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Glorious Battle And Victory In The Name Of Your Clan [Dark Sector Megathread]


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I personally don't like the whole concept of "alliance or clan takes over part of space, another alliance or clan wants it, [insert big alliance or clan name here] S#&$s on them." I really would have taken the Focus system first and let this cook a little longer, because this Dark Sectors thing just feels too under cooked, if you know what I mean.

Edited by BecomeLikeWater
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Wait until we see what they do?  What, do you mean like them attacking a free rail for no good reason?  Yeah.  Screw them and every clan who composes the alliance.  It warms my frigid heart to see them get so utterly OWNED on Pluto and almost-but-not-quite at rocked on Ceres.  Hopefully Tenno at large have had enough of their S#&$ and will continue to fight against Eclipse's Evil Empire.  I'd love little more in this game than to see a star map utterly purged of their blight.


Pity you're so short minded. Wait until ANY other clan or alliance will attack the node. It WILL happen, it just so happened that it was Eclipse this time. But I'm sure you won't say they're some evil empire and spit crap on them due to it not being Eclipse. It's getting pathetic how much hate it's gathering for its name alone.

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I say this as a member of Eclipse.


If you do not want Eclipse taking control of a node, then fight for that goddamned node.


How many attempted invasions have we fought off now? I've lost count. Why? Because when we're being attacked we fight back as hard as we can to regain control. Hell, even despite spreading ourselves so thin (really we shoulda just concentrated on Ceres and Saturn, IMO, instead of going all over the damn place), we've still managed to hold on to most of our nodes, out of sheer damned stubborness.


Complaining is easy.


Acting is difficult.

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Nah this is the internets.

If you trash talk and do the big talk, you will get dissed at like Warbros.

If you keep quiet and just silently do things, you will be hated for being an evil empire, like Eclipse :)

Warbros never just talked trash. Talking trash implies they didn't deliver. The formula was always

-Brag about how you'll win.

-Actually Win.

-Brag about how you totally called it.

-Draw pictures of you bragging about it.

-Brag about the pictures.

-Bide time.

The single time this wasn't true was the first and last loss Warbros ever suffered at the hands of Clan Broframe(RIP).

But Eclipse, see, they can't hang back on something like that. Being an Alliance means they don't have a crazy record to brag about. Clans like EGT and CM have done fantastic - but those are two clans of the many. Singular clans in an Alliance can't define the whole Alliance. This will be true for even clans like Warbros.

They have no reputation to lean on aside from exactly what they are right now. Which, funnily enough, isn't an 'evil empire'.

No. Right now it's more like "Quiet giant who sits back and defends themselves. No real threat, as they can't take any new territory."

It's like a big dog behind a fence that growls and snarls like a demon when you come near, making you stay back. But then you decide to get just a bit closer one day to get a better look and you realize the dog is awfully big but also horribly timid.

I say this as a member of Eclipse.

If you do not want Eclipse taking control of a node, then fight for that goddamned node.

How many attempted invasions have we fought off now? I've lost count. Why? Because when we're being attacked we fight back as hard as we can to regain control. Hell, even despite spreading ourselves so thin (really we shoulda just concentrated on Ceres and Saturn, IMO, instead of going all over the damn place), we've still managed to hold on to most of our nodes, out of sheer damned stubborness.

Complaining is easy.

Acting is difficult.

I like you a lot. You set a good example. Don't stop being this manly.

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I say this as a member of Eclipse.


If you do not want Eclipse taking control of a node, then fight for that goddamned node.


How many attempted invasions have we fought off now? I've lost count. Why? Because when we're being attacked we fight back as hard as we can to regain control. Hell, even despite spreading ourselves so thin (really we shoulda just concentrated on Ceres and Saturn, IMO, instead of going all over the damn place), we've still managed to hold on to most of our nodes, out of sheer damned stubborness.


Complaining is easy.


Acting is difficult.

You've only been able to fight them off because no one cares about those nodes.  If people really cared about the other nodes they'd have wiped you off of them ages ago.

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Everything you say sounds VERY sketchy to me Xylia:

So basically you expect the clans to maintain the solar rails for free? You want all of them to give you 0% tax, and allow you to infinitely run the mission, without any support from yourself?




You're just wanting free handouts.


With a tax in place..... you do the mission, you get to keep 80% of the earnings. You give 20% of the earnings to the Alliance to help them maintain the rail that allows you to go there. Said Alliance funnels some of that money back to you in Battlepay so that you're not wasting ridiculous amounts of time and getting 0 credits from each Solar Rail mission you run.


They Help You (by building and deploying the rail)

You Help Them (by paying the tax)

They Help You (by giving you Battlepay)


You help them, they help you, everybody should be happy.




You want this:


They Help You (by building the rail)

You Help Yourself (by taking everything you got from the mission and keeping it)

They Maintain the Rails Themselves (because you don't want to help them with your contributions)


That's called selfishness.

Now before I get into my main argument, you're calling it selfishness people don't like your policies that help maintain your rail which is really only applicable when your rails are the only available option, which they are not. There are plenty of people willing to offer what you are not it's just you're trying to keep them off the nodes because you want to keep them for yourselves for whatever reason whether it be for bragging rights or for the resources. Wouldn't this be a display of selfishness? Are you not being hypocritical right now?


Rails are like billboards atm I don't see what the big deal is over rail dominance. Plenty of people, clans and alliances are willing to build their own rails to service the public. You only need the maintenance fee because you want to remain on top. Besides when you see an advertisement on the side of a bus who pays for that ad? The company. What you're saying is the equivalent to saying, "we're going to charge you extra so we can keep our billboard up on the side of the bus." Battle pay is decided by you so it isn't a 1:1 return and I have to be on at the time of the conflict to get it and as Battle Pay can fluctuate and change based on your whims it is an insecure source of income at best.


More Tax = More Battlepay.


Oh, wait, you're complaining about having to pay taxes and you already run for 0 battlepay so... why again are we complaining about battlepay, again?

Simple, a lot of people don't care about your taxing BECAUSE 0 taxes exist on the Pluto defense DS and yet you're foolish enough to attack your own insurance policy. If anything you've had this coming.

Edited by jrkong
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Inb4 Warbro Alliance tames the entire Solar Map


 Dark Sectors would turn incredibly boring if things stopped moving. Better when nodes constantly flip and new names constantly get a chance to shine through. If people stop reaching for glory then the whole system stagnates.


 While the idea of owning the whole Dark Sector map sounds fun, I think my clanmates would probably agree with the notion that it'd be more interesting doing something different. Least I hope so. Just defending would be such a horrible drain.

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 Dark Sectors would turn incredibly boring if things stopped moving. Better when nodes constantly flip and new names constantly get a chance to shine through. If people stop reaching for glory then the whole system stagnates.


 While the idea of owning the whole Dark Sector map sounds fun, I think my clanmates would probably agree with the notion that it'd be more interesting doing something different.


Even then, Warbros would probably be like "XDXD ALL UR BASE R BELONG TO US XDXD"

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Even then, Warbros would probably be like "XDXD ALL UR BASE R BELONG TO US XDXD"


 Nah. "Warbros #1" has always been the one phrase to sum it all up.



cant even stand attacking a rail for like 10x a day,

its like gradivus all over again. :/


 Pace yourself. No need to burn out your engines. 10 runs is good. If you're getting bored you just move to something else a while. Nobody should fault you for that.

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"Slight" increase?

It nearly doubled.

Oh well. Still less than Eclipse's 25%.

(Although Eclipse doesn't charge a 3% resource tax... hmm...)

i wonder how resource tax work when only 2-3 rare materials drop per run.

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I'm waiting for the Dark Sector conflict equivalent to the Battle of Martialis.  That'll get me enthused.


Remember Martialis.


yeah like 2 famous clans with equal rewards and taxes, yeah. and make a hype thread over the forums

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I'm waiting for the Dark Sector conflict equivalent to the Battle of Martialis.  That'll get me enthused.


Remember Martialis.


 You're damn right Remember Martialis.




 Remember it, for it was the location of the most sickening of all betrayals.


 It was there, on Martialis, that our own kin - Tenno who we knew as allies - committed an atrocity. Aided and abetted a WAR CRIME in the name of profit.


 I think, my friends, that this should come as no surprise!


 For who is the source of the Alliance Eclipse? Who else. Clan Crescent Moon. Champions and puppets of the Corpus Board of Directors. Conspirators who would sell off our own sleeping brethren to madmen like Alad V.


 Remember Martialis. Never again!

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 Dark Sectors would turn incredibly boring if things stopped moving. Better when nodes constantly flip and new names constantly get a chance to shine through. If people stop reaching for glory then the whole system stagnates.


 While the idea of owning the whole Dark Sector map sounds fun, I think my clanmates would probably agree with the notion that it'd be more interesting doing something different. Least I hope so. Just defending would be such a horrible drain.

Nonononono. Glory is all that matters. DE will likely add more perks for clans with sectors. Nodes constantly flipping is what I would call stagnation. No one willing to go for the jugular is just too sad to ponder.

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Warbros never just talked trash. Talking trash implies they didn't deliver. The formula was always

-Brag about how you'll win.

-Actually Win.

-Brag about how you totally called it.

-Draw pictures of you bragging about it.

-Brag about the pictures.

-Bide time.

The single time this wasn't true was the first and last loss Warbros ever suffered at the hands of Clan Broframe(RIP).

But Eclipse, see, they can't hang back on something like that. Being an Alliance means they don't have a crazy record to brag about. Clans like EGT and CM have done fantastic - but those are two clans of the many. Singular clans in an Alliance can't define the whole Alliance. This will be true for even clans like Warbros.

They have no reputation to lean on aside from exactly what they are right now. Which, funnily enough, isn't an 'evil empire'.

No. Right now it's more like "Quiet giant who sits back and defends themselves. No real threat, as they can't take any new territory."

It's like a big dog behind a fence that growls and snarls like a demon when you come near, making you stay back. But then you decide to get just a bit closer one day to get a better look and you realize the dog is awfully big but also horribly timid.

I like you a lot. You set a good example. Don't stop being this manly.


If there is one thing I can never agree with you on, Blatant, it's this.


Well actually you're right about "hey if you can pull it of you have a right a brag about it and raise yourself up some."

But what I don't agree with is just ignoring how far Warbros took it sometimes, and disregarding the fact that many were just plain stuck up pricks about those wins. I don't equate having a right to be proud with being jerks and being untasteful about the bragging. It wasn't all of them like that (obviously, I mean you're a member) ,but there is such a thing as "out of line" with this kind of thing that many did indeed take it to.


When it doesn't get to the point of being totally out of line, I suppose it's up to the person if they want to etch so close to it that they just tick off everyone regardless. Wrong or not why would you want to keep a rep like that?



But anyway, I haven't seen to much of eclipse actually being like that. I just see a big dog being silly and running into fences.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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It's kinda funny how much of a "vicious cycle" the whole dark sector thing is.  Eclipse gets some rails and puts up a tax so that they can repair damages from the endless assaults against them.  People are annoyed by this and work harder to try and bring them down so Eclipse has to raise the tax in order to keep up with repairs and battle pays. 


Dark sectors are really a no win scenario for an alliance.  Put down a reasonable tax to pay for damages people inflict on your rail and they get all uppity and scream about how unfair that is and start attacking you more.  Go the whole no tax route and while people won't attack your rail as hard, you also won't have decent battle pays for mercs to end the assaults quickly and you have to pay any damages to your rail out of your own pocket.

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It's kinda funny how much of a "vicious cycle" the whole dark sector thing is.  Eclipse gets some rails and puts up a tax so that they can repair damages from the endless assaults against them.  People are annoyed by this and work harder to try and bring them down so Eclipse has to raise the tax in order to keep up with repairs and battle pays. 


Dark sectors are really a no win scenario for an alliance.  Put down a reasonable tax to pay for damages people inflict on your rail and they get all uppity and scream about how unfair that is and start attacking you more.  Go the whole no tax route and while people won't attack your rail as hard, you also won't have decent battle pays for mercs to end the assaults quickly and you have to pay any damages to your rail out of your own pocket.


 The path to glory is soaked in blood and tears!


 But I ask of you, Tenno.


 What is best in life?


 It is to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their supporters.

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