhino's Stomp won't do enough. In the regular star chart missions, yes we're OP, but that is the fun part. If you want a challenge, try T3 Void Survival alone for 30min. If THAT is too easy... Then I salute you, and I request that you stop asking for nerfs so the rest of us can get to your point. :/

Edited by Sirogrif
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