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The Hostage Is An Idiot. The Ai Needs Not Have "rambo" As A Preset


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Seriously, the hostage is dumb

Hes got balls of steel but brains of a Rambo.


I'm sitting in cover trying to clear a room, and the hostage runs into the enemy facefirst and gets set on fire and gunned at by a heavy gunner.



I move around an area with 3 arc traps and the hostage instead runs into all 3 of them and stands there taking fire and getting his balls electrified.


I'm standing on a balcony clearing a room below me to try before entering, the hostage runs aaaaalll the way around, down the stairs and gets shot down.


"Oh no tenno they got me help!"



For anyone saying that "nothing pleases me"

I'm not that kind of person.

I'm kinda used to babysitting Ai, but most of the Ai that I've protected before have stayed relatively close to me

But this one just runs away from you and facefirst into the enemy :/

Edited by [DE]Drew
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I'm ok with most of the stupid antics the hostages do

But I just need them to stick somewhat close to you and not run facefirst into the enemy

I'm sitting on a balcony shooting down at the enemy

I kill 2 grineer, turn around and my hostage is nowhere to be seen

Then the help message comes up and turns out he ran ALLLL the way down the stairs and is miles away from me getting swiss cheesed by a heavy gunner and fried by an arc trap

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I noticed that his/her ai hadn't changed since the leak of the new rescue system and just didn't bother ever giving them guns again. At least when they don't have them, they will actually follow you instead of staying in the room to kill everything before moving on to the next room to kill everything...

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I suggest giving him a gun, even if he is stupid he has good aim magically.


Do NOT give the hostage a gun, he will turn his AI into a basic corpus AI and run towards the enemies or stand still and shoot while you are moving.




I've never had this problem, might be a bug.



Edited by Rainbee
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Nothing can please you guys I think.


Pretty sure better AI that I had in games that I played 25 years ago would please quite a few people, if not almost everyone.


Do NOT give the hostage a gun, he will turn his AI into a basic corpus AI and run towards the enemies or stand still and shoot while you are moving.


Yeah, the hostage stands a much better chance when he's unarmed and less bold.


The first, and only, time I handed him a weapon resulted in the following statements waking up my neighbors:


"What the <expletive deleted> are you doing?!"


Five seconds later...


"You <many expletives deleted> idiot!"


After the sixth revive...


"Come back here and give my damn Detron back!"


After asking for my weapon so he can "watch my back"...


"&!$$ off!" *sprints for the exit*

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Do NOT give the hostage a gun, he will turn his AI into a basic corpus AI and run towards the enemies or stand still and shoot while you are moving.


I unno.

I give him a fully modded Marelok and he kills everything he sees.

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I agree, the Ai is literally a burden. On another note, on Ceres yesterday, got shocked to death by about 6 arc traps at once (all on the floor) with my frost prime at 1050 shield, 820 health and +70% armor. As I respawned I was shocked again, almost to death, and then finished off by some Grineer. What the hell man??? I've done heavy t3's with this build and I was basically killed twice in 30 seconds by those damn things. I have had enough of them.


Anyway, back on your topic, together with the arc traps. Being stealthy doesn't work in Rescue because




I'm sitting in cover trying to clear a room, and the hostage runs into the enemy facefirst and gets set on fire and gunned at by a heavy gunner.




Electricity will fry you no mater how quiet you're being.



You are very right in saying that the AI needs a little bit of a boost on the I part.

Also, I am very right in saying that arc traps need a little bit of a b!tc# slap on the everything part.






Ed. Now that I have calmed down I apologize. 

Edited by iNsaNitySOZ
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Yeah its getting frustrating seeing the hostage get downed because of it's own stupidity. Just don't give them your secondaries and they take cover faster than Salad V in a fire fight. 


Just saw a Hostage take on a Heavy Gunner and get downed and i though to myself

"WTF R U DOIN!!!!! stupid sh*t head you're going to fail me my mission!!!!"

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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Nothing new really, every game that has a escorting type mission is very lackluster or just plain bad

I'm playing RE4(again) and defending Ashley isn't that bad. She always stands behind you though, and you can tell her to follow you or wait somewhere until it's safe. It's difficult and actually makes you actually think about what you're doing. Do you want her to wait in a previous room and potentially get captured if someone comes in behind you, or do you want her to follow you and possibly get hurt? It's fairly interesting.

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I haven't seen an issue with the the hostage being unwilling to take cover.

He is overzealous if you give him a weapon though.

...at least, he's a decent shot.


I've found that if you clear the enemies from the room, he'll follow with no problem. If he's following a rusher, he gets stuck.

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Just a tip for everyone... don't give the hostage a gun, his AI is better without one imo D:


I mean for the purpose of GTFO'ing but if you want to stand and fight everything that comes in the room and have him try to lead you around... give him a gun :D

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i agree that he is stupid.


enemy flooding from one side,

i run to the other side.

he's not following.

he stayed behind a pillar shooting the mob with the unranked marelok i gave him.

james bond style minus the brain.

got bullied and died.


on another mission, i give him the brakk,

then he shoot everyone.

rambo style.

and he can do whatever he likes.

i just dont care anymore.

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Instead of running away from the fight, stay and help him clear out the room, and shut off alarms to stop the spawns. That's how you keep him from "going rambo" - if you try to rush, you'll fail.

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Seriously, the hostage is dumb

Hes got balls of steel but brains of a Rambo tard.


I'm sitting in cover trying to clear a room, and the hostage runs into the enemy facefirst and gets set on fire and gunned at by a heavy gunner.



I move around an area with 3 arc traps and the hostage instead runs into all 3 of them and stands there taking fire and getting his balls electrified.


I'm standing on a balcony clearing a room below me to try before entering, the hostage runs aaaaalll the way around, down the stairs and gets shot down.


"Oh no tenno they got me help!"



For anyone saying that "nothing pleases me"

I'm not that kind of person.

I'm kinda used to babysitting Ai, but most of the Ai that I've protected before have stayed relatively close to me

But this one just runs away from you and facefirst into the enemy :/



+1 for comedy, I enjoyed the laugh, especially the title.


Seems like you got a bad hostage. So far mines are always playing hide and seek with the enemy.


A few times with Napalmers they get down, I love their cry for help, makes me wanna leave them, Lmfao

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