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Uh...purpose Of Secondary Weapons?


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I meant that you can use the datamass in Mobile Defense missions, not your secondary. f you don't have one, of course you'll swap out to another weapon. Usually melee, in this case.

If you swap you drop the datamass.

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Variety and economy. Roll with weapons which compliment one another in in mechanics. If you've got a primary which eats ammo, bring a secondary which is a bit more efficient to fall back on if/when you run out. If you've got a sniper or other sort of slower weapon, bring something to spray close-quarters with. Melee HAS been buffed a lot but you still have to get close to be able to use it.

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Worth noting that some secondaries are powerful enough to be worth using as a primary, like the Brakk, Despairs, properly modded dual pistols, etc...



Last I checked secondaries have a much better mod options. Especially when it comes to damage. Secondaries can do a ton more damage than any primary if modded right.



Generally, there is no point in secondary weapons until you try out the Brakk/Marelok :P. After you try those out, feel free to claim secondaries are useless. :)


I agree with these statements. Plus its nice to have a balanced loadout. Have Punctre heavy primary and slash and impact secondary, nothing can stop you. Great for void runs.

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I like to run one utility/slow burst/status weapon and one DPS bullet hose. Which one is primary and which is seconday changes, but it allows me to have a specialized weapon and a general purpose weapon.


For example, in defense mission I like to run a penta for the boom boom and akboltos for the dakadaka.


Plus, Secondaries have lots more multishot and higher base damage multipliers(hornet strike>seration number wise), so in theory they could do more damage. Realistically, though, it probably just means that the strong are stronger (because linear) and the weak still are.


Plus now that prosecuters exist, sidearms are much more useful.

Edited by Hyginos
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The reason secondaries exist is for you to choose not to equip one and go do a mission, get owned and bleed out, not have a way to fight back because of no secondary equipped, then come on the forums and rage post.

Self inflicted humiliation to fuel forum rants and cap lock key abuse

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To shoot stuff when the primary runs dry.


To shoot stuff with a different damage type.


To shoot stuff in a different manner than the primary.


To work on mastery while you shoot stuff with a (maxed) primary.


Basically, it's just another way to shoot stuff--and I'm fine with that.

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Generally, there is no point in secondary weapons until you try out the Brakk/Marelok :P. After you try those out, feel free to claim secondaries are useless. :)

This is ignorance right here, ladies and gentlemen.


Play with secondaries you want. It's not like we have to play with these weapons anyways.

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The point in this thread is shared with many shooters. What's the point of secondaries? Just a matter of fact that they saved my life in many shooters, especially multiplayer. Or even simply to reload faster.


When you're out of ammo, swap out. Most unused tactic ever.

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he said he was mastery rank 3. He can't use Embolist.

He can use the Lex or Sicarus without build cost and both are decent weapons.


Truly? If you can get your hands on( and max out) lethal torrent, barrel diffusion, hornet strike, and some decent elemental damage mods you might find yourself asking the same question about your primary weapon.

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Just rank up and play with other weapons, you will somehow find a reason to build a secondary. And yeah I love Marelok, killed those Grustrag swine with it. And soloed dark sec conflict mission with it, was packing a Paris Prime but had difficulty with ammo, so used my trusty Marelok all the way. Damage wise Marelok is okay but it's not it, it's the status chance that's what.

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Secondary weapons have the potential to become the strongest weapons in the game - With few beating out even "OP" primaries like the Boltor Prime.


This means they essentially can be used as primary weapons - Used over actual primaries.


Secondary weapons also help with ammo conservation, especially if using a bullet guzzling primary weapon. As you can swap to it for a few kills while you pick up ammo drops.


A secondary weapon can help fill in a gap in your loadout - You can balance out a high single target damage weapon with something like the Dual Vipers which can mow through a large group well, or the opposite, having a decent single target weapon to help prevent incoming damage at closer ranges with Penta/Ogris.


Some secondaries can serve a utility purpose - Things like the Tysis can get insane status chance pretty much guaranteeing that certain affects will be in play on targets (I personally get huge benefit from having Viral on mine - Nigh guaranteed halving the health of any target hit by it) - These effects can massively impact various enemies making them far easier for you to take out with your other weapons (Or your teammates to take out)


The use of a secondary weapon can allow for the lazy man's loadout - Instead of constantly swapping out your elemental mods to have the perfect setup versus each of the factions you can theoretically set up each of your 3 weapons for the 3 factions and change what you use based on what you face (Additional bonus to this are those special enemies that don't follow the regular traits for their faction - Such as Oxium Osprey's having armour or the 2 different ancient health types (Fossilized and Sinew for Toxic's/Disruptor and Healers respectively))


Secondaries also allow for variety in play at the very least - Instead of pew pewing with an assault rifle all day, you can swap our and blast away with Akvasto's feeling like a gunslinger and looking like a boss, you can throw some knives everywhere with the Kunai and Despair, you can blast away with the Brakk/Marelok etc.

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What is the purpose of secondary weapons? The primary and melee weapons seem to do a lot more damage. 


Secondaries have access to two multishot mods. When you have those, their damage is on par with primaries. Some secondaries are ungodly good, like the Marelok.

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